- /client/DEPLOY/SCRIPTS/2020/scripts/

[To Parent Directory]

5/27/2019 10:27 AM 182 additional fields for linking of orders and claimform.sql
2/4/2019 5:30 PM 1298 input output script.txt
8/1/2018 5:27 PM 461 IxIDnumItemIdRefNum index.sql
6/6/2019 3:34 PM 12012 new station..loadcf4entries.sql
6/6/2019 2:48 PM 1302 patients with completed cf4 entries.sql
11/7/2023 2:24 PM <dir> Scripts ran in build_file dbupdate
8/27/2020 6:21 PM 155 sript AMS orders additional fields.sql
2/27/2019 5:36 PM 402 sript AMS orders additional fields.txt
6/11/2019 11:53 AM 12374 Station..sp_Get_Patient_PostedProcedure.sql
3/15/2019 5:59 PM 686 station..tbnurseprofile other pe items
3/18/2019 2:41 PM 165 ucmed it sub cat