Welcome to Visual SlickEdit VISUAL SLICKEDIT SUPPORT * Download the latest patches from our web site at http://www.slickedit.com/support/ * Technical support can be reached: by email at support@slickedit.com or by phone at +1 919.303.7400 or by fax at +1 919.303.8400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENTS FOR VERSION 5.0B See slickc.doc for information on Slick-C enhancements. * Context Tagging(TM) Enhancements - Added Context Tagging for HTML, COBOL, OO COBOL, Ada, Delphi, PHP. - Auto function help now displays function comments. - Javadoc comments displayed in built-in HTML browser, so your comments look really good. - Hypertext link support for javadoc comments. - Auto list members supports viewing comments for symbols with the same name. - Improved stripping comment characters and retrieval of all comments. - C style preprocessing for Java (for Visual J++ support). * Java package support now includes creating Jar files and generating javadoc. * HTML Beautifier * Print Preview * References and symbol uses support for Java, C/C++, COBOL, Slick-C, Ada, Delphi, PHP, and InstallScript. * Javadoc Editor. Supports Java, C, C++, and Slick-C. * ISPF emulation * Printing Schemes * Seamlessly open a Visual C++ workspace * Emulation for Visual C++ * Relative workspace and project files. This allows you to relocate your workspace, project, and source files. * Go to definition dialog now supports non-prefix matching. In addition, when prefix matching is off, your search string may be a regular expression. * Multi-file diff now supports excluding directories. * Multi-file difference dialog supports selecting and operating on multiple files. * Smarter differencing. The most notable improvement is smarter handling of braces which makes merging changes much easier for languages with braces. * Large toolbars including the Project, Output, and FTP Client toolbars, now have a Close button. * Auto reload now has an option to diff the files. * Enhanced project management - Workspaces with multiple projects may be defined. Workspaces allow for projects to be shared between other workspaces. In addition, dependencies may be defined between projects in a single workspace allowing a more sophisticated build process. * Enhanced FTP Support - Recursive FTP directory operations: Upload, download, delete - More hosts supported: OS/400, VM, VOS, Windows NT, OS/2, MVS, VMS, Netware, MacOS. * Support for projects with multiple language files types. For example, Context Tagging works when you can have C/C++ and assembly source files in the same workspace. * Associate File Types dialog now displays current associations and supports unassociating file types. * New HTML Toolbar * New Tagging toolbar * Procs Tab enhanced to show hierarchy/scope of symbols. * Language support for the mainframe languages PL/I, JCL, and OS/390 Assembler. * Language support for IDL including tagging and color coding. * Tag files now support more than 65000 files. Now the Windows NT development team (that uses Visual SlickEdit) can build one tag file for all of Windows NT instead of building multiple tag files. * Tag files are 10% smaller in size and build slightly faster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Enhancements Since 1.0 * Context Tagging (TM) for C++, Java, COBOL, JavaScript, Perl, InstallScript, PV-WAVE, and Slick-C. Auto List Members, Auto Function Help, and context tag navigation. See on-line help under Context Tagging(TM) for detailed information. * DIFFzilla(TM). The ultimate in multi-file differencing: - View differences between source trees. - Dynamic Difference Editing (TM) - intra-line differences color coded even as you type. - Generate file lists. - Automatic directory mapping. - Save/restore multi-file results. - Dialog box history (wildcards, paths, file specs). * Windows: Support for Rational Rose. Run our new "roseinst.exe" executable located in the vslick\win directory. This utility program registers Visual SlickEdit as the editor to be used by Rational Rose. * Complete FTP support. Our FTP support includes a complete FTP client and the ability to easily open and edit FTP files. * Source reference browsing for Java and Microsoft VC++. * User definable preprocessing for C++ symbol tagging. For example, the following can easily be corrected by defining global preprocessing and retagging your files. COMMON unsigned char gapp_has_focus INIT_TO(1); Just add #define COMMON #define INIT_TO(e) =e to your global preprocessing. The following can be corrected too: #define proto(x,y) x y void proto(myproc,(int arg1,int arg2)); * New javamake command for compiling all java files in a project which checks all dependencies. * More support for PL/SQL including SmartPaste(TM), syntax expansion, syntax indenting, auto keyword casing, procedure tagging, selective display of functions, and improved color coding. * More support for Transact SQL (SQL Server) including syntax expansion, syntax indenting, auto keyword casing, procedure tagging, selective display of functions, and improved color coding. * Support for PV-WAVE language including Context Tagging(TM), SmartPaste(TM), syntax expansion, syntax indenting, auto keyword casing, procedure tagging, selective display of functions, and improved color coding. NOTE: Press Alt+Dot when inside PV-WAVE procedure or function to get a list of the keywords. * Additional support for Tornado. New tornado package, quick access to Tornado API help, and icon for Visual SlickEdit which appears on the Tornado toolbar. * GNU EMACS emulation. * Support for InstallScript (InstallShield's macro language) including Context Tagging(TM), SmartPaste(TM), syntax expansion, syntax indenting, procedure tagging, selective display of functions, and color coding. * New "Preserve case" option when performing a search and replace. * Smart editing for embedded languages. Context Tagging (TM), SmartPaste(TM), syntax expansion, syntax indenting, and all our other goodies now work for embedded languages. * More support for JavaScript including Context Tagging (TM) and SmartPaste(TM). * New flat button toolbar look. * Version control enhanced. Support for SCC. New Auto check-out on edit option. * Hexadecimal printing. * Printing of selective display. * The Procs Tab now supports listing all symbol types. You can choose which symbol types you want to display. * OLE Drag & Drop text between windows or applications. * Class Browser Tag Properties dialog is now a sizable dockable toolbar. * The Class Browser inheritance tree is now sizable. * Dynamic tagging. Automatically updates project tag files and global tag files. Tracks current function, functions/methods in current file, and tag symbols for word at cursor. * Class Browser. Displays class members, optionally shows inherited accessible members, views inheritance, searches for members, and more. Supports non-object oriented languages. * C/C++/Java code beautifier. * Diff Editor. Compares two files, color coding differences, and lets you edit without exiting diff mode. * Customizable dockable toolbars. Project toolbar with tabs for Class Browser, tags in file, file open, and project files. Output toolbar with tabs for tag symbol tracking, multi-file search output, and compilation output. * 3-Way Merge Editing. Automatically merges two revision files with a base file. Collisions are color coded and you can interactively add changes to the output file without exiting 3-Way Merge mode. * Hex editing * Associate Makefile support for VC++ 4.x, 5.0, and 6.0. Once a makefile is associated to a Visual SlickEdit project, you only need to update the files in your VC++ makefile to update your Visual SlickEdit project files. * Much improved SmartPaste for character selections. * Embedded Language Color Coding. Embedded JavaScript and VBScript in HTML are color coded. In addition, "here documents" in UNIX Shell/Perl scripts are color coded. To color code embedded source in a UNIX Shell/Perl script, just prefix your here document terminator with our color coding lexer name. Example of a "here document" in Perl, where 'HTMLEOF' is the terminator: print <... ... HTMLEOF Cool huh?! Unknown languages are color coded in string color. Embedded language colors are user-definable. * Tagging now handles 10,000 files and more. Tagging has been tested on 4 gigabytes of source code. Tag an entire OS of source code. * Smart HTML Color Coding. Color codes attributes on a per-tag basis in a user-definable attribute color. * You can now dynamically add tools to the Project menu by using the Project Properties dialog. For example, if you want to add "Resource Editor" to the Project menu, just Press the "New Tool..." button on the Tools tab of the Project Properties dialog box ("Project", "Properties...") and enter the command line. * Bold/italic color coding. * Bold/italic printing. * Nested selective display. * Save/restore selective display and/or line modify. * Select Code Block now supports HTML ... pairs. * Smart HTML spell checking. Ignores tags and attributes which don't need checking. Spell checks comments and strings for embedded languages like JavaScript and VBScript. * Multi-file spell checking. * Much improved multi-file searching. * Improved List All Occurrences searching. Consistent with multi-file find, modeless, and next/prev commands. * Small configurable left margin when not in selective display mode. * Optional Brief syntax regular expressions. * Special character display. * Windows only: Microsoft IntelliMouse(TM) support. (32-bit only). * Windows only: Context menu key support. * Less space for command line and improved status line. * Configuration dialog simplified by configuration menu and tabbed dialogs. * API Apprentice * Word completion * Long line support. * Help Indexer supports Windows help 4.0 files and Visual C++ .mvb files. * Lots of Java support. SmartPaste, code beautifying, code block operations, Tagging, syntax expansion/indenting, and color coding. * Mouse support for copy and move to cursor Ctrl+Shift+RButton and Ctrl+Rbutton respectively. Even between files. * Search and replace across line boundaries. * Selective display. Superb preprocessing for C++. Display function headings, lines with/without search string, collapse the current code block, or collapse all comments. * Rexx, perl, awk support. Rexx support recognizes when you type /* on first line of .cmd file. * Color Coding Editor * Color schemes. Change all your colors by selecting a scheme. Define your own color schemes. * Extension specific aliases support completion and are invoked on space bar. Extension specific aliases can be defined which override macro driven syntax expansion. * Powerful select code block command. Invoke multiple times to select larger code blocks. * Right button mouse menu has a current-function command which tells you what function you are editing. * next-proc and prev-proc commands allow quickly cursor to your next and previous function definitions. * Color Printing * Project files search and replace. * Optional UNIX syntax Regular expression. * Regular expressions now support back references and ranges of occurrences. * Multi-file/buffer printing. * New commands on "Edit" menu for converting tabs to spaces and spaces to tabs. * Seek dialog supports a mathematical expression. * Macro language enhanced to support dynamically growing arrays and hash tables, structures, unions, pointers, pointers to functions, and simple types, in C++ syntax. * No limit on number of tab stops. * History editor. Delete menu items from file menu and project menu. * Drag Drop within a single edit window. * SmartPaste for C++, Slick-C, Delphi, Java, AWK, Perl, Pascal. * Auto-restore for multiple desktops. * (Windows only) help index file creation. Allows you to build an index for multiple help files. * Color Coding * VI emulation * Version Control support for PVCS, TLIB, Source Safe, and Delta. * AutoSave * Project Management supports auto-restore and specifying files for project. * Menu Editor * Automatic rebinding of menu bar key binding display. * Optional auto-restore of concurrent process buffer. * Smarter syntax expansion and brace matching. Visual SlickEdit now understands the difference between comments, strings, and normal text. * Spell Check can be limited to comments and strings. * Find File on Open dialog box supports list files containing a particular string. * Link Window dialog box supports open files from disk and starting concurrent process buffer. * Compare macro automatically sets up your windows for comparing files. * Multi-File Find displays modeless dialog box which list occurrences as well as files. * File menu displays recently opened files.