USE [clinical_area] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGeneric_GetPatient] Script Date: 05/11/2011 13:15:05 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGeneric_GetPatient] @Status As Varchar (1), @Lastname As Varchar(20), @HospNum As Varchar(10), @IDNum As Varchar(10) AS Declare @DateToDay as varchar(10); Set @DateToDay = Convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101); IF @Status='O' Begin SELECT tbOutPatient.HospNum AS [Hospital #],tbOutPatient.IDNum AS [Admission #],RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.LastName,'')) + ' ,' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.FirstName,'')) + ' ' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.MiddleName,'')) AS [Patient Name],convert(varchar(10),tbOutPatient.AdmDate,101) + substring(convert(varchar(19),tbOutPatient.AdmDate,100),12,8) AS [Admission Date], tboutpatient.billingdate as [Billing Date] FROM PATIENT_DATA..tbOutPatient AS tbOutPatient LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT_DATA..tbMaster AS tbMaster ON tbOutPatient.Hospnum = tbMaster.HospNum LEFT OUTER JOIN BUILD_FILE..tbCoCompany tbCoCompany ON tbOutPatient.AccountNum = tbCoCompany.AccountNum where ((tbOutPatient.AdmDate Between @DateToDay and @DateToDay + ' 23:59:59' and DcrDate is null) and (tbMaster.LastName like rtrim(@Lastname) + '%' ) and tboutpatient.HospNum like @Hospnum +'%' and tbOutPatient.IDNum like @IDNum +'%') and tbOutPatient.opdstatus <> 'R' order by tbmaster.lastname, tbmaster.firstname, tbmaster.middlename End; IF @Status = 'I' Begin SELECT tbPatient.HospNum AS [Hospital #],tbPatient.IDNum AS [Admission #],RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.LastName,'')) + ' ,' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.FirstName,'')) + ' ' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.MiddleName,'')) AS [Patient Name],convert(varchar(10),tbPatient.AdmDate,101) + substring(convert(varchar(19),tbPatient.AdmDate,100),12,8) AS [Admission Date], tbpatient.billingdate as [Billing Date] FROM PATIENT_DATA..tbPatient AS tbPatient LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT_DATA..tbMaster AS tbMaster ON tbPatient.Hospnum = tbMaster.HospNum where (tbPatient.BillingDate Is Null) and ((tbMaster.LastName like @Lastname + '%' or @Lastname ='') and (tbPatient.HospNum = @HospNum or @Hospnum='') and (tbPatient.IDNum = @IDNum or @IDNum='') ) ORDER BY [Patient Name] End; IF @Status = 'C' Begin SELECT tbPatient.HospNum AS [Hospital #],tbPatient.IDNum AS [Admission #],RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.LastName,'')) + ' ,' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.FirstName,'')) + ' ' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.MiddleName,'')) AS [Patient Name],convert(varchar(10),tbPatient.AdmDate,101) + substring(convert(varchar(19),tbPatient.AdmDate,100),12,8) AS [Admission Date], tbpatient.billingdate as [Billing Date] FROM PATIENT_DATA..tbPatient AS tbPatient LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT_DATA..tbMaster AS tbMaster ON tbPatient.Hospnum = tbMaster.HospNum where (tbpatient.dcrdate <= billingdate or tbpatient.dcrdate is null) and ((tbMaster.LastName like @Lastname + '%' ) and (tbPatient.HospNum = @HospNum or @Hospnum='') and (tbPatient.IDNum = @IDNum or @IDNum='') ) ORDER BY [Patient Name] End; IF @Status = 'D' begin --OPD Previous Registration SELECT tbOutPatient.HospNum AS [Hospital #],tbOutPatient.IDNum AS [Admission #],RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.LastName,'')) + ' ,' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.FirstName,'')) + ' ' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.MiddleName,'')) AS [Patient Name],convert(varchar(10),tbOutPatient.AdmDate,101) + substring(convert(varchar(19),tbOutPatient.AdmDate,100),12,8) AS [Admission Date], tboutpatient.billingdate as [Billing Date] FROM PATIENT_DATA..tbOutPatient AS tbOutPatient LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT_DATA..tbMaster AS tbMaster ON tbOutPatient.Hospnum = tbMaster.HospNum LEFT OUTER JOIN BUILD_FILE..tbCoCompany tbCoCompany ON tbOutPatient.AccountNum = tbCoCompany.AccountNum where (tbOutPatient.OpdStatus <>'R' and (tbMaster.LastName like rtrim(@Lastname) + '%' ) and tboutpatient.HospNum like @Hospnum +'%' and tbOutPatient.IDNum like @IDNum +'%') and isnull(tbCoCompany.Class,'') <> 'S' order by tbmaster.lastname, tbmaster.firstname, tbmaster.middlename, tbOutPatient.AdmDate end; IF @Status = 'T' begin SELECT tbPatient.HospNum AS [Hospital #],tbPatient.IDNum AS [Admission #],RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.LastName,'')) + ' ,' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.FirstName,'')) + ' ' + RTRIM(isnull(tbMaster.MiddleName,'')) AS [Patient Name],convert(varchar(10),tbPatient.AdmDate,101) + substring(convert(varchar(19),tbPatient.AdmDate,100),12,8) AS [Admission Date], tbpatient.billingdate as [Billing Date] FROM PATIENT_DATA..tbPatient AS tbPatient LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT_DATA..tbMaster AS tbMaster ON tbPatient.Hospnum = tbMaster.HospNum where ((tbMaster.LastName like @Lastname + '%' or @Lastname ='') and (tbPatient.HospNum = @HospNum or @Hospnum='') and (tbPatient.IDNum = @IDNum or @IDNum='') ) ORDER BY [Patient Name], [Admission Date] end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE [clinical_area] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGeneric_CheckPending] Script Date: 05/11/2011 13:16:30 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGeneric_CheckPending] @userid varchar(10) AS select count(*) TotalPending from Station..tbNurseCommunicationFile where (recordstatus IS NULL or recordstatus='') and RevenueID in (Select revenueid from tbGenericAccess where userid = @userid) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE [Clinical_area] set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ----->>Created by oski for Generic Charging --patient_data..spGeneric_GetPatient 'I', '131844', '176666' CREATE Procedure [dbo].[spGeneric_GetPatientInfo] @strPatientType as varchar(1), @HospNum as varchar(10), @Idnum as varchar(11) as if @strpatientType = 'O' begin Select isnull(A.LastName,'') LastName, isnull(A.FirstName,'') FirstName, isnull(A.MiddleName,'') MiddleName, isnull(A.birthDate,'')BirthDate, isnull(A.Sex,'') Sex, isnull(A.Age,'') Age, isnull(A.Barangay,'')Barangay, Case A.CivilStatus When '0' Then 'Child' When '1' Then 'Single' When '2' then 'Married' When '3' Then 'Widow' when '4' Then 'Separated' When '5' Then 'Divorced' Else '' End AS CivilStatus, B.Idnum, B.HospNum, B.DoctorID1 as DoctorID, 'Dr. '+ D.LastName + ', ' + D.FirstName as Doctor, 'OPD' as Room, 'A' as RoomClassID, B.AdmDate, case when (B.AccountNum = B.Hospnum or isnull(B.AccountNum,'') = '') then 'PERSONAL' else C.Company end as Account, B.AccountNum from patient_Data..tboutpatient B left outer join patient_data..tbmaster A on a.hospnum = b.hospnum left outer join build_file..tbcocompany C on b.accountnum = c.accountnum left outer join build_file..tbcodoctor D on b.doctorid1 = d.doctorid where B.Hospnum = @hospnum and b.idnum = @idnum end if @strpatientType = 'I' begin Select isnull(A.LastName,'') LastName, isnull(A.FirstName,'') FirstName, isnull(A.MiddleName,'') MiddleName, isnull(A.birthDate,'')BirthDate, isnull(A.Sex,'') Sex, isnull(A.Age,'') Age, isnull(A.Barangay,'')Barangay, Case A.CivilStatus When '0' Then 'Child' When '1' Then 'Single' When '2' then 'Married' When '3' Then 'Widow' when '4' Then 'Separated' When '5' Then 'Divorced' Else '' End AS CivilStatus, B.Idnum, B.HospNum, B.AttendingDr1 as Doctorid, 'Dr. '+ D.LastName + ', ' + D.FirstName as Doctor, B.RoomiD as Room, R.RoomClassID, B.AdmDate, case when (B.AccountNum = B.Hospnum or isnull(B.AccountNum,'') = '') then 'PERSONAL' else C.Company end as Account, B.AccountNum from patient_Data..tbpatient B left outer join patient_data..tbmaster A on a.hospnum = b.hospnum left outer join build_file..tbcocompany C on b.accountnum = c.accountnum left outer join build_file..tbcodoctor D on d.doctorid = b.attendingdr1 left outer join build_File..tbcoroom R on b.roomid = r.roomid where B.Hospnum = @hospnum and b.idnum = @idnum end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alter table Patient_Data..tbhospitalinfo add isAllowSpecializedCompanyRate bit null ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE [build_file] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbcoBuildFileSetting] Script Date: 05/11/2011 14:40:44 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbcoBuildFileSetting]( [isAllowCompanyItems] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), [AllowAutoDoctorCode] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), [AllowAutoCompanyCode] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), [AllowMoAonCompany] [bit] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbCoCompany] ADD [moaStartDate] [varchar](11) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [moaEndDate] [varchar](11) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [moNumber] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [compPassword] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [moaNumber] [varchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [isEmployee] [bit] NULL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE [Build_File] set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Bui_Search_Company](@SearchCriteria as varchar(60), @type as varchar(1)) AS If (@Type = '1') Select '' as dumm, isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'')as AccountNum, isnull(b. description,'') as Description, isnull(a.cardcode,'') as CardCode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by else If (@Type = '2') Select isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.housestreet,'') as HouseStreet, isnull(a.barangay,'') as Barangay, isnull(a.zipcode,'') as Zipcode, isnull(a.status,'') as Status,isnull(a.cardcode,'') as CardCode, isnull(a.tin,'') as TIN, isnull(a.vat,'') as VAT, isnull(a.fax,'') as FAX, isnull(a.status,'') as Status, isnull(,'') as Phone, (case when ltrim(rtrim(isnull(b.description,''))) = '' then '(NONE)' else b.description End) as description, (case when ltrim(rtrim(isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,''))) = ',' then '(NONE)' else isnull(,'') + ', ' + isnull(c.province,'') End) as province, IsNull( a.Class, '' ) as Class , IsNull( a.ContactPerson, '' ) as ContactPerson, IsNull( a.Position, '' ) as Position, IsNull( a.Officer, '' ) as Officer, isnull(CardCode, '') as CardCode, isnull(EmployeeID,'') as EmployeeID, isnull(a.CreditLimit, 0) as CreditLimit, CompanyDiscount, moaStartDate, moaEndDate , moaNumber, comppassword, isnull(a.isEmployee,0) as isEmployee from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code left outer join tbcoaddress c on a.zipcode = c.zipcode where a.accountnum = @searchcriteria else If (@type = '3') Select * from tbcoCompany where ltriM(rtrim(isnull(company,''))) = @SearchCriteria else If (@Type = '4') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, b.code,a.cardcode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by b.description, else If (@Type = '5') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, isnull(b.code,'') as Code,isnull(a.cardcode,'') as Cardcode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by a.accountnum else If (@Type = '6') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as AccountNum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, isnull(b.code,'') as Code,isnull(a.cardcode,'') as Cardcode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code order by else If (@Type = '7') Select '' as dumm, isnull(a.companyid,'') as CompanyID,isnull(,'') as Company, isnull(a.accountnum,'') as Accountnum, isnull(b.code,'') + ' - ' + isnull(b.description,'') as description, isnull(b.code,'') as Code, isnull(a.cardcode,'') as CardCode, (case when a.status = 'A' then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End) as status from tbcocompany a left outer join tbcobusinessclass b on a.class = b.code where b.description not like '%advance%' order by set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON