* VERSION - New tab in Discharge instruction (Return Appointment Entry) - COMPILED New Exe * VERSION - Added following fields in Discharge Instruction - Route - COMPILED New Exe * VERSION - Added following fields in Discharge Instruction - Time - Quantity - Remarks - COMPILED New Exe * VERSION - Added DosageID in package - COMPILED New Exe * VERSION - Changed the .Rows to .Cols in MultiCancel (NKTI Set-up) - COMPILED New Exe * VERSION - Replaced some codes CF4 to User.MEDSYSClasses.clsCF4 - COMPILED NEW Exe 04.12.2021 (SMB) * VERSION - Fixed the issue in supervisor Rights - COMPILED * VERSION - added new notification for Confirmed Cathlab Request and OR Request - Added switch and new sp for calling forms - COMPILED * VERSION - Added tagging of multiple patient problem - added new setting to show multiple patient problem - added new tagging for COVID 19 patient - added new condition before discharging - FOR TESTING * VERSION - Added tagging of patient problem - added new form for partitioning charges of patient - FOR TESTING * VERSION - Fixed the scheduling or Cathlab - Added switch and function for syncronizing tbcourseward and tbnurseprofile - Added new settings in Disabling checkBox in package - * VERSION - Added codeBlueDropDown Switch requested by TMC - added switch for precaution Report Requested by LUCENA - COMPILED 06/03/2020 * VERSION - added international rate pricing * VERSION - Added new report ate maji - Compiled MCDGH * VERSION - Added setting for printing labrequest form * VERSION - Added stock Monitoring for Broke * VERSION -changed the font size of Outstanding balance as per request of kuya Rod - added setting for entering PF for NKTI - COMPILED * VERSION - ported frmMarkup and frmMarkupSetting *Requested by Marriane - added markUp in some Revenue -COMPILED 12/06/2019 * for Marriane ARC * VERSION - added printTabular in CBG tab - Added dropBox on validated CBG - deleted pathologist box in frmCBG - Added print button in viewing of result in CBG -Compiled for testing ate majoy * VERSION -added filter for opened oxygen before discharging - added setting - COMPILED @ SLU 09/20/2019 * VERSION - Added DocOrders - Added setting to allow editing of amount if not tagged as FixRate in buildFile - added filter for vital signs * not to allow '/' - added for counsel in diet (with setting) - COMPILED 08/13/2019 (SLU) * VERSION -New chargeslip Format for Lucena -added setting for new BIR chargeslip -Added filter for duplicated chargeslip with settings -COMPILED: MT Carmel (07/09/2019) * VERSION - Enabled Import and Printing in Laboratory Tabular Report * VERSION - Added error trap when saving nurse notes (04/10/2019) - Returned Items - To update isPosted (tbPharmaCommunication) value to 0 when revoking pending request for returned item - COMPILED: ARC (06/10/2019) * VERSION - Fix: Non-medicine supplies included in PNF validation (Post Charges/Receivables) - COMPILED: VSS (03/06/2019) * VERSION - Added setting to start validation of PNF on a certain date - COMPILED: VSS (02/28/2019) * VERSION - Discharge Entry - Added entry of Reason of Transfer and Transfer Location - Needed for CF4 - COMPILED: VSS (02/27/2019) * VERSION - Enabled one day validation when discharging patient (for PHIC) - Disabled in discharge order - Requested by Ange for LMC - PNF validation - Changed PNF validation: if DOHCode not in ('','01') - New Setting: NoPNFByPass, not to allow requesting/charging medicine if not PNF (For all patients) - COMPILED: VSS (02/21/2019) * VERSION - Fix: Syntax error on sending discharge order if diagnosis description has single quote (for NKTI only) - COMPILED: NKTI (01/30/2019) * VERSION - Antimicrobial Stewardship: Restored error traps - Added computation of ER Room Fees (for NKTI) during acknowledgment - New Setting: NurseERFeeOnDischarge - COMPILED: NKTI (12/18/2018) * VERSION - Post Charges/Receivable Entry - Removed billing date validation on receivable mode - Removed local variable strP for patient type, set "I" as constant value - New Setting: HideServerIP - Hide IP address of server in the module - New Setting: LiveServerIP - Specify IP address of live server - New Setting: TestServerIP - Specify IP address of test server - Nurse Notes - Minor GUI Changes - Added Delete Note feature - SQL queries enhancement - New Setting: ShowInOutFluid - Show fluid input and output entry under Vital Signs tab - New Setting: PHCreditLimit - To set credit limit of non-HMO patients for Pharmacy charges - New Setting: UsePHCreditLimit - Enable credit limit validation for non-HMO patients (Pharmacy charges only) - COMPILED: LUCENA BETA (12/06/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Double-spaces in monitoring protocol names under Vital Signs - Affected protocols are "Every 15 minutes" and "Every 30 minutes" - Reported by Ian - COMPILED: CORDILLERA (11/26/2018) * VERSION - New Setting: UseNewOneTimePrinting - to use NKTI version of one-time printing - Minor text fixes - COMPILED: R1MC (11/26/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Incorrect Precaution legend on patient dashboard - Added validation if build file of precaution is enabled - COMPILED: UCMED (11/15/2018) * VERSION - Added subreports for Precaution Report: 1) All Stations 2) Current Station - COMPILED: UCMED (11/15/2018) * VERSION - Modifying precaution will also update precautionID in consolidated outpatient account - Added new report "Precaution Report" - COMPILED: UCMED (11/15/2018) * VERSION - Receivable Entry - Added parameter station ID on searching of receivable patients - Hemo Notification Entry - Removed call to Get_Dialyzer on form load - Added checking of Status in Hemodialysis..tbHemoDialyzer - Added notification when no dialyzer is built - Both dialyzer code and description must not be blank to proceed saving - Double-click dialyzer textbox to select whole text - Added user validation on revoking hemo request - COMPILED: NKTI (10/15/2018) * VERSION - New Setting: MaxRespiratoryRate - To set maximum allowed value of Respiratory Rate - Requested by Lenn for SLU - COMPILED: SLU (10/08/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Discharge Instruction Sheet no patient name if printing is enabled on draft - Reported by Rod (Carmona) - Removed strPatientName variable - Fix: Follow Up Check With field always blank (under Nurse Home Care Plan) - Fields gets from the wrong table - COMPILED: CARMONA (10/08/2018) * VERSION - Removed hard coded item code "93595" for pipe oxygen - New Setting: PipeOXNoInitialCharge - Initial Amounts in tbNurseLogBook and tbBillDailyBill will be updated to 0 - Amount will now be saved in tbOpenCloseTank for the auto computation - COMPILED: SLU (10/04/2018) * VERSION - Adjusted Item Code max length to 50 (Post Charges/PH Requesting) for barcode searching - requested by kuya JM for R1MC - COMPILED: R1MC (09/28/2018) * VERSION - Cash and Clinical Assessment - Added validation of paid assessments for Status with ORNumbers (instead of status "Given") - Requested by Lenn - COMPILED: SLU (09/21/2018) * VERSION - Created new stored procedure Station..HBPSPassedTimeLimit for checking of HBPS encoding extension (09/11/2018) - to update NKTI servers - Changed parameter mode when checking expiring AMS orders (09/11/2018) - From 1 to 3 - This will decrease server load when looking for expiring AMS orders - to modify Station..CheckOn6thDay - Post Diet (SLU) - Renamed "Search Remarks" to "Add Remarks" - User can now add to Remarks textbox any remarks by searching - COMPILED: SLU (09/11/2018) * VERSION - New Setting: Prompt for non-PNF when requesting / post charging medicines - COMPILED: LMC (09/04/2018) * VERSION - Added Status validation of ICDs/RVSs in tbMed_MedicalCaseRates and tbMed_Procedures - COMPILED: LMC (09/01/2018) * VERSION - Additional CF4 validation - COMPILED: VSS (08/31/2018) * VERSION - HBPS Case Rate - When in Doctor Mode, nurse users will no longer be able to save - COMPILED: NKTI (08/29/2018) * VERSION - New Setting: Systolic Max Limit - New Setting: Diastolic Min Limit - COMPILED: CHDG (08/16/2018) * VERSION - New Setting: To enable/disable printing of CF4 - COMPILED: LMC (08/15/2018) * VERSION - Fixed setting for antimicrobial notification - New Setting: DcrOrderValidateCF4 - validation of CF4 when sending discharge order - COMPILED: NKTI BETA (08/15/2018) * VERSION - Fixed HMO Rate by Class for requesting exams - COMPILED: SLU (08/10/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Type mismatch error when saving Vital Signs when setting is set not to require them - Error found when validating Blood Pressure value - COMPILED: CHDG (08/09/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Non-modal error in Historical Report printing - COMPILED: CHDG (08/09/2018) * VERSION - Fix: HBPS Case Rate - no description when ICD10 is not PHIC case rate - reported by ate Nida (CDHG) - COMPILED: CHDG (08/08/2018) * VERSION - Added selection of exam when viewing of Laboratory Tabular Report (08/08/2018) - requested by CHDG - COMPILED: CHDG (08/07/2018) * VERSION - Integrated CF4.dll - COMPILED: VSS (08/02/2018) * VERSION - New setting to use Laboratory format for Historical Results - requested by lola Nida - COMPILED: CHDG (08/02/2018) * VERSION - Antimicrobial Stewardship minor revisions (07/27/2018) - New Setting: AssessmentRemarksPerColumn - Fix for error on report when Remarks parameter exceeds 256 characters - Problem reported by Majoy for UCMED - COMPILED: UCMED (07/31/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Wrong ToolTipNext on some notification buttons (07/24/2018) - New Feature: Notification for AMS (Antimicrobial Stewardship) - List of Processed Requests (07/24/2018) - set alignment of Columns 2 and 3 to the left - New Setting: ShowDosageRequests - To show Dosage column in List of Processed Requests - Requested by NKTI - Fix: Username in status bar not updated after logging in from standby (07/26/2018) - New Setting: DontRequireICDOnECU - Switch not to required ICD/RVS if package has ECU package (Package ID 2) - Requested by Lai/Maam Jenna fro SLU - COMPILED: SLU (07/26/2018) * VERSION - Added supervisor access restriction on Daily Census (All Station) - requested by Rod for Carmona - COMPILED: CARMONA (07/23/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Discharge Order entry not the same with Discharge Order button and when using F9 shortcut - reported by Elenn (SLU) - COMPILED: 07/11/2018 (SLU) * VERSION - Fix: Item not found if HBPSMoreThan5Dr setting is disabled (SLU) - reported by Ellen - temporary solution was to enable HBPSMoreThan5Dr - New Setting: NursePendingLegend (07/06/2018) - Enable "With Pending Requests" legend in patient list - requested by SLU - COMPILED: NKTI (07/09/2018) * VERSION - Reprinting of LB request forms (NKTI only) (06/28/2018) - modified form title from "List of Posted Laboratory Exams" to "List of Posted Laboratory Exams (With no result)" - minor GUI fixes - frmRemarks (06/28/2018) - Changed its normal height from 4200 to 4100 to hide a hidden frame - Fix: Public variable strLBChargeSlipNumber is not reset when requesting - Problem will result in printing last printed chargeslip - Fix: Error saving after selecting a profile exam and automatically deleting previously entered subexam - Encountered in NKTI when selecting code 16 then selecting code 17 - Post Diet (06/29/2018) - New Setting: SearchDietRemarks - enable searching of diet remarks - Requested by Ellen for SLU - COMPILED: SLU (06/29/2018) * VERSION - Added HMO Rates by Room Class on requesting - COMPILED: LUCENA (06/26/2018) * VERSION - Added from CF4 from Visual ER (06/20/2018) - COMPILED: APPS.GOMEDSYS.COM * VERSION Cash Assessment entry - New Setting: Enable requesting doctor in Cash Assessment entry (disabled by default) (06/14/2018) - requested by Rod for Carmona - Enhancement: If AssessNum is not set in table Station..tbNurseChargeSlip, program will auto-set RefNum to NS1 and update value of AssessNum column to 2 - Code clean-up - COMPILED: LUCENA (06/14/2018) * VERSION - PH Entry, CSR Entry - Changed MaxLength of first column from 5 to 10 - Fix: Searching by description if keyword starts with number - Reported by sir JM - HBPS Case Rate - Fix: extra row appear if last character of ICD description is semi colon (;) - Added user validation on HBPS loading to determine if doctor or nurse - so doctor no longer needs to exit module - Enabled scrolltracks on grids - Acknowledgement Feature - Added autoconsolidation of ER account - COMPILED: NKTI BETA (06/13/2018) * VERSION - HBPS - New Setting: Enable tagging of ICD/RVS code within 30 minutes after Nurse send final discharge order (for NKTI only) - New Button: Common ICD10 to call report of common ICD10 - New Report: TopICD10.rpt - COMPILED: NKTI BETA (05/30/2018) * VERSION - Code Clean Up - Replaced exclamation marks with period on notification messages (05/28/2018) - Fix: User rights not reset when searching another user after saving another one (05/29/2018) - reported by Ma'am Marissa - COMPILED: NKTI (05/29/2018) * VERSION - Some forms compared with Visual ER (03/08/2018) - Code Blue Entry (03/20/2018) - Added error traps on procedures with db transactions - Added option to delete code blue history - Added saving of logs (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) - Fix: error when editing row with no record - Access Code entry - replaced message "Please sign in to access system" to "Please enter access code" - Fix: When editing doctors in dashboard and then opening Post Charges, changes in doctors are not reflected (05/09/2018) - HBPS Entry - Added Reset button for professional fees - Fix: Can't add new row after deleting row - added RowHeightMin on major grids - Naming convention update (05/25/2018) - Added status bar in patient list to show currently logged in user (05/25/2018) - requested by SLU thru Mark Cabading - COMPILED: SLU (05/28/2018) * VERSION - Room Transfer Notification (03/07/2018) - Fix: Button for room transfer not blinking - set button width a bit larger - Added error trap on form load - Fix: Close button is disabled by default - Doctor's Entry (03/07/2018) - Minor UI Fix - COMPILED: SLU (03/07/2018) * VERSION - Removed 6-day max limit advanced in OR Scheduling - requested by SEAMENS - COMPILED: SEAMENS (02/07/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Viewing of MSS Referrals when patient has more than one requests (01/17/2018) (for NKTI) - must check ReferralNo field - COMPILED: LAI TESTEING (02/07/2018) * VERSION - Removed setting for LMC to rename "Room Transfer" button to "Discharge or Room Transfer" (11/13/2017) - frmFinal (11/13/2017) - Removed duplicate call to Get_ConfigurationFiles - New Setting: RadiologyPortableAmount (11/21/2017) - to set amount for portable machines - requested by UCMED - COMPILED: UCMED (11/22/2017) * VERSION - Patient List (10/20/2017) - Modified Search List status bar - Replaced next chargeslip sequence with the server name - Set Panic Lab button to align right of the window - To gave space for more blinking buttons - Disabled AllowCustomize property of toolbar1 to False so user can't add or remove buttons - Administered Medicines (11/06/2017) - Added error traps - Post Charges - Fix: Use of PSIOxygenComputationType setting - if value is 0, will divide the QUANTITY by 100 then multiply to UNIT PRICE, if value 1, system will multiply QUANTITY and UNIT PRICE - need to update PMSH before setting value to 0 - Fix: Oxygen tank is not auto-closed when revoking item - frmReturn, frmReturnER (11/12/2017) - Fix: Reason of cancellation not saved in Inventory..tbPharmaCommunication - COMPILED: PMSH (11/12/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Users with access 19 but with no access 17 can't view SOA (10/18/2017) - Reported by sir Randy - Fix: Wrong amount on PSI Oxygen computation (10/20/2017) - Added condition for PMSH - COMPILED: PMSH (10/20/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Precaution covered by other controls when AutoResize on Resolution is enabled - Reported by ate Nida (CHDG) - COMPILED: CHDG (10/17/2017) * VERSION - Commented public function RoomClassMarkUp (not in used) (10/16/2017) - Post Charge - Fix: When closing auto-charged OX, program says tank is already closed even if it's not - Close button is disabled when auto-charged OX is selected - Set close button as disable on form load - Discharge Medications - Added searching of Frequency - Fix: Description being truncated - COMPILED: PMSH TEST (10/16/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Program does not appear on taskbar if user has one section or computer was set with default section (10/12/2017) - Set frmPatientList as non-modal - Copied Nurse icon - COMPILED: PMSH TEST (10/12/2017) * VERSION - Viewing of SOA (10/10/2017) - New Setting: NurseSOAViewOnly - Disable printing of SOA - requested by PMSH - HBPS (old format) (10/10/2017) - New Setting: NurseNoRevokeDOrder - Disable revoking of discharge order - requested by PMSH - Added validation of pending requests on Save button - Removed unnecessary comments - New Setting: NurseDcrOrderPendingReturn (10/12/2017) - to validate pending return request - New Setting: NurseDcrOrderPendingResult (10/12/2017) - to validate pending results - New SP: STATION..CheckWithPendingResults - frmPatientList (10/10/2017) - Removed unused picture box and a label - frmReturn (10/10/2017) - Code enhancements - Minor GUI changes - Fix: Total Charges not reset after Posting or Sending Return request - Added new button: Pending Requests - To view list of pending requests for returned items - Nurse may also revoke requests as long as its pending - requested by PMSH - New Form: frmPendingReturnedItems - Fix: No amount when clicking ellipse button again (10/12/2017) - Added validation to check existing pending return request for a certain item (10/12/2017) - User must wait for the previous request to be processed or revoke it - New Patient Acknowledgement (10/11/2017) - Fix: Blink button still appears even with no new patient to acknowledge - Additional Doctors Entry (10/12/2017) - Added error traps - Post Charges (10/12/2017) - Added notification when clicking Close Tank button and no oxygen tank was selected - COMPILED: PMSH TEST (10/12/2017) * VERSION - frmAssessmentClinical - Removed unnecessary comments (10/10/2017) - Fix: Can't edit amount for MD (10/10/2017) - added validation in the zero amount condition - Fix: Zero quantity after selecting doctor (10/10/2017) - set 1 as default quantity - COMPILED: R1MC (10/10/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Nothing happens when clicking Panic Value text message (09/26/2017) - frmNeuroExams (10/02/2017) - Removed unnecessary comments - Get_ItemPackage_Amount (10/02/2017) - Added options for Rates F,G and H - Added RateH on clinical request entries (10/02/2017) - Pharmacy Request Entry - New Setting: DefaultDosage (10/04/2017) - Set default dosage when requesting medicines from Pharmacy (for PMSH) - HBPS Entry (10/04/2017) - New Setting: NurseAllowOpenCloseTank - Added validation of open tanks when sending final discharge order - Request Entry (10/04/2017) - Added HMO validation for RateH - Room Transfer (10/04/2017) - Added validation for open oxygen tanks - Post Charges (10/04/2017) - New controls: Close Tank button, Oxygen Tank legend - New Setting: NurseOXTankItemCode - To hold item code of oxygen tank with auto computation - Added HMO validation for Sacred (Supplies and Meds) - Autoprint Results (10/04/2017) - Changed backcolor of frames from Menu Bar to Button Face - Enabled scrolltracks on grids - Viewing of Results (10/04/2017) - Ported HS result formats from PMSH version - New Feature: Acknowledgement of New Patients - New Setting: NurseAcknowledgeNewPx - New admitted patients will not automatically appear in Nurse Station - A button will blink in the patient list containing list of new patients for acknowledgement - Once acknowledged, patient will reflect in the list of patients - New Stored Procedure: Station..LoadNewPatients - To modify sp for loading patients - New Form: frmNewPatients - COMPILED: NKTI TEST (10/10/2017) * VERSION - New Setting: UseBuildPrecaution (09/18/2017) - Use Build_File..tbcoPrecautions for list of precautions - requested by Raynier for PPMC - Pharmacy Request Entry - Moved variable blnZPDFirstPackage from modStart to frmPHEntry - New global variable strLastPDTransactionDate to save last PD transaction date - Modified PD notification message to include patient's last PD transaction date - requested by sir RV - COMPILED: PPMC/NKTI (09/18/2017) * VERSION - COMPILED: VSS (09/15/2017) * VERSION - New Setting: EnableAMPickUPNonLB (08/16/2017) - Remarks Entry - Will allow tagging of In AM Pick Up for non-LB departments - requested by NKTI Radiology - Discharge Order - adjusted spaces between DoctorName/Amount/RoleName (from 15 to 3) on Medical Fees (for NKTI only) (08/16/2017) - Revoked Requests - Changed form title from "Notification of Revoked Exam/Item Requests" to "Revoked Requests Monitoring" - Added new column for request encoder (Encoded By) - Fix: Zero amount is saved in RoomRate (Patient_data..tbpatient) (08/22/2017) - Receivable Entry (08/22/2017) - Get_ARCode parameter error - Changed "ICU" to "lblDeptCode.text" - Disabled tagging of Maintained Room when sending room transfer request to ICU (08/22/2017) - New Setting: Disable Returned Supplies (08/23/2017) - New Report: Monthly Hospital Statistics (for NKTI) (08/23/2017) - Fix: Program crashes on File Not Found (08/24/2017) - removed On Error trap in OpenMainReport - New Setting: To save error logs in Station..tbNurseErrLog (08/24/2017) - COMPILED: NKTI (08/14/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Outstanding Balance label appears even setting is disabled (08/14/2017) - COMPILED: NKTI (08/14/2017) * VERSION - Fix: "Please select package." on initial selection of package (08/04/2017) - Added error traps on Uncheck All and Check All buttons (08/04/2017) - Edited Systolic/Diastolic Max value from 200 to 300 (08/08/2017) - requested by ate Nida for Cordillera - COMPILED: PPMC (08/08/2017) * VERSION - Clinical Assessment - Changed source of assessment number from 'PreNumberAssessment' to 'AssessmentNum' - COMPILED: UCMED (07/26/2017) * VERSION - Requesting Doctor Entry (07/26/2017) - Fix: Invalid procedure call on line cmdOK.setfocus - removed line - COMPILED: UCMED (07/26/2017) * VERSION - Pharmacy Request Entry (07/13/2017) - Removed "PRN" as default Frequency/Dosage (when in generic mode) - PD First Package (NKTI) - Changes in patient validation (as per sir RV) - Changes in message notification (as per sir RV) - Requesting Physician Entry (07/13/2017) - New Setting: Not to set Attending Physician as default requesting physician - requested by Dr. Jaro thru Sir Tatus - OK button will set focus after selecting doctor - System will notify user if no doctor was provided when clicking OK button - Minor code enhancement - Notification for Hemodialysis entry (07/13/2017) - Added user validation on Save button - Minor Code Enhancements (07/13/2017) - Removed unneeded call to Get_TransacionDate - Clinical Assessment - Fix: Zero amount on Amount column before hitting Enter on column Quantity (07/25/2017) - New Setting: SeparatePHAssessment - not to allow PH be mixed with other revenues during assessment (07/25/2017) - requested by ate Jo/Lenn for UCMED - PH items will have 'PH' prefix for the RefNum while other items will have the usual 'NS' - for the printing of Sales Invoice in the cashier section - COMPILED: UCMED TEST (07/25/2017) * VERSION - Outstanding Balance - Changed it's location from Title Bar to a label below the form (07/13/2017) - Fix: Two zeroes don't appear if there are no cent values (07/13/2017) - Fix: Missing 'ToInclude' error for non-NKTI clients - removed pop up error (07/13/2017) - COMPILED: UCMED (07/13/2017) * VERSION - Discharge Order - Fix: ICD Description is also saved in RVS Description (07/12/2017) - Code enhancements - New Setting: To retain data when revoking discharge order (07/12/2017) - COMPILED: NKTI (07/12/2017) * VERSION - Fix: wrong doctor's role saved in MedicalFees (tbnursedischargenotice) (07/12/2017) - NKTI - COMPILED: NKTI (07/12/2017) * VERSION - Pharmacy Entry - format DateRegistered of PD patients to date only (07/11/2017) - NKTI - COMPILED: NKTI (07/12/2017) * VERSION - New Feature: Show Patient's Outstanding Balance in title bar (07/07/2017) - requested by UCMED but applicable to all clients - COMPILED: UCMED (07/07/2017) * VERSION - Added new Precautions tagging with color coding - requested by World Citi (07/06/2017) - COMPILED: WCI (07/05/2017) * VERSION - Code Enhancements (07/04/2017) - Removed Form: frmSurgicalSafety (07/04/2017) - not being used - Removed Agent1 control in frmFinal (07/04/2017) - not in used - COMPILED: NKTI (07/04/2017) * VERSION - Added setting for maintenance mode: NurseOnMaintenance (06/29/2017) - program will notify user after login if Visual Nurse is under maintenance and cannot be used - Report Mod: List of AM Pick Up Request (06/29/2017) - added new parameter for Prepared By - Laboratory Panic Values (06/29/2017) - After printing laboratory result, list of results will be refreshed - Discharge Order - Free-typing of operation now hidden (for NKTI) (06/29/2017) - revert this update(as per request by ate Mariz) (06/30/2017) - Disabled searching of doctors by specialization (06/30/2017) - Added validation of pending request on Send Final Discharge Notice button (06/30/2017) - will allow preliminary saving even if there are pending requests - Minor alert messages update (06/29/2017) - MSS Referral (06/29/2017) - Added new legend for revoked requests - MSS Remarks column will now look at field "Re" instead of "Remarks" - Added Refresh button - Added validation if service patient (only service patient will be allowed to request) - Convert function Get_TransactionDate to sub (07/01/2017) - Added setting to use tbNurseChargeSlip instead of tbNurseChargelipTerminal (07/03/2017) - Added validation if patient is under Z-Patient PD First Package (07/03/2017) - user will be notified upon entry of z-patient items on Date Registration and Number of Exchanges - requested for NKTI - Added Auto-lock feature (07/03/2017) - will automatically lock the module after two minutes - requested by NKTI - COMPILED: NKTI (07/03/2017) * VERSION - Post Charges - Removed unused setting: RevokeWholePackage (06/26/2017) - Doctors (for NKTI) - Added saving of date and time doctor was added (06/27/2017) - COMPILED: NKTI DEMO (06/28/2017) * VERSION - Discharge Order - New Setting: Hide Billing Checklist in Discharge Order (for NKTI) (06/08/2017) - Removed right-click role tagging on doctors (06/08/2017) - New Function: isDoctorAccount (to check if user account is owned by a doctor) - ICD and RVS entry is disabled if Nurse account (06/19/2017) - If doctor account, PF entries (06/19/2017) - Proper naming convention on frames (06/20/2017) - New Setting: Hide Room Status (06/08/2017) - requested by NKTI - Doctors Entry (for NKTI only) (06/08/2017) - renamed Attending Dr1 to Attending Dr - renamed Attending Dr2-Dr5 to Referral 1 - 14 - Hid Referring Dr. - Removed ER Medicines and ER Supplies button in ER Post Return (for NKTI only) (06/08/2017) - to be tested yet - Unreferenced unused controls (06/09/2017) - Microsoft Data Grid - Microsoft Masked Control - Fix: Post Return from ER (06/09/2017) - gets items from previously entered admission number - Imported form from Visual OR (frmPHICRVS) (06/14/2017) - searching of RVS codes in HBPS - Discharge Order - Enabled RVS code searching for NKTI - Made column 4 as RVS Description, and column 3 as ICD Description - Enabled reprinting of laboratory request form after Save (for NKTI only) (06/19/2017) - Discharge Instructions and Home Meds button now hidden in frmHBPSCaseRate if notification is disabled in frmPatientList (06/19/2017) - Discharge Instructions and Medicines (06/23/2017) - Fix: Searching of Medicines (Ellipse button does not appear on load) - Fix: Grid does no redraw after searching - COMPILED: UCMED (06/23/2017) * VERSION - Fix: "Invalid use of NULL" when "MaxQty" in "Build_file..tbCoLabexam" is NULL (06/06/2017) - if NULL, program will set "1" as default value - also applied fix for XRAY and ULTRASOUND requests - reported by ate Marissa - COMPILED: UCMED (06/08/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Searching of Doctor error when no record was returned and user clicks Select button - COMPILED: NKTI DEMO (06/06/2017) * VERSION - Started searching of doctors by role in HBPS (05/31/2017) - Added validation of TO INCLUDE string in REMARKS and REASON textboxes (05/31/2017) - must not allow saving if found - requested by Laboratory - Remarks Entry - renamed some controls for easy identication (06/01/2017) - removed comments on PSH and PT (06/01/2017) - localized public function Update_Other_Info (06/01/2017) - converted it to sub procedure since it's not returning anything - COMPILED: NKTI DEMO (06/05/2017) * VERSION - New Setting: Disable Print and Export Buttons on result viewing (XR, US, CT, HS, Pulmo, Neuro, MRI, WC) (05/29/2017) - requested by Kristine Molina for World Citi, Laboratory already has separate tagging (need to modify LabResultViewer.dll) - New Report: List of Laboratory AM Pick-up Requests (05/29/2017) - requested by NKTI - report: ListAMPickUps.rpt, stored procedure to be created yet - frmPHEntry (05/29/2017) - replaced frmfinal.txtid.text with variable strIDNum - Added switch to enable Z-Package button (for NKTI) - yet to be made (function isZPackagePatient) - COMPILED: WCI (05/31/2017) * VERSION - frmHBPS (05/27/2017) - Minor code enhancement - Fix: Applied switch to use AttendingDR3 and AttendingDR4 (for ADVENTIST) - Removed unused variables (05/27/2017) - frmHBPSCaseRate - Removed frmfinal references - Disabled entry of remarks, billing checklist and tagging of doctor's roles if discharge order already sent (05/26/2017) - Doctor Roles and color coding now uses tbPHICDxRole table (05/26/2017) - COMPILED: NKTI TEST (05/29/2017) * VERSION - Doctors Entry - removed frmFinal references - New Setting: NurseHas3rd4thDxFields - use AttendingDr3 and AttendingDr4 - requested by ate Jo for SIH - Fix: Can still revoke already revoked packages (05/24/2017) - for UCMED - COMPILED: ADVENTIST (05/24/2017) * VERSION - Added legend of Meals time in Diet entry (05/18/2017) - requested by UCMED - COMPILED: UCMED (05/18/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Printing of MRI and WC results (05/17/2017) - admission number is not being passed - COMPILED: UCMED (05/17/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Women Center result buttons not working - COMPILED: UCMED (05/17/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Center for Women - corrected table result (05/17/2017) - Added condition not to allow revoke package exams if amount is already zero (revoked previously) (05/17/2017) - for UCMED only - Added setting not to allow charging of packages if some inventory items are out of stock (05/17/2017) - requested by Majoy for UCMED - Added user rights ("38") for revoking packages (for UCMED only) (05/17/2017) - COMPILED: UCMED (05/17/2017) * VERSION - Discharge Order (with ICD version) - Added setting to hide case rate options - Added tagging of doctor role (Surgeon, Cardiologist, Anesthesiologist, Physician) with color coding - role will appear in Philhealth module - Enabled free typing entry of Operation for NKTI only - Hid RVS and other columns for NKTI - Required PF for all tagged doctors - COMPILED: NKTI PRESENTATION (05/08/2017) * VERSION - Added log upon login - This will save File Version of program for tracking - Referral to MSS - New Forms: frmMSSReferral, frmListMSSReferrals - COMPILED: NKTI PRESENTATION (05/03/2017) * VERSION - New Forms: frmIssuedMeds and frmIssuedMedsByDrugs - for the returning of ER Meds and Supplies (for NKTI) - COMPILED: NKTI TEST (04/26/2017) * VERSION - New Form: frmRevokedRequests (04/17/2017) - for notification of cancelled requests (for NKTI) - Discharge Order (04/20/2017) - minor interface changes - increase height of Medical Fees entry - No Medical Fees checkbox now hidden if Medical Fees is set as required - Return Entry - New button: Return ER Medicines - New Setting to enable feature (for NKTI) - New Form: frmReturnER - copied frmReturn with minor interface difference - Added New Form: frmPanicValues from Visual ER (04/24/2017) - added new parameter (Station ID) for stored procedure: Station..GetLBAbnormalResult - Pharmacy Menu will now close after choosing sub menu (04/24/2017) - New Setting: Added option to allow entry of Pathological requests even for cash patients (04/24/2017) - Added new result tab for Center Women (with setting) (04/25/2017) - requested by Majoy for UCMED - COMPILED: NKTI TESTING (04/26/2017) * VERSION - Result Viewing - Added setting to use World Citi formats for cardio results (04/17/2017) - COMPILED: UCMED (04/17/2017) * VERSION - Post Charges - Fix: Either EOF or BOF - still related to Foreigner MarkUp - COMPILED: CARMONA (04/12/2017) * VERSION - Post Charges - Fix: Item not found if list cost is enabled and patient is Foreigner - missing column name MarkUp - COMPILED: CARMONA (04/12/2017) * VERSION - Retained report of List of Request / Orders (format for NKTI) (04/04/2017) - added parameter Patient Name to appear in the report - Added new report "List_Of_RequestOrders.rpt" (04/04/2017) - this will show all request and orders for all patients in the station - COMPILED: NKTI TEST (04/04/2017) * VERSION - New Function: PropertyExists - This will check if property exists in an object in order to trap error - New Setting: Disable printing of laboratory results (only viewing) - Needs atleast version of Laboratory Result Viewer - COMPILED: NKTI (03/31/2017) * VERSION - Result Viewing - added class clsHeartViewer from old NKTI version (03/29/2017) (for NKTI only) - Pulmo result: adjusted for NKTI with different report format (03/29/2017) - Added new button Cytology and Surgical Pathology Exam (03/29/2017) (for NKTI only) - Added setting to enable viewing of Rehab Medicine, Nuclear and Neuro results (disabled by default) (03/29/2017) - just in case NKTI asks for it - Laboratory Result Viewing - Fixed color coding of exams per section (Clinical Chemistry and Microbiology) (03/30/2017) - Package searching - Added notification on Check All radio button when no package was selected (03/30/2017) - List of Posted Supplies/Medicines (03/30/2017) - Added error trap on column 13 - Reports: Disable 'View Doctor's Orders' for the meantime for all clients (03/30/2017) - Enabled CDF checking in Post Charges, Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment (for NKTI) (03/30/2017) - COMPILED: NKTI BETA (03/30/2017) * VERSION - Discharge Order - New Setting: Load more than 5 attending doctors - Fix: Reprinting of Laboratory Request Form (for NKTI) not hidden on other clients - COMPILED: AMCI (03/28/2017) * VERSION - New Setting: Disable checking of remote charges when clicking Discharge Order button (03/17/2017) - enabled by default - New Setting: Hide Amount column in PH and CS request entries (03/22/2017) - for NKTI - New Setting: Hide STAT column in PH and CS request entries (03/22/2017) - for NKTI - New Setting: Enabled entry of decimal quantities in requesting and charging entris (03/22/2017) - for NKTI - Added new form from old NKTI version: frmNotificationOfRoomTransfer (03/22/2017) - New Setting for NKTI: Replaced "New Admissions" list with "Maintained Rooms" list (from old version) - Room Transfer - restricted transferring patient to same room number (03/22/2017) - New Setting: Show Admission Type on Patient Dashboard form title (03/27/2017) - COMPILED: CARMONA (03/27/2017) * VERSION - New Setting: Enable entry of decimal quantities in Post Charges, Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment, Receivable Entry, PH and CSR Entries , Home Meds - done for NKTI - Minor fix on multiple cancellation (Post Charges) (03/13/2017) - Reprint button now enabled after clicking record with checking checkbox - List of charges now being refreshed after revoking an item - Post Charges - Chargeslip printing (03/17/2017) - retain Charge_Slip_Discount.rpt - COMPILED: NKTI BETA TESTING (03/17/2017) * VERSION - Fix: RTF formatting codes appear when viewing MRI interpretation (02/16/2017) - reported by Majoy - COMPILED: UCMED (02/16/2017) * VERSION - Remarks entry (02/10/2017) - Added tagging of To Include exams (for NKTI) - Enabled tagging of Dialysis and Transplant patients (for NKTI) - Change specimen entry background color to red - Added switch to use prjBillingSOA.dll to print patient's SOA (for NKTI) (02/10/2017) - Post Charges, Receivable Entry - Added switch to enable HMO rates (02/16/2017) - Added switch to use HMO rates per class - Added RateI - COMPILED: CARMONA (02/16/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Discharge Order - Medical Fees is hidden if switch is off (should be enabled by default) - reported by Maam Kristine of WCI - COMPILED: WCI (01/20/2017) * VERSION - Auto Print Result - Minor text fixes - Added new report List of Doctors (Active and Inactive) for WCI (01/18/2017) - COMPILED: WCI (01/18/2017) * VERSION - Minor text fix - Notification when requesting when final discharge order already sent - COMPILED: UCMED (12/12/2016) * VERSION - Discharge Order - Added setting to disable all transactions related to charges after sending discharge order - Added apostrophe validation on Remarks and Final Diagnosis fields (basic version) - Added validation of unpaid assessments (assessed by thru Nurse module) before allowing discharge order - COMPILED: UCMED (12/12/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Requesting doctor not being reset on some parts of the program (12/09/2016) - COMPILED: CARMONA (12/12/2016) * VERSION - Clinical Assessment - Added switch to require requesting doctor - requested by UCMED for Cardio processing - COMPILED: UCMED (12/08/2016) * VERSION - Changed inventory room rate validation for inventory items - COMPILED: CARMONA (12/02/2016) * VERSION - Fix: "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed" when Cardio exam description is greater than 45 characters - COMPILED: UCMED (11/21/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Some inventory items not printed on chargeslip on original copy - COMPILED: UCMED (11/20/2016) * VERSION - Cash and Clinical Assessment (UCMED only) - Items under PH revenue code must get SellingPriceOut (Inpatient) - COMPILED: UCMED (11/19/2016) * VERSION - Level Care - Hid Print button for the meantime (11/18/2016) - Rollback update on Assessment rate for inpatiet (11/19/2016) - No longer gets RateG but room rates (UCMED) - COMPILED: UCMED (11/19/2016) * VERSION - List of Posted Items - Fix: Captions for CSR mode (11/08/2016) - Package Charging - Added switch to disable mixing of packages and non-package items (11/16/2016) - COMPILED: UCMED (11/16/2016) * VERSION - Spelling: "CANCELLED" to "CANCELED" (11/03/2016) - Report Viewer (11/03/2016) - Minor code enhancement - Reenabled print button on form unload - Started working on one time printing of results - Result Viewing (11/03/2016) - Enabled viewing by chargeslip button - Post Charges (11/04/2016) - Fix: Textbox entry remain visible after selecting package - Post Returned Medicines (11/07/2016) - Added switch for CSR Mode - Minor text fixes - Modified Inventory..DrugListPostedCSR - Modified prjIssuedMeds.dll ( - Removed extra comments and unused controls - List Posted Medicines (11/08/2016) - Added mode for CSR - COMPILED: UCMED (11/08/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Right-click menu working on patients with pending room transfer (10/27/2016) - PT Free-typing request (11/02/2016) - Added revoke request function - COMPILED: UCMED (11/02/2016) * VERSION - New Feature: Free typing PT Request (UCMED) (10/26/2016) - New form: frmPTRequestEntry - Cash Assessment (10/27/2016) - Set rates RateG for UCMED - Minor code enhancement - Clinical Assessment (10/27/2016) - Set rates to RateG except for LB (UCMED) - Minor code enhancement - COMPILED: UCMED TEST (10/27/2016) * VERSION - Room Transfer (10/19/2016) - Added setting for room transfer request - instead of directly transferring - new sp: STATION..NurseReq_RmTransfer - Added error trap - Recoded room validation - Discharge Patient tab now hidden instead of being disabled only - Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment (10/20/2016) - Added stock on hand validation - Post Charges - Added Ignore All button - Added switch to disable revoking of package items - Added switch to disable excluding and editing of package items - Enabled scrolltrack on charging grid - Set color red as cellbackground for package items - Discharge Order - Added switch to hide medical fees - Post Returned Medicines (10/26/2016) - Renamed "Returned" button to "Post" - Added switch not to directly deduct from stock card (for processing in PH Dispensing) - COMPILED: UCMED BETA (10/27/2016) * VERSION - Search Home Care Plan / Home Care Plan Entry - Enabled scroll track on grids (09/23/2016) - Notification for Hemodialysis - Fix: "Invalid use of NULL" on Status (10/03/2016) - reported by Cams - Replaced exclamation marks with periods in message boxes (10/04/2016) - COMPILED: FTP (10/06/2016) * VERSION - Notification for Hemodialyis - ported form from NKTI (08/19/2016) - minor code enhancements - Nurse Station Menu - New Feature: Allow multiple station access without using the ALL station access right (09/07/2016) - new sp: Station..Nurse_StationRights - requested thru Camelia (by NKTI) - Added error trap on form load - Replaced mouse cursor on exit button - Patient List (09/07/2016) - minor code enhancements - replace error messages with function PopError - more error traps - COMPILED: NKTI (09/13/2016) * VERSION - PH AND CS Room rate enhancement - COMPILED: CARMONA (08/18/2016) * VERSION - Inventory Room Rates - round decimals to two digits (08/16/2016) - COMPILED: CARMONA BETA (08/16/2016) * VERSION - Post Charges - Started making multiple cancellation on Post Charges (08/12/2016) - added restriction to enter up to two decimal digits only in the Price column (especially for MD) (08/15/2016) - Added condition for Employee HMO (CARMONA) (08/16/2016) - COMPILED: CARMONA BETA (08/16/2016) * VERSION - Carmona Supplies Rates - modified rates from JP's function - COMPILED: CARMONA BETA (08/11/2016) * VERSION - Post Returned Medicines - added trap on function GetActualAmount when dividing zero (08/01/2016) - Assessment Entries - Fix: Bug on assessment max items limit (08/02/2016) - when clicking grid, user still can add items even limit was already reached - Receivable Entry - Added validation of stock on hand on Quantity column (08/02/2016) - COMPILED: SGH (08/02/2016) * VERSION - Stop Medicines - Fix: Can't double-click grid if has only one medicine record (07/21/2016) - Discharge Medications (Newest form) - Fix: incorrect text entry maximum length when using Enter key to move to the next column - added maxlength condition during keypress event (07/29/2016) - Room Transfer minor GUI enhancement (07/29/2016) - Fix: Selected Nuclear exams for requesting don't appear in Orders list when room classification is F (08/01/2016) - reported by Majoy (MRXUH) - COMPILED: MRXUH (08/01/2016) * VERSION - Patient List (07/12/2016) - Fix: Taskbar being covered by the whole form - Set MaxButton to True - Patient Dashboard (07/12/2016) - Set ShowInTaskBar to False - Cash Assessment, Clinical Assesment, Post Charges (07/12/2016) - Set Border from Fixed Dialog to Fixed Single - Set MaxButton to True - so taskbar is not covered by the form - Set forms as moveable - List of Packages - added zero stock validation on Check All button - Enabled scrolltrack on grids - COMPILED: CHMCI (07/12/2016) * VERSION - Added switch for Room Class Rate on Inventory Items (07/11/2016) - this includes Post Charges, Receivable, Cash and Clinical Assessment, PH and CS Requests - PH Entry and CSR Entry (07/11/2016) - removed price assignment after validation of zero stock - COMPILED: CHMCI (07/12/2016) * VERSION - Added switch to enable Cathlab Schedule Request (07/11/2016) - COMPILED: LMC (07/11/2016) * VERSION - Fix: date format for validation on Level of Care entry (07/11/2016) - COMPILED: WCI (07/11/2016) * VERSION - Hid menus for Request Cathlab Schedule (07/11/2016) - COMPILED: WCI (07/11/2016) * VERSION - New Feature: Requesting of Cathlab Schedules (for Lorma) - new forms: frmCathlabSched, frmSearchCurrent - new report: ConfirmedCathlabScheds.rpt - new table: Schedule..tbCLSchedule - new sp: Schedule..LoadCLScheduleRequests, Schedule..SaveCLScheduleRequest - List of Packages - Fix: Gross amount not shown - set label to autosize - Fix: Selected package name cut - adjusted label width - Added Uncheck All and Check All radio buttons - requested by Ma'am Kristine - COMPILED: WCI (07/11/2016) * VERSION - Discharge Medications - Hidden columns Dose, Quantity, A, P N for Medical City - Columns shown are Drug Name, Frequency and Remarks - Post Charge - add switch not to allow charging of package if admitting department did not tag any package for the patient (06/29/2016) - requested by SIH - COMPILED: SIH (07/01/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Problem on being able to request laboratory even if already tagged as cash (06/27/2016) - reported by Lai / Sir Anton - Fix: Discharge medication old format appear when triggered from Discharge Order (06/27/2016) - reported by Lai - COMPILED: SGH (06/27/2016) * VERSION - Administered Medicines - adjusted width for Dosage Column, changed Dosage to Frequency (06/24/2016) - as requested by SIH - Discharge Medications (06/24/2016) - Added searching function on Followup doctor, replaced textbox follow up date to date picker - COMPILED: SGH (06/24/2016) * VERSION - Clinical Assessment (MRXUH only) - If XR, US or LB, must get RateB for inpatients (not based on room type) (06/21/2016) - Added entry for Code Blue Log (06/22/2016) - new table tbNurseCodeBlue - new report NurseCodeBlueReport.rpt (per patient and all stations) - enabled for all clients - Added entry for enabling/disabling Code Blue and Level of Care entries (06/23/2016) - COMPILED: MRXUH (06/23/2016) * VERSION - Add date selection on Census by Station/All Stations (06/07/2016) - requested by WCI (enabled for all clients) - Created new form frmDCRInstructionMedicationSheetNew (06/21/2016) - for grid entry of discharge medications - requested by SGH - COMPILED: SGH (06/21/2016) * VERSION - Nurse Notes (SIH) - created setting to lock Nurse shift, not allow change - added option to set nurse shift schedule on a table (station..tbnurseshifts) - COMPILED: SIH (05/04/2016) * VERSION - Viewing of Cardio Results (04/28/2016) - changed validation of protocol - look Protocol field at Cardio..tbHrt_ExamStressTestResult instead selecting protocol to use - also added form types for WCI on discharged patients viewing - COMPILED: WCI (04/28/2016) * VERSION - HAMA entry - Added entry for Reason for HAMA - Fixed control tab index - Added delete log and user validation - Disabled printing of HAMA advice for other clients - Modified table Station..tbNurseHama - added new column ReasonHAMA - New Report: Summary of HAMA - Report Type: 26 - Stored Procedure: Station..HAMAReport - requested by World Citi - Viewing of Cardio Results - set form types and reports for World Citi (04/28/2016) - formats and reports from Nemroud - created new form frmHSExerciseTest for selection of Protocols (Bruce, Kattus, Modified Bruce, Naughton, Neptet) - COMPILED: WCI (04/28/2016) * VERSION - Added additional attending doctors (04/15/2016) - requested by ate Jo - COMPILED: SIH (04/05/2016) * VERSION - Added searching of other clinical exams when requesting (04/04/2016) - requested by Lola Nida for AUFMC - Modification: Attending doctor automatically added to Medical Fees during HBPS entry - requested by Ate Jo - COMPILED: SIH (04/04/2016) * VERSION - Added switch to allow printing of discharge instructions and HCP even if draft (03/17/2016) - Changed zoom level for reports from 100 to 125 (03/27/2016) - New report: Summary of Expired Patients, requested by WCMCI (03/27/2016) - COMPILED: MJSH (03/29/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Discharged patients - viewing of XRAY, ULTRA, CTSCAN, MRI and other results when clicking grid - COMPILED: WCI (02/19/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Post Charges & Receivable Entry (02/16/2016) - packageID not saved when cancelling package - Fix: Post Charges - list of charged items not being refreshed after cancellation (02/16/2016) - COMPILED: WCI (02/16/2016) * VERSION - Code Enhancement: Replaced unnecessary Exit Subs (02/08/2016) - Added option to view exam results and clinical summary of already discharged patients (02/08/2016) - requested by K.Rod for World Citi - Added user settings for the ff functions: (02/08/2016) - Viewing of Discharged Patients' Results / Clinical Summary / Patient Profile (user right:30) - Build file of Home Care Plan (user right:31) - View User Logs (user right:32) - Update Room Status (user right:33) - COMPILED: AUFMC (02/09/2016) * VERSION - Added shifts of nurses in Nurse Notes (02/05/2016) - 7AM-3PM, 3PM-11PM, 11PM-7AM (for SEAMENS only) - requested by SEAMENS thru Sir Mike (01/26/2016) - COMPILED: SEAMENS (02/05/2016) * VERSION - Enabled lowercase when editing RVS/ICD description in HBPS case rate (02/01/2016) - requested by Lola Nida for AUFMC - COMPILED: AUFMC (02/01/2016) * VERSION - Added switch for spell checker (01/21/2016). - currently present in discharge instructions (experimental feature) - Enabled scroll track in mshflexgrids (frmNurseMenu, frmPatientList) (01/27/2016) - applied to Post Charge, Cash Assessment, Assessment Clinical, Receivable Entry (02/01/2016) - to apply to other grids - COMPILED: AUFMC (02/01/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Nurses with one station access can't log in - reported by lola Nida - due to feature with default station setting - COMPILED: AUFMC (01/21/2016) * VERSION 8.0.02 - Fix: Double-charging of package in a single chargeslip (01/18/2016) - Fix: Other revenue requesting allowing duplicate requests for item codes more than 4 characters (01/18/2016) - adjusted maxlength of txtentry from 4 to 10 - COMPILED: AUFMC (01/21/2016) * VERSION - Added switch to disable autouppercase on textboxes in Sending Discharge Order (01/14/2016) - requested by Medical Records of AUFMC, thru Lola Nida - COMPILED: AUFMC (01/18/2016) * VERSION - Added module version in mdi form title bar - COMPILE FOR 8.6 (01/05/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Mouse hover in patient list grid copies forecolor of first row, red cash patients become black if first row is c/o company (VV) (12/11/2015) - reported by k.Rod - COMPILED: WCMCI (12/11/2015) * VERSION - - Clinical Request Entry (frmRequest) - minor code enhancements - added RateG and RateH for XR, LB and US - Minor enhancements in Receivable entry (11/30/2015) - added validation to empty row if department code was changed - frmAccessCode (12/02/2015) - removed "00" departmentcode validation - changed password from "MEDSYS" to "XFACTOR" - Enabled charging of HS exams in Post Charge and Cash Assessment (12/03/2015) - Added printing of ABG Results (WCI- pulmonary) (12/04/2015) - will hide Interpretation frame, will show a View button - switch to enable: EnablePulmoResultPrint (tbNurseSetup) - requested by A.Steph - COMPILED: WCI (12/04/2015) * VERSION - Purged Get_ProgramSettings sub procedure (11/05/2015) - transferred settings to Configuration_files - Added new field Remarks in Reprinting of Lab Request forms (11/26/2015) - requested by Majoy for MRXUH - COMPILED: 11/26/2015 (MRXUH) * VERSION - Added setting to hide columns in patient list grid 11/05/2015 - requested by kuya Rod for WCMC - need to edit sp loading the patient list - COMPILED: 11/05/2015 (WCMC) * VERSION - Removed calls of frmFinal in Post Charges form - New: Auto row highlight on patient list when mouse moved over the grid (10/20/2015) - Reprint Lab Form - resized width of window to fit on 1024 x 768 resolution (10/21/2015) - removed ER Form Icon (10/21/2015) - Added new columns Height and Weight in the patient list (10/21/2015) - requested by WCMCI (K.Rod) - Nurse Notes, resized Past Notes grid (10/22/2015) - Temporarily disabled autosize features on Nurse Notes and Physical Examination tabs (10/22/2015) - Fix: New reports for WCMCI not working inside frmFinal (10/22/2015) - Set connection timeout to 5 seconds (from default 15 seconds) - Diet entry in Admitting Diagnosis now hidden (10/26/2015) - Locked New Diet textbox in New Diet entry so user will be forced to use diet search feature (10/26/2015) - requested by Lorma thry Breniesse (10/21/2015) - COMPILED: LMC (10/26/2015) * VERSION - Fix: Grid numbering when adding new row (10/16/2015) - Fix: Clinical Assessment, textbox entry does not appear when clicking Department column following a row deletion (10/16/2015) - Fix: Ignore All function in Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment, Receivable Entry (10/17/2015) - Transferred Room Transfer notification to the patient list (10/19/2015) - User will no longer click a patient to view list of room transfer requests - Patient list will be refreshed automatically after revoking a room transfer request - Same station room transfer will no longer appear in the notification - COMPILED: WCMCI (10/19/2015) * VERSION - Spelling Check: "Reffering Dr." to "Referring Dr." (10/15/2015) - Removed unnecessary calls to Configuration Files (10/15/2015) - Minor revision on F3 Delete in post charges for the grid numbering (10/16/2015) - COMPILED: WCI (10/16/2015) * VERSION - Post Charge - renamed button "Delete" to "Delete (F3)" (10/14/2015) - user may used F3 to delete an item in the grid - Fix: rumbled numbering in grid after cancelling deletion of row (10/14/2015) - applied update to Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment and Receivable Entry - Added frmReportDate from Visual ER for single date selection (10/15/2015) - Added new reports for WCMCI (10/15/2015) - 24 Hour Census Report - Ward Daily Census - Summary of Trans In and Out Patient per Station - Summary of Admission and Discharge Per Station - COMPILED: WCI (10/15/2015) * VERSION - Fix: "Object doesn't support this property or method" when searching surgeon in OR Scheduling - reported by Kuya Rod - COMPILED: WCI (10/13/2015) * VERSION - Commented agent functions not compatible with some 64 bit OS (10/07/2015) - COMPILED: WCI (10/07/2015) * VERSION - Added setting to enable supervisor access when editing amount in Post Charge (09/28/2015) - requested by Majoy for MJSH - Compiled: MJSH (09/28/2015) * VERSION - Modified supervisor access code - will validate if user has SUPERVISORY RIGHTS (29) - requested by Majoy (09/24/2015) - COMPILED: MJSH (09/28/2015) * VERSION - Receivable Entry (08/20/2015) - added validation of zero stocks - Compiled: SIH (09/09/2015) * VERSION - Fix: Operation Schedule - does not allow saving of operation schedule even if operation was entered - Discharge Order (old format) - added patient name in the Title bar - removed frmfinal references in the frmHBPS form, added a property to set IDNum - previous Medical Fees and Operation info will be retrieved even after discharge order was revoked - added new field in patient_data..tbpatienthistory (HBPSMedicalFees, HBPSOperationDate) - modified stored procedure (Nurse_SendDcrNotice) - Name of Procedure text field will be cleared if clicking No in With Operation - Compiled: ILIGAN (08/19/2015) * VERSION - Fix: Wrong stored procedure name when checking pending request in Room Transfer (08/13/2015) - Added setting of Requiring Height and Weight in patient dashboard (08/14/2015) - Added blinking button notification for paid patients (08/14/2015) - requested by Lorma - Compiled: MRXUH (08/17/2015) * VERSION - Continued integration of reprinting of laboratory request forms (08/13/2015) - Patient name now shown on reprinting window - modified stored procedure STATION..[Get_LaboratoryRequests] - Compiled: MRXUH (08/13/2015) * VERSION - Fix: No room rate for all patients - removed patient type set to R, hard coded - reported by Majoy - Compiled: MRXUH (07/30/2015) * VERSION - Added message alert if no rate set for a room class in Post Charges (07/28/2015) - Started integrating reprinting of laboratory request forms from ER module (07/28/2015) - requested by MRXUH thru Majoy - Clinical Assessment - rate for HS and CT based on room class - requested by MRXUH (07/29/2015) - Compiled: MRXUH (07/29/2015) * VERSION - "SERVER NOT YET OPENED" on all reports when database user is not 'sa' - removed fixed 'sa' user in OpenMainReport and OpenSubreport (06/24/2015) - Added procedure to log module errors in the table tbNurseErrLog (07/04/2015) - Auto Billing Date upon discharge - added condition to set billingdate only if billing date is null (07/04/2015) - If no discharge notice yet or notice data was cancelled, program gets patient diagnosis and procedures from tbpatienthistory (07/06/2015) - Compiled: ILIGAN (07/06/2015) * VERSION - Added validation of requesting doctor S2 license number when requesting regulated drugs - requested by LMC - Compiled: LMC (06/23/2015) * VERSION - Added switch to disable searching of OR procedures when scheduling OR procedures, instead, user will type name of procedure manually - requested by LORMA (Dr. Bautista accdg. to Maam Lai) - Procedure name must not be less than 6 characters - Compiled: LMC (06/11/2015) * VERSION - Post Charges, Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment, Receivable Entry (05/24/2015) - added quantity validation during saving - added additional validation for blank charges - Added feature to disable cancellation of laboratory requests (05/28/2015) - requested by MRXUH thru Majoy - Compiled: MRXUH (05/28/2015) * VERSION - Compiled: Iligan Adventist (05/22/2015) * VERSION - Remarks Entry (05/19/2015) - changed "Remarks (PLS. REFER TO NURSE ON DUTY)" to "Remarks (PLS. CONFIRM TO NURSE ON DUTY)" - as requested by LORMA thru Maam Lailane - Compiled: LORMA (05/19/2015) * VERSION - Module now proceeds to patient list even if no patient confined (04/21/2015) - Added feature to set a station for a computer (04/21/2015) - Fix: wrong user shown in Requested By and Processed By (should not be the logged in user) (04/23/2015) - Changed Get_Configurationfiles from function to sub procedure (04/28/2015) - removed useless call to the procedure to free up query from server (05/08/2015) - Renamed "LIST OF VERIFIED RESULTS" to "Verified Results" - Debugger - added checking of duplicate rows and more than 1 row in sequence tables (05/28/2015) - Clinical Assessment - added validation of duplicate items (05/08/2015) - Renamed Exit to Close - Added user confirmation when closing the following forms - Post Charges, Clinical Assessment, Cash Assessment - Remarks Entry (05/19/2015) - changed remarks to Remarks (PLS. REFER TO NURSE ON DUTY) - as requested by LORMA thru Maam Lailane - Compiled: LORMA (05/19/2015) * VERSION - Adjusted width of "Requested By" and "Processed By" columns in List of Processed requests (requested by Masoy) - Compiled: MRXUH (04/10/2015) * VERSION - Grid for pending requests now being refreshed everytime the user clicks Room Transfer button (04/08/2015) - Added validation of pending requests when saving room transfer (04/08/2015) - Modified function Get_PatientType to still get room classification if no record of patient in Patien_data..tbpatient2 (04/09/2015) - MRXUH had a concern about inpatients having RateA prices for post charges (reported by Kuya Wil) - Compiled: MJSH (04.10.2015) * VERSION - enabled editing on OR Sched time for minutes (03/31/2015) - Compiled: LMC (03/31/2015) * VERSION - Removed Check_LocationID functions from other forms (03/20/2015) - retained one in modGlobal - Schedule Operation - added new items in Schedule Time combo box (On Call AM, On Call PM, Emergency) - disabled typing in the Schedule Time combo box - Save button: user validation now comes after schedule time validation - added user validation when revoking OR schedule request (03/31/2015) - columns in list of schedule request now resizable (03/31/2015) - Deleting an item in the grid will now notify user with the item name - Post Charge, Cash and Clinical Assessment, Receivable Entry, Pharmacy Request, CS Request - Changing the department code of a row (in a charging grid) will now delete the previous item - Post Charge, Cash Assessment and Clinical Asssessment - Compiled: LMC (03/31/2015) * VERSION - Compiled: CDUH (03/09/2015) * VERSION - Fixed: Control array element 57 error when saving Nurse Settings - frmControlPanel - Compiled: MRXUH (03/03/2015) * VERSION - Added option to limit number of items on assessment entries (02/27/2015) - Trapped error when isAllowShowNewResult not yet added in tbnursing_settings - Reenabled F5 function (Next Patient) - Replaced Str functions with CStr (clsLaboratoryTabularFormat) - Compiled: AUFMC (03/03/2015) * VERSION - Compiled: MRXUH testing kuya wilmer (02.26.2015) * VERSION - Added switch to enable result/disposition entry by dropdown boxes or by radio buttons - radio buttons by default - requested by Majoy - Mod: If patient for discharge is already billed, color coding must be BLUE - Compiled: 02/25/2015 (for Majoy testing) * VERSION - Added switch to enable For Discharge Patient color coding, color green (ShowForDischargeColor) - Added switch to enable Expired Patient color coding, color violet (ShowDiedPatientColor) - Added switch to disable entry of result/disposition, not discharge (NurseResultDispositionOnly) - Replaced row color of even records in patient list to a lighter shade of blue - Made bold the header font of patient list grid - Compiled: 02/24/2014 (for Majoy testing) * VERSION - Modified duplicate validation again (02.23.2015) - Compiled: SIH (02/23/2015) * VERSION - Added User Log by User (02.13.2015) - Compiled: SIH (02/23/2015) * VERSION - Added AccountNumII on patient's account (02.06.2015) - requested by Kuya Rod for DCMCI - Compiled: DCMCI (02.06.2015) for testing before porting feature to other modules - Compiled: DCMCI (02.06.2015) * VERSION - Set CSR Entry form as non-sizable - Added switch to include item description when searching supplies(02.04.2015) - Added switch to include drug description when searching medicines (02.04.2015) - Compiled: MRXUH (02.05.2015) * VERSION - Home Care Plan enhancements - Renamed Products to Home Care Plan Templates (frmSearchHCP) - Resized grid columns on searching HCP templates - Fixed: Truncated descriptions, treatments and other length fields - retrieve fields and save them to string variables then to text fields instead of getting from mshflexgrid (with cell limit) - Fixed: Template searching not working for AUFMC - Enhanced and enabled build file for HCP templates - Added user validation on saving HCP for non-AUFMC clients - Renamed Exit button to Close on Discharge Instructions tab - CLEARANCE Details during OR Schedule requesting - unlock textboxes regardless of what radio button was selected (frmOthers) - requested by Majoy for MRXUH (01/21/2015) * VERSION - Minor enhancement on Ht. and Wt. validation - removed duplicate switch - Added Discharge Summary validation on Discharge Order (Case Rate) - Compiled: AUFMC (12.08.2014) * VERSION - Drug Consumption Report (12.04.2014) - added station for report filter - Compiled: SEAMENS (12/04.2014) * VERSION - Drug Consumption Report (12.03.2014) - hard coded location IDs for stations - Compiled: SEAMENS (12/04.2014) * VERSION - Drug Consumption Report, renamed to Drug/Supplies Consumption Report - modified as per location,added CSSR consumption report - new report ConsumptionReport.rpt, new stored procedure NurseConsumptionReport * VERSION - Added request form printing for Central Supplies request (12.03.2014) - shared frmPharmacyRequest with PH and CS revenues - Compiled: MRXUH (12.03.2014) * VERSION - Fix: Package ID on post charge not saved in tbbilldailybill, tbbillopdaiyout, tbinvstockcard and tbnurselogbook (12.01.2014) - reported by Kuya Wil - NOTE: packageid for supplies/meds not yet saved in tbnurselogbook but is being saved in tbinvstockcard - Compiled: SIH (12.01.2014) * VERSION - Added User Logs - WIP (11.25.2014) - New Feature: added setting to disable requesting after sending final discharge notice (even if not yet cleared by the department) (11.28.2014)) - Added user right validation in F6 and F7 shortcuts for CS and PH request entries - Compiled (11.29.2014): CDUH *VERSION - Compile: AUFMC (11.25.2014) *VERSION - Added switch to enable Inventory Monitoring (from Seamens) (11.22.2014) - also requested by AUFMC - Fix: validation of duplicate codes in Post Charge, duplicate message appears even if no duplicate items - encountered by SIH - Compile: SIH (11.24.2014) *VERSION - Added locationID validation when getting revenue codes for inventory monitoring report (11.19.2014) - Added missing reports in debugger (11.20.2014) - Fix: Error on focus quantity textbox when saving with empty quantity (11.20.2014) - Fix: Function of close button on Room transfer (by date) - Compile: CDUH (11.20.2014) *VERSION - Copied form design of Pharmacy and CSR entries from Brokenshire - Set Pharmacy menu form border style to fixed dialog - Renamed Pharmacy Request Entry to Pharmacy Menu - Renamed Charge Request Entry to Request Entry - New Feature: Printing/Reprinting of Pharmacy Request Form (PHCSRequest.rpt) - With tagging to enable/disable feature (disabled by default) (11.14.2014) - requested by Majoy, request form will be printed on a network printer located in pharmacy department - Compiled beta version for review - Commented Help file code on loading Patient Dashboard - Removed F5 shortcut to close Patient dashboard - Fix: Keypress event trigged on patient dashboard while still loading * VERSION - Resolution-independent feature update: - Print Physical Exam button - Course Ward Entry - Hand cursor for link image controls inside Nurse Activity tab - Reactivated feature to maximize/minimize Processed/Pending/With Result request grids (just click grid title) - Click Refresh to reset arrangement of grids - Fix: Nurse Activity grid better grid selection and highlight - Lighter grid highlight on patient list - Compile: SEAMENS (11.13.2011), fix on WINDOWS 7 SP1 Class automation error * VERSION - Bugfix: "Invalid use of null" on the fields of Home Care Plan - Bugfix: "Invalid use of null" on MedicalFees (tbnursedischargenotice) - Bugfix: "Invalid use of null" on Check holiday function - Error Traps: - Saving of Settings - Transaction Log: - Saving of Settings - Adjusted width of Room Status to remove grid's horizontal scrollbar - Removed dead controls/variables - Debugger: - Added checking of sequence tables if empty - Hide it from File Menu, added shortcut Ctrl + F9 instead - Bold Font: Send Discharge Order to Billing button - Bold Font, Font Color: Patient Account, font color to RED (requested by Kuya Rod for Dasma) - Disabled PHIC one day validation on discharge window (old/new discharge) - New Reports (Seamens) : Drug Consumption Report, Inventory Monitoring (11.12.2014) - Compile: SEAMENS (11.12.2014) * Version - Print SOA, must get Account no. not from tbmaster but from tbpatient - Added additional settings on Control Panel - Crystal Report Viewer Mod - disabled Select Expert, Search Expert, Refresh button - Fix: No print button on patient list first load - Set forms as movable - Room Transfer - Fix: Room transfer and Clinical Assessment validation bypass on loading patient info - OR Schedule request status - grid list is now shown even if no requests available - Station list: Auto highlight row on mouseover - Patient Profile Mods - renamed tab name: Other Exams to Review of Systems - renamed chekbox: Frequent Sore Throat to Sore Throat (underEar/Nose/Throat) - New Entries: Head Review, Other systems review (new table fields) - Removed unneeded control (for reaching form control limit) - removed tmrSoundAlarm control and timer event - Compile: for CARITAS (11102014) * Version (10202014) - Added PHIC one day validation on sending discharge order - requested by Kuya Rodney for LMC * Version (10162014) - Additional fields for patient profile (need to run scripts) - requested by Kuya JM - refresh fields on save button * Version (10092014) - Minor change on disabling room transfer, will notify user after clicking Room Transfer button, will not load form * Version (10082014) - Fixed bug when requesting clinical procedures if patient has special type, or room classifcation is F - Pharmacy Request entry - added validation of Dosage during saving, will not proceed if blank - Minor fix on Discharge Order for "invalid use of null" if doctor ID not existing in doctor build file - Added setting to disable room transfer in nurse station * Version (09292014) - Bug fix: Some patients' room rates are set to 0 if user did not hit Enter after typing new room number during Room Transfer - this will fix 0 amounts in room charges (RA) - Set selection of grid on stop medicines by row (not by cell) * Version (09232014) - Code Enhancements * ADMINISTERED MEDS - removed Details tab (not being used) - added error trap on printing medication sheet * Replaced EDP department as IT department (department is redundant) - Fixed issue on RT, PT, Neuro, Heart, Audio exam entry where reason is being required after adding imaging requests (XR, CT, MRI, US) - added error traps on printing reports (frmfinal) - added entry for remarks on administered medicines - need to run update scripts * Version - added confirmation message when refreshing Patient Profile - disabled admitting impression entry, changed label from Impression to Admitting Impression - minor Patient profile code enhancements - retrieve admitting diagnosis, chief complaints on refresh button - added entry for other past history for patient * Version (09092014) - Changed notification message on error traps for printing reports (patient list) - Added Patient Account in frmfinal (requested by Majoy) * Version (09042014) - added trap for subscript out of range on Nurse station menu doubleclick for some windows 7 units * Version (09032014) - Fixed precaution error on clients with precaution fields yet (tboutpatienthistory, tbpatienthistory) * Version - Removed user validation on Administered Meds save button, moved user validation outside when patient clicks Administered Medicines button - was modified as requested by Majoy (suggested by Kuya Wilmer) - to make encoding of administered meds for nurses (when there are multiple meds) * Version (0902014) - Disabled change of diet and room transfer if patient already billed - Disabled alpha characters in Unit Price column (Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment, Post Charges) - Add switch for disabling all transactions if no height/weight or admitting diagnosis (previously made only for AUFMC) - Fixed checkboxes on Patient Profile being enabled on load even if Edit button not clicked - set Edit button to disable after click, then enable after save - Fixed missing Refresh button in Nurse Activity Request tab * Version (08252014) - Added precautions for patient (AUF) - Added tagging of case rates on sending discharge order * Version (08212014) - added laboratory result form templates for DCMCI * Version - Added printing of Physical Examination Summary (requested by CARITAS) * Version - Added laboratory result templates for DCMCI (Microscopic, Microbiology, Chemistry, Immunoserology, Hematology) * Version - added validation of discharge summary before sending discharge order - nurse will not be able to send discharge order unless discharge instruction/medication sheet is completed - was requested by AUFMC - added report List of Procedures and Supplies * Version - enabled up and down arrows, disabled and home and end keys (Post Charge, Cash Assessment and Clinical Assessment) - removed messagebox notification on revoke assessments - added option check boxes for physical examinations (requested by CARITAS) * Version - disabled up and down arrows in Post Charge, Cash Assessment and Clinical Assessment * Version - Minor enhancements on charging grids (Post Charge, Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment) - Fixed stucked textbox on Quantity column when charging MD revenue (reported by Majoy) - Fixed problem on unchanging price of MD after charging PSI Oxygen * Version - Fixed grid of assessments that can't be selected on first entries (Clinical Assessment/Cash Assessment) - Lots of bug fixes