#ifndef TAGS_TREE_H #define TAGS_TREE_H #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // file name and line number limits used for calculating user info // #define CB_MAX_LINE_NUMBER 0x100000 // 1048576 -- lines per file #define CB_MAX_FILE_NUMBER 0x100000 // 1048576 -- file ID, was 65536 #define CB_TAG_FILE_MULT_HIGH ((CB_MAX_LINE_NUMBER>>16) * (CB_MAX_FILE_NUMBER>>16)) #define CB_TAG_FILE_MULT_LOW (CB_MAX_FILE_NUMBER / CB_TAG_FILE_MULT_HIGH) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // filtering options // #define CB_SHOW_class_data 0x00000001 #define CB_SHOW_instance_data 0x00000002 #define CB_SHOW_out_of_line 0x00000004 #define CB_SHOW_inline 0x00000008 #define CB_SHOW_static 0x00000010 #define CB_SHOW_non_virtual 0x00000020 #define CB_SHOW_virtual 0x00000040 #define CB_SHOW_abstract 0x00000080 #define CB_SHOW_operators 0x00000100 #define CB_SHOW_constructors 0x00000200 #define CB_SHOW_final_members 0x00000400 #define CB_SHOW_non_final_members 0x00000800 #define CB_SHOW_const_members 0x00001000 #define CB_SHOW_non_const_members 0x00002000 #define CB_SHOW_volatile_members 0x00004000 #define CB_SHOW_non_volatile_members 0x00008000 #define CB_SHOW_template_classes 0x00010000 #define CB_SHOW_non_template_classes 0x00020000 #define CB_SHOW_package_members 0x00040000 #define CB_SHOW_private_members 0x00080000 #define CB_SHOW_protected_members 0x00100000 #define CB_SHOW_public_members 0x00200000 #define CB_SHOW_inherited_members 0x00400000 #define CB_SHOW_class_members 0x00800000 #define CB_SHOW_data_members 0x01000000 #define CB_SHOW_other_members 0x02000000 #define CB_SHOW_non_abstract 0x04000000 #define CB_SHOW_non_special 0x08000000 #define CB_SHOW_transient_data 0x10000000 #define CB_SHOW_persistent_data 0x20000000 #define CB_SHOW_synchronized 0x40000000 #define CB_SHOW_non_synchronized 0x80000000 #define CB_QUALIFIERS 0xffffffff #define CB_SHOW_native 0x00000001 #define CB_SHOW_non_native 0x00000002 #define CB_SHOW_extern 0x00000004 #define CB_SHOW_non_extern 0x00000008 #define CB_SHOW_macros 0x00000010 #define CB_SHOW_non_macros 0x00000020 #define CB_SHOW_anonymous 0x00000040 #define CB_SHOW_non_anonymous 0x00000080 #define CB_QUALIFIERS2 0x000000ff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // picture indexes used by class browser // #define CB_access_public 0 #define CB_access_protected 1 #define CB_access_private 2 #define CB_access_package 3 #define CB_access_LAST 3 // anything <= CB_TYPE_miscellaneous is a leaf #define CB_type_function 0 #define CB_type_prototype 1 #define CB_type_data 2 #define CB_type_operator 3 #define CB_type_constructor 4 #define CB_type_destructor 5 #define CB_type_enumeration 6 #define CB_type_typedef 7 #define CB_type_define 8 #define CB_type_property 9 #define CB_type_constant 10 #define CB_type_label 11 #define CB_type_import 12 #define CB_type_friend 13 #define CB_type_index 14 #define CB_type_trigger 15 #define CB_type_control 16 #define CB_type_menu 17 #define CB_type_param 18 #define CB_type_proc 19 #define CB_type_procproto 20 #define CB_type_include 21 #define CB_type_file 22 #define CB_type_subfunc 23 #define CB_type_subproc 24 #define CB_type_cursor 25 // 26--27 -- reserved for expansion #define CB_type_unknown 28 #define CB_type_miscellaneous 29 // anything >= CB_TYPE_struct is a container #define CB_type_struct 30 #define CB_type_enum 31 #define CB_type_class 32 #define CB_type_template 33 #define CB_type_base_class 34 #define CB_type_package 35 #define CB_type_union 36 #define CB_type_database 37 #define CB_type_table 38 #define CB_type_form 39 #define CB_type_eventtab 40 #define CB_type_task 41 #define CB_type_group 42 // 43--48 -- reserved for expansion #define CB_type_misc 49 #define CB_type_LAST 49 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class browser related functions /** Speed-demon way to determine if the given type is a function or procedure type. (proc, proto, func, constr, or destr). @param type_name string specifying tag's type name (from tag_get_info) @return 1 if the item is a func, 0, otherwise. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_type_is_func(VSPSZ type_name); /** Speed-demon way to determine if the given type is a class, struct, or union (class, struct, union). @param type_name string specifying tag's type name (from tag_get_info) @return 1 if the item is a class, 0, otherwise. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_type_is_class(VSPSZ type_name); /** Speed-demon way to determine if the given type is a package, library, or program (package, lib, prog). @param type_name string specifying tag's type name (from tag_get_info) @return 1 if the item is a package, 0, otherwise. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_type_is_package(VSPSZ type_name); /** Encode class name, member name, signature, etc. in order to make caption for tree item very quickly. Returns the resulting tree caption as a NULL terminated string. The output string is generally formatted as follows:
     member_name[()]  [class_name::member_name[(arguments)]
Parenthesis are added only for function types (proc, proto, constr, destr, func). The result is returned as a pointer to a static character array. This function is highly optimized, since it is one of the most critical code paths used by the class browser. @param member_name tag name @param type_name tag type (from tag_get_info) @param class_name enclosing class name for tag (from tag_get_info) @param flags tag flags (from tag_get_info) @param arguments tag argumetns (from tag_get_detail) @param include_tab if 0, does not create separate tab for details @return caption as a statically allocated string. */ EXTERN_C VSPSZ VSAPI tag_tree_make_caption(VSPSZ member_name, VSPSZ type_name, VSPSZ class_name, int flags, VSPSZ arguments, int include_tab); /** Accellerated version of tag_tree_make_caption for handling case where you are creating a caption for the current tag, local, context, or match item. @param match_type VS_TAGMATCH_* @param local_or_ctx_id local, context, or match ID, 0 for current tag @param include_class if 0, does not include class name @param include_args if 0, does not include function signature @param include_tab if 0, does not create separate tab for details @return The result is returned as a pointer to a static character array. */ EXTERN_C VSPSZ VSAPI tag_tree_make_caption_fast(int match_type, int local_or_ctx_id, int include_class, int include_args, int include_tab); /** Filter the given item based on the given filtering flags, and determine the access level and member type. @param filter_flags filtering options flags (see CB_SHOW_*) above @param type_name tag type (from tag_get_info) @param in_class if 1, treat as a class member, (class_name != '') @param tag_flags tag bit flags (from tag_get_info) @param i_access (reference) access level output @param i_type (reference) item type for selecting icon @return 0 if the item is filtered out, 1 if it passes the filters. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_filter_member(int filter_flags, VSPSZ type_name, int in_class, int tag_flags, VSHREFVAR i_access, VSHREFVAR i_type); /** Filter the given item based on the given filtering flags, and determine the access level and member type. @param filter_flags_1 filtering options flags, part 1 (see CB_SHOW_*) above @param filter_flags_2 filtering options flags, part 2 (see CB_SHOW_*) above @param type_name tag type (from tag_get_info) @param in_class if 1, treat as a class member, (class_name != '') @param tag_flags tag bit flags (from tag_get_info) @param i_access (reference) access level output @param i_type (reference) item type for selecting icon @return 0 if the item is filtered out, 1 if it passes the filters. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_filter_member2(int filter_flags_1, int filter_flags_2, VSPSZ type_name, int in_class, int tag_flags, VSHREFVAR i_access, VSHREFVAR i_type); /** This function is called to prepare this module for inserting a large number of tags from a common class or category. It copies a number of options and parameters into globals where they are accessed only by vsTagTreeAddClassMember(). This mitigates the parameter passing overhead normally required by vsTagTreeAddClassMember. @param f window ID of form containing the class tree view @param i tree index which items will be inserted under @param t window ID of class browser tree view @param in_refresh non-zero if we are in a refresh operation @param class_filter regular expression for class filtering @param member_filter regular expression for member filtering @param exception_name name of tag to be allowed as an exception even if class/member/attribute filtration fails. @param filter_flags attribute (flag-based) filtration flags @param icons two-dimensional array of tag bitmaps @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_prepare_expand(int f, int i, int t, int in_refresh, VSPSZ class_filter, VSPSZ member_filter, VSPSZ exception_name, int filter_flags, VSHREFVAR icons); /** This function is used to get the picture indexes of the icons corresponding to the given i_access level and i_type category. You must call tag_tree_prepare_expand() prior to calling this function. i_access and i_type are typically obtained from tag_tree_filter_member. @param i_access access level @param i_type item type for selecting icon @param leaf_flag (reference) is this item a container or leaf? @param pic_member (reference) picture index for bitmap @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_tree_select_bitmap(int i_access, int i_type, VSHREFVAR leaf_flag, VSHREFVAR pic_member); /** * Simple to use, but very fast entry point for selecting the bitmap * to be displayed in the tree control corresponding to the given * tag information. You must call tag_tree_prepare_expand() prior to * calling this function. * * @param filter_flags_1 first part of class browser filter flags * @param filter_flags_2 second part of class browser filter flags * @param type_name tag type name * @param class_name tag class name, just checked for null/empty * @param tag_flags tag flags, bitset of VS_TAGFLAG_* * @param leaf_flag (reference) -1 implies leaf item, 0 or 1 container * @param pic_member (reference) set to picture index of bitmap * @return 0 on success, <0 on error, >0 if filtered out. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_get_bitmap(int filter_flags_1, int filter_flags_2, VSPSZ type_name, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSHREFVAR leaf_flag, VSHREFVAR pic_member); /** Add the members of the given class to the class browser tree view. @param class_name name of class to add members of @param in_file_name only add class members located in given file @param tag_file_id unique numeric ID for tag file @param in_count (reference, input, output), number of items inserted @return nothing */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_add_members_of(VSPSZ class_name, VSPSZ in_file_name, int tag_file_id, VSHREFVAR in_count); /** Add members with type t1 to the given category where the tag flags and the given mask are either zero or non-zero, as required by nzero. @param t1 tag type ID @param mask bit mask (see VS_TAGFLAG_*, in tagsdb.h) @param nzero add member if (mask & tag_flags) is zero or nonzero? @param category_name tag category to add members from @param in_count (reference, input, output), number of items inserted @return 0 on error, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_add_members_in_category(int t1, int mask, int nzero, VSPSZ category_name, VSHREFVAR in_count); /** Add members with type t1 to the given category where the tag flags and the given mask are either zero or non-zero, as required by nzero. @param prefix tag name prefix to search for @param t1 tag type ID @param mask bit mask (see VS_TAGFLAG_*, in tagsdb.h) @param nzero add member if (mask & tag_flags) is zero or nonzero? @param category_name tag category to add members from @param in_count (reference, input, output), number of items inserted @return 0 on error, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_add_members_in_section(VSPSZ prefix, int t1, int mask, int nzero, VSPSZ category_name, VSHREFVAR in_count); /** Create the canononical tag display string of the form:
This is used to speed up find-tag and maketags for languages that do not insert tags from DLLs. @param tag_name the name of the tag @param class_name class/container the tag belongs to @param type_name the tag type, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) (optional) integer tag flags (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) @return The result is returned as a pointer to a statically allocated character string. */ EXTERN_C VSPSZ VSAPI tag_tree_compose_tag(VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ class_name, VSPSZ type_name); /** Decompose the canononical tag display string of the form:
This is used to speed up find-tag and maketags for languages that do not insert tags from DLLs. All output strings are set to the empty string if they do not match, tag_flags is set to 0 if there is no match. @param proc_name tag display string @param tag_name (reference) the name of the tag @param class_name (reference) class/container the tag belongs to @param type_name (reference) the tag type, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) @param tag_flags (reference) integer tag flags (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_tree_decompose_tag(VSPSZ proc_name, VSHREFVAR tag_name, VSHREFVAR class_name, VSHREFVAR type_name, VSHREFVAR tag_flags); /** Pretty-print function arguments to output buffer @param signature signature, straight from the database @return The output is returned in a staticly allocated string pointer. */ EXTERN_C VSPSZ VSAPI tag_tree_format_args(VSPSZ signature); /** API function for inserting a tag entry with supporting info into the given tree control. @param tree_wid window ID of the tree control @param tree_index parent index to insert item under @param include_tab if 0, does not create separate tab for details @param force_leaf if < 0, force leaf node, otherwise choose by type @param tree_flags flags passed to vsTreeAddItem @param tag_name name of entry @param type_name type of tag, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) @param file_name path to file that is located in @param line_no line number that tag is positioned on @param class_name name of class that tag belongs to @param tag_flags tag attributes (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) @param signature arguments and return type @return tree index on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_insert_tag(int tree_wid, int tree_index, int include_tab, int force_leaf, int tree_flags, VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ type_name, VSPSZ file_name, int line_no, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Insert the given context, local, match, or current tag into the given tree. @param tree_id tree widget to load info into @param tree_index tree index to insert into @param match_type VS_TAGMATCH_* @param local_or_ctx_id local, context, or match ID, 0 for current tag @param include_tab include tab when creating caption @param force_leaf force item to be inserted as a leaf item @param tree_flags tree flags to set for this item @param include_sig include function/define/template signature @param include_class include class name @return tree index on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_insert_fast(int tree_id, int tree_index, int match_type, int local_or_ctx_id, int include_tab, int force_leaf, int tree_flags, int include_sig, int include_class); /** API function for inserting a tag entry with supporting info into the given list control. @param list_wid window ID of the list control @param include_tab if 0, does not create separate tab for details @param indent_x indent after bitmap, if 0, use default of 60 (TWIPS) @param tag_name name of entry @param type_name type of tag, (see VS_TAGTYPE_*) @param file_name path to file that is located in @param line_no line number that tag is positioned on @param class_name name of class that tag belongs to @param tag_flags tag attributes (see VS_TAGFLAG_*) @param signature arguments and return type @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_list_insert_tag(int list_wid, int include_tab, int indent_x, VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ type_name, VSPSZ file_name, int line_no, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Compare the two argument lists, this method works for both Delphi/Pascal/Ada style arguments and C/C++/Java style arguments. @param arg_list1 argument list number 1 @param arg_list2 argument list number 2 @param unqualify loose comparison, peel off class qualifications @return 0 if they match, nonzero otherwise. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_compare_args(VSPSZ arg_list1, VSPSZ arg_list2, int unqualify VSDEFAULT(0)); /** This function sets the user data for the given node in the given tree calculated using the algorithm designed for the class browser, creating a (potentially) large integer that may be decomposed to reveal a tag file ID, file ID, and line number. @param tree_wid tree control to set user info for @param tree_index index of node in tree to set info at @param tag_file_id integer assigned to tag file that node comes from @param file_id file ID of item being added to tree (0 for current) @param line_no line number at which tag occurs @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_tree_set_user_info(int tree_wid, int tree_index, int tag_file_id, int file_id, int line_no); #endif // TAGS_TREE_H