use build_file go ---------------------------------------- create table tbCoRoomAmenities ( RoomID varchar(10), AmenityID varchar(10), Status bit , Quantity int null ) create table tbCoAmenities ( AmenityID varchar(10), Amenity varchar (50) ) ------------------------------------------ USE [Password] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbChangeLog] Script Date: 09/06/2012 03:51:29 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbChangeLog]( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [UpdateDate] [datetime] NULL, [UpdatedBy] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [ActionDone] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [ModuleName] [varchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF ------------------------------------------- USE [Build_File] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbDBImage] Script Date: 08/06/2012 13:49:52 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbDBImage]( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [TableName] [varchar](15) NULL, [FieldName] [varchar](15) NULL, [IDKEY] [varchar](15) NULL, [DBImage] [image] NULL, [FileType] [varchar](15) NULL, [FileSize] [int] NULL, [ImgNote] [text] NULL, [TransDATE] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF ----------------------------------------- alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sShowUserValidation bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sRoomStatus bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sDeposittype bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sHospitalList bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sICDCode bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sCreditMemo bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sCausesofConsultation bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sHoliday bit null alter table TbBuildUserSettings add sShowUserValidation bit null go alter table build_file..tbcoroom add WithAmenities varchar(1) alter table build_file..tbbuildusersettings add sEarningPoints bit null alter table build_file..tbcodoctor add ClinicTelNum varchar(70) alter table BUILD_FILE..tbCoRevenueCode add IsPatientCard bit null alter table build_file..tbcoroomamenities add Quantity int null alter table build_file..tbcoptexam add ClassType varchar(2) alter table build_file..tbcocompany add IsEmployee bit alter table build_file..tbcootherrevenue add FormType varchar(2) alter table build_file..tbcocompanyrates add RateCompany1 float alter table build_file..tbcocompanyrates add ItemID varchar(10) alter table build_file..tbcoUltraexam add OpenQuantity varchar(1) null alter table build_file..TbCoXrayExam add OpenQuantity varchar(1) null alter table build_file..TbCoCTExam add OpenQuantity varchar(1) null alter table build_file..TbCoOtherRevenue add OpenQuantity varchar(1) null, Classification varchar(10) null go ----------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'SP_Bui_UpdateItem') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.SP_Bui_UpdateItem AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Bui_UpdateItem] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei (@RevenueID as varchar(2), @ItemID as varchar(5), @SectionID as varchar(3), @ExamName as varchar(45), @RateA as float, @RateB as Float, @RateC as float, @RateD as float, @RateE as float, @RateF as Float, @RateG as Float, @RateH as Float, @Fixrate as varchar(1), @Status as varchar(1), @MedicareType as varchar(1), @common as varchar(1), @RateSD as float=0.00, @IsSenior as bit, @IsSpecial as bit, @AccountCode as varchar(12), @KidneyActive as varchar(1), @DRActive as varchar(1), @HSActive as varchar(1), @ERActive as varchar(1), @ICUActive as varchar(1), @PICUActive as varchar(1), @ORActive as varchar(1), @NurseryActive as varchar(1), @NurseActive as varchar(1), @OPDActive as varchar(1), @PulmoActive as varchar(1), @PTActive as varchar(1), @MedRecActive as varchar(1), @NuclearActive as varchar(1), @SICUActive as varchar(1), @CCUActive as varchar(1), @WCActive as varchar(1), @EndoActive as varchar(1), @EyeActive as varchar(1), @CathLabActive as varchar(1), @rateI as float = 0) as If (@RevenueID = 'AU') update build_file..tbcoaudexam set AudSectionID=@SectionID, AudExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where audexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'CT') update build_file..tbcoctexam set CTSectionID=@SectionID, CTExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where ctexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'HS') update build_file..tbcohsexam set HSSectionID=@SectionID, HSExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where hsexamid = @itemid If (@RevenueID = 'LB') update build_file..tbcolabexam set LABSectionID=@SectionID, LABExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where LABexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'NU') update build_file..tbconucexam set NUCSectionID=@SectionID, NUCExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where NUCexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'PT') update build_file..tbcoptexam set PTSectionID=@SectionID, PTExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where PTexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'PA') update build_file..tbcortsexam set RTSSectionID=@SectionID, RTSExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where RTSexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'US') update build_file..tbcoultraexam set ULTRASectionID=@SectionID, ULTRAExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where ULTRAexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'XR') update build_file..tbcoxrayexam set XRAYSectionID=@SectionID, XRAYExam=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, rateI=@rateI where XRAYexamid = @itemid else Update tbcootherrevenue set OtherRevenue=@ExamName, RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, Fixrate=@Fixrate, Status=@Status, MedicareType=@MedicareType, common=@common, RateSD=@RateSD, IsSenior=@IsSenior, IsSpecial=@IsSpecial, AccountCode=@AccountCode, KidneyActive=@KidneyActive, DRActive=@DRActive, HSActive=@HSActive, ERActive=@ERActive, ICUActive=@ICUActive, PICUActive=@PICUActive, ORActive=@ORActive, NurseryActive=@NurseryActive, NurseActive=@NurseActive, OPDActive=@OPDActive, PulmoActive=@PulmoActive, PTActive=@PTActive, MedRecActive=@MedRecActive, NuclearActive=@NuclearActive, SICUActive=@SICUActive, CCUActive=@CCUActive, WCActive=@WCActive, EndoActive=@EndoActive, EyeActive=@EyeActive, CathLabActive=@CathLabActive, rateI=@rateI where otherrevenueid = @itemid and othersectionid = @revenueid GO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Bui_RoomAmenities') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Bui_RoomAmenities AS SELECT 1') GO set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_Bui_RoomAmenities] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei @RoomID as varchar(10), @AmenityID as varchar(10), @Status as bit, @Quantity as int as IF (Exists(Select AmenityID from Build_file..tbCoRoomAmenities Where AmenityID=@AmenityID and RoomID=@RoomID)) begin update build_file..tbcoRoomAmenities set RoomID=@RoomID, AmenityID=@AmenityID, Status=@Status, Quantity=@Quantity where AmenityID=@AmenityID and RoomID=@RoomID end; else begin insert into build_file..tbcoroomAmenities (RoomID,AmenityID,Status,Quantity) values (@RoomID,@AmenityID,@Status,@Quantity) end; GO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ go IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Bui_BatchUpdate') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Bui_BatchUpdate AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_Bui_BatchUpdate] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei @RevenueID as varchar(2), @ItemID as varchar(5), @RateA as float, @RateB as Float, @RateC as float, @RateD as float, @RateE as float, @RateF as float, @RateG as float, @RateH as float, @RateI as float, @RateSD as float = 0.00 AS If (@RevenueID = 'AU') Update tbcoaudexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH where audexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'CT') Update tbcoctexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, RateSD = @RateSD where ctexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'HS') Update tbcohsexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH where hsexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'LB') Update tbcolabexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH where labexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'NU') Update tbconucexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH where nucexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'PT') Update tbcoptexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, RateSD = @RateSD where ptexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'PA') Update tbcortsexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, RateI=@RateI where rtsexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'US') Update tbcoultraexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, RateI=@RateI, RateSD = @RateSD where ultraexamid = @itemid else If (@RevenueID = 'XR') Update tbcoxrayexam set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, RateI=@RateI, RateSD = @RateSD where xrayexamid = @itemid else Update tbcootherrevenue set RateA=@RateA, RateB=@RateB, RateC=@RateC, RateD=@RateD, RateE=@RateE, RateF=@RateF, RateG=@RateG, RateH=@RateH, RateI=@RateI where otherrevenueid = @itemid and othersectionid = @revenueid GO ---------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'spBuild_UserSettingsNew') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.spBuild_UserSettingsNew AS SELECT 1') GO set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spBuild_UserSettingsNew] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei @Employeeid as varchar(10) as SELECT isnull(EmployeeID, 0)EmployeeIDisnull, isnull(sCompany, 0)sCompany, isnull(sBussinessClass, 0) sBussinessClass, isnull(sDepartment, 0) sDepartment, isnull(sNationality, 0) sNationality, isnull(sAddress, 0) sAddress, isnull(sBarangay, 0) sBarangay, isnull(sReligion, 0)sReligion, isnull(sDoctor, 0)sDoctor, isnull(sRoom, 0)sRoom, isnull(sStation, 0)sStation, isnull(sRoomClass, 0)sRoomClass, isnull(sAccomodation, 0)sAccomodation, isnull(sDosage, 0)sDosage, isnull(sItemPackage, 0)sItemPackage, isnull(sRevenue, 0)sRevenue, isnull(sCharging, 0)sCharging, isnull(sAccounting, 0)sAccounting, isnull(sLabCode, 0)sLabCode, isnull(sLabSpecimen, 0)sLabSpecimen, isnull(sSection, 0)sSection, isnull(sService, 0)sService, isnull(sAddressRPT, 0)sAddressRPT, isnull(sDoctorsRPT, 0)sDoctorsRPT, isnull(sCompanyRPT, 0)sCompanyRPT, isnull(sRoomCodesRPT, 0)sRoomCodesRPT, isnull(sDepartmentsRPT, 0)sDepartmentsRPT, isnull(sBarangaysRPT, 0)sBarangaysRPT, isnull(sRvcRPT, 0)sRvcRPT, isnull(sRevExamRPT, 0)sRevExamRPT, isnull(sARCodesRPT, 0)sARCodesRPT, isnull(sGLChartCodesRPT, 0)sGLChartCodesRPT, isnull(sAccountingRPT, 0)sAccountingRPT, isnull(sDeptARCodeRPT, 0)sDeptARCodeRPT, isnull(sInterpretRPT, 0)sInterpretRPT, isnull(sRCCodesRPT, 0)sRCCodesRPT, isnull(sTelephoneRPT, 0)sTelephoneRPT, isnull(sMedicalSpecializationRPT, 0)sMedicalSpecializationRPT, isnull(sSurgicalCodeRPT, 0)sSurgicalCodeRPT, isnull(sDoctorProfFee, 0)sDoctorProfFee, isnull(sDiscountRate, 0)sDiscountRate, isnull(sCompanyRate, 0)sCompanyRate, isnull(sDocSpecialization, 0)sDocSpecialization, isnull(sSOP, 0)sSOP, isnull(sExePackage, 0)sExePackage, isnull(sUserLog, 0)sUserLog, isnull(sUserSetting, 0)sUserSetting, isnull(sForInfo, 0)sForInfo, isnull(sRoomStatus,0)sRoomStatus, isnull(sDeposittype, 0)sDepositType, isnull(sHospitalList,0)sHospitalList, isnull(sICDCode,0)sICDcode, isnull(sCreditMemo,0)sCreditMemo, isnull(sCausesofConsultation,0)sCausesofConsultation, isnull(sHoliday,0)sHoliday, isnull(sShowUserValidation , 0) sShowUserValidation FROM BUILD_FILE.dbo.TbBuildUserSettings where employeeid = @Employeeid go -------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Bui_Update_Revenue_Center_New') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Bui_Update_Revenue_Center_New AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Bui_Update_Revenue_Center_New] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei ( @RevenueID as varchar(2), @Itemname as varchar(45), @lgrp as varchar(1), @reportrevenue as varchar(1), @medicaretype as varchar(1), @drcr as varchar(1), @fix as varchar(1), @recordstatus as varchar(1), @rwith as varchar(1), @billingactive as varchar(1), @cashieractive as varchar(1), @nurseactive as varchar(1), @parsactive as varchar(1), @medicareactive as varchar(1), @kidneyactive as varchar(1), @dractive as varchar(1), @eractive as varchar(1), @icuactive as varchar(1), @nuactive as varchar(1), @oractive as varchar(1), @opdactive as varchar(1), @PAactive as varchar(1) = null, @WithProfFee as bit = null, @PrepaidActive as varchar(1) = null, @EndoActive as varchar(1) = null, @DebitCode as varchar(15) = null, @CreditCode as varchar(15) = null, @AccountName as varchar(30) = null, @NurseryActive as varchar(1) = null, @PICUActive as varchar(1) = null, @CVUActive as varchar(1)= null, @HemaActive as varchar(1) = null, @HSActive as varchar(1) = null, @StationID as varchar(4) = null, @CCUActive as varchar(1) = null, @IsPatientCard as bit, @StockCardRevenueID as varchar(5) = '' ) AS Update tbcorevenuecode set Itemname = @itemname, lgrp = @lgrp, reportrevenue = @reportrevenue, medicaretype = @medicaretype, drcr = @drcr, fix = @fix, recordstatus = @recordstatus, rwith = @rwith, billingactive = @billingactive, cashieractive = @cashieractive, nurseactive = @nurseactive, parsactive = @parsactive, medicareactive = @medicareactive, kidneyactive = @kidneyactive, dractive = @dractive, eractive = @eractive, icuactive = @icuactive, nuactive = @nuactive, oractive = @oractive, opdactive = @opdactive, PAactive = @PAactive, WithProfFee = @WithProfFee, PrepaidActive = @PrepaidActive, EndoActive = @EndoActive, GLINDebitCode = @DebitCode, GLINCreditCode = @CreditCode, AccountName = @AccountName, NurActive = @NurseryActive, PICUActive = @PICUActive, CVUActive = @CVUActive, HemaActive = @HemaActive, HSActive = @HSActive, StationID = @StationID, CCUActive = @CCUActive, IsPatientCard = @IsPatientCard, StockCardRevenueID = @StockCardRevenueID where revenueid = @RevenueID GO -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Bui_Insert_Revenue_Center_New') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Bui_Insert_Revenue_Center_New AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Bui_Insert_Revenue_Center_New] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei ( @RevenueID as varchar(2), @Itemname as varchar(45), @lgrp as varchar(1), @reportrevenue as varchar(1), @medicaretype as varchar(1), @drcr as varchar(1), @fix as varchar(1), @recordstatus as varchar(1), @rwith as varchar(1), @billingactive as varchar(1), @cashieractive as varchar(1), @nurseactive as varchar(1), @parsactive as varchar(1), @medicareactive as varchar(1), @kidneyactive as varchar(1), @dractive as varchar(1), @eractive as varchar(1), @icuactive as varchar(1), @nuactive as varchar(1), @oractive as varchar(1), @opdactive as varchar(1), @PAactive as varchar(1) = null, @PrepaidActive as varchar(1) = null, @EndoActive as varchar(1) = null, @DebitCode as varchar(15) = null, @CreditCode as varchar(15) = null, @AccountName as varchar(30) = null, @NurseryActive as varchar(1) = null, @PICUActive as varchar(1) = null, @CVUActive as varchar(1) = null, @HemaActive as varchar(1) = null, @HSActive as varchar(1) = null, @StationID as varchar(4) = null, @CCUActive as varchar(1) = null, @StockCardRevenueID as varchar(5) = '', @IsPatientCard as bit ) AS insert into tbcorevenuecode(RevenueID, Itemname, lgrp, reportrevenue, medicaretype, drcr, fix, recordstatus, rwith, billingactive, cashieractive, nurseactive, parsactive, medicareactive, kidneyactive, dractive, eractive, icuactive, nuactive, oractive,opdactive,PAactive, PrepaidActive, EndoActive, GLInDebitCode, GLInCreditCode, AccountName, NurActive, PICUActive, CVUActive, HemaActive, HSActive, StationID, CCUActive, IsPatientCard, StockCardRevenueID ) values (@RevenueID, @Itemname, @lgrp, @reportrevenue, @medicaretype, @drcr, @fix, @recordstatus, @rwith, @billingactive, @cashieractive, @nurseactive, @parsactive, @medicareactive, @kidneyactive, @dractive, @eractive, @icuactive, @nuactive, @oractive,@opdactive,@PAactive, @PrepaidActive, @EndoActive, @DebitCode, @CreditCode, @AccountName, @NurseryActive, @PICUActive, @CVUActive, @HemaActive, @HSActive, @StationID, @CCUActive, @IsPatientCard, @StockCardRevenueID) GO ---------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'spBuild_UserSettingsNew') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.spBuild_UserSettingsNew AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spBuild_UserSettingsNew] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei @Employeeid as varchar(10) as SELECT isnull(EmployeeID, 0)EmployeeIDisnull, isnull(sCompany, 0)sCompany, isnull(sBussinessClass, 0) sBussinessClass, isnull(sDepartment, 0) sDepartment, isnull(sNationality, 0) sNationality, isnull(sAddress, 0) sAddress, isnull(sBarangay, 0) sBarangay, isnull(sReligion, 0)sReligion, isnull(sDoctor, 0)sDoctor, isnull(sRoom, 0)sRoom, isnull(sStation, 0)sStation, isnull(sRoomClass, 0)sRoomClass, isnull(sAccomodation, 0)sAccomodation, isnull(sDosage, 0)sDosage, isnull(sItemPackage, 0)sItemPackage, isnull(sRevenue, 0)sRevenue, isnull(sCharging, 0)sCharging, isnull(sAccounting, 0)sAccounting, isnull(sLabCode, 0)sLabCode, isnull(sLabSpecimen, 0)sLabSpecimen, isnull(sSection, 0)sSection, isnull(sService, 0)sService, isnull(sAddressRPT, 0)sAddressRPT, isnull(sDoctorsRPT, 0)sDoctorsRPT, isnull(sCompanyRPT, 0)sCompanyRPT, isnull(sRoomCodesRPT, 0)sRoomCodesRPT, isnull(sDepartmentsRPT, 0)sDepartmentsRPT, isnull(sBarangaysRPT, 0)sBarangaysRPT, isnull(sRvcRPT, 0)sRvcRPT, isnull(sRevExamRPT, 0)sRevExamRPT, isnull(sARCodesRPT, 0)sARCodesRPT, isnull(sGLChartCodesRPT, 0)sGLChartCodesRPT, isnull(sAccountingRPT, 0)sAccountingRPT, isnull(sDeptARCodeRPT, 0)sDeptARCodeRPT, isnull(sInterpretRPT, 0)sInterpretRPT, isnull(sRCCodesRPT, 0)sRCCodesRPT, isnull(sTelephoneRPT, 0)sTelephoneRPT, isnull(sMedicalSpecializationRPT, 0)sMedicalSpecializationRPT, isnull(sSurgicalCodeRPT, 0)sSurgicalCodeRPT, isnull(sDoctorProfFee, 0)sDoctorProfFee, isnull(sDiscountRate, 0)sDiscountRate, isnull(sCompanyRate, 0)sCompanyRate, isnull(sDocSpecialization, 0)sDocSpecialization, isnull(sSOP, 0)sSOP, isnull(sExePackage, 0)sExePackage, isnull(sUserLog, 0)sUserLog, isnull(sUserSetting, 0)sUserSetting, isnull(sForInfo, 0)sForInfo, isnull(sRoomStatus,0)sRoomStatus, isnull(sDeposittype, 0)sDepositType, isnull(sHospitalList,0)sHospitalList, isnull(sICDCode,0)sICDcode, isnull(sCreditMemo,0)sCreditMemo, isnull(sCausesofConsultation,0)sCausesofConsultation, isnull(sHoliday,0)sHoliday, isnull(sShowUserValidation , 0) sShowUserValidation , isnull(sEarningPoints, 0)sEarningPoints FROM BUILD_FILE.dbo.TbBuildUserSettings where employeeid = @Employeeid GO ---------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Build_UserSettings') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Build_UserSettings AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Build_UserSettings] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei @EmployeeID as varchar(30), @sCompany as varchar(1), @sBussinessClass as varchar(1), @sDepartment as varchar(1), @sDoctor as varchar(1), @sNationality as varchar(1), @sReligion as varchar(1), @sAddress as varchar(1), @sBarangay as varchar(1), @sRoomClass as varchar(1), @sRoom as varchar(1), @sStation as varchar(1), @sAccomodation as varchar(1), @sDosage as varchar(1), @sItemPackage as varchar(1), @sRevenue as varchar(1), @sCharging as varchar(1), @sAccounting as varchar(1), @sLabCode as varchar(1), @sLabSpecimen as varchar(1), @sSection as varchar(1), @sService as varchar(1), @sAddressRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sDoctorsRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sCompanyRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sRoomCodesRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sDepartmentsRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sBarangaysRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sRvcRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sRevExamRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sARCodesRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sGLChartCodesRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sAccountingRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sDeptARCodeRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sInterpretRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sRCCodesRPT as varchar(1)='0', @sTelephoneRPT as varchar(1) ='0', @sMedicalSpecializationRPT as varchar(1) = '0', @sSurgicalCodeRPT as varchar(1) = '0', @sDocProfFee as varchar(1)='0', @sDiscountRate as varchar(1)='0', @sCompanyRate as varchar(1)='0', @sDocSpec as varchar(1) ='0', @sSOP as varchar(1) = '0', @sExePackage as varchar(1) = '0', @UserLog as varchar(1)= '0', @UserSetting as varchar(1) = '1', @ForInfo as varchar(1) = '0', @RoomStatus as varchar(1) = '0', @DepositType as varchar(1) = '0', @HospitalList varchar(1) = '0', @ICDcode varchar(1) = '0', @CreditMemo varchar(1) = '0', @CausesofConsultation varchar(1) = '0', @Holiday varchar(1) = '0', @UserValidation varchar(1) = '0', @Points varchar(1)= '0' as If exists (Select * from tbBuildUserSettings where employeeId= @EmployeeId) Begin Update TbBuildUserSettings set EmployeeId = @Employeeid, sCompany = @sCompany, sBussinessClass = @sBussinessClass, sDepartment = @sDepartment, sDoctor = @sDoctor, sNationality = @sNationality, sReligion = @sReligion, sAddress = @sAddress, sBarangay = @sBarangay, sRoomClass = @sRoomClass, sRoom = @sRoom, sStation= @sStation, sAccomodation = @sAccomodation, sDosage = @sDosage, sItemPackage = @sItemPackage, sCharging = @sCharging, sRevenue = @sRevenue, sAccounting = @sAccounting, sLabCode = @SLabCode, sLabSpecimen = @sLabSpecimen, sSection = @sSection, sService = @sService, sAddressRPT = @sAddressRPT, sDoctorsRPT = @sDoctorsRPT , sCompanyRPT = @sCompanyRPT, sRoomCodesRPT = @sRoomCodesRPT, sDepartmentsRPT= @sDepartmentsRPT , sBarangaysRPT= @sBarangaysRPT, sRvcRPT = @sRvcRPT, sRevExamRPT = @sRevExamRPT, sARCodesRPT = @sARCodesRPT, sGLChartCodesRPT = @sGLChartCodesRPT, sAccountingRPT = @sAccountingRPT, sDeptARCodeRPT= @sDeptARCodeRPT, sInterpretRPT = @sInterpretRPT, sRCCodesRPT = @sRCCodesRPT, sTelephoneRPT = @sTelephoneRPT, sMedicalSpecializationRPT = @sMedicalSpecializationRPT, sSurgicalCodeRPT = @sSurgicalCodeRPT, sDoctorProfFee = @sDocProfFee, sDiscountRate = @sDiscountRate, sCompanyRate = @sCompanyRate, sDocSpecialization = @sDocSpec, sSOP = @sSOP, sExePackage = @sExePackage, sUserlog = @UserLog, sUserSetting = @UserSetting, sForInfo = @ForInfo, sRoomStatus = @roomstatus, sDepositType = @DepositType, sHospitalList = @HospitalList, sICDcode = @ICDcode, sCreditMemo= @CreditMemo, sCausesofConsultation= @CausesofConsultation, sHoliday =@Holiday, sShowUserValidation = @UserValidation, sEarningPoints = @Points Where EmployeeId = @EmployeeId; End Else Begin Insert into TbBuildUserSettings(EmployeeID,sCompany,sBussinessClass,sDepartment,sDoctor,sNationality, sReligion, sAddress, sBarangay,sRoomClass, sRoom,sStation,sAccomodation, sDosage, sItemPackage, sCharging, sRevenue, sAccounting, sLabCode, sLabSpecimen, sSection, sService, sAddressRPT, sDoctorsRPT, sCompanyRPT, sRoomCodesRPT, sDepartmentsRPT, sBarangaysRPT, sRvcRPT, sRevExamRPT, sARCodesRPT, sGLChartCodesRPT, sAccountingRPT, sDeptARCodeRPT, sInterpretRPT, sRCCodesRPT, sTelephoneRPT, sMedicalSpecializationRPT, sSurgicalCodeRPT, sDoctorProfFee, sDiscountRate, sCompanyRate, sDocSpecialization, sSOP, sExePackage, sUSerLog, sUserSetting, sForInfo,sRoomStatus,sDepositType,sHospitalList,sICDcode, sCreditMemo,sCausesofConsultation,sHoliday,sShowUserValidation,sEarningPoints) values(@EmployeeID,@sCompany,@sBussinessClass, @sDepartment,@sDoctor,@sNationality, @sReligion, @sAddress, @sBarangay,@sRoomClass, @sRoom,@sStation,@sAccomodation, @sDosage, @sItemPackage, @sCharging, @sRevenue, @sAccounting, @sLabCode, @sLabSpecimen, @sSection, @sService, @sAddressRPT, @sDoctorsRPT , @sCompanyRPT, @sRoomCodesRPT, @sDepartmentsRPT , @sBarangaysRPT, @sRvcRPT, @sRevExamRPT, @sARCodesRPT, @sGLChartCodesRPT, @sAccountingRPT, @sDeptARCodeRPT, @sInterpretRPT, @sRCCodesRPT, @sTelephoneRPT, @sMedicalSpecializationRPT, @sSurgicalCodeRPT, @sDocProfFee, @sDiscountRate, @sCompanyRate, @sDocSpec, @sSOP, @sExePackage, @UserLog, @UserSetting, @ForInfo, @RoomStatus,@DepositType,@HospitalList,@ICDcode, @CreditMemo,@CausesofConsultation,@Holiday,@UserValidation,@Points ) End; GO ----------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Bui_Save_tbPointsSetUp') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Bui_Save_tbPointsSetUp AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_Bui_Save_tbPointsSetUp] --->Dated 02/08/2012 by sensei @ID as varchar(5), @Amount as int, @Points as int, @Billing as bit, @Cashier as bit, @Prepaid as bit, @AR as bit, @Medicare as bit, @Kidney as bit, @ICU as bit, @Generic as bit, @CVU as bit, @DR as bit, @PICU as bit, @Nursery as bit, @Endoscopy as bit, @HS as bit, @NU as bit, @Nursing as bit, @CCU as bit, @OR as bit, @Pulmo as bit, @ER as bit, @OPD as bit, @Hematology as bit as if exists(select * from build_file..tbPointsSetUp where ID=@ID and Amount=@Amount) begin update build_file..tbPointsSetUp set ID=@ID, AMount=@Amount, Points=@Points, Billing=@Billing, Cashier=@Cashier, Prepaid=@Prepaid, AR=@AR, Medicare=@Medicare, Kidney=@Kidney, ICU=@ICU, Generic=@Generic, CVU=@CVU, DR=@DR, PICU=@PICU, Nursery=@NUrsery, Endoscopy=@Endoscopy, HS=@HS, NU=@NU, Nursing=@Nursing, CCU=@CCU, [OR]=@OR, Pulmo=@Pulmo, ER=@ER, OPD=@OPD, Hematology=@Hematology where ID=@ID and Amount=@Amount end else begin insert into build_file..tbPointsSetUp (ID,Amount,Points,Billing,Cashier,Prepaid,AR,Medicare,Kidney,ICU,Generic,CVU,DR,PICU,Nursery,Endoscopy,HS,NU,Nursing,CCU,[OR],Pulmo,ER,OPD,Hematology) values (@ID,@Amount,@Points,@Billing,@Cashier,@Prepaid,@AR,@Medicare,@Kidney,@ICU,@Generic,@CVU,@DR,@PICU,@Nursery,@Endoscopy,@HS,@NU,@Nursing,@CCU,@OR,@Pulmo,@ER,@OPD,@Hematology) end GO -------------------------------- USE [Build_File] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_Bui_Search_Company] Script Date: 08/03/2012 12:41:22 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_Bui_Search_Company') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Bui_Search_Company AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Bui_Search_Company](@SearchCriteria as varchar(60), @type as varchar(1)) --->Dated 03/08/2012 by sensei AS If (@Type = '1') Select '' as dumm, isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'')as AccountNum, isnull(b. description,'') as Description, isnull(a.cardcode,'') as CardCode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by else If (@Type = '2') Select isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.housestreet,'') as HouseStreet, isnull(a.barangay,'') as Barangay, isnull(a.zipcode,'') as Zipcode, isnull(a.status,'') as Status,isnull(a.cardcode,'') as CardCode, isnull(a.tin,'') as TIN, isnull(a.vat,'') as VAT, isnull(a.fax,'') as FAX, isnull(a.status,'') as Status, isnull(,'') as Phone, (case when ltrim(rtrim(isnull(b.description,''))) = '' then '(NONE)' else b.description End) as description, (case when ltrim(rtrim(isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,''))) = ',' then '(NONE)' else isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,'') End) as province, IsNull( a.Class, '' ) as Class , IsNull( a.ContactPerson, '' ) as ContactPerson, IsNull( a.Position, '' ) as Position, IsNull( a.Officer, '' ) as Officer, isnull(CardCode, '') as CardCode, isnull(EmployeeID,'') as EmployeeID, isnull(a.CreditLimit, 0) as CreditLimit, CompanyDiscount, moaStartDate, moaEndDate , moaNumber, comppassword, isnull(a.isEmployee,0) as isEmployee from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code left outer join tbcoaddress c on a.zipcode = c.zipcode where a.accountnum = @searchcriteria else If (@type = '3') Select * from tbcoCompany where ltriM(rtrim(isnull(company,''))) = @SearchCriteria else If (@Type = '4') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, b.code,a.cardcode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by b.description, else If (@Type = '5') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, isnull(b.code,'') as Code,isnull(a.cardcode,'') as Cardcode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by a.accountnum else If (@Type = '6') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, isnull(b.code,'') as Code,isnull(a.cardcode,'') as Cardcode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by else If (@Type = '7') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as Accountnum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, isnull(b.code,'') as Code, isnull(a.cardcode,'') as CardCode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code where b.description not like '%advance%' order by set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ----------------------------