#ifndef TAGS_CONTEXT_H #define TAGS_CONTEXT_H #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "C" style API for tracking current tagging context, including // all tags in the current file, as well as tracking the heirarchy // of nested tag contexts. // // The context data is inheritently transient. Since it is relatively // inexpensive to compute, it is best if not stored, but simply // recalculated when a new buffer is opened. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flags used by tag_get_detail2 for retrieving specific context // information very quickly. // #define VS_TAGDETAIL_max 256 #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context (VS_TAGDETAIL_max*1) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local (VS_TAGDETAIL_max*2) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match (VS_TAGDETAIL_max*3) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_tag_file (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+0) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_name (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+1) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_type (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+2) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_file (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+3) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_line (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+4) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_start_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+4) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_start_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+5) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_scope_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+6) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_scope_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+7) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_end_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+8) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_end_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+9) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_class (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+10) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_flags (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+11) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_args (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+12) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_return (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+13) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_outer (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+14) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_parents (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+15) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_throws (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+16) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_included_by (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+17) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_return_only (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+18) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_context_return_value (VS_TAGDETAIL_context+19) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_tag_file (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+0) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_name (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+1) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_type (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+2) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_file (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+3) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_line (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+4) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_start_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+4) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_start_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+5) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_scope_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+6) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_scope_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+7) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_end_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+8) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_end_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+9) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_class (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+10) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_flags (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+11) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_args (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+12) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_return (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+13) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_outer (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+14) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_parents (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+15) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_throws (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+16) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_included_by (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+17) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_return_only (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+18) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_local_return_value (VS_TAGDETAIL_local+19) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_tag_file (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+0) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_name (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+1) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_type (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+2) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_file (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+3) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_line (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+4) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_start_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+4) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_start_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+5) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_scope_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+6) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_scope_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+7) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_end_linenum (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+8) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_end_seekpos (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+9) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_class (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+10) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_flags (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+11) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_args (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+12) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_return (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+13) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_outer (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+14) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_parents (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+15) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_throws (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+16) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_included_by (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+17) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_return_only (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+18) #define VS_TAGDETAIL_match_return_value (VS_TAGDETAIL_match+19) // Tag match types for speed insert of tag matches #define VS_TAGMATCH_tag 0 #define VS_TAGMATCH_context 1 #define VS_TAGMATCH_local 2 #define VS_TAGMATCH_match 3 // Options flags used by various functions in context.e // for example _MatchSymbolInContext() #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ALLOW_locals 0x00000001 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ALLOW_private 0x00000002 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ALLOW_protected 0x00000004 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ALLOW_package 0x00000008 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_volatile 0x00000010 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_const 0x00000020 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_static 0x00000040 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_non_static 0x00000080 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_data 0x00000100 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_funcs 0x00000200 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_classes 0x00000400 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_packages 0x00000800 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_inclass 0x00001000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_constructors 0x00002000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_this_class 0x00004000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_parents 0x00008000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_FIND_derived 0x00010000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ALLOW_anonymous 0x00020000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ONLY_locals 0x00040000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ALLOW_any_tag_type 0x00080000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ACCESS_private 0x0000000E #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ACCESS_protected 0x0000000C #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ACCESS_package 0x00000008 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ACCESS_public 0x00000000 #define VS_TAGCONTEXT_ANYTHING VS_TAGCONTEXT_ACCESS_public /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Context tracking related functions. /** Add a tag and its context information to the context list. The context for the current tag includes all tag information, as well as the ending line number and begin/scope/end seek positions in the file. If unknown, the end line number/seek position may be deferred, see tag_end_context(). @param outer_context context ID for the outer context (eg. class/struct) @param tag_name tag string @param tag_type string specifying tag_type @param file_name full path of file the tag is located in @param start_line_no start line number of tag within file @param start_seekpos start seek position of tag within file @param scope_line_no start line number of start of tag inner scope @param scope_seekpos start seek position of tag inner scope @param end_line_no (optional) ending line number of tag within file @param end_seekpos (optional) end seek position of tag within file @param class_name (optional) name of class that tag is present in, use concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes. @param tag_flags (optional) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (optional) tag signature (return type, arguments, etc) @return sequence number (context_id) of tag context on success, or <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_insert_context(int outer_context, VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ tag_type, VSPSZ file_name, int start_line_no, int start_seekpos, int scope_line_no, int scope_seekpos, int end_line_no, int end_seekpos, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Set the end positions of the context at with the given context ID. @param context_id id for the context to modify @param end_line_no ending line number of tag within file @param end_seekpos end seek position of tag within file @return int VSAPI */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_end_context(int context_id, int end_line_no, int end_seekpos); /** Set the class inheritance for the given context tag. @param context_id id for the context to modify @param parents parents of the context item @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_set_context_parents(int context_id, VSPSZ parents); /** Clear all context information. @param file_name (optional) optional file name to set context to @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_clear_context(/*VSHREFVAR file_name*/); /** Return the total number of context tags. @return the total number of context tags. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_num_of_context(); /** Retrieve information about the given context ID. @param context_id context ID to look up (from tag_insert_context) @param tag_name (reference) tag string (native case) @param type_name (reference) string specifying tag_type (see above for list of standard type names). @param file_name (reference) full path of file the tag is located in @param start_line_no (reference) start line number of tag within file @param start_seekpos (reference) start seek position of tag within file @param scope_line_no (reference)start line number of start of tag inner scope @param scope_seekpos (reference) start seek position of tag inner scope @param end_line_no (optional) ending line number of tag within file @param end_seekpos (optional) end seek position of tag within file @param class_name (reference) name of class that tag is present in, uses concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes (see insert, above). set to empty string if not defined. @param tag_flags (reference) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (reference) arguments or formal parameters @param return_type (reference) constant value or return type @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_context(int context_id, VSHREFVAR tag_name, VSHREFVAR type_name, VSHREFVAR file_name, VSHREFVAR start_line_no, VSHREFVAR start_seekpos, VSHREFVAR scope_line_no, VSHREFVAR scope_seekpos, VSHREFVAR end_line_no, VSHREFVAR end_seekpos, VSHREFVAR class_name, VSHREFVAR tag_flags, VSHREFVAR signature, VSHREFVAR return_type); /** Check if the current buffer position is still within the current context @return One of the following codes:
      0 -- the context is not set or totally wrong
     -1 -- context info loaded, but the cursor is out of context
      1 -- the context is within the tag definition
      2 -- the context is within the scope of the tag/function
*/ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_context(); /** Sort the items in the current context by seek position. The precise sort order is first by non-descrasing starting seekpos, and for items with identical start seek positions, non-increasing end seek position, and for items with identical span, the original insertion order for the items. In addition to sorting the items in the current context, this function computes the outer contexts for each item in the current context. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_sort_context(); /** Return the index of the current context item. @return <0 on error, 0 if no current context. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_current_context(); /** Return the index of the nearest context item. @param linenum line number to check context on @return <0 on error, 0 if no such context. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_nearest_context(int linenum); /** Find a the first context entry with the given tag prefix, or if 'exact', with the exact tag name. Use case-sensitive match if case_sensitive != 0. @param tag_prefix tag name or prefix of tag name @param exact search for exact match or prefix match @param case_sensitive case sensitive string comparison? @param allow_anon (optional) pass through anonymous classes @param class_name (optional) class to find item in @return context ID of tag if found, <0 on error or not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_find_context(VSPSZ tag_prefix, int exact, int case_sensitive); /** Find a the next context entry with the given tag prefix, or if 'exact', with the exact tag name. Use case-sensitive match if case_sensitive != 0. @param tag_prefix tag name or prefix of tag name @param exact search for exact match or prefix match @param case_sensitive case sensitive string comparison? @param allow_anon (optional) pass through anonymous classes @param class_name (optional) class to find item in @return context ID of tag if found, <0 on error or not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_next_context(VSPSZ tag_prefix, int exact, int case_sensitive); /** Insert all the context items into the given tree. @param treeWID tree widget to load info into @param treeIndex tree index to insert into @param include_tab include tab when creating caption @param force_leaf force item to be inserted as a leaf item @param tree_flags tree flags to set for this item @param pushtag_flags PUSHTAG_*, see slick.sh @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_tree_insert_context(int treeWID, int treeIndex, int include_tab, int force_leaf, int tree_flags, int pushtag_flags); /** Insert all the tags from the current context into the currently open tag file. Assumes that the context is up-to-date at the time that this function is called. Returns @param file_name typically p_buf_name, absolute path of buffer @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_transfer_context(VSPSZ file_name); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local declarations related tracking functions /** Add a local variable tag and its information to the locals list. @param tag_name tag string @param tag_type string specifying tag_type @param file_name full path of file the tag is located in @param line_no start line number of tag within file @param class_name (optional) name of class that tag is present in, use concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes. @param tag_flags (optional) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (optional) tag signature (return type, arguments, etc) @return sequence number (local_id) of local variable on success, or <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_insert_local(VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ tag_type, VSPSZ file_name, int line_no, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Add a local variable tag and its information to the locals list. @param tag_name tag string @param tag_type string specifying tag_type @param file_name full path of file the tag is located in @param start_linenum start line number of tag within file @param start_seekpos start seek position of tag within file @param scope_linenum start line number of start of tag inner scope @param scope_seekpos start seek position of tag inner scope @param end_linenum (optional) ending line number of tag within file @param end_seekpos (optional) end seek position of tag within file @param class_name (optional) name of class that tag is present in, use concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes. @param tag_flags (optional) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (optional) tag signature (return type, arguments, etc) @return sequence number (local_id) of local variable on success, or <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_insert_local2(VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ tag_type, VSPSZ file_name, int start_linenum, int start_seekpos, int scope_linenum, int scope_seekpos, int end_linenum, int end_seekpos, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Sort the local variables in the current context by seek position. The precise sort order is first by non-descrasing starting seekpos, and for items with identical start seek positions, non-increasing end seek position, and for items with identical span, the original insertion order for the items. In addition to sorting the local variables, this function computes the outer contexts. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_sort_locals(); /** Return the index of the current local variable. @return <0 on error, 0 if no current local variable. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_current_local(); /** Set the class inheritance for the given local tag. @param context_id id for the context to modify @param parents parents of the context item @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_set_local_parents(int context_id, VSPSZ parents); /** Return the total number of local variables @return the number of local variables */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_num_of_locals(); /** Kill all locals after 'local_id', not including 'local_id' @param local_id id for the local variable to start removing at Use '0' to remove all locals. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_clear_locals(int local_id); /** Retrieve information about the given local variable or parameter. @param local_id local ID to look up (from tag_insert_local) @param tag_name (reference) tag string (native case) @param type_name (reference) string specifying tag_type (see above for list of standard type names). @param file_name (reference) full path of file the tag is located in @param line_no (reference) start line number of tag within file @param class_name (reference) name of class that tag is present in, @param tag_flags uses concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes (see insert, above). set to empty string if not defined. (reference) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (reference) arguments or formal parameters @param return_type (reference) constant value or return type @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_local(int local_id, VSHREFVAR tag_name, VSHREFVAR type_name, VSHREFVAR file_name, VSHREFVAR line_no, VSHREFVAR class_name, VSHREFVAR tag_flags, VSHREFVAR signature, VSHREFVAR return_type); /** Retrieve complete information about the given local ID. @param context_id local ID to look up (from tag_insert_local) @param tag_name (reference) tag string (native case) @param type_name (reference) string specifying tag_type (see above for list of standard type names). @param file_name (reference) full path of file the tag is located in @param start_linenum (reference) start line number of tag within file @param start_seekpos (reference) start seek position of tag within file @param scope_linenum (reference)start line number of start of tag inner scope @param scope_seekpos (reference) start seek position of tag inner scope @param end_linenum (optional) ending line number of tag within file @param end_seekpos (optional) end seek position of tag within file @param class_name (reference) name of class that tag is present in, uses concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes (see insert, above). set to empty string if not defined. @param tag_flags (reference) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (reference) arguments or formal parameters @param return_type (reference) constant value or return type @return 0 on success. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_local2(int context_id, VSHREFVAR tag_name, VSHREFVAR type_name, VSHREFVAR file_name, VSHREFVAR start_linenum, VSHREFVAR start_seekpos, VSHREFVAR scope_linenum, VSHREFVAR scope_seekpos, VSHREFVAR end_linenum, VSHREFVAR end_seekpos, VSHREFVAR class_name, VSHREFVAR tag_flags, VSHREFVAR signature, VSHREFVAR return_type); /** Find a the first local tag with the given tag prefix, or if 'exact', with the exact tag name. Use case-sensitive match if case_sensitive != 0. @param tag_prefix tag name or prefix of tag name @param exact search for exact match or prefix match @param case_sensitive case sensitive string comparison? @param allow_anon (optional) pass through anonymous classes @param class_name (optional) class to find item in @return local ID of tag if found, <0 on error or not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_find_local(VSPSZ tag_prefix, int exact, int case_sensitive); /** Find a the next local tag with the given tag prefix, or if 'exact', with the exact tag name. Use case-sensitive match if case_sensitive != 0. @param tag_prefix tag name or prefix of tag name @param exact search for exact match or prefix match @param case_sensitive case sensitive string comparison? @param allow_anon (optional) pass through anonymous classes @param class_name (optional) class to find item in @return local ID of tag if found, <0 on error or not found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_next_local(VSPSZ tag_prefix, int exact, int case_sensitive); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search match tracking related functions /** Add a search match tag and its information to the matches list. @param tag_file (optional) full path of tag file match came from @param tag_name tag string @param tag_type string specifying tag_type @param file_name full path of file the tag is located in @param line_no start line number of tag within file @param class_name (optional) name of class that tag is present in, use concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes. @param tag_flags (optional) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (optional) tag signature (return type, arguments, etc) @return sequence number (match_id) of matching tag on success, or <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_insert_match(VSPSZ tag_file, VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ tag_type, VSPSZ file_name, int line_no, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Add a search match tag and its information to the matches list. @param tag_file (optional) full path of tag file match came from @param tag_name tag string @param tag_type string specifying tag_type @param file_name full path of file the tag is located in @param start_linenum start line number of tag within file @param start_seekpos start seek position of tag within file @param scope_linenum start line number of start of tag inner scope @param scope_seekpos start seek position of tag inner scope @param end_linenum (optional) ending line number of tag within file @param end_seekpos (optional) end seek position of tag within file @param class_name (optional) name of class that tag is present in, use concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes. @param tag_flags (optional) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (optional) tag signature (return type, arguments, etc) @return sequence number (match_id) of matching tag on success, or <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_insert_match2(VSPSZ tag_file, VSPSZ tag_name, VSPSZ tag_type, VSPSZ file_name, int start_linenum, int start_seekpos, int scope_linenum, int scope_seekpos, int end_linenum, int end_seekpos, VSPSZ class_name, int tag_flags, VSPSZ signature); /** Speedy version of tag_insert_match that simply clones a context, local, or current tag match @param match_type match type, VS_TAGMATCH_*, local, context, tag @param local_or_ctx_id ID of local variable or tag in current context @return sequence number (match_id) of matching tag on success, or <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_insert_match_fast(int match_type, int local_or_ctx_id); /** Return the total number of search matches @return the total number of matches */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_num_of_matches(); /** Kill all search matches. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_clear_matches(); /** Push the current match set onto the stack of match sets and initialize the new stack top to an empty match set @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_push_matches(); /** Clear the current match set and pop it off of the stack. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_pop_matches(); /** Push the current match set onto the stack of match sets and transfer the context set to the top of the match set stack. @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_push_context(); /** Transfers the current match set to the context set and pop it off of the match set stack. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_pop_context(); /** Retrieve information about the given search match. @param match_id match ID to look up (from tag_insert_match) @param tag_file (reference) tag file that match came from @param tag_name (reference) tag string (native case) @param type_name (reference) string specifying tag_type (see above for list of standard type names). @param file_name (reference) full path of file the tag is located in @param line_no (reference) start line number of tag within file @param class_name (reference) name of class that tag is present in, uses concatenation (as defined by language rules) to specify names of inner classes (see insert, above). set to empty string if not defined. @param tag_flags (reference) see VS_TAGFLAG_* above. @param signature (reference) arguments or formal parameters @param return_type (reference) constant value or return type @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_match(int match_id, VSHREFVAR tag_file, VSHREFVAR tag_name, VSHREFVAR type_name, VSHREFVAR file_name, VSHREFVAR line_no, VSHREFVAR class_name, VSHREFVAR tag_flags, VSHREFVAR signature, VSHREFVAR return_type); /** Get the given detail type for the given item either as a context tag, local tag, or part of a match set. @param detail_id VS_TAGDETAIL_* (see tagsdb.h) @param item_id context_id, local_id, or match_id @param result (reference) value of detail is returned here @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_get_detail2(int detail_id, int item_id, VSHREFVAR result); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility functions for implementing context tagging functions, // optimized version of former components of context.e /** Returns true if at the current access level, we have access to the member with the given flags at our access level. @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_* @param tag_flags VS_TAGFLAG_* (from tag details) @return 1 if we have access to the tag, 0 if not */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_access_level(int context_flags, int tag_flags); /** Returns true if the tag having the given tag_flags and type matches the requirements set by the given context flags. @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_* @param tag_flags VS_TAGFLAG_* (from tag details) @param type_name tag type (from tag details) @return Returns 1 if the tag with the given type and flags passes the context flags, otherwise, returns 0. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_context_flags(int context_flags, int tag_flags, VSPSZ type_name); /** Decompose a class name into its outer component and inner class name only. This is strictly a string function, no file I/O or searching is involved. @param class_name class name to decompose @param inner_name (reference) 'inner' class name (class name only) @param outer_name (reference) 'outer' class name (class_name - inner_name) */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_split_class_name(VSPSZ class_name, VSHREFVAR inner_name, VSHREFVAR outer_name); /** Determine whether the class name and outer class name should be joined using a package seperator or class seperator and return the resulting string. This involves searching for the outer class name as a package, if found, then use package string. The current object must be an editor control or current buffer. @param class_name name of class to join (inner_class) @param outer_class name of outer class or package to join @param tag_files (reference, read-only array of strings) list of tag files to search @param case_sensitive 1/0 for case-sensitive or case-insensitve search @param allow_anonymous (optional, default false) allow anonymous classes? @return Returns static string if outer_class :: class_name was found in the context or tag database, otherwise returns ''; */ EXTERN_C VSPSZ VSAPI tag_join_class_name(VSPSZ class_name, VSPSZ outer_class, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int case_sensitive /*, int allow_anonymous=0*/); /** Determine if 'parent_class' is a parent of 'child_class', that is, does 'child_class' derive either directly or transitively from 'parent_class'? @param parent_class class to check if it is a parent (base class) @param child_class class to check if it is derived from parent @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @param normalize attempt to normalize class name or take as-is? @return 1 if 'child_class' derives from 'search_class', otherwise 0. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_is_parent_class(VSPSZ parent_class, VSPSZ child_class, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int case_sensitive, int normalize); /** Lookup 'symbol' and see if it could be a typedef symbol. If so, return 1, otherwise return 0. This function ignores class scope. Simply put, if 'symbol' is a typedef, anywhere, this function may return true. Thus, it's should really be used only as an arbiter prior to attempting to match 'symbol' in context as a typedef. The reason that this function behaves in this was is for speed and simplicity. Otherwise, it would have to search all parent and outer class scopes, in addition to locals, context and tag files. @param symbol symbol to investigate @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param case_sensitive use case-sensitive comparisons? @param namespace_name (optional) namespace to search for typedef in @return 1 if 'symbol' could be a typedef, 0 otherwise, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_for_typedef(VSPSZ symbol, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int case_sensitive /*, VSPSZ namespace_name*/); /** Look up 'symbol' and see if it is a simple preprocessing symbol. If so, return the value of symbol in alt_symbol. @param symbol current symbol to look for @param line_no if found in current context, define must be before 'line' @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) list of tag files to search @param alt_symbol (reference) returns value of #define @return the number of matches found, 0 if none found, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_for_define(VSPSZ symbol, int line_no, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSHREFVAR alt_symbol); /** Look up 'symbol' and see if it is a template class. If so, return the signature of the template in template_sig. The current object must be an editor control or current buffer. @param symbol current symbol to look for @param outer_class class that 'symbol' must be in @param case_sensitive case_sensitive symbol comparison? @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param template_sig (reference) returns signature of template_sig @return 1 if a match was found and sets template_sig, 0 of none found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_for_template(VSPSZ symbol, VSPSZ outer_class, int case_sensitive, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSHREFVAR template_sig); /** Look up 'symbol' and see if it is a package, namespace, module or unit. @param symbol current symbol to look for @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) list of tag files to search @param exact_match look for exact match rather than prefix match @param case_sensitive case sensitive comparison? @return >0 if 'symbol' or prefix of matches package, otherwise returns 0. A value of 1 indicates the item was found in a tag file, a value of greater than 1 indicates that that item was found in the context. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_check_for_package(VSPSZ symbol, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** Check if the given class is in the same package as the other class. @param class1 first class name, qualified @param class2 second class name, qualified @param case_sensitive case sensitive comparison for package names? @return true of so, false otherwise. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_is_same_package(VSPSZ class1, VSPSZ class2, int case_sensitive); /** List the global symbols of the given type @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param type_id first type id (see VS_TAGTYPE_*, above) if (type_id<0), returns tags with ID>VS_TAGTYPE_LASTID @param mask flag mask (see VS_TAGFLAG_*, above) @param nonzero if 1, succeed if mask & tag.flags != 0 if 0, succeed if mask & tag.flags == 0 @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @return nothing */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_list_globals_of_type(int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int type_id, int mask, int nonzero, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches); /** List the packages matching the given prefix expression. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param prefix symbol prefix to match @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return nothing */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_list_context_packages(int treewid, int tree_index, VSPSZ prefix, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** List any symbols, reguardless of context or scope (excluding locals) matching the given prefix expression. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param prefix symbol prefix to match @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_list_any_symbols(int treewid,int tree_index, VSPSZ prefix, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int pushtag_flags,int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches,int max_matches, int exact_match,int case_sensitive); /** List the symbols found in files having the given 'base' filename and passing the given pushtag and context flags. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param prefix symbol prefix to match @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param search_file_name (optional) file name to search for tags in @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_list_in_file(int treewid, int tree_index, VSPSZ prefix, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSPSZ search_file_name, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** List the global symbols visible in the given list of tag files matching the given tag filters and context flags. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param prefix symbol prefix to match @param check_context check for symbols in the current context? @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return nothing. */ EXTERN_C void VSAPI tag_list_context_globals(int treewid, int tree_index, VSPSZ prefix, int check_context, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** List the symbols imported into this context matching the given tag filters and context flags. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param prefix symbol prefix to match @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return the number of import statements in the current context. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_list_context_imports(int treewid, int tree_index, VSPSZ prefix, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** Attempt to locate the given symbol in the given class by searching local variables. Recursively looks for symbols in enumerated types and anonymous unions (designated by having *both* the anonymous and 'maybe_var' tag flags). Look at num_matches to see if any matches were found. Generally if (num_matches >= max_matches) there may be more matches, but the search terminated early. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param tag_files symbol prefix to match @param prefix name of class to search for matches @param search_class (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return 1 if the definition of the given class 'search_class_name' is found, othewise returns 0, indicating that no matches were found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_list_class_locals(int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSPSZ prefix, VSPSZ search_class, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** Attempt to locate the given symbol in the given class by searching the current context. Recursively looks for symbols in enumerated types and anonymous unions (designated by having *both* the anonymous and 'maybe_var' tag flags). Look at num_matches to see if any matches were found. Generally if (num_matches >= max_matches) there may be more matches, but the search terminated early. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param tag_files symbol prefix to match @param prefix name of class to search for matches @param search_class (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return 1 if the definition of the given class 'search_class_name' is found, othewise returns 0, indicating that no matches were found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_list_class_context(int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSPSZ prefix, VSPSZ search_class, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** Attempt to locate the given symbol in the given class by searching the given tag files. Recursively looks for symbols in enumerated types and anonymous unions (designated by having *both* the anonymous and 'maybe_var' tag flags). Look at num_matches to see if any matches were found. Generally if (num_matches >= max_matches) there may be more matches, but the search terminated early. @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, 0 indicates to insert into a match set @param tree_index tree index to insert matches under @param tag_files symbol prefix to match @param prefix name of class to search for matches @param search_class (reference to _str[]) tag files to search @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags @param vnum_matches (reference) number of matches @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) @return 1 if the definition of the given class 'search_class_name' is found, othewise returns 0, indicating that no matches were found. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_list_class_tags(int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSPSZ prefix, VSPSZ search_class, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, VSHREFVAR vnum_matches, int max_matches, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** * For each item in 'class_parents', normalize the class and place it in * 'normal_parents', along with the tag type, placed in 'normal_types'. * * @param class_parents list of class names, seperated by semicolons * @param cur_class_name class context in which to normalize class name * @param file_name source file where reference to class name is * @param tag_files list of tag files to search * @param allow_locals allow local classes in list * @param case_sensitive case sensitive tag search? * @param normal_parents (output) list of normalized class names * @param normal_types (output) list of tag types found for normalized class names * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_normalize_classes(VSPSZ class_parents, VSPSZ cur_class_name, VSPSZ file_name, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int allow_locals, int case_sensitive, VSHREFVAR normal_parents, VSHREFVAR normal_types); /** * Attempt to locate the given symbol in the given class by searching * first locals, then the current file, then tag files, looking strictly * for the class definition, not just class members. Recursively * looks for symbols in inherited classes and resolves items in * enumerated types to the correct class scope (since enums do not form * a namespace). The order of searching parent classes is depth-first, * preorder (root node searched before children). * * Look at num_matches to see if any matches were found. Generally * if (num_matches >= max_matches) there may be more matches, but * the search terminated early. Returns 1 if the definition of the given * class 'search_class' is found, othewise returns 0, indicating * that no matches were found. * * The current object must be an editor control or the current buffer. * * @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, * 0 indicates to insert into a match set * @param tree_index tree index to insert items under, ignored * if (treewid == 0) * @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search * @param prefix symbol prefix to match * @param search_class name of class to search for matches * @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags * @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags * @param num_matches (reference) number of matches * @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed * @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) * @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) * @param depth Recursive call depth, bails out at 32 * * @return 1 if the definition of the symbol is found, 0 otherwise, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_list_in_class(VSPSZ prefix, VSPSZ search_class, int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSHREFVAR num_matches, int max_matches, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, int exact_match, int case_sensitive); /** * Qualify the given class symbol by searching for symbols with * its name in the current context/scope. This is used to resolve * partial class names, often found in class inheritance specifications. * The current object must be an editor control or current buffer. * * @param qualified_name (output) "qualified" symbol name * @param qualified_max number of bytes allocated to qualified_name * @param search_name name of symbol to search for * @param context_class current class context (class name) * @param context_file current file name * @param tag_files list of tag files to search * @param case_sensitive case sensitive tag search? * * @return qualified name if successful, 'search_name' on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_qualify_symbol_name(VSHREFVAR qualified_name, VSPSZ search_name, VSPSZ context_class, VSPSZ context_file, VSHREFVAR tag_files, int case_sensitive); /** * Determine the name of the current class or package context. * The current object needs to be an editor control. * * @param cur_tag_name name of the current tag in context * @param cur_flags bitset of VS_TAGFLAG_* for the current tag * @param cur_type_name type (VS_TAGTYPE_*) of the current tag * @param cur_type_id type ID (VS_TAGTYPE_*) of the current tag * @param cur_context class name representing current context * @param cur_class cur_context minus the package name * @param cur_package only package name for the current context * * @return 0 if no context, context ID >0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_get_current_context(VSHREFVAR cur_tag_name, VSHREFVAR cur_flags, VSHREFVAR cur_type_name, VSHREFVAR cur_type_id, VSHREFVAR cur_context, VSHREFVAR cur_class, VSHREFVAR cur_package); /** * Match the given symbol based on the current context information. * Order of searching is: *
  1. local variables in current function *
  2. members of current class, including inherited members *
  3. globals found in the current file *
  4. globals imported explicitely from current file *
  5. globals, (not static variables), found in other files *
  6. any symbol found in this file *
  7. any symbol found in any tag file *
* Failing that, it repeats steps (1-6) with pushtag_flags set to -1, * thus disabling any filtering, unless 'strict' is true. * The current object must be an editor control or current buffer. * * @param prefix symbol prefix to match * @param search_class name of class to search for matches * @param treewid window id of tree control to insert into, * 0 indicates to insert into a match set * @param tree_index tree index to insert items under, ignored * if (treewid == 0) * @param tag_files (reference to _str[]) tag files to search * @param num_matches (reference) number of matches * @param max_matches maximum number of matches allowed * @param pushtag_flags VS_TAGFILTER_*, tag filter flags * @param context_flags VS_TAGCONTEXT_*, tag context filter flags * @param exact_match exact match or prefix match (0) * @param case_sensitive case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) * @param strict strict match, or allow any match? * @param find_parents find parents of the given class? * @param find_all find all instances, for each level of scope * * @return 0 on success, <0 on error. */ EXTERN_C int VSAPI tag_match_symbol_in_context(VSPSZ prefix, VSPSZ search_class, int treewid, int tree_index, VSHREFVAR tag_files, VSHREFVAR num_matches,int max_matches, int pushtag_flags, int context_flags, int exact_match, int case_sensitive, int strict, int find_parents, int find_all); #endif // TAGS_CONTEXT_H