#ifndef VS_TAGSDB_H #define VS_TAGSDB_H #include #include #include /* Maximum Storage requirements for different string types. If you don't use these constants, you risk overwriting memory bounds when you retrieve data using vsTagGetDetail* or vsTagGetTagInfo, etc. */ #define VS_TAG_MAX_WORDNAME 4096 #define VS_TAG_MAX_SIGNATURE 2048 #define VS_TAG_MAX_TAGNAME 255 #define VS_TAG_MAX_FILENAME 1024 #define VS_TAG_MAX_FILEEXT 255 #define VS_TAG_MAX_CLASSNAME 1024 #define VS_TAG_MAX_TYPENAME 64 #define VS_TAG_MAX_MATCHES 128 #define VS_TAG_MAX_INSTANCES 1000 #define VS_TAG_MAX_OCCURRENCES 1600 /** Retrieve the date of tagging for the given file. The string returned by this function is structured such that consecutive dates are ordered lexicographically, and is reported in local time coordinates (YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm). This function has the side effect of positioning the file iterator on the given file name, and may be used to test for the existence of a file in the database. @param pszFilename File path of source file to retrieve tagging date for. @param pszDate (20 bytes, optional) Modification date of file when tagged. Format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms) @param pszIncludedBy File path of source file which includes pszFilename @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if the file is not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetDate(const char *pszFilename, char *pszDate VSDEFAULT(0),const char *pszIncludedBy VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Set the date of tagging for the given file. If the date is not specified, use the file modification time found on disk. This function has the side effect of positioning the file iterator on the given file name. @param pszFilename File path of source file to setting tagging date for. @param pszDate (20 bytes, optional) Modification date of file when tagged. Format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms) @param file_type Type of file to search for, source vs. reference @param pszIncludedBy File path of source file which includes pszFilename Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if the file is not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagSetDate(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszDate VSDEFAULT(0), int file_type VSDEFAULT(0), const char *pszIncludedBy VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve the p_extension property for the given file. This function has the side effect of positioning the file iterator on the given file name, and may be used to test for the existence of a file in the database. @param pszFilename File path of source file to retrieve tagging date for. @param pszExtension (256 bytes, optional) Set to extension property for file @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if the file is not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetExtension(const char *pszFilename, char *pszExtension VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve the name of the first file included in this tag database, or optionally, the name of a specific file, either to check if the file is in the database or to position the file iterator at a specific point. Files are ordered lexicographically, case-sensitive on UNIX platforms, case insensitive on DOS/OS2/Windows platforms. @param pszFilename (Output, 1024 bytes) File name as stored in database. Allocate VS_TAG_MAX_FILENAME characters. @param pszPrefix (Optional) File name/path prefix to search for. Ignored if find_first==0 @param find_first (Optional) Find first match or next natch? @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindFile(char *pszFilename,const char *pszPrefix VSDEFAULT(0), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Open an existing database for read-only or read-write access. The database type (tags, references) is automatically detected. BSC files can not be opened read-write, use tag_read_db instead. @param pszFilename File path of database to open. @param read_only (default true) open the database for read access @return database handle >= 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagOpenDB(const char *pszFilename, int read_only VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Create a tags database, with standard tables, index, and types. @param pszFilename File path where to create new database. If the file already exists, it will be truncated. @return database handle >= 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagCreateDB(const char *pszFilename); /** Close the current database. @param pszFilename (optional) File path of database to close. @param leave_open (optional) If true, do not really close the file, instead flush the buffer if open read-write, then leave the file open read-only. @return database handle >= 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagCloseDB(const char *pszFilename VSDEFAULT(0), int leave_open VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retag the given file, using the given extension-specific parser. @param pszFilename Name/Path to source file to tag @param pszExt File extension to use for tagging this source code @param reserved future expansion @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagRetagFile(const char *pszFilename,const char *pszExt VSDEFAULT(0),int reserved VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Set up for inserting a series of tags from a single file for update. Doing this allows the tag database engine to detect and handle updates more effeciently, even in the presence of duplicates. @param file_name full path of file the tags are located in @return 0 on success, <0 on error.int VSAPI */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagInsertFileStart(const char *file_name); /** Clean up after inserting a series of tags from a single file for update. Doing this allows the tag database engine to remove any tags from the database that are no longer valid. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagInsertFileEnd(); /** API function for inserting a tag entry with supporting info @param tag_name name of entry @param tag_type type of tag, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) @param file_name path to file that is located in @param line_no line number that tag is positioned on @param class_name name of class that tag belongs to @param tag_flags tag attributes (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) @param signature arguments and return type @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagInsertTag(const char *tag_name, const char *tag_type, const char *file_name, int line_no, const char *class_name, int tag_flags, const char *signature); /** Update the tags in the current context if necessary. The context needs to be updated if we switch buffers, or if it is modified. @return 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagUpdateContext(); /** Update the list of local variables found in the current function, if necessary. The locals need to be updated if the cursor moves or if the buffer is modified, or if we switch buffers. @return 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagUpdateLocals(int list_all VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Remove all tags or references from the given source file. This is an effective, but costly way to perform an incremental update of the database. First remove all items associated with that file, then insert them again. @param pszFilename File path of source file to remove from tag file. @param RemoveFile If true, remove file_name from the tag database completely, not just the tags in that file. Default is false. @return 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagRemoveFromFile(const char *pszFilename,int RemoveFile VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Find the first tag in the given file. Tags are returned unsorted. Use vsTagGetTagInfo to extract the details about the tag. @param pszFilename File name as stored in database. @param find_first find first match or next match @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindInFile(const char *pszFilename, int find_first VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Retrieve tag in the given file closest to the given line number. Use vsTagGetTagInfo to extract the details about the tag. @param pszTagName Name of tag to search for. @param pszFilename Full path to file containing tag. @param line_no Line that tag is expected to be at or near. @param case_sensitive case sensitive tag name comparison? @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindClosest(const char *pszTagName, const char *pszFilename, int line_no, int case_sensitive VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve the first tag with the given tag name or tag name prefix. Use vsTagGetTagInfo to extract the details about the tag. @param pszTagName Name of tag to search for. @param pszClassName (optional) class name to search for tag_name having @param exact_match (optional) exact match or prefix match of pszTagName @param case_sensitive (optional) default search is case-insensitive. @param find_first (optional) find first match, or next match @param skip_duplicates (optional) skip duplicate tags @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindEqual(const char *pszTagName, const char *pszClassName VSDEFAULT(0), int exact_match VSDEFAULT(1), int case_sensitive VSDEFAULT(1), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1), int skip_duplicates VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve the first tag included in this tag database with global scope that is one of the given type (type_id) and that matches the given tag flag mask ((mask & tag_flags) != 0) == non_zero. Use vsTagGetInfo and/or vsTagGetDetail to extract the details about the tag. @param type_id Type id (VS_TAGTYPE_*) If (type_id<0), returns tags with any user defined tag types. @param mask Tag attribute flags set (VS_TAGFLAG_*). The intersection of this set of flags and those for each tag found (tag_flags) will be calculated. @param nzero Accept tag if (mask & tag_flags) is non-zero @param find_first find first match or next match @return 0 on success, < 0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found. @example find the first inline global function.
       vsTagFindGlobalOfType(VS_TAGTYPE_function, VS_TAGFLAG_inline, 1);
*/ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindGlobal(int type_id, int mask VSDEFAULT(0), int nzero VSDEFAULT(0), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Starting with the currently selected tag, compare the tag name with the given regular expression. @param pszTagRegex regular expression to search for tags matching @param pszSearchOptions search options, passed to vsStrPos() @param find_first find first match or next match @return 0 if a match is found, <0 on error or not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindRegex(const char *pszTagRegex, const char *pszSearchOptions VSDEFAULT(0), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Find the first tag with the given, name, type and class. @param pszTagName tag name to find, exact match @param type_id tag type to search for tag_name having (VS_TAGTYPE_*) @param pszClassName class name to search for tag_name having @param find_first find first match, or next match @param signature function signature, ignored if no match found @return 0 on success, <0 on error or not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindTag(const char *pszTagName, int type_id, const char *pszClassName VSDEFAULT(0), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1), const char *signature VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Return the first class name in the database, matching 'search_class', normalize the class name if necessary (find the class/package scope that this class belongs to). If (normalize==1) attempt to normalize the class name, finding a package scope that this class could belong to. @param pszClassName (output) output buffer for full class name (1024 bytes) Allocate VS_TAG_MAX_CLASSNAME characters @param pszSearch (optional) name of class to look for, can be NULL @param normalize attempt to normalize class name found? @param case_sensitive case sensitive search? @param find_first find first match or next match @param cur_class_name name of current class context @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindClass(char *pszClassName, const char *pszSearch VSDEFAULT(0), int normalize VSDEFAULT(0), int case_sensitive VSDEFAULT(1), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1), const char *cur_class_name VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve the first tag included in this tag database which belongs to the given class name, and if specified, comes from the given file. Use vsTagGetInfo and/or vsTagGetDetail to extract the details about the tag. @param pszClassName Class name to search for members of @param pszFilename (optional), tag must come from this file name @param find_first find first match or next match @return 0 on success, <0 on error, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindMember(const char *pszClassName, const char *pszFilename VSDEFAULT(0), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Return the list of parents for the given class name. The parents are returned as an array of null-terminated character strings. This function has the side effect of positioning the class iterator on the given class. Since tagging usually cannot resolve the scope of parent classes, you will normally have to use this in conjunction with vsTagFindClass to get the qualified name for the parent class. @param pszClassName Qualified name of class or interface to update inheritance information for. See VS_TAGSEPARATOR_class and VS_TAGSEPARATOR_package for details on constructing this string. @return 0 on failure, otherwise it returns the list of parent classes. Note that the list returned is allocated statically, and NULL terminated. */ EXTERN_C const char ** VSAPI vsTagGetClassParents(const char *pszClassName); /** Create a caption for the tag, given the following tag information and specifications about the caption style. The output string is generally formatted as follows:
     member_name[()]  [class_name::member_name[(arguments)]
Parenthesis are added only for function types (proc, proto, constr, destr, func) and parameterized classes. The result is returned as a pointer to a static character array. Example: for the C++ class member prototype
       static void MyClass::myMember(int a, bool x);
the function would be invoked as follows:
       tag_tree_make_caption(myMember, func, MyClass,
           VS_TAGFLAG_static, int a, bool x, include_tab);
producing the following caption if include_tab is true:
       myMember()MyClass::myMember(int a, bool x)
and the following if include_tab is false.
       MyClass::myMember(int a, bool x)
Caption formatted in standard form as normally presented in class browser. @param pszTagName Name of tag (symbol). @param pszTypeName Tag type, corresponding to VS_TAGTYPE_* @param pszClassName (Optional) Name of class or package or other container that the tag belongs to. See VS_TAGSEPARATOR_class and VS_TAGSEPARATOR_package for more details about constructing this value. If the tag is not in a class scope, simple pass the empty string for this value. @param tag_flags Set of tag attribute flags, VS_TAGFLAG_*. @param pszArguments (Optional) Arguments, such as function or template class parameters. @param include_tab If 0, does not create separate tab for details. @param file_name Path to tag, this is needed for packages @return Returns the resulting tree caption as a NULL terminated string. Note the result is returned is a statically allocated string. */ EXTERN_C const char * VSAPI vsTagMakeCaption(const char *pszTagName, const char *pszTypeName, const char *pszClassName, int tag_flags, const char *pszArguments VSDEFAULT(0), int include_tab VSDEFAULT(0), const char *file_name VSDEFAULT(0)); /** * Simple to use, but very fast entry point for selecting the bitmap * to be displayed in the tree control corresponding to the given * tag information. You must call tag_tree_prepare_expand() prior to * calling this function. * * @param filter_flags_1 first part of class browser filter flags * @param filter_flags_2 second part of class browser filter flags * @param type_name tag type name * @param class_name tag class name, just checked for null/empty * @param tag_flags tag flags, bitset of VS_TAGFLAG_* * @param leaf_flag (reference) -1 implies leaf item, 0 or 1 container * @param pic_member (reference) set to picture index of bitmap * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error, >0 if filtered out. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetBitmap(int filter_flags_1, int filter_flags_2, const char *type_name, const char *class_name, int tag_flags, int VSREF(leaf_flag), int VSREF(pic_member)); /** Retrieve general information about the current tag (as defined by calls to vsTagFindGlobal or vsTagFindMember. If the current tag is not defined, such as immediately after opening a database or a failed search), all strings will be set to "", and line_no and tag_flags will be set to 0. Any of the string arguments, except pszTagName, may be passed as 0, and then will not be retrieved. @param pszTagName (Output, required) Name of tag or symbol @param pszTypeName (Output, optional) Tag type name, see tag_get_type. @param tag_flags (Output) Tag flags indicating symbol attributes, VS_TAGFLAG_* @param pszFilename (Output, optional) File name as stored in database. @param line_no (Output) Line number that tag occurs on in file_name. @param pszClassName (Output, optional) Name of class that tag belongs to. @param pszReturnType (Output, optional) Declared type/value of symbol or function @param pszArguments (Output, optional) Function/Macro arguments. @param pszExceptions (Output, optional) Exceptions thrown or other function details @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetTagInfo(char *pszTagName, char *pszTypeName, int VSREF(tag_flags), char *pszFilename, int VSREF(line_no), char *pszClassName VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszReturnType VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszArguments VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszExceptions VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve general information about the given tag in the current context. If the context is not loaded, all strings will be set to "", and integers will be set to 0. Any of the string arguments, except pszTagName, may be passed as 0, and then will not be retrieved. @param context_id Unique ID of context item, 1..num_of_context @param pszTagName (Output, required) Name of tag or symbol @param pszTypeName (Output, optional) Tag type name, see tag_get_type. @param tag_flags (Output) Tag flags indicating symbol attributes, VS_TAGFLAG_* @param pszFilename (Output, optional) File name as stored in database. @param start_line_no (Output) Line number that tag occurs on in file_name. @param start_seekpos (Output) Seek position where the tag begin in file_name. @param scope_line_no (Output) Line number that tag scope begins, eg. function scope @param scope_seekpos (Output) Seek position where the tag scope begins. @param end_line_no (Output) Line number that tag ends on in file_name. @param end_seekpos (Output) Seek position where the tag ends in file_name. @param pszClassName (Output, optional) Name of class that tag belongs to. @param pszReturnType (Output, optional) Declared type/value of symbol or function @param pszArguments (Output, optional) Function/Macro arguments. @param pszExceptions (Output, optional) Exceptions thrown or other function details @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetContextInfo(int context_id, char *pszTagName, char *pszTypeName, int VSREF(tag_flags), char *pszFilename, int VSREF(start_line_no), int VSREF(start_seekpos), int VSREF(scope_line_no), int VSREF(scope_seekpos), int VSREF(end_line_no), int VSREF(end_seekpos), char *pszClassName VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszReturnType VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszArguments VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszExceptions VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve general information about the given local variable. If the locals are not loaded, all strings will be set to "", and integers will be set to 0. Any of the string arguments, except pszTagName, may be passed as 0, and then will not be retrieved. @param local_id Unique ID of local variable, 1..num_of_locals @param pszTagName (Output, required) Name of tag or symbol @param pszTypeName (Output, optional) Tag type name, see tag_get_type. @param tag_flags (Output) Tag flags indicating symbol attributes, VS_TAGFLAG_* @param pszFilename (Output, optional) File name as stored in database. @param start_line_no (Output) Line number that tag occurs on in file_name. @param start_seekpos (Output) Seek position where the tag begin in file_name. @param scope_line_no (Output) Line number that tag scope begins, eg. function scope @param scope_seekpos (Output) Seek position where the tag scope begins. @param end_line_no (Output) Line number that tag ends on in file_name. @param end_seekpos (Output) Seek position where the tag ends in file_name. @param pszClassName (Output, optional) Name of class that tag belongs to. @param pszReturnType (Output, optional) Declared type/value of symbol or function @param pszArguments (Output, optional) Function/Macro arguments. @param pszExceptions (Output, optional) Exceptions thrown or other function details @return int VSAPI */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetLocalInfo(int local_id, char *pszTagName, char *pszTypeName, int VSREF(tag_flags), char *pszFilename, int VSREF(start_line_no), int VSREF(start_seekpos), int VSREF(scope_line_no), int VSREF(scope_seekpos), int VSREF(end_line_no), int VSREF(end_seekpos), char *pszClassName VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszReturnType VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszArguments VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszExceptions VSDEFAULT(0)); /** Retrieve specific integer information about the given tag, context item or local variable. This function complements vsTagGetTagInfo(), vsTagGetContextInfo() and vsTagGetLocalInfo(), but is capable of getting much more specific information about the given tag. @param detail_id ID of detail to extract, one of:
        VS_TAGDETAIL_type_id                (int) unique id for tag type.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_file_line              (int) line number of tag within file
        VS_TAGDETAIL_file_id                (int) unique id for file the tag is located in
        VS_TAGDETAIL_class_id               (int) unique id for class tag belongs to
        VS_TAGDETAIL_flags                  (int) tag flags, see tag_insert_simple
        VS_TAGDETAIL_num_tags               (int) number of tags in database
        VS_TAGDETAIL_num_classes            (int) number of classes in database
        VS_TAGDETAIL_num_files              (int) number of files in database
        VS_TAGDETAIL_num_types              (int) number of types in database
        VS_TAGDETAIL_num_refs               (int) number of references in database
        VS_TAGDETAIL_tag_id                 (int) unique ID for tag instance
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_id             (int) returns same result as tag_current_context()
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_id               (int) returns same result as tag_current_local
        VS_TAGDETAIL_current_file           (int) returns name of file in current context
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_line           (int) start line number of tag.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_start_linenum  (int) same as *_line, above.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_start_seekpos  (int) seek position tag starts at
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_scope_linenum  (int) line number body starts at.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_scope_seekpos  (int) seek position body starts at.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_end_linenum    (int) line number tag ends on.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_end_seekpos    (int) seek position tag ends at.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_flags          (int) tag attribute flags.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_outer          (int) ID of first enclosing tag.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_line             (int) start line number of tag.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_start_linenum    (int) same as *_line, above.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_start_seekpos    (int) seek position tag starts at
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_scope_linenum    (int) line number body starts at.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_scope_seekpos    (int) seek position body starts at.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_end_linenum      (int) line number tag ends on.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_end_seekpos      (int) seek position tag ends at.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_flags            (int) tag attribute flags.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_outer            (int) ID of first enclosing tag.
@param item_id ID of local variable, context item to get information about, ignored if the detail is for the current tag in the tag database. @param iValue (Output) Set to tag detail value. If the given tag does not exist, this will be set to 0. @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetDetailI(int detail_id, int item_id, int VSREF(iValue)); /** Retrieve specific string information about the given tag, context item or local variable. This function complements vsTagGetTagInfo(), vsTagGetContextInfo() and vsTagGetLocalInfo(), but is capable of getting more specific information about the given tag. @param detail_id ID of detail to extract, one of:
        VS_TAGDETAIL_name                   (string) tag name
        VS_TAGDETAIL_type                   (string) tag type name, see tag_get_type.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_file_name              (string) full path of file the tag is in
        VS_TAGDETAIL_file_date              (string) date of file when tagged
        VS_TAGDETAIL_class_simple           (string) name of class the tag is present in
        VS_TAGDETAIL_class_name             (string) name of class with outer classes
        VS_TAGDETAIL_class_package          (string) package/namespace tag belongs to
        VS_TAGDETAIL_return                 (string) value or type of var/function
        VS_TAGDETAIL_arguments              (string) function or template arguments
        VS_TAGDETAIL_throws                 (string) function/proc exceptions.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_included_by            (string) file including this macro.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_return_only            (string) just the return type of variable.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_return_value           (string) default value of variable.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_file_ext               (string) p_extension for file name
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_tag_file       (string) tag file match is from.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_name           (string) tag name.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_type           (string) tag type name.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_file           (string) file that the tag is in.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_class          (string) name of class.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_args           (string) tag arguments.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_return         (string) value or type of symbol.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_parents        (string) class derivation.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_throws         (string) function/proc exceptions.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_included_by    (string) file including this macro.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_return_only    (string) just the type of variable.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_context_return_value   (string) default value of variable.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_tag_file         (string) tag file match is from.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_name             (string) tag name.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_type             (string) tag type name.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_file             (string) file that the tag is in.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_class            (string) name of class.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_args             (string) tag arguments.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_return           (string) value or type of symbol.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_parents          (string) class derivation.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_throws           (string) function/proc exceptions.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_included_by      (string) file including this macro.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_return_only      (string) just the type of variable.
        VS_TAGDETAIL_local_return_value     (string) default value of variable.
@param item_id ID of local variable or context item to get information about, ignored if the detail is for the current tag in the tag database. @param pszValue (Output, 1024 bytes allocated) Set to tag detail after successful completion of function. If the given tag does not exist, this will be set to "". @param max_len (optional, default is VSMAXFILENAME), number of bytes allocated to pszValue. @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetDetailZ(int detail_id, int item_id, char *pszValue, int max_len VSDEFAULT(VSMAXFILENAME)); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // word index/occurrences index related functions /** Set up for inserting a series of occurrencess from a single file for update. Doing this allows the tag database engine to detect and handle updates more effeciently, even in the presence of duplicates. @param file_name full path of file @return 0 on success, <0 on error.int VSAPI */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagOccurrencesStart(const char *file_name); /** Clean up after inserting a series of occurrencess from a single file for update. Doing this allows the tag database engine to remove any occurrences from the database that are no longer valid. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagOccurrencesEnd(); /** Insert a new occurrence into the word index. @param occur_name Word to be indexed @param file_name Path of file occurrence is located in @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagInsertOccurrence(const char *occur_name,const char *file_name); /** Find the first/next occurrence with the given tag name or tag prefix. Use tag_get_occurrence (below) to get details about the occurrence. @param tag_name Tag name or prefix to search for @param exact_match Exact (word) match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive Case sensitive search? @param find_first find first match or next match? @return 0 on success, BT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_RC if not found, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagFindOccurrence(const char *tag_name, int exact_match VSDEFAULT(0), int case_sensitive VSDEFAULT(0), int find_first VSDEFAULT(1)); /** Retrieve information about the current occurrence, as defined by tag_find_occurrence/tag_next_occurrence. @param occur_name (output, VS_TAG_MAX_TAGNAME) Word to be indexed @param file_name (output, VS_TAG_MAX_FILENAME) Path of file occurrence is located in @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetOccurrence(char *occur_name, char *file_name); /** Use context_match_tags to locate the tag matches for the occurrence in the given file at the given seek position. If the seek position is 0, then use the current buffer, otherwise, open the given file in a temporary view and seek to the given position. @param errorArgs Array of strings for return code @param file_name Path of file occurrence is located in @param rseekpos Real seek position of occurrence @param tag_name Name of occurrence to match against @param case_sensitive Case sensitive tag search? @param num_matches (output) number of matches found @param max_matches maximum number of matches to find @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagContextMatchOccurrence(VSHREFVAR errorArgs, const char *file_name, int rseekpos, const char *tag_name, int case_sensitive, int VSREF(num_matches), int max_matches VSDEFAULT(VS_TAG_MAX_MATCHES)); /** The current object must be an editor control positioned on the tag that you wish to find matches for, with the edit mode selected. @param errorArgs Array of strings for return code @param tag_name Name of occurrence to match against @param max_tag_name Amount of space allocated to tag_name @param exact_mach Exact match or prefix match? @param case_sensitive Case sensitive tag search? @param find_parents Find instances of the tag in parent classes @param num_matches (output) number of matches found @param max_matches maximum number of matches to find @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagContextMatchTags(VSHREFVAR errorArgs, char *tag_name, int max_tag_name, int exact_match, int case_sensitive, int find_parents, int VSREF(num_matches), int max_matches VSDEFAULT(VS_TAG_MAX_MATCHES)); /** * List the files containing 'tag_name', matching by prefix or * case-sensitive, as specified. Terminates search if a total * of max_refs are hit. Items are inserted into the tree, with * the user data set to the file path. * * @param tree_wid window id of tree control to insert into * @param tree_index index, usually TREE_ROOT_INDEX to insert under * @param tag_name name of tag to search for * @param exact_match exact match or prefix match * @param case_sensitive case sensitive match, or case-insensitive * @param num_refs (reference) number of references found so far * @param max_refs maximum number of items to insert * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagListFileOccurrences(int tree_wid, int tree_index, const char *tag_name, int exact_match, int case_sensitive, int VSREF(num_refs), int max_refs); /** * Use context_match tags to locate the tag matches for the * occurrence in the given file at the given seek position. * If a file name is not given, then use the current buffer. * If a file name is given, but the seek position is -1, then * use the current buffer position. Otherwise, open the given * file in a temporary view and seek to the given position. * * @param errorArgs Array of strings for return code * @param tree_wid Window ID of tree control to insert into * @param tree_index tree index to insert under * @param tag_name Name of occurrence to match against * @param case_sensitive Case sensitive tag search? * @param file_name Path of file tag to search for is in * @param line_no Line number tag is located on * @param filter_flags bitset of VS_TAGFILTER_* * @param src_file_name name of source file to search * @param start_seekpos starting seek position * @param stop_seekpos ending seek position * @param num_matches (output) number of matches found * @param max_matches maximum number of matches to find * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagMatchOccurrencesInFile(VSHREFVAR errorArgs, int tree_wid, int tree_index, const char *tag_name, int case_sensitive, const char *file_name, int line_no, int filter_flags, const char *source_file_name, int start_seekpos/*=0*/, int stop_seekpos/*=0*/, int VSREF(num_matches), int max_matches); /** * Use context_match tags to locate the tag matches for the * occurrence in the given file at the given seek position. * If a file name is not given, then use the current buffer. * If a file name is given, but the seek position is -1, then * use the current buffer position. Otherwise, open the given * file in a temporary view and seek to the given position. * * @param errorArgs Array of strings for return code * @param tree_wid Window ID of tree control to insert into * @param tree_index tree index to insert under * @param case_sensitive Case sensitive tag search? * @param file_name Path of file tag to search for is in * @param line_no Line number tag is located on * @param alt_file_name Alternate path of file tag to search for is in * @param alt_line_no Alternate line number tag is located on * @param filter_flags bitset of VS_TAGFILTER_* * @param caller_id Context ID for item to find uses in * @param start_seekpos starting seek position * @param stop_seekpos ending seek position * @param num_matches (output) number of matches found * @param max_matches maximum number of matches to find * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagMatchUsesInFile(VSHREFVAR errorArgs, int tree_wid, int tree_index, int case_sensitive, const char *file_name, int line_no, const char *alt_file_name, int alt_line_no, int filter_flags, int caller_id, const char *source_file_name, int start_seekpos/*=0*/, int stop_seekpos/*=0*/, int VSREF(num_matches), int max_matches); /** * For each item in 'class_parents', normalize the class and place it in * 'normal_parents', along with the tag type, placed in 'normal_types'. * * @param class_parents list of class names, seperated by semicolons * @param cur_class_name class context in which to normalize class name * @param file_name source file where reference to class name is * @param tag_files list of tag files to search * @param allow_locals allow local classes in list * @param case_sensitive case sensitive tag search? * @param normal_parents list of normalized class names * @param max_parents_len number of bytes allocated to normal_parents * @param normal_types list of tag types found for normalized class names * @param max_type_len number of bytes allocated to normal_types * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagNormalizeClasses(const char *class_parents, const char *cur_class_name, const char *file_name, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int allow_locals, int case_sensitive, char *normal_parents, int max_parents_len, char *normal_types VSDEFAULT(0), int max_type_len VSDEFAULT(0)); /** * Attempt to locate the given symbol in the given class by searching * first locals, then the current file, then tag files, looking strictly * for the class definition, not just class members. Recursively * looks for symbols in inherited classes and resolves items in * enumerated types to the correct class scope (since enums do not form * a namespace). The order of searching parent classes is depth-first, * preorder (root node searched before children). * * Look at num_matches to see if any matches were found. Generally * if (num_matches >= max_matches) there may be more matches, but * the search terminated early. Returns 1 if the definition of the given * class 'search_class' is found, othewise returns 0, indicating * that no matches were found. * * The current object must be an editor control or the current buffer. * * @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, * 0 indicates to insert into a match set * @param tree_index tree index to insert items under, ignored * if (treewid == 0) * @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search * @param prefix symbol prefix to match * @param search_class name of class to search for matches * @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags * @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags * @param num_matches (reference) number of matches * @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed * @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) * @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) * @param depth Recursive call depth, bails out at 32 * * @return 1 if the definition of the symbol is found, 0 otherwise, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagListSymbolsInClass(int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, const char *prefix, const char *search_class, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, int VSREF(num_matches), int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive, int depth VSDEFAULT(0)); /** * Qualify the given class symbol by searching for symbols with * its name in the current context/scope. This is used to resolve * partial class names, often found in class inheritance specifications. * The current object must be an editor control or current buffer. * * @param qualified_name (output) "qualified" symbol name * @param qualified_max number of bytes allocated to qualified_name * @param search_name name of symbol to search for * @param context_class current class context (class name) * @param context_file current file name * @param tag_files list of tag files to search * @param case_sensitive case sensitive tag search? * * @return qualified name if successful, 'search_name' on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagQualifySymbolName(char *qualified_name, int qualified_max, const char *search_name, const char *context_class, const char *context_file, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int case_sensitive); /** * Determine the name of the current class or package context. * The current object needs to be an editor control. * * @param cur_tag_name name of the current tag in context * (allocate VS_TAG_MAX_TAGNAME bytes) * @param cur_flags type (VS_TAGTYPE_*) of the current tag * @param cur_type_name type ID (VS_TAGTYPE_*) of the current tag * (allocate VS_TAG_MAX_TYPENAME bytes) * @param cur_type_id bitset of VS_TAGFLAG_* for the current tag * @param cur_context class name representing current context * (allocate VS_TAG_MAX_CLASSNAME bytes) * @param cur_class cur_context minus the package name * (allocate VS_TAG_MAX_CLASSNAME bytes) * @param cur_package only package name for the current context * (allocate VS_TAG_MAX_CLASSNAME bytes) * * @return 0 if no context, context ID >0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagGetCurrentContext(char *cur_tag_name, int VSREF(cur_flags), char *cur_type_name, int VSREF(cur_type_id), char *cur_context, char *cur_class, char *cur_package); /** * Match the given symbol based on the current context information. * Order of searching is: *
  1. local variables in current function *
  2. members of current class, including inherited members *
  3. globals found in the current file *
  4. globals imported explicitely from current file *
  5. globals, (not static variables), found in other files *
  6. any symbol found in this file *
  7. any symbol found in any tag file *
* Failing that, it repeats steps (1-6) with pushtag_flags set to -1, * thus disabling any filtering, unless 'strict' is true. * The current object must be an editor control or current buffer. * * @param prefix symbol prefix to match * @param search_class name of class to search for matches * @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, * 0 indicates to insert into a match set * @param tree_index tree index to insert items under, ignored * if (treewid == 0) * @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search * @param num_matches (reference) number of matches * @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed * @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags * @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags * @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) * @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) * @param strict strict match, or allow any match? * @param find_parents find parents of the given class? * @param find_all find all instances, for each level of scope * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagMatchSymbolInContext(const char *prefix, const char *search_class, int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int VSREF(num_matches),int max_matches, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, int exact_match VSDEFAULT(0), int case_sensitive VSDEFAULT(1), int strict VSDEFAULT(1), int find_parents VSDEFAULT(0), int find_all VSDEFAULT(0)); /** * Create the canononical tag display string of the form: * tag_name(class_name:type_name)flags(signature)return_type * This is used to speed up find-tag and maketags for languages that * do not insert tags from DLLs. * * @param proc_name output string for "composed" tag * @param proc_name_max number of bytes allocated to proc_name * @param tag_name the name of the tag * @param class_name class/container the tag belongs to * @param type_name the tag type, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) * @param tag_flags (optional) integer tag flags (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) * @param signature (optional) function signature * @param return_type (optional) function return type * * @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI vsTagComposeTag(char *proc_name, int proc_name_max, const char *tag_name, const char *class_name, const char *type_name, int tag_flags VSDEFAULT(0), const char *signature VSDEFAULT(0),const char *return_type VSDEFAULT(0)); /** * Decompose the canononical tag display string of the form: * tag_name(class_name:type_name)flags(signature)return_type * This is used to speed up find-tag and maketags for languages that * do not insert tags from DLLs. * All output strings are set to the empty string if they do not match, * tag_flags is set to 0 if there is no match. * * @param pszProcName tag display string * @param pszTagName (reference) the name of the tag * @param pszClassName (reference) class/container the tag belongs to * @param pszTypeName (reference) the tag type, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) * @param tag_flags (reference) integer tag flags (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) * @param pszSignature (optional reference) arguments/signature of tag * @param pszReturnType (optional reference) return type / value of tag * * @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI vsTagDecomposeTag(const char *pszProcName, char *pszTagName, char *pszClassName, char *pszTypeName, int VSREF(tag_flags), char *pszSignature VSDEFAULT(0), char *pszReturnType VSDEFAULT(0)); #endif