use Patient_Data GO alter table tbmaster2 add PHICNum varchar(50) GO alter table tbmaster alter column CardNumber varchar(50) GO /****** changed b.cardnum to a.cardnum ******/ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AOPD_LoadOutPatient] @IDNum as varchar(8) AS Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.lastname,'') + ', ' + isnull(a.firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(a.middlename,'') as patientname, isnull(a.lastname,'') as LastName, isnull(a.firstname,'') as FirstName, isnull(a.middlename,'') as middlename, b.idnum, a.hospnum, (SELECT CASE WHEN b.ADMDATE IS NULL THEN '' ELSE b.ADMDATE END) AS ADMDATE, (SELECT CASE WHEN b.DCRDATE IS NULL THEN '' ELSE b.DCRDATE END) AS DCRDATE, b.OPDStatus, isnull(H.Weight,'') as Weight, isnull(h.Temperature,'') as Temperature, isnull(h.BloodPressure,'') as BloodPressure, isnull(a.bloodtype,'') as bloodtype, isnull(h.DiagnosisID1,'') as DiagnosisID1, isnull(h.DiagnosisID2,'') as DiagnosisID2, isnull(h.DiagnosisID3,'') as DiagnosisID3, isnull(h.findings,'') as Findings, isnull(h.medications,'') as medications, isnull(b.AccountNum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.Remarks,'') as Remarks, isnull(b.ServiceID2,'') as ServiceID2, isnull(b.ServiceID3,'') as ServiceID3, isnull(b.ServiceID4,'') as ServiceID4, isnull(b.ServiceID5,'') as ServiceID5, isnull(b.ServiceID1,'') as ServiceID1, isnull(b.DoctorID1,'') as DoctorID1, isnull(b.DoctorID2,'') as DoctorID2, isNull(b.hosPlan,'') as HospPlan, isnull(c.Company,'') as Company, isnull(b.ConsultationType,'') as ConsultationType, isnull(G.GuarantorName,'') as GuarantorName, isnull(G.GuarantorAddress,'') as GuarantorAddress, isnull(G.GuarantorEmployer,'') as GuarantorEmployer, isnull(G.GuarantorTelNum,'') as GuarantorTelNum, isnull(I.InformantName,'') as InformantName, isnull(I.InformantAddress,'') as InformantAddress, isnull(I.InformantRelation,'') as InformantRelation, isnull(I.InformantTelNum,'') as InformantTelNum, isnull(EmployerAddress,'') as GuarantorEmployerAddress, a.bloodtype as bloodtype, b.ADMDATE as AdmissionDate, b.PatientType as PatientType, b.ConType as ConType, cc.ChiefComplaintID as ChiefComplaintID1, CC.ChiefComplaint as ChiefComplaint1, cc2.ChiefComplaintID as ChiefComplaintID2, CC2.ChiefComplaint as ChiefComplaint2, cc3.ChiefComplaintID as ChiefComplaintID3, CC3.ChiefComplaint as ChiefComplaint3, isnull(b.paycode,'') as Paycode, isnull(a.CardNumber,'') as CardNumber, isnull(B.SeniorCitizen,'') as SeniorCitizenID, isnull(A.SeniorCitizenID,'') as SeniorCitizenIDNo, (b.pharmaSeniorDiscounted) as SeniorCitizen, isnull(b.PerUnit,'') PerUnit, isnull(b.CauseofConsultationID,'') as CauseofConsultationID, a.Age, dbo.fn_GetPatientCivilStatus(a.Hospnum) as CivilStatus, H.ChiefComplaints, isnull(H.Procedures,'') Procedures, isnull(H.Condition, '') Condition, isnull(H.RespiratoryRate, '') RespiratoryRate, isnull(H.AnesthesiaType, '') AnesthesiaType, isnull(B.DoctorID3, '') DoctorID3, isnull(B.OperationDate, getdate()) OperationDate, isnull(isWalkIn,0) isWalkIn, isnull(B.HMOApprovalNum,'') HMOApprovalNum, isnull(Jonelta,0) Jonelta, isnull(B.chiefcomplaintid1,'') as CauseofConsultationid1, isnull(CC.ChiefComplaint,'') as CauseofConsultation1, isnull(B.chiefcomplaintid2,'') as CauseofConsultationid2, isnull(CC2.ChiefComplaint,'') as CauseofConsultation2, isnull(B.chiefcomplaintid3,'') as CauseofConsultationid3, isnull(CC3.ChiefComplaint,'') as CauseofConsultation3, isnull(H.Height, '') as Height, isnull(H.PulseRate,'') as PulseRate, ----additional isnull(b.DoctorID3,'') as DoctorID3, isnull(b.DoctorID4,'') as DoctorID4, isnull(b.DoctorID5,'') as DoctorID5, ---isnull(b.Ismabrate,0) as isMabrate, isnull(B.HomeService,'N')as HomeService from tboutpatient b left outer join tbmaster a on b.hospnum = a.hospnum left outer join Build_File..tbCoCompany C on b.AccountNum = c.AccountNum left outer join tbOutPatientHistory H on b.IDNum=H.IDnum Left Outer Join tbPatientInformant I on b.IDNum = I.IDNum left Outer Join tbPatientGuarantor G on b.IDNum = G.IDNum left outer join BUILD_FILE..tbCoChiefComplaint CC on b.ChiefComplaintID1 = CC.ChiefComplaintID left outer join BUILD_FILE..tbCoChiefComplaint CC2 on b.ChiefComplaintID2 = CC2.ChiefComplaintID left outer join BUILD_FILE..tbCoChiefComplaint CC3 on b.ChiefComplaintID3 = CC3.ChiefComplaintID where b.IDNum = @IDNum GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AOPD_Load_TbMaster] @Hospnum as varchar(10) AS Select m.hospnum, isnull(m.lastname,'') as Lastname, isnull(m.firstname,'') as FirstName, isnull(m.middlename,'') as MiddleName, isnull(m.housestreet,'')as HouseStreet, isnull(m.barangay,'') as Barangay, m.Zipcode, (case when isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,'') = ', ' then '' else isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,'') End) as province, isnull(m.telnum,'') as TelNum, m.birthdate as BirthDate, isnull(,'') as Sex, isnull(m.age,0) as Age, isnull(m2.Employer,'') as Employer, isnull(m2.EmployerAddress,'') as EmployerAddress, isNull(m2.EmployerTelNum,'') as EmployerTelNum, M.CivilStatus , isnull(convert(varchar(10),m.GovDiscountExpiry,101),'') as GovDiscountExpiry, isNull(M.BloodType,'') [BloodType] , isNull(M2.BirthPlace,'') [BirthPlace], isNull(M.Occupation,'') [Occupation] , isNull(N.Nationality,'') [Nationality] , isNull(R.Religion,'') [Religion], isnull(M2.NationalityID,'') AS NationalityID, isnull(M2.ReligionID,'') AS ReligionID, isnull(M.Title,'') AS Title, SSSGSISNum, m2.phicnum from tbmaster m left outer join Build_File..tbcoaddress c on m.zipcode = c.zipcode left outer join tbMaster2 m2 on m.hospNum=m2.HospNum left outer join tbPatient P on m.HospNum=p.HospNum left outer join build_file..tbcoNationality N on N.NationalityID = M2.NationalityID left outer join build_file..tbcoReligion R on R.ReligionID = M2.ReligionID where m.hospnum = @HospNum GO create table tbOPD_UserLogin ( EmployeeID varchar(20) null, Remarks text null, LoginDate datetime null, LogOutDate datetime null, LogSequence float null ) set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_OPD_Search_User') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_OPD_Search_User AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_OPD_Search_User] (@Type as varchar(1), @UserID as varchar(5), @Date as varchar(10)) AS if @Type = '1' select A.LogSequence, A.EmployeeID, ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.lastname,''))) + ', ' + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.firstname,''))) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.middlename,''))) as Name, A.LoginDate, A.LogoutDate, Remarks from TbOPD_userlogin A left outer join password..tbpasswordmaster B on A.EmployeeID = B.EmployeeID --where A.EmployeeID = @UserID order by A.logsequence desc else if @Type = '2' select A.LogSequence, A.EmployeeID, ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.lastname,''))) + ', ' + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.firstname,''))) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.middlename,''))) as Name, A.LoginDate, A.LogoutDate, Remarks from TbOPD_userlogin A left outer join password..tbpasswordmaster B on A.EmployeeID = B.EmployeeID where A.LogSequence = @UserID order by A.logsequence desc else if @Type = '3' select A.LogSequence, A.EmployeeID, ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.lastname,''))) + ', ' + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.firstname,''))) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(B.middlename,''))) as Name, A.LoginDate, A.LogoutDate, Remarks from TbOPD_userlogin A left outer join password..tbpasswordmaster B on A.EmployeeID = B.EmployeeID set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'SP_OPD_UserLogin') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.SP_OPD_UserLogin AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_OPD_UserLogin] @LogSequence as varchar(5), @EmployeeID as varchar(50), @Remarks as Text, @LogInDate as datetime, @LogOutDate as datetime As Declare @strRemarks as varchar(500); if Exists(Select * From patient_data..TbOPD_UserLogin Where EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and LogOutDate is null) Begin set @strRemarks = (Select top 1 Cast(Remarks as varchar(1000)) From TbOPD_UserLogin Where EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and LogOutDate is null) + ' Not Properly Logout' Update TbOPD_UserLogin set LogOutDate = getdate(), Remarks = @strRemarks Where EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and LogOutDate is null; End; If @LogoutDate = '' Begin Set @LogoutDate = Null End; insert into patient_data..TbOPD_UserLogin(LogSequence, EmployeeID, Remarks, LogInDate, LogOutDate) values(@LogSequence, @EmployeeID, @Remarks, GetDate(), @LogoutDate) set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_OPD_UpdateLogRemarks') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_OPD_UpdateLogRemarks AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_OPD_UpdateLogRemarks] @EmployeeID as varchar(10), @Remarks as text AS Update TbOPD_UserLogin Set Remarks = @Remarks Where EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and LogOutDate is null; set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'SP_OPD_UserLogin_Update') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.SP_OPD_UserLogin_Update AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_OPD_UserLogin_Update] @EmployeeID as varchar(50) as Update patient_data..TbOPD_UserLogin Set LogoutDate = Getdate() Where EmployeeId= @EmployeeID and LogoutDate = null; go ------------------------------------------------------------- alter table patient_data..tbmaster2 add PHICNum varchar(50) null GO ------------------------------------------------------------- USE [Patient_Data] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_AOPD_Load_TbMaster] Script Date: 05/21/2012 12:55:59 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_AOPD_Load_TbMaster') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_sp_AOPD_Load_TbMaster AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AOPD_Load_TbMaster] @Hospnum as varchar(10) AS Select m.hospnum, isnull(m.lastname,'') as Lastname, isnull(m.firstname,'') as FirstName, isnull(m.middlename,'') as MiddleName, isnull(m.housestreet,'')as HouseStreet, isnull(m.barangay,'') as Barangay, m.Zipcode, (case when isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,'') = ', ' then '' else isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,'') End) as province, isnull(m.telnum,'') as TelNum, m.birthdate as BirthDate, isnull(,'') as Sex, isnull(m.age,0) as Age, isnull(m2.Employer,'') as Employer, isnull(m2.EmployerAddress,'') as EmployerAddress, isNull(m2.EmployerTelNum,'') as EmployerTelNum, M.CivilStatus , isnull(convert(varchar(10),m.GovDiscountExpiry,101),'') as GovDiscountExpiry, isNull(M.BloodType,'') [BloodType] , isNull(M2.BirthPlace,'') [BirthPlace], isNull(M.Occupation,'') [Occupation] , isNull(N.Nationality,'') [Nationality] , isNull(R.Religion,'') [Religion], isnull(M2.NationalityID,'') AS NationalityID, isnull(M2.ReligionID,'') AS ReligionID, isnull(M.Title,'') AS Title, SSSGSISNum, m2.phicnum from tbmaster m left outer join Build_File..tbcoaddress c on m.zipcode = c.zipcode left outer join tbMaster2 m2 on m.hospNum=m2.HospNum left outer join tbPatient P on m.HospNum=p.HospNum left outer join build_file..tbcoNationality N on N.NationalityID = M2.NationalityID left outer join build_file..tbcoReligion R on R.ReligionID = M2.ReligionID where m.hospnum = @HospNum insert into patient_data..tbopdmenu (MenuID,Menu,Status,MenuGroup,MainMenu)values('81','User Logs','1','A','2') alter table Patient_data..tbHospitalInfo add OtherInfo text insert into patient_data..tbopdmenu (MenuID,Menu,Status,MenuGroup,MainMenu)values('82','User Validation','1','A','2') set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go alter table Patient_data..tbopd_settings add MarkUp bit go ------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND ROUTINE_NAME = 'OPD_SaveOPDSettings') EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.OPD_SaveOPDSettings AS SELECT 1') GO ALTER Procedure [dbo].[OPD_SaveOPDSettings] @isAllowNewOPSTatRate varchar(1), @isAllowHolidayRate varchar(1), @isAllowAfterFivePMRate varchar(1), @isAllowWeekendRate varchar(1), @isAllowAfterFiveLabChemOnly varchar(1), @isAllowAfterFiveAllRevenues varchar(1), @OPDStatRate float, @HolidayRate float, @AfterFivePmRate float, @WeekendRate float, @MaxMarkUpRate float, @StatAndAfterFivePMRate float, @StatAndWeekendRate float, @HolidayAndWeekend float, @HolidayAndAfterFivePMRate float, @WeekendAfterFive float, @dtWeekendStartMarkUp smalldatetime, @dtWeekendEndMarkUp smalldatetime, @isAssessmentMarkUp as varchar(1), @isPostChargeMarkup as varchar(1), @dtWeekendStartMarkUp2 smalldatetime, @dtWeekendEndMarkUp2 smalldatetime, @MarkUp as bit as Select top 1 * from Patient_data..tbopd_settings; if @@rowcount > 0 begin Update Patient_data..tbOPd_settings set isAllowNewOPSTatRate = @isAllowNewOPSTatRate, isAllowHolidayRate = @isAllowHolidayRate, isAllowAfterFivePMRate = @isAllowAfterFivePMRate, isAllowWeekendRate = @isAllowWeekendRate, isAllowAfterFiveLabChemOnly = @isAllowAfterFiveLabChemOnly, isAllowAfterFiveAllRevenues = @isAllowAfterFiveAllRevenues, OPDStatRate = @OPDStatRate, HolidayRate = @HolidayRate, AfterFivePmRate = @AfterFivePmRate, WeekendRate = @WeekendRate, MaxMarkUpRate = @MaxMarkUpRate, StatAndAfterFivePMRate = @StatAndAfterFivePMRate, StatAndWeekendRate = @StatAndWeekendRate, HolidayAndWeekend = @HolidayAndWeekend, HolidayAndAfterFivePMRate = @HolidayAndAfterFivePMRate, WeekendAfterFive = @WeekendAfterFive, dtWeekendStartMarkUp = @dtWeekendStartMarkUp, dtWeekendEndMarkUp = @dtWeekendEndMarkUp, isAssesmentMarkup = @isAssessmentMarkUp, isPostChargeMarkUp = @isPostChargeMarkup, dtWeekendStartMarkUp2 = @dtWeekendStartMarkUp2, dtWeekendEndMarkUp2 = @dtWeekendEndMarkUp2, MarkUp = @MarkUp end else begin insert into patient_data..tbopd_settings( isAllowNewOPSTatRate, isAllowHolidayRate, isAllowAfterFivePMRate, isAllowWeekendRate, isAllowAfterFiveLabChemOnly, isAllowAfterFiveAllRevenues,OPDStatRate, HolidayRate, AfterFivePmRate, WeekendRate, MaxMarkUpRate, StatAndAfterFivePMRate, StatAndWeekendRate, HolidayAndWeekend, HolidayAndAfterFivePMRate, WeekendAfterFive, dtWeekendStartMarkUp, dtWeekendEndMarkUp, isAssesmentMarkup, isPostChargeMarkUp, dtWeekendStartMarkUp2,dtWeekendEndMarkUp2,MarkUp) values (@isAllowNewOPSTatRate, @isAllowHolidayRate, @isAllowAfterFivePMRate, @isAllowWeekendRate, @isAllowAfterFiveLabChemOnly, @isAllowAfterFiveAllRevenues,@OPDStatRate, @HolidayRate, @AfterFivePmRate, @WeekendRate, @MaxMarkUpRate, @StatAndAfterFivePMRate, @StatAndWeekendRate, @HolidayAndWeekend, @HolidayAndAfterFivePMRate, @WeekendAfterFive, @dtWeekendStartMarkUp, @dtWeekendEndMarkUp, @isAssessmentMarkUp,@isPostChargeMarkup,@dtWeekendStartMarkUp2,@dtWeekendEndMarkUp2,@MarkUp) end GO