before any updates: ALL CASE RATE CODES AMOUNTS THAT WERE UPDATED TO LATEST MANUALLY MUST BE REVERTED TO OLD AMOUNTS AND NO PROCESSING OF PHILHEALTH AS OF THE MOMENT WHEN UPDATING STARTS BACKUP AND RUN UPDATE OF SIR PK THEN PROCEED TO PHILHEALTH UPDATES : run step1. for backup tables run step2. for generation of update scripts open scriptph.txt in OUTPUT folder of ICD SYNC copy then run in sql (update scripts) open script.txt in OUTPUT folder of ICD SYNC copy then run in sql (insert scripts) then in CREATE NEW PACKAGE FOR ICD BUTTON PART: Copy each code indicated in the text box below the button then paste it in the text box beside of the button (one at a time) then click button to generate its own PACKAGEID insert in modtemp source code 'added by arnold 2.20.2024 Public Function isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001(stridnum As String) As Boolean Dim SQL As String isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001 = False SQL = "Select Medicare.dbo.fn_isPxACRIncCirc20240001('" & stridnum & "') as isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001" With Rec If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open SQL, user.SQLConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If .RecordCount > 0 Then isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001 = !isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001 End If .Close End With Set Rec = Nothing End Function add in form load of frmMedComputationACR,frmMedComputationOPACR 'added by arnold 2.20.2024 If isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001(Me.IdNum) = True Then frmLookUp.txtOld.Visible = False frmLookUp.txtOld.Text = "" Else frmLookUp.txtOld.Visible = False frmLookUp.txtOld.Text = "_2_14_2024" End If add in form load of frmLookup 'added by arnold 2.20.2024 If frmMedComputationACR.IdNum = "" Then With frmMedComputationOPACR If isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001(frmMedComputationOPACR.IdNum) = True Then txtOld.Visible = False txtOld.Text = "" Else txtOld.Visible = False txtOld.Text = "_2_14_2024" End If End With ElseIf frmMedComputationOPACR.IdNum = "" Then With frmMedComputationACR If isPatient_ACRIncCirc20240001(frmMedComputationACR.IdNum) = True Then txtOld.Visible = False txtOld.Text = "" Else txtOld.Visible = False txtOld.Text = "_2_14_2024" End If End With End If added parameter in [Medic_CaseRateComputation] @idnum varchar(20) added parameter in [Medic_CaseRateComputation_New] @idnum varchar(20) added parameter in [Medic_CaseRateComputation_New_SecondCase] @idnum varchar(20) modified [Medic_CaseRateComputation] get it in 6.206 updated ( similar to 8.6 now) modified [Medic_CaseRateComputation_New] get it in 8.6 updated modified [Medic_CaseRateComputation_New_SecondCase] get it in 8.6 updated added in source code for [Medic_CaseRateComputation] 5 parts in both ACR and OPACR , '" & Replace(lblPatInfo(3), " ", "") & "' added in source code for [Medic_CaseRateComputation_New] and [Medic_CaseRateComputation_New_SecondCase] parts in both ACR and OPACR , '" Replace(lblPatInfo(3), " ", "") & "' added txtOld.text textbox in frmLookUP added " & txtOld.Text & " in every tbmedpackage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT IN TBMEDMODULESETTINGS Insert into medicare..tbMed_ModuleSettings (ModSet_ID,ModSet_Name,ModSet_Desc,ModSet_EffectiveDate,ModSet_Status) values ('30','All Case Rate Package amount Increased by 30% in PC2024-0001','To Enable only patients ADMITTED on feb 14 2024 in the ACR 30% increase Packages Amounts','2024-02-14 00:00:00.000','1') create FUNCTION fn_isPxACRIncCirc20240001 create two tables (tbmed_ICDCASERATES and tbmed_RVSCASERATES) then import the lists to the tables need to modify all tbmedpackage in fn_Cf2, medirep_partIII insert this if [dbo].[fn_isPxACRIncCirc20240001](@idnum) = 0 Begin change int to float in caseratecomputation sp add Mod_version varchar(50) in tbmedlogs and tbmedtransmittalLogs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- check this RVS codes packageid for 2nd case rate amounts before updating the percentages check for null packages select * from medicare..tbMed_MedicalCaseRates where CaseType is null select * from medicare..tbMed_MedicalCaseRates_2_14_2024 where CaseType is null select * from medicare..tbMed_Procedures where IsSinglePeriodCon is null select * from medicare..tbMed_procedures_2_14_2024 where IsSinglePeriodCon is null select * from medicare..tbMedpackage where isacr is null select * from medicare..tbMedPackage_2_14_2024 where isacr is null select packageid,* from medicare..tbMed_Procedures where RVSCODE in ('11000','11010','11011','11012','11040','11041','11042','11043','11044', '11720','11721','16010','77401','77418','77761','77776','77781','77789', '90935','90945','96408','99432','66987','66983','66984','58300','58600','36430','49080','21630') update function cf2fees after this, for eclaims xml, need to update MedicRep_PatientXML_Multiple, create vwICDRVS_2_14_2024