
How to Search a Patient

How to Request Laboratory Exam

How to Request X-ray Exam

How to Request Ultrasound Exam

How to Request CT-SCAN Procedures

How to Request Heart Station Procedures

How to Request MRI Procedures

How to Request Pulmonary Medicine Procedures

How to Request Rehabilitation Medicine Procedures

How to Request Medicine

How to Request Supplies

How to Request Patient’s Diet

How to Transfer a Patient

How to Confirm Room Transfer

How to View List of Newly Admitted Patient

How to Send Discharge Notice

How to Stop Medicines

How to Discharge a Patient

How to Enter Administered Medicines

How to Enter Admitting Diagnosis and Chief Complaint

How to Enter Height and Weight

How to Enter Charges of Inpatient

How to Enter Charges of Cash-Basis Patient

How to Cancel an Item that is already PAID

How to View Nurses Activity Request

How to View Laboratory Exam Result

How to View X-ray Exam Result

How to View Ultrasound Exam Result

How to View Heart Station Exam Result

How to View C.T. Scan Exam Result

How to Enter Vital Signs

How to Enter Nurses Notes

How to View Patient's Profile

How to Enter/Co-Manage Additional Doctors

How to View Clinical Summary

How to Schedule Operation

How to View Reports