USE [LABORATORY] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGlobal_RegisteredOPD] Script Date: 11/21/2017 15:02:42 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGlobal_RegisteredOPD] @Current varchar(1), @SearchType varchar(1), @SearchCriteria varchar(50) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @Today datetime set @Today = cast(convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101) as datetime) Declare @LastName varchar(30), @FirstName varchar(30), @MiddleName varchar(30) Set @FirstName = (select ltrim(rtrim(strName)) from Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabSplit(@SearchCriteria,',') where code = 2); Set @MiddleName = (select ltrim(rtrim(strName)) from Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabSplit(@SearchCriteria,',') where code = 3); Set @LastName = (select ltrim(rtrim(strName)) from Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabSplit(@SearchCriteria,',') where code = 1); IF @SearchType = '0' BEGIN if @Current = 0 Begin select Case When(IsNull(P.ErNum,'') <> '') Then '*' Else '' End [ER], p.idnum [Adm. #], isnull(m.lastname,'') [Last Name], isnull(m.firstname,'') [First Name], isnull(m.middlename,'') [Middle Name], CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.admdate, 101) [Adm. Date] from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join Patient_Data..tbMaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum left join Build_File..tbCoCompany C On p.Accountnum = C.AccountNum where M.LastName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@LastName,''))) + '%' AND M.FirstName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@FirstName,''))) + '%' AND M.MiddleName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@MiddleName,''))) + '%' and P.Dcrdate is not NULL and P.LateCharges = 1 and isnull(C.Class,'') <> 'S' and isnumeric(M.HospNum) = 1 order by m.lastname, m.firstname, m.middlename End else Begin select Case When(IsNull(P.ErNum,'') <> '') Then '*' Else '' End [ER], p.idnum [Adm. #], isnull(m.lastname,'') [Last Name], isnull(m.firstname,'') [First Name], isnull(m.middlename,'') [Middle Name], CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.admdate, 101) [Adm. Date] from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join Patient_Data..tbMaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum left join Build_File..tbCoCompany C On p.Accountnum = C.AccountNum where M.LastName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@LastName,''))) + '%' AND M.FirstName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@FirstName,''))) + '%' AND M.MiddleName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@MiddleName,''))) + '%' and p.admdate >= @Today and isnull(C.Class,'') <> 'S' and isnumeric(M.HospNum) = 1 order by m.lastname, m.firstname, m.middlename End END IF @SearchType = '1' BEGIN if @Current = 0 Begin select isnull(p.idnum,'') [IDNum], isnull(p.hospnum,'') [HospNum], isnull(m.lastname,'') [LastName], isnull(m.firstname,'') [FirstName], isnull(m.middlename,'') [MiddleName], isnull(p.admdate,'') [AdmDate], isnull(p.dcrdate,'') [DCRDate], isnull(convert(varchar(50), p.billingdate, 100),'') [BillingDate], isnull(p.accountnum,'') [AccountNum], case when isnull(p.accountnum, '') = p.hospnum then 'PERSONAL' when isnull(p.accountnum, '') = '' then 'PERSONAL' else end as company, c.Class [CompanyClassID], m.civilstatus,, case when m.birthdate is null then '' when m.birthdate <= '01/01/1900' then '' else convert(varchar(10), m.birthdate, 101) end as birthdate, case when m.birthdate is null then m.age when m.birthdate <= '01/01/1900' then m.age else cast(datediff(year, m.birthdate, getdate()) as varchar(3)) end as age, m.housestreet, m.barangay,, a.province, (Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabGetPatientType(P.IDNum)) as PatientType from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join Patient_Data..tbMaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum left join Build_File..tbCocompany c on p.accountnum = c.accountnum left join Build_File..tbCoaddress a on m.zipcode = a.zipcode where p.idnum = @SearchCriteria and isnumeric(M.HospNum) = 1 and ((p.dcrdate is null and p.admdate > = @Today) or (p.dcrdate is not null and P.LateCharges = 1)) End Else Begin select isnull(p.idnum,'') [IDNum], isnull(p.hospnum,'') [HospNum], isnull(m.lastname,'') [LastName], isnull(m.firstname,'') [FirstName], isnull(m.middlename,'') [MiddleName], isnull(p.admdate,'') [AdmDate], isnull(p.dcrdate,'') [DCRDate], isnull(convert(varchar(50), p.billingdate, 100),'') [BillingDate], isnull(p.accountnum,'') [AccountNum], case when isnull(p.accountnum, '') = p.hospnum then 'PERSONAL' when isnull(p.accountnum, '') = '' then 'PERSONAL' else end as company, c.Class [CompanyClassID], m.civilstatus,, case when m.birthdate is null then '' when m.birthdate <= '01/01/1900' then '' else convert(varchar(10), m.birthdate, 101) end as birthdate, case when m.birthdate is null then m.age when m.birthdate <= '01/01/1900' then m.age else cast(datediff(year, m.birthdate, getdate()) as varchar(3)) end as age, m.housestreet, m.barangay,, a.province, (Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabGetPatientType(P.IDNum)) as PatientType from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join Patient_Data..tbMaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum left join Build_File..tbCocompany c on p.accountnum = c.accountnum left join Build_File..tbCoaddress a on m.zipcode = a.zipcode where p.idnum = @SearchCriteria and isnumeric(M.HospNum) = 1 and p.admdate > = @Today End END IF @SearchType = '2' BEGIN select count(*) [RecCount] from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join tbmaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum where M.LastName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@LastName,''))) + '%' AND M.FirstName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@FirstName,''))) + '%' AND M.MiddleName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@MiddleName,''))) + '%' and isnumeric(M.HospNum) = 1 END IF @SearchType = '4' BEGIN select p.idnum, p.hospnum, m.lastname, m.firstname, m.middlename, isnull(p.admdate,'') [admdate], isnull(p.dcrdate,'') [dcrdate], isnull(p.billingdate,'') [billingdate], isnull(p.accountnum,'') [accountnum], case when isnull(p.accountnum, '') = p.hospnum then 'PERSONAL' when isnull(p.accountnum, '') = '' then 'PERSONAL' else end as company, m.civilstatus,, case when m.birthdate is null then '' when m.birthdate <= '01/01/1900' then '' else convert(varchar(10), m.birthdate, 101) end as birthdate, case when m.birthdate is null then m.age when m.birthdate <= '01/01/1900' then m.age else cast(datediff(year, m.birthdate, getdate()) as int) end as age, m.housestreet, m.barangay,, a.province from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join Patient_Data..tbMaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum left join Build_File..tbCocompany c on p.accountnum = c.accountnum left join Build_File..tbCoaddress a on m.zipcode = a.zipcode where M.LastName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@LastName,''))) + '%' AND M.FirstName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@FirstName,''))) + '%' AND M.MiddleName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@MiddleName,''))) + '%' and isnumeric(M.HospNum) = 1 order by m.lastname END IF @SearchType = '5' BEGIN select Case When(Max(IsNull(P.ErNum,'')) <> '') Then '*' Else '' End [ER], Max(p.idnum) [Adm. #], Max(isnull(m.lastname,'')) [Last Name], Max(isnull(m.firstname,'')) [First Name], Max(isnull(m.middlename,'')) [Middle Name], Max(CONVERT(VARCHAR, getdate(), 101)) [Adm. Date] from Patient_Data..tbOutPatient p left join Patient_Data..tbMaster m on p.hospnum = m.hospnum where M.LastName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@LastName,''))) + '%' AND M.FirstName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@FirstName,''))) + '%' AND M.MiddleName like ltrim(rtrim(IsNull(@MiddleName,''))) + '%' AND M.LastName <> '' and p.admdate >= @Today group by P.HospNum, m.lastname, m.firstname, m.middlename order by m.lastname, m.firstname, m.middlename END