I've been a Software Developer for a locally developed Hospital Information System for almost five years up to date and I would like to continue the journey by stepping out to a bigger and more challenging environment. I enjoy my current job it is fulfilling and it allowed me to grow and survive my first years of adulthood. We often travel around the Philippines to visit our clients during implementation, so I could say I have a work-life balance here, It gave me the opportunity to apply the concepts I learned during my college days and use them into real situations. However, I'm someone who believes that to flourish in life we need to go out of our comfort zones to explore the universe. We are using Visual Basic 6 as a main programming language, it is old, although, still functional, Microsoft has already cut its support and updates to it. I just feel I am already left behind, I do watch tutorials and try them to catch up but it is still better if I will be using them in a business set-up. So, when I saw this job posting, I immediately clicked Apply Now after reading the description. This is a good opportunity for me to learn new techniques and standards in programming. I have tried ASP.Net, VB.Net as the back-end language in a simple program in our company and the thought of expanding my knowledge in DevSoft excites me. I works effectively with colleagues even third-party providers and end-users I interact daily. For almost five years, I've already experienced various working conditions, making me adaptable and willing to work under pressure. Also, I'm a patient and persistent problem solver, fast learner and a keen observer. If given a chance, I will be willing to learn and undergo necessary training.