use MEDICARE /* [DATABASE] Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified;Flagellate diarrhoea; Protozoal colitis; Protozoal diarrhoea; Protozoal dysentery [SOURCE F] Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified;Flagellate diarrhoea; Protozoal colitis; Protozoal diarrhoea; Protozoal dysentery */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified;Flagellate diarrhoea; Protozoal colitis; Protozoal diarrhoea; Protozoal dysentery' WHERE ICDCode='A07.9'; /* [DATABASE] Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified; Diarrhoea specified as noninfective, or NOS in countries where the conditions can be presumed to be of noninfectious origin; Enteritis specified as noninfective, or NOS in countries where the conditio [SOURCE F] Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified; Diarrhoea specified as noninfective, or NOS in countries where the conditions can be presumed to be of noninfectious origin; Enteritis specified as noninfective, or NOS in countries where the condition */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified; Diarrhoea specified as noninfective, or NOS in countries where the conditions can be presumed to be of noninfectious origin; Enteritis specified as noninfective, or NOS in countries where the condition' WHERE ICDCode='K52.9'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament; Adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered; Allergic reactiion to correct drug or medicament properly administered; Hypersensitivity to correct drug or medicament properly administe [SOURCE F] Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament; Adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered; Allergic reactiion to correct drug or medicament properly administered; Hypersensitivity to correct drug or medicament properly administered */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament; Adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered; Allergic reactiion to correct drug or medicament properly administered; Hypersensitivity to correct drug or medicament properly administered' WHERE ICDCode='T88.7'; /* [DATABASE] Amoebic liver abscess; Hepatic amoebiasis [SOURCE F] Amoebic liver abscess; Hepatic amoebiasis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Amoebic liver abscess; Hepatic amoebiasis' WHERE ICDCode='A06.4'; /* [DATABASE] Amoeboma of intestine; Amoeboma NOS [SOURCE F] Amoeboma of intestine; Amoeboma */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Amoeboma of intestine; Amoeboma' WHERE ICDCode='A06.3'; /* [DATABASE] Sideropenic dysphagia; Kelly-Paterson syndrome; Plummer- Vinson syndrome [SOURCE F] Sideropenic dysphagia; Kelly-Paterson syndrome; Plummer-Vinson syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sideropenic dysphagia; Kelly-Paterson syndrome; Plummer-Vinson syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='D50.1'; /* [DATABASE] Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency; Addison Anaemia; Biermer Anaemia; CongenitalPernicious Anaemia; Congenital intrinsic factor deficiency [SOURCE F] Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency; Addison Anaemia; Biermer Anaemia; CongenitalPernicious Anaemia; Congenital intrinsic factor deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency; Addison Anaemia; Biermer Anaemia; CongenitalPernicious Anaemia; Congenital intrinsic factor deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='D51.0'; /* [DATABASE] Protein deficiency anaemia; Amino-acid deficiency anaemia; Orotaciduric anaemia [SOURCE F] Protein deficiency anaemia; Amino-acid deficiency anaemia; Orotaciduric anaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Protein deficiency anaemia; Amino-acid deficiency anaemia; Orotaciduric anaemia' WHERE ICDCode='D53.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified nutritional anaemias; Anaemia associated with deficiency of copper; Anaemia associated with deficiency of molybdenum; Anaemia associated with deficiency of zinc [SOURCE F] Other specified nutritional anaemias; Anaemia associated with deficiency of copper; Anaemia associated with deficiency of molybdenum; Anaemia associated with deficiency of zinc */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified nutritional anaemias; Anaemia associated with deficiency of copper; Anaemia associated with deficiency of molybdenum; Anaemia associated with deficiency of zinc' WHERE ICDCode='D53.8'; /* [DATABASE] Mediterranean anaemia; Mediterranean anaemia with other haemoglobinopathy; Thalassaemia minor with other haemoglobinopathy; Thalassaemia mixed with other haemoglobinopathy; [SOURCE F] Mediterranean anaemia; Mediterranean anaemia with other haemoglobinopathy; Thalassaemia minor with other haemoglobinopathy; Thalassaemia mixed with other haemoglobinopathy; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mediterranean anaemia; Mediterranean anaemia with other haemoglobinopathy; Thalassaemia minor with other haemoglobinopathy; Thalassaemia mixed with other haemoglobinopathy;' WHERE ICDCode='D56.9'; /* [DATABASE] Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis; Sickle-cell anaemia NOS; Sickle-cell disease NOS ; Sickle-cell disorder NOS [SOURCE F] Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis; Sickle-cell anaemia NOS; Sickle-cell disease NOS ; Sickle-cell disorder NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis; Sickle-cell anaemia NOS; Sickle-cell disease NOS ; Sickle-cell disorder NOS' WHERE ICDCode='D57.1'; /* [DATABASE] Hereditary spherocytosis; Acholuric (familial) jaundice; Congenital (spherocytic) haemolytic icterus; Minkowski- Chauffard syndrome [SOURCE F] Hereditary spherocytosis; Acholuric (familial) jaundice; Congenital (spherocytic) haemolytic icterus; Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hereditary spherocytosis; Acholuric (familial) jaundice; Congenital (spherocytic) haemolytic icterus; Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='D58.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other haemoglobinopathies; Abnormal haemoglobin NOS; Congenital Heinz body anaemia; Hb-C Disease; Hb-C Disease; Hb-D Disease; Hb-E Disease; Haemoglobinopathy NOS; Unstable haemoglobin haemolytic disease [SOURCE F] Other haemoglobinopathies; Abnormal haemoglobin NOS; Congenital Heinz body anaemia; Hb-C Disease; Hb-C Disease; Hb-D Disease; Hb-E Disease; Haemoglobinopathy NOS; Unstable haemoglobin haemolytic disease */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other haemoglobinopathies; Abnormal haemoglobin NOS; Congenital Heinz body anaemia; Hb-C Disease; Hb-C Disease; Hb-D Disease; Hb-E Disease; Haemoglobinopathy NOS; Unstable haemoglobin haemolytic disease' WHERE ICDCode='D58.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias; Autoimmune haemolytic disease, cold type; (Autoimmune haemolytic disease, warm type; Chronic cold haemagglutinin disease; Cold agglutinin disease; Cold agglutinin haemoglobinuria; Secondary symptomatic Haemolytic a [SOURCE F] Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias; Autoimmune haemolytic disease, cold type; (Autoimmune haemolytic disease, warm type; Chronic cold haemagglutinin disease; Cold agglutinin disease; Cold agglutinin haemoglobinuria; Secondary symptomatic Haemolytic a */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias; Autoimmune haemolytic disease, cold type; (Autoimmune haemolytic disease, warm type; Chronic cold haemagglutinin disease; Cold agglutinin disease; Cold agglutinin haemoglobinuria; Secondary symptomatic Haemolytic a' WHERE ICDCode='D59.1'; /* [DATABASE] Drug-induced nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemia; Drug- induced enzyme deficiency anaemia [SOURCE F] Drug-induced nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemia; Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drug-induced nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemia; Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia' WHERE ICDCode='D59.2'; /* [DATABASE] Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria [Marchiafava- Micheli] [SOURCE F] Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria [Marchiafava-Micheli] */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria [Marchiafava-Micheli]' WHERE ICDCode='D59.5'; /* [DATABASE] Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from other external causes; Haemoglobinuria from exertion; Haemoglobinuria march; Haemoglobinuria paroxysmal cold [SOURCE F] Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from other external causes; Haemoglobinuria from exertion; Haemoglobinuria march; Haemoglobinuria paroxysmal cold */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from other external causes; Haemoglobinuria from exertion; Haemoglobinuria march; Haemoglobinuria paroxysmal cold' WHERE ICDCode='D59.6'; /* [DATABASE] Constitutional aplastic anaemia; Congenital Pure red cell Aplasia; Pure red cell Aplasia of infants; Primary Pure red cell Aplasia; Blackfan-Diamond syndrome; Familial hypoplastic anaemia; Fanconi's anaemia; Pancytopenia with malformations [SOURCE F] Constitutional aplastic anaemia; Congenital Pure red cell Aplasia; Pure red cell Aplasia of infants; Primary Pure red cell Aplasia; Blackfan-Diamond syndrome; Familial hypoplastic anaemia; Fanconi's anaemia; Pancytopenia with malformations */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Constitutional aplastic anaemia; Congenital Pure red cell Aplasia; Pure red cell Aplasia of infants; Primary Pure red cell Aplasia; Blackfan-Diamond syndrome; Familial hypoplastic anaemia; Fanconi''s anaemia; Pancytopenia with malformations' WHERE ICDCode='D61.0'; /* [DATABASE] Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M00.19'; /* [DATABASE] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor lower leg [SOURCE F] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M08.06'; /* [DATABASE] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor ankle and foot [SOURCE F] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor ankle and foot */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor ankle and foot' WHERE ICDCode='M08.07'; /* [DATABASE] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor site unspecified [SOURCE F] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M08.09'; /* [DATABASE] Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout multiple sites [SOURCE F] Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout multiple sites */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout multiple sites' WHERE ICDCode='M10.00'; /* [DATABASE] Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout forearm [SOURCE F] Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout forearm */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout forearm' WHERE ICDCode='M10.03'; /* [DATABASE] Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout lower leg [SOURCE F] Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Idiopathic gout; Gouty bursitis; Primary gout lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M10.06'; /* [DATABASE] Lead-induced gout multiple sites [SOURCE F] Lead-induced gout multiple sites */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Lead-induced gout multiple sites' WHERE ICDCode='M10.10'; /* [DATABASE] Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified; Transient arthropathy lower leg [SOURCE F] Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified; Transient arthropathy lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified; Transient arthropathy lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M12.86'; /* [DATABASE] Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified; Transient arthropathy site unspecified [SOURCE F] Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified; Transient arthropathy site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified; Transient arthropathy site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M12.89'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis multiple sites [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis multiple sites */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis multiple sites' WHERE ICDCode='M13.80'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis shoulder region [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M13.81'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis pelvic region and thigh [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis pelvic region and thigh */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis pelvic region and thigh' WHERE ICDCode='M13.85'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis lower leg [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M13.86'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis ankle and foot [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis ankle and foot */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis ankle and foot' WHERE ICDCode='M13.87'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis other sites [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis other sites */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis other sites' WHERE ICDCode='M13.88'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis site unspecified [SOURCE F] Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified arthritis; Allergic arthritis site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M13.89'; /* [DATABASE] Chikungunya virus disease; Chikungunya (haemorrhagic) [SOURCE F] Chikungunya virus disease; Chikungunya (haemorrhagic) fever */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chikungunya virus disease; Chikungunya (haemorrhagic) fever' WHERE ICDCode='A92.0'; /* [DATABASE] Venezuelan equine fever; Venezuelan equine encephalitis; Venezuelan encephalomyelitis virus disease [SOURCE F] Venezuelan equine fever; Venezuelan equine encephalitis; Venezuelan encephalomyelitis virus disease */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Venezuelan equine fever; Venezuelan equine encephalitis; Venezuelan encephalomyelitis virus disease' WHERE ICDCode='A92.2'; /* [DATABASE] Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOS lower leg [SOURCE F] Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOSlower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOSlower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M19.06'; /* [DATABASE] Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOS other sites [SOURCE F] Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOSother sites */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOSother sites' WHERE ICDCode='M19.08'; /* [DATABASE] Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOS site unspecified [SOURCE F] Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOSsite unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Primary arthrosis of other joints; Primary arthrosis NOSsite unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M19.09'; /* [DATABASE] Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back occipito- atlanto-axial region [SOURCE F] Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back occipito-atlanto-axial region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back occipito-atlanto-axial region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.01'; /* [DATABASE] Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back lumbar region [SOURCE F] Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.06'; /* [DATABASE] Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back sacral and sacrococcygeal region [SOURCE F] Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back sacral and sacrococcygeal region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back sacral and sacrococcygeal region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.08'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS Multiple sites in spine [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS Multiple sites in spine */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS Multiple sites in spine' WHERE ICDCode='M54.10'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS occipito-atlanto-axial region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS occipito-atlanto-axial region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS occipito-atlanto-axial region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.11'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS cervical region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS cervical region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS cervical region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.12'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS thoracic region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS thoracic region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS thoracic region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.14'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS thoracolumbar region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS thoracolumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS thoracolumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.15'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS lumbar region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.16'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS lumbosacral region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS lumbosacral region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.17'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS sacral and sacrococcygeal region [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS sacral and sacrococcygeal region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS sacral and sacrococcygeal region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.18'; /* [DATABASE] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS site unspecified [SOURCE F] Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Radiculopathy; Brachial Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbar Neuritis or radiculitis NOS; Lumbosacral; thoracic Neuritis or radiculitis NOS ; Radiculitis NOS site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M54.19'; /* [DATABASE] Cervicalgia Multiple sites in spine [SOURCE F] Cervicalgia Multiple sites in spine */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cervicalgia Multiple sites in spine' WHERE ICDCode='M54.20'; /* [DATABASE] Cervicalgia cervical region [SOURCE F] Cervicalgia cervical region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cervicalgia cervical region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.22'; /* [DATABASE] Cervicalgia lumbar region [SOURCE F] Cervicalgia lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cervicalgia lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.26'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica Multiple sites in spine [SOURCE F] Sciatica Multiple sites in spine */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica Multiple sites in spine' WHERE ICDCode='M54.30'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica occipito-atlanto-axial region [SOURCE F] Sciatica occipito-atlanto-axial region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica occipito-atlanto-axial region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.31'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica thoracolumbar region [SOURCE F] Sciatica thoracolumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica thoracolumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.35'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica lumbar region [SOURCE F] Sciatica lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.36'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Sciatica lumbosacral region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica lumbosacral region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.37'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica sacral and sacrococcygeal region [SOURCE F] Sciatica sacral and sacrococcygeal region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica sacral and sacrococcygeal region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.38'; /* [DATABASE] Sciatica site unspecified [SOURCE F] Sciatica site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sciatica site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M54.39'; /* [DATABASE] Lumbago with sciatica occipito-atlanto-axial region [SOURCE F] Lumbago with sciatica occipito-atlanto-axial region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Lumbago with sciatica occipito-atlanto-axial region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.41'; /* [DATABASE] Lumbago with sciatica thoracic region [SOURCE F] Lumbago with sciatica thoracic region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Lumbago with sciatica thoracic region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.44'; /* [DATABASE] Lumbago with sciatica lumbar region [SOURCE F] Lumbago with sciatica lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Lumbago with sciatica lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.46'; /* [DATABASE] Lumbago with sciatica sacral and sacrococcygeal region [SOURCE F] Lumbago with sciatica sacral and sacrococcygeal region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Lumbago with sciatica sacral and sacrococcygeal region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.48'; /* [DATABASE] Lumbago with sciatica site unspecified [SOURCE F] Lumbago with sciatica site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Lumbago with sciatica site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M54.49'; /* [DATABASE] Other dorsalgia thoracic region [SOURCE F] Other dorsalgia thoracic region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other dorsalgia thoracic region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.84'; /* [DATABASE] Other dorsalgia sacral and sacrococcygeal region [SOURCE F] Other dorsalgia sacral and sacrococcygeal region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other dorsalgia sacral and sacrococcygeal region' WHERE ICDCode='M54.88'; /* [DATABASE] Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified; Atonic Motor Neuropathic bladder; Sensory Atonic Motor Neuropathic bladder; Autonomous Neuropathic bladder ; Nonreflex Neuropathic bladder [SOURCE F] Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified; Atonic Motor Neuropathic bladder; Sensory Atonic Motor Neuropathic bladder; Autonomous Neuropathic bladder ; Nonreflex Neuropathic bladder */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified; Atonic Motor Neuropathic bladder; Sensory Atonic Motor Neuropathic bladder; Autonomous Neuropathic bladder ; Nonreflex Neuropathic bladder' WHERE ICDCode='N31.2'; /* [DATABASE] Inflammatory disorders of breast; Acute abscess of non puerperal areola; Acute abscess nonpuerperal breast; Chronic abscess of nonpuerperal areola; Chronic abscess of nonpuerperal breast; Carbuncle of breast; Acute mastitis nonpuerperal, NOS; Acute inf [SOURCE F] Inflammatory disorders of breast; Acute abscess of non puerperal areola; Acute abscess nonpuerperal breast; Chronic abscess of nonpuerperal areola; Chronic abscess of nonpuerperal breast; Carbuncle of breast; Acute mastitis nonpuerperal, NOS; Acute inf */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Inflammatory disorders of breast; Acute abscess of non puerperal areola; Acute abscess nonpuerperal breast; Chronic abscess of nonpuerperal areola; Chronic abscess of nonpuerperal breast; Carbuncle of breast; Acute mastitis nonpuerperal, NOS; Acute inf' WHERE ICDCode='N61'; /* [DATABASE] Burn of second degree, body region unspecified; Second- degree burn NOS [SOURCE F] Burn of second degree, body region unspecified; Secodn-degree burn NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Burn of second degree, body region unspecified; Secodn-degree burn NOS' WHERE ICDCode='T30.2'; /* [DATABASE] Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified; First- degree corrosion NOS [SOURCE F] Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified; First-degree corrosion NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified; First-degree corrosion NOS' WHERE ICDCode='T30.5'; /* [DATABASE] Corrosion of third degree, body region unspecified; Thrid- degree corrosion NOS [SOURCE F] Corrosion of third degree, body region unspecified; Thrid-degree corrosion NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Corrosion of third degree, body region unspecified; Thrid-degree corrosion NOS' WHERE ICDCode='T30.7'; /* [DATABASE] ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND FLUTTER [SOURCE F] Atrial Fibrillation and flutter */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Atrial Fibrillation and flutter' WHERE ICDCode='I48'; /* [DATABASE] Gas gangrene; Clostridial cellulitis; Clostridial myonecrosis [SOURCE F] Gas gangrene; Clostridial cellulitis; Clostridial myonecrosis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gas gangrene; Clostridial cellulitis; Clostridial myonecrosis' WHERE ICDCode='A48.0'; /* [DATABASE] Cellulitis of other parts of limb, Axilla; Cellulitis of Hip;Cellulitis of Shoulder [SOURCE F] Cellulitis of other parts of limb, Axilla; Cellulitis of Hip;Cellulitis of Shoulder */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cellulitis of other parts of limb, Axilla; Cellulitis of Hip;Cellulitis of Shoulder' WHERE ICDCode='L03.1'; /* [DATABASE] Fragile X chromosome; Fragile X syndrome [SOURCE F] Fragile X chromosome; Fragile X syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Fragile X chromosome; Fragile X syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='Q99.2'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic asthmatic (obstructive) bronchitis NOS; Chronic emphysematous bronchitis NOS; Chronic obstructive bronchitis NOS [SOURCE F] Chronic asthmatic (obstructive) bronchitis NOS; Chronic emphysematous bronchitis NOS; Chronic obstructive bronchitis NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic asthmatic (obstructive) bronchitis NOS; Chronic emphysematous bronchitis NOS; Chronic obstructive bronchitis NOS' WHERE ICDCode='J44.8'; /* [DATABASE] CLEFT HARD PALATE, BILATERAL; BILATERAL FISSURE OF HARD PALATE; BILATERAL PALATOSCHISIS OF HARD PALATE [SOURCE F] Cleft hard palate, bilateral; bilateral fissure of hard palate; bilateral palatoschisis of hard palate */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cleft hard palate, bilateral; bilateral fissure of hard palate; bilateral palatoschisis of hard palate' WHERE ICDCode='Q35.0'; /* [DATABASE] Benign neoplasm of Bones of skull and face; Benign neoplasm of Superior Maxilla; Benign neoplasm of Orbital bone [SOURCE F] Benign neoplasm of Bones of skull and face; Benign neoplasm of Superior Maxilla; Benign neoplasm of Orbital bone */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign neoplasm of Bones of skull and face; Benign neoplasm of Superior Maxilla; Benign neoplasm of Orbital bone' WHERE ICDCode='D16.4'; /* [DATABASE] Benign neoplasm of Rectosigmoid junction; Adenomatosis of colon; Benign neoplasm of Large intestine NOS; Hereditary Polyposis of colon [SOURCE F] Benign neoplasm of Rectosigmoid junction; Adenomatosis of colon; Benign neoplasm of Large intestine NOS; Hereditary Polyposis of colon */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign neoplasm of Rectosigmoid junction; Adenomatosis of colon; Benign neoplasm of Large intestine NOS; Hereditary Polyposis of colon' WHERE ICDCode='D12.7'; /* [DATABASE] Benign neoplasm of Ill-defined sites within the digestive system; Benign neoplasm of Digestive system NOS; Benign neoplasm of Intestine NOS; Benign neoplasm of Spleen [SOURCE F] Benign neoplasm of Ill-defined sites within the digestive system; Benign neoplasm of Digestive system NOS; Benign neoplasm of Intestine NOS; Benign neoplasm of Spleen */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign neoplasm of Ill-defined sites within the digestive system; Benign neoplasm of Digestive system NOS; Benign neoplasm of Intestine NOS; Benign neoplasm of Spleen' WHERE ICDCode='D13.9'; /* [DATABASE] Benign lipomatous neoplasm of other sites; Benign lipomatous neoplasm of Peritoneum; Benign lipomatous neoplasm of Retroperitoneum [SOURCE F] Benign lipomatous neoplasm of other sites; Benign lipomatous neoplasm of Peritoneum; Benign lipomatous neoplasm of Retroperitoneum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign lipomatous neoplasm of other sites; Benign lipomatous neoplasm of Peritoneum; Benign lipomatous neoplasm of Retroperitoneum' WHERE ICDCode='D17.7'; /* [DATABASE] Benign neoplasm of Larynx; Benign neoplasm of suprahyoid portion of Epiglottis [SOURCE F] Benign neoplasm of Larynx; Benign neoplasm of suprahyoid portion of Epiglottis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign neoplasm of Larynx; Benign neoplasm of suprahyoid portion of Epiglottis' WHERE ICDCode='D14.1'; /* [DATABASE] Benign neoplasm of Urinary organ, unspecified; Benign neoplasm of Urinary system NOS [SOURCE F] Benign neoplasm of Urinary organ, unspecified; Benign neoplasm of Urinary system NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign neoplasm of Urinary organ, unspecified; Benign neoplasm of Urinary system NOS' WHERE ICDCode='D30.9'; /* [DATABASE] Cardiac septal defect, acquired; Acquired atrial septal defect old; Acquired auricular septal defect old ; Acquired ventricular septal defect old [SOURCE F] Cardiac septal defect, acquired; Acquired atrial septal defect old; Acquired auricular septal defect old ; Acquired ventricular septal defect old */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cardiac septal defect, acquired; Acquired atrial septal defect old; Acquired auricular septal defect old ; Acquired ventricular septal defect old' WHERE ICDCode='I51.0'; /* [DATABASE] Rupture of papillary muscle, not elsewhere classified Intra cardiac thrombosis, notel sewhere classified; Old [SOURCE F] Rupture of papillary muscle, not elsewhere classified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Rupture of papillary muscle, not elsewhere classified' WHERE ICDCode='I51.2'; /* [DATABASE] Apical thrombosis; Old Atrial thrombosis; Old Auricular thrombosis; Old Venticular thrombosis [SOURCE F] Intra cardiac thrombosis, notel sewhere classified; Old Apical thrombosis; Old Atrial thrombosis; Old Auricular thrombosis; Old Venticular thrombosis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Intra cardiac thrombosis, notel sewhere classified; Old Apical thrombosis; Old Atrial thrombosis; Old Auricular thrombosis; Old Venticular thrombosis' WHERE ICDCode='I51.3'; /* [DATABASE] Myocardial degeneration; Fatty Degeneration of heart or myocardium fatty; Senile Degeneration of heart or myocardium; Myocardial disease [SOURCE F] Myocardial degeneration; Fatty Degeneration of heart or myocardium fatty; Senile Degeneration of heart or myocardium; Myocardial disease */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Myocardial degeneration; Fatty Degeneration of heart or myocardium fatty; Senile Degeneration of heart or myocardium; Myocardial disease' WHERE ICDCode='I51.5'; /* [DATABASE] Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of thorax; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Axilla; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Diaphragm; Benign neoplasm of Connective soft tissue of Diaphragm; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Great v [SOURCE F] Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of thorax; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Axilla; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Diaphragm; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Great v */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of thorax; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Axilla; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Diaphragm; Benign neoplasm of Connective and other soft tissue of Great v' WHERE ICDCode='D21.3'; /* [DATABASE] Neurosyphilis, unspecified; Syphilitic Gumma of central nervous system NOS; Late Syphilis of central nervous system NOS; Syphiloma of central nervous system NOS [SOURCE F] Neurosyphilis, unspecified; Syphilitic Gumma of central nervous system NOS; Late Syphilis of central nervous system NOS; Syphiloma of central nervous system NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neurosyphilis, unspecified; Syphilitic Gumma of central nervous system NOS; Late Syphilis of central nervous system NOS; Syphiloma of central nervous system NOS' WHERE ICDCode='A52.3'; /* [DATABASE] GONOCOCCAL PELVIPERITONITIS AND OTHER GONOCOCCAL GENITOURINARY INFECTIONS [SOURCE F] Gonoccocal Pelviperitonitis and other gonoccocal genitourinary infections */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gonoccocal Pelviperitonitis and other gonoccocal genitourinary infections' WHERE ICDCode='A54.2'; /* [DATABASE] Gonococcal septicaemia; Gonococcal skin lesions [SOURCE F] Gonococcal septicaemia; Gonococcal skin lesions */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gonococcal septicaemia; Gonococcal skin lesions' WHERE ICDCode='A54.8'; /* [DATABASE] Embryonic cyst of broad ligament; Cyst epoophoron; Gartner's duct Cyst; Parovarian Cyst [SOURCE F] Embryonic cyst of broad ligament; Cyst epoophoron; Gartner's duct Cyst; Parovarian Cyst */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Embryonic cyst of broad ligament; Cyst epoophoron; Gartner''s duct Cyst; Parovarian Cyst' WHERE ICDCode='Q50.5'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformations of intestinal fixation; Congenital anomalous omental adhesions [bands] ; Congenital peritoneal adhesions [bands]; Jackson's membrane; Malrotation of colon; Failure of rotation of caecum and colon; Incomplete rotation of caecum a [SOURCE F] Congenital malformations of intestinal fixation; Congenital anomalous omental adhesions [bands] ; Congenital peritoneal adhesions [bands]; Jackson's membrane; Malrotation of colon; Failure of rotation of caecum and colon; Incomplete rotation of caecum a */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformations of intestinal fixation; Congenital anomalous omental adhesions [bands] ; Congenital peritoneal adhesions [bands]; Jackson''s membrane; Malrotation of colon; Failure of rotation of caecum and colon; Incomplete rotation of caecum a' WHERE ICDCode='Q43.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of bile ducts; Accessory hepatic duct; Congenital malformation of bile duct NOS; Biliary duct Duplication; Cystic duct Duplication [SOURCE F] Other congenital malformations of bile ducts; Accessory hepatic duct; Congenital malformation of bile duct NOS; Biliary duct Duplication; Cystic duct Duplication */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other congenital malformations of bile ducts; Accessory hepatic duct; Congenital malformation of bile duct NOS; Biliary duct Duplication; Cystic duct Duplication' WHERE ICDCode='Q44.5'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformation of digestive system, unspecified; Congenital anomaly NOS of digestive system ; Congenital deformity NOS of digestive system [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of digestive system, unspecified; Congenital anomaly NOS of digestive system ; Congenital deformity NOS of digestive system */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of digestive system, unspecified; Congenital anomaly NOS of digestive system ; Congenital deformity NOS of digestive system' WHERE ICDCode='Q45.9'; /* [DATABASE] Double outlet left ventricle Discordant ventriculoarterial connection; [SOURCE F] Double outlet left ventricle */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Double outlet left ventricle' WHERE ICDCode='Q20.2'; /* [DATABASE] Dextrotransposition of aorta; Transposition of great vessels (complete) [SOURCE F] Discordant ventriculoarterial connection; Dextrotransposition of aorta; Transposition of great vessels (complete) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Discordant ventriculoarterial connection; Dextrotransposition of aorta; Transposition of great vessels (complete)' WHERE ICDCode='Q20.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa; [SOURCE F] Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa; Eisenmenger's defect; Pentalogy of Fallot */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa; Eisenmenger''s defect; Pentalogy of Fallot' WHERE ICDCode='Q21.8'; /* [DATABASE] Eisenmenger's defect; Pentalogy of Fallot Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified; Septal (heart) defect NOS [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified; Septal (heart) defect NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified; Septal (heart) defect NOS' WHERE ICDCode='Q21.9'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital stenosis of vena cava; Congenital stenosis of inferior vena cava; Congenital stenosis ofsuperior vena cava [SOURCE F] Congenital stenosis of vena cava; Congenital stenosis of inferior vena cava; Congenital stenosis ofsuperior vena cava */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital stenosis of vena cava; Congenital stenosis of inferior vena cava; Congenital stenosis ofsuperior vena cava' WHERE ICDCode='Q26.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of great veins; Absence of inferior vena cava ; Absence of superior vena cava ; Azygos continuation of inferior vena cava; Persistent left posterior cardinal vein; Scimitar syndrome [SOURCE F] Other congenital malformations of great veins; Absence of inferior vena cava ; Absence of superior vena cava ; Azygos continuation of inferior vena cava; Persistent left posterior cardinal vein; Scimitar syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other congenital malformations of great veins; Absence of inferior vena cava ; Absence of superior vena cava ; Azygos continuation of inferior vena cava; Persistent left posterior cardinal vein; Scimitar syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='Q26.8'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified; Anomaly of inferior vena cava NOS; Anomaly of superior vena cava NOS [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified; Anomaly of inferior vena cava NOS; Anomaly of superior vena cava NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified; Anomaly of inferior vena cava NOS; Anomaly of superior vena cava NOS' WHERE ICDCode='Q26.9'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre; Nontoxic congenital Goitre NOS; Nontoxic ongenital parenchymatous Goitre [SOURCE F] Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre; Nontoxic congenital Goitre NOS; Nontoxic ongenital parenchymatous Goitre */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre; Nontoxic congenital Goitre NOS; Nontoxic ongenital parenchymatous Goitre' WHERE ICDCode='E03.0'; /* [DATABASE] Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka; Dandy- Walker syndrome [SOURCE F] Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka; Dandy-Walker syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka; Dandy-Walker syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='Q03.1'; /* [DATABASE] Mandibulofacial dysostosis; Franceschetti Syndrome; Treacher Collins Syndrome [SOURCE F] Mandibulofacial dysostosis; Franceschetti Syndrome; Treacher Collins Syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mandibulofacial dysostosis; Franceschetti Syndrome; Treacher Collins Syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='Q75.4'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of bronchus; Absence of bronchus; Agenesis of bronchus; Atresia of bronchus; Congenital malformation NOS of bronchus; Diverticulum of bronchus; Congenital malformations of lung] of bronchus [SOURCE F] Other congenital malformations of bronchus; Absence of bronchus; Agenesis of bronchus; Atresia of bronchus; Congenital malformation NOS of bronchus; Diverticulum of bronchus; Congenital malformations of lung] of bronchus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other congenital malformations of bronchus; Absence of bronchus; Agenesis of bronchus; Atresia of bronchus; Congenital malformation NOS of bronchus; Diverticulum of bronchus; Congenital malformations of lung] of bronchus' WHERE ICDCode='Q32.4'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified; Congenital absence of respiratory organ ; Congenital anomaly NOS of respiratory organ [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified; Congenital absence of respiratory organ ; Congenital anomaly NOS of respiratory organ */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified; Congenital absence of respiratory organ ; Congenital anomaly NOS of respiratory organ' WHERE ICDCode='Q34.9'; /* [DATABASE] Choanal atresia; Absence of anterior nares; Absence of posterior nares; congenital stenosis of anterior nares; Congenital stenosis of posterior nares [SOURCE F] Choanal atresia; Absence of anterior nares; Absence of posterior nares; congenital stenosis of anterior nares; Congenital stenosis of posterior nares */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Choanal atresia; Absence of anterior nares; Absence of posterior nares; congenital stenosis of anterior nares; Congenital stenosis of posterior nares' WHERE ICDCode='Q30.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of larynx; Absence of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage; Agenesis of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage; Atresia of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, [SOURCE F] Other congenital malformations of larynx; Absence of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage; Agenesis of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage; Atresia of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other congenital malformations of larynx; Absence of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage; Agenesis of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis, larynx or thyroid cartilage; Atresia of cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, glottis,' WHERE ICDCode='Q31.8'; /* [DATABASE] Early cutaneous congenital syphilis: , Early mucocutaneous congenital syphilis, Early visceral congenital syphilis; Early congenital syphilitic laryngitis; Early congenital syphilitic oculopathy; Early congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy; Ear [SOURCE F] Early cutaneous congenital syphilis: , Early mucocutaneous congenital syphilis, Early visceral congenital syphilis; Early congenital syphilitic laryngitis; Early congenital syphilitic oculopathy; Early congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy; Ear */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Early cutaneous congenital syphilis: , Early mucocutaneous congenital syphilis, Early visceral congenital syphilis; Early congenital syphilitic laryngitis; Early congenital syphilitic oculopathy; Early congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy; Ear' WHERE ICDCode='A50.0'; /* [DATABASE] Late congenital neurosyphilis [juvenile neurosyphilis]; Dementia paralytica juvenilis; Juvenile general paresis ; Juvenile tabes dorsalis; Juvenile taboparetic neurosyphilis [SOURCE F] Late congenital neurosyphilis [juvenile neurosyphilis]; Dementia paralytica juvenilis; Juvenile general paresis ; Juvenile tabes dorsalis; Juvenile taboparetic neurosyphilis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Late congenital neurosyphilis [juvenile neurosyphilis]; Dementia paralytica juvenilis; Juvenile general paresis ; Juvenile tabes dorsalis; Juvenile taboparetic neurosyphilis' WHERE ICDCode='A50.4'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital posterior urethral valves Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck; [SOURCE F] Congenital posterior urethral valves */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital posterior urethral valves' WHERE ICDCode='Q64.2'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital bladder neck obstruction; Congenital stricture of urethra; Congenital stricture of urinary meatus; Congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice; Impervious urethra [SOURCE F] Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck; Congenital bladder neck obstruction; Congenital stricture of urethra; Congenital stricture of urinary meatus; Congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice; Impervious urethra */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck; Congenital bladder neck obstruction; Congenital stricture of urethra; Congenital stricture of urinary meatus; Congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice; Impervious urethra' WHERE ICDCode='Q64.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified congenital malformations of urinary system Congenital malformation of urinary system, unspecified; [SOURCE F] Other specified congenital malformations of urinary system */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified congenital malformations of urinary system' WHERE ICDCode='Q64.8'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital anomaly NOS of urinary system; Congenital deformity NOS of urinary system [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of urinary system, unspecified; Congenital anomaly NOS of urinary system; Congenital deformity NOS of urinary system */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of urinary system, unspecified; Congenital anomaly NOS of urinary system; Congenital deformity NOS of urinary system' WHERE ICDCode='Q64.9'; /* [DATABASE] Systemic involvement of connective tissue, unspecified; Systemic Autoimmune disease NOS; Collagen (vascular) disease NOS [SOURCE F] Systemic involvement of connective tissue, unspecified; Systemic Autoimmune disease NOS; Collagen (vascular) disease NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Systemic involvement of connective tissue, unspecified; Systemic Autoimmune disease NOS; Collagen (vascular) disease NOS' WHERE ICDCode='M35.9'; /* [DATABASE] Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis NOS; Multiple sclerosis of brain stem; Multiple sclerosis of cord; Multiple sclerosis, disseminated; Multiple sclerosis, generalized [SOURCE F] Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis NOS; Multiple sclerosis of brain stem; Multiple sclerosis of cord; Multiple sclerosis, disseminated; Multiple sclerosis, generalized */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis NOS; Multiple sclerosis of brain stem; Multiple sclerosis of cord; Multiple sclerosis, disseminated; Multiple sclerosis, generalized' WHERE ICDCode='G35'; /* [DATABASE] Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma; Brittle diabetes (mellitus) with coma; Juvenile-onset diabetes (mellitus) withcoma ; Ketosis-prone diabetes (mellitus) with coma; Type I diabetes (mellitus) with coma; [SOURCE F] Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma; Brittle diabetes (mellitus) with coma; Juvenile-onset diabetes (mellitus) withcoma ; Ketosis-prone diabetes (mellitus) with coma; Type I diabetes (mellitus) with coma; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma; Brittle diabetes (mellitus) with coma; Juvenile-onset diabetes (mellitus) withcoma ; Ketosis-prone diabetes (mellitus) with coma; Type I diabetes (mellitus) with coma;' WHERE ICDCode='E10.0'; /* [DATABASE] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With coma ; Obese diabetes mellitus With coma ; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus With coma ; Maturity-onset diabetes mellitus With coma ; Nonketotic diabetes mellitus With com [SOURCE F] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With coma ; Obese diabetes mellitus With coma ; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus With coma ; Maturity-onset diabetes mellitus With coma ; Nonketotic diabetes mellitus With com */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With coma ; Obese diabetes mellitus With coma ; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus With coma ; Maturity-onset diabetes mellitus With coma ; Nonketotic diabetes mellitus With com' WHERE ICDCode='E11.0'; /* [DATABASE] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without mention of coma; ; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With ketoacidosis without mention of coma; Obese diabetes mellitus With ketoacidosis without mention of coma; Adult-onset diabetes mellitu [SOURCE F] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without mention of coma; ; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With ketoacidosis without mention of coma; Obese diabetes mellitus With ketoacidosis without mention of coma; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without mention of coma; ; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With ketoacidosis without mention of coma; Obese diabetes mellitus With ketoacidosis without mention of coma; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus' WHERE ICDCode='E11.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma ; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma [SOURCE F] Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma ; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma ; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma' WHERE ICDCode='E12.0'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified diabetes mellitus; diabetes NOS with acididosis/ ketoacidosis without mention of coma [SOURCE F] Unspecified diabetes mellitus; diabetes NOS with acididosis/ ketoacidosis without mention of coma */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified diabetes mellitus; diabetes NOS with acididosis/ ketoacidosis without mention of coma' WHERE ICDCode='E14.1'; /* [DATABASE] Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications [SOURCE F] Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications' WHERE ICDCode='E10.8'; /* [DATABASE] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Obese diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Mat [SOURCE F] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Obese diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Mat */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Obese diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Mat' WHERE ICDCode='E11.5'; /* [DATABASE] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complications ; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With multiple complications ; Obese diabetes mellitus With multiple complications ; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus With multiple complications ; Matur [SOURCE F] Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complications ; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With multiple complications ; Obese diabetes mellitus With multiple complications ; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus With multiple complications ; Matur */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complications ; Nonobese diabetes (mellitus) With multiple complications ; Obese diabetes mellitus With multiple complications ; Adult-onset diabetes mellitus With multiple complications ; Matur' WHERE ICDCode='E11.7'; /* [DATABASE] Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer [SOURCE F] Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer' WHERE ICDCode='E12.5'; /* [DATABASE] Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complicati [SOURCE F] Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complicati */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Non-insulin-dependent malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified complicati' WHERE ICDCode='E12.8'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ulcer [SOURCE F] Other specified diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified diabetes mellitus with Diabetic gangrene/ ulcer' WHERE ICDCode='E13.5'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified diabetes mellitus; diabetes NOS with multiple complications [SOURCE F] Unspecified diabetes mellitus; diabetes NOS with multiple complications */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified diabetes mellitus; diabetes NOS with multiple complications' WHERE ICDCode='E14.7'; /* [DATABASE] Agranulocytosis; Agranulocytic angina; Infantile genetic agranulocytosis; Kostmann's disease; Neutropenia NOS; Congenital Neutropenia; Cyclic Neutropenia; Drug-induced Neutropenia; Periodic Neutropenia; Primary Splenic Neutropenia; Toxic Neutropenia; [SOURCE F] Agranulocytosis; Agranulocytic angina; Infantile genetic agranulocytosis; Kostmann's disease; Neutropenia NOS; Congenital Neutropenia; Cyclic Neutropenia; Drug-induced Neutropenia; Periodic Neutropenia; Primary Splenic Neutropenia; Toxic Neutropenia; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Agranulocytosis; Agranulocytic angina; Infantile genetic agranulocytosis; Kostmann''s disease; Neutropenia NOS; Congenital Neutropenia; Cyclic Neutropenia; Drug-induced Neutropenia; Periodic Neutropenia; Primary Splenic Neutropenia; Toxic Neutropenia;' WHERE ICDCode='D70'; /* [DATABASE] Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils; Cell membrane receptor complex [CR3] defect; Chronic (childhood) granulomatous disease; Congenital dysphagocytosis; Progressive septic granulomatosis; Other disorders of white blood cells [SOURCE F] Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils; Cell membrane receptor complex [CR3] defect; Chronic (childhood) granulomatous disease; Congenital dysphagocytosis; Progressive septic granulomatosis; Other disorders of white blood cells */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils; Cell membrane receptor complex [CR3] defect; Chronic (childhood) granulomatous disease; Congenital dysphagocytosis; Progressive septic granulomatosis; Other disorders of white blood cells' WHERE ICDCode='D71'; /* [DATABASE] Genetic anomalies of leukocytes; Alder Granulation Anomaly or Syndrome; Alder Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; May-Hegglin Granulation Anomaly or Syndrome; May-Hegglin Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; Pelger-Huët Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; P [SOURCE F] Genetic anomalies of leukocytes; Alder Granulation Anomaly or Syndrome; Alder Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; May-Hegglin Granulation Anomaly or Syndrome; May-Hegglin Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; Pelger-Huët Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; P */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Genetic anomalies of leukocytes; Alder Granulation Anomaly or Syndrome; Alder Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; May-Hegglin Granulation Anomaly or Syndrome; May-Hegglin Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; Pelger-Huët Granulocyte Anomaly or Syndrome; P' WHERE ICDCode='D72.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified disorders of white blood cells; Lymphocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Monocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Myelocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Leukocytosis; Symptomatic Lymphocytosis; Lymphopenia; Symptomatic Monocytosis; [SOURCE F] Other specified disorders of white blood cells; Lymphocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Monocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Myelocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Leukocytosis; Symptomatic Lymphocytosis; Lymphopenia; Symptomatic Monocytosis; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified disorders of white blood cells; Lymphocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Monocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Myelocytic Leukaemoid reaction; Leukocytosis; Symptomatic Lymphocytosis; Lymphopenia; Symptomatic Monocytosis;' WHERE ICDCode='D72.8'; /* [DATABASE] Infarction of spleen; Nontraumatic Splenic rupture; Torsion of spleen [SOURCE F] Infarction of spleen; Nontraumatic Splenic rupture; Torsion of spleen */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Infarction of spleen; Nontraumatic Splenic rupture; Torsion of spleen' WHERE ICDCode='D73.5'; /* [DATABASE] Secondary polycythaemia; Acquired Polycythaemia due to erythropoietin; Acquired Polycythaemia due to fall in plasma volume; Acquired Polycythaemia due to high altitude; Acquired Polycythaemia due to stress; Emotional Polycythaemia; Hypoxaemic Polycytha [SOURCE F] Secondary polycythaemia; Acquired Polycythaemia due to erythropoietin; Acquired Polycythaemia due to fall in plasma volume; Acquired Polycythaemia due to high altitude; Acquired Polycythaemia due to stress; Emotional Polycythaemia; Hypoxaemic Polycytha */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Secondary polycythaemia; Acquired Polycythaemia due to erythropoietin; Acquired Polycythaemia due to fall in plasma volume; Acquired Polycythaemia due to high altitude; Acquired Polycythaemia due to stress; Emotional Polycythaemia; Hypoxaemic Polycytha' WHERE ICDCode='D75.1'; /* [DATABASE] Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; Eosinophilic granuloma; Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; Chronic [SOURCE F] Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; Eosinophilic granuloma; Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; Chronic Histiocytosis X */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; Eosinophilic granuloma; Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; Chronic Histiocytosis X' WHERE ICDCode='D76.1'; /* [DATABASE] Histiocytosis X Haemophagocytic syndrome, infection-associated [SOURCE F] Haemophagocytic syndrome, infection-associated */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haemophagocytic syndrome, infection-associated' WHERE ICDCode='D76.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified diseases of inner ear Obstruction of Eustachian tube; Compression of [SOURCE F] Other specified diseases of inner ear */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified diseases of inner ear' WHERE ICDCode='H83.8'; /* [DATABASE] Eustachian tube; Stenosis of Eustachian tube; Stricture of Eustachian tube [SOURCE F] Obstruction of Eustachian tube; Compression of Eustachian tube; Stenosis of Eustachian tube; Stricture of Eustachian tube */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Obstruction of Eustachian tube; Compression of Eustachian tube; Stenosis of Eustachian tube; Stricture of Eustachian tube' WHERE ICDCode='H68.1'; /* [DATABASE] Cholesteatoma of middle ear; Cholesteatoma tympani; Perforation of tympanic membrane; Persistent post-traumatic perforation of ear drum; Postinflammatory perforation of ear drum [SOURCE F] Cholesteatoma of middle ear; Cholesteatoma tympani; Perforation of tympanic membrane; Persistent post-traumatic perforation of ear drum; Postinflammatory perforation of ear drum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cholesteatoma of middle ear; Cholesteatoma tympani; Perforation of tympanic membrane; Persistent post-traumatic perforation of ear drum; Postinflammatory perforation of ear drum' WHERE ICDCode='H71'; /* [DATABASE] Other cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified; Dermoid cyst of mouth; Epidermoid cyst of mouth; Lymphoepithelial cyst of mouth; Epstein's pearl; [SOURCE F] Other cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified; Dermoid cyst of mouth; Epidermoid cyst of mouth; Lymphoepithelial cyst of mouth; Epstein's pearl; Nasoalveolar cyst; Nasolabial cyst */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified; Dermoid cyst of mouth; Epidermoid cyst of mouth; Lymphoepithelial cyst of mouth; Epstein''s pearl; Nasoalveolar cyst; Nasolabial cyst' WHERE ICDCode='K09.8'; /* [DATABASE] Nasoalveolar cyst; Nasolabial cyst Cyst of oral region, unspecified [SOURCE F] Cyst of oral region, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cyst of oral region, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='K09.9'; /* [DATABASE] Gastric diverticulum Obstruction of duodenum; Constriction of duodenum; [SOURCE F] Gastric diverticulum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gastric diverticulum' WHERE ICDCode='K31.4'; /* [DATABASE] Stenosis of duodenum; Stricture of duodenum; Chronic duodenal ileus [SOURCE F] Obstruction of duodenum; Constriction of duodenum; Stenosis of duodenum; Stricture of duodenum; Chronic duodenal ileus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Obstruction of duodenum; Constriction of duodenum; Stenosis of duodenum; Stricture of duodenum; Chronic duodenal ileus' WHERE ICDCode='K31.5'; /* [DATABASE] Polyp of stomach and duodenum Other specified diseases of stomach and duodenum; [SOURCE F] Polyp of stomach and duodenum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Polyp of stomach and duodenum' WHERE ICDCode='K31.7'; /* [DATABASE] Achlorhydria; Gastroptosis; Hourglass contraction of stomach [SOURCE F] Other specified diseases of stomach and duodenum; Achlorhydria; Gastroptosis; Hourglass contraction of stomach */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified diseases of stomach and duodenum; Achlorhydria; Gastroptosis; Hourglass contraction of stomach' WHERE ICDCode='K31.8'; /* [DATABASE] Obstruction of bile duct; Occlusion of bile duct without [SOURCE F] Obstruction of bile duct; Occlusion of bile duct without calculus; Stenosis of bile duct without calculus; Stricture of bile duct without calculus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Obstruction of bile duct; Occlusion of bile duct without calculus; Stenosis of bile duct without calculus; Stricture of bile duct without calculus' WHERE ICDCode='K83.1'; /* [DATABASE] Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis Other chronic pancreatitis; Chronic pancreatitis NOS; [SOURCE F] Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis' WHERE ICDCode='K86.0'; /* [DATABASE] Infectious chronic pancreatitis; Recurrent chronic pancreatitis; Relapsing chronic pancreatitis [SOURCE F] Other chronic pancreatitis; Chronic pancreatitis NOS; Infectious chronic pancreatitis; Recurrent chronic pancreatitis; Relapsing chronic pancreatitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other chronic pancreatitis; Chronic pancreatitis NOS; Infectious chronic pancreatitis; Recurrent chronic pancreatitis; Relapsing chronic pancreatitis' WHERE ICDCode='K86.1'; /* [DATABASE] Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation; Disseminated chorioretinitis; Disseminated choroiditis; Disseminated retinitis; Disseminated retinochoroiditis [SOURCE F] Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation; Disseminated chorioretinitis; Disseminated choroiditis; Disseminated retinitis; Disseminated retinochoroiditis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation; Disseminated chorioretinitis; Disseminated choroiditis; Disseminated retinitis; Disseminated retinochoroiditis' WHERE ICDCode='H30.1'; /* [DATABASE] Other osteoporosis; Senile osteoporosis Other [SOURCE F] Other osteoporosis; Senile osteoporosis Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other osteoporosis; Senile osteoporosis Other' WHERE ICDCode='M81.88'; /* [DATABASE] Other osteoporosis; Senile osteoporosis Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Other osteoporosis; Senile osteoporosis Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other osteoporosis; Senile osteoporosis Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M81.89'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified disorders of bone density and structure; Hyperostosis of bones, except skull Other [SOURCE F] Other specified disorders of bone density and structure; Hyperostosis of bones, except skull Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified disorders of bone density and structure; Hyperostosis of bones, except skull Other' WHERE ICDCode='M85.88'; /* [DATABASE] Hypertrophy of bone Other Other sphingolipidosis; Fabry(-Anderson) Disease; Gauche [SOURCE F] Hypertrophy of bone Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hypertrophy of bone Other' WHERE ICDCode='M89.38'; /* [DATABASE] Disease; Krabbe Disease; Niemann-Pick Disease; Faber's syndrome; Metachromatic leukodystrophy; Sulfatase deficiency [SOURCE F] Other sphingolipidosis; Fabry(-Anderson) Disease; Gaucher Disease; Krabbe Disease; Niemann-Pick Disease; Faber's syndrome; Metachromatic leukodystrophy; Sulfatase deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other sphingolipidosis; Fabry(-Anderson) Disease; Gaucher Disease; Krabbe Disease; Niemann-Pick Disease; Faber''s syndrome; Metachromatic leukodystrophy; Sulfatase deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='E75.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency; Adrenal haemorrhage; Adrenal infarction; Adrenocortical insufficiency NOS; Hypoaldosteronism [SOURCE F] Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency; Adrenal haemorrhage; Adrenal infarction;Adrenocortical insufficiency NOS; Hypoaldosteronism */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency; Adrenal haemorrhage; Adrenal infarction;Adrenocortical insufficiency NOS; Hypoaldosteronism' WHERE ICDCode='E27.4'; /* [DATABASE] Albinism; OcularAlbinism; Oculocutaneous Albinism Chediak(-Steinbrinck)-Higashi Syndrome; Cross Syndrome; Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome [SOURCE F] Albinism; OcularAlbinism; Oculocutaneous Albinism Chediak(-Steinbrinck)-Higashi Syndrome; Cross Syndrome; Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Albinism; OcularAlbinism; Oculocutaneous Albinism Chediak(-Steinbrinck)-Higashi Syndrome; Cross Syndrome; Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='E70.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other disorders of aromatic amino-acid metabolism; Disorders of histidine metabolism; Disorders of tryptophan metabolism [SOURCE F] Other disorders of aromatic amino-acid metabolism; Disorders of histidine metabolism; Disorders of tryptophan metabolism */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other disorders of aromatic amino-acid metabolism; Disorders of histidine metabolism; Disorders of tryptophan metabolism' WHERE ICDCode='E70.8'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital lactase deficiency Glycogen storage disease; Cardiac glycogenosis; Andersen [SOURCE F] Congenital lactase deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital lactase deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='E73.0'; /* [DATABASE] Disease; Cori Disease; Forbes Disease; Hers Disease; McArdle Disease; Pompe Disease; Tauri Disease; von Gierke Disease; Liver phosphorylase deficiency [SOURCE F] Glycogen storage disease; Cardiac glycogenosis; Andersen Disease; Cori Disease; Forbes Disease; Hers Disease; McArdle Disease; Pompe Disease; Tauri Disease; von Gierke Disease; Liver phosphorylase deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Glycogen storage disease; Cardiac glycogenosis; Andersen Disease; Cori Disease; Forbes Disease; Hers Disease; McArdle Disease; Pompe Disease; Tauri Disease; von Gierke Disease; Liver phosphorylase deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='E74.0'; /* [DATABASE] Disorders of fructose metabolism; Essential fructosuria; Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency; Hereditary fructose [SOURCE F] Disorders of fructose metabolism; Essential fructosuria; Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency; Hereditary fructose intolerance */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorders of fructose metabolism; Essential fructosuria; Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency; Hereditary fructose intolerance' WHERE ICDCode='E74.1'; /* [DATABASE] Mucopolysaccharidosis, type I; Hurler Syndrome; Hurler-Scheie Syndrome; Scheie Syndrome [SOURCE F] Mucopolysaccharidosis, type I; Hurler Syndrome; Hurler-Scheie Syndrome; Scheie Syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mucopolysaccharidosis, type I; Hurler Syndrome; Hurler-Scheie Syndrome; Scheie Syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='E76.0'; /* [DATABASE] Hyperchylomicronaemia; Fredrickson's hyperlipoproteinaemia, type I; Fredrickson's hyperlipoproteinaemia, type V; Hyperlipidaemia, group D; Mixed hyperglyceridaemia [SOURCE F] Hyperchylomicronaemia; Fredrickson's hyperlipoproteinaemia, type I; Fredrickson's hyperlipoproteinaemia, type V; Hyperlipidaemia, group D; Mixed hyperglyceridaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hyperchylomicronaemia; Fredrickson''s hyperlipoproteinaemia, type I; Fredrickson''s hyperlipoproteinaemia, type V; Hyperlipidaemia, group D; Mixed hyperglyceridaemia' WHERE ICDCode='E78.3'; /* [DATABASE] Disorders of copper metabolism; Menkes' kinky hair disease; Menkes' steely hair disease; Wilson's disease [SOURCE F] Disorders of copper metabolism; Menkes' kinky hair disease; Menkes' steely hair disease; Wilson's disease */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorders of copper metabolism; Menkes'' kinky hair disease; Menkes'' steely hair disease; Wilson''s disease' WHERE ICDCode='E83.0'; /* [DATABASE] Disorders of phosphorus metabolism; Acid phosphatase deficiency; Familial hypophosphataemia; Hypophosphatasia; Vitamin-D-resistant osteomalacia; Vitamin-D-resistant rickets [SOURCE F] Disorders of phosphorus metabolism; Acid phosphatase deficiency; Familial hypophosphataemia; Hypophosphatasia; Vitamin-D-resistant osteomalacia; Vitamin-D-resistant rickets */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorders of phosphorus metabolism; Acid phosphatase deficiency; Familial hypophosphataemia; Hypophosphatasia; Vitamin-D-resistant osteomalacia; Vitamin-D-resistant rickets' WHERE ICDCode='E83.3'; /* [DATABASE] Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome]; Acquired Afibrinogenaemia; Consumption coagulopathy; Diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC] ; Acquired Fibrinolytic haemorrhage; [SOURCE F] Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome]; Acquired Afibrinogenaemia; Consumption coagulopathy; Diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC] ; Acquired Fibrinolytic haemorrhage; Fibrinolytic Purpura; Purpura fulminans; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome]; Acquired Afibrinogenaemia; Consumption coagulopathy; Diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC] ; Acquired Fibrinolytic haemorrhage; Fibrinolytic Purpura; Purpura fulminans;' WHERE ICDCode='D65'; /* [DATABASE] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS thoracic region [SOURCE F] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS thoracic region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS thoracic region' WHERE ICDCode='M43.94'; /* [DATABASE] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS thoracolumbar region [SOURCE F] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS thoracolumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS thoracolumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M43.95'; /* [DATABASE] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS lumbar region [SOURCE F] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M43.96'; /* [DATABASE] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS lumbosacral region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS lumbosacral region' WHERE ICDCode='M43.97'; /* [DATABASE] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS site unspecified [SOURCE F] Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Deforming dorsopathy, unspecified; Curvature of spine NOS site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M43.99'; /* [DATABASE] Cervicobrachial syndrome cervical region [SOURCE F] Cervicobrachial syndrome cervical region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cervicobrachial syndrome cervical region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.12'; /* [DATABASE] Cervicobrachial syndrome site unspecified [SOURCE F] Cervicobrachial syndrome site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cervicobrachial syndrome site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M53.19'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal instabilities cervical region [SOURCE F] Spinal instabilities cervical region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal instabilities cervical region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.22'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal instabilities thoracic region [SOURCE F] Spinal instabilities thoracic region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal instabilities thoracic region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.24'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal instabilities lumbar region [SOURCE F] Spinal instabilities lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal instabilities lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.26'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal instabilities lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Spinal instabilities lumbosacral region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal instabilities lumbosacral region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.27'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal instabilities sacral and sacrococcygeal region [SOURCE F] Spinal instabilities sacral and sacrococcygeal region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal instabilities sacral and sacrococcygeal region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.28'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal instabilities site unspecified [SOURCE F] Spinal instabilities site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal instabilities site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M53.29'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified dorsopathies lumbar region [SOURCE F] Other specified dorsopathies lumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified dorsopathies lumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.86'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified dorsopathies lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Other specified dorsopathies lumbosacral region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified dorsopathies lumbosacral region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.87'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified dorsopathies site unspecified [SOURCE F] Other specified dorsopathies site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified dorsopathies site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M53.89'; /* [DATABASE] Dorsopathy, unspecified cervical region [SOURCE F] Dorsopathy, unspecified cervical region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Dorsopathy, unspecified cervical region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.92'; /* [DATABASE] Dorsopathy, unspecified thoracolumbar region [SOURCE F] Dorsopathy, unspecified thoracolumbar region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Dorsopathy, unspecified thoracolumbar region' WHERE ICDCode='M53.95'; /* [DATABASE] Other emphysema Emphysema, unspecified; Lung emphysema NOS; Pulmonary emphysema NOS; Bullous lung emphysema; [SOURCE F] Other emphysema */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other emphysema' WHERE ICDCode='J43.8'; /* [DATABASE] Bullous pulmonary emphysema; Vesicular lung emphysema; Vesucular pulmonary emphysema; Emphysematous bleb [SOURCE F] Emphysema, unspecified; Lung emphysema NOS; Pulmonary emphysema NOS; Bullous lung emphysema; Bullous pulmonary emphysema; Vesicular lung emphysema; Vesucular pulmonary emphysema; Emphysematous bleb */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Emphysema, unspecified; Lung emphysema NOS; Pulmonary emphysema NOS; Bullous lung emphysema; Bullous pulmonary emphysema; Vesicular lung emphysema; Vesucular pulmonary emphysema; Emphysematous bleb' WHERE ICDCode='J43.9'; /* [DATABASE] Localization-related focal symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures; Localization-related partial symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures; Attacks with alteration of consciousness, ofte [SOURCE F] Localization-related focal symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures; Localization-related partial symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures; Attacks with alteration of consciousness, ofte */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Localization-related focal symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures; Localization-related partial symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures; Attacks with alteration of consciousness, ofte' WHERE ICDCode='G40.2'; /* [DATABASE] Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes; Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy; Benign familial neonatal convulsions; Childhood absence epilepsy [pyknolepsy]; Epilepsy with grand mal seizures on awakening; Juvenile absence epilepsy; Juveni [SOURCE F] Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes; Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy; Benign familial neonatal convulsions; Childhood absence epilepsy [pyknolepsy]; Epilepsy with grand mal seizures on awakening; Juvenile absence epilepsy; Juveni */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes; Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy; Benign familial neonatal convulsions; Childhood absence epilepsy [pyknolepsy]; Epilepsy with grand mal seizures on awakening; Juvenile absence epilepsy; Juveni' WHERE ICDCode='G40.3'; /* [DATABASE] Fracture of rib (closed) [SOURCE F] Fracture of rib (closed) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Fracture of rib (closed)' WHERE ICDCode='S22.30'; /* [DATABASE] Fracture of other parts of bony thorax (closed) [SOURCE F] Fracture of other parts of bony thorax (closed) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Fracture of other parts of bony thorax (closed)' WHERE ICDCode='S22.80'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, with Minor glomerular abnormality [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, with Minor glomerular abnormality */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, with Minor glomerular abnormality' WHERE ICDCode='N00.0'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions (with focal and segmental hyalinosis; focal and segmental sclerosis) & Focal glom [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions (with focal and segmental hyalinosis; focal and segmental sclerosis) & Focal glom */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions (with focal and segmental hyalinosis; focal and segmental sclerosis) & Focal glom' WHERE ICDCode='N00.1'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N00.2'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N00.3'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N00.4'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis (Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS) [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis (Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis (Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS)' WHERE ICDCode='N00.5'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS)' WHERE ICDCode='N00.8'; /* [DATABASE] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, Unspecified renal biopsy [SOURCE F] Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, Unspecified renal biopsy */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute nephritic syndrome including Acute glomerular disease, Acute glomerulonephritis, Acute nephritis, Acute renal disease NOS, Unspecified renal biopsy' WHERE ICDCode='N00.9'; /* [DATABASE] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Minor glomerular abnormality [SOURCE F] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Minor glomerular abnormality */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Minor glomerular abnormality' WHERE ICDCode='N02.0'; /* [DATABASE] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions [SOURCE F] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions' WHERE ICDCode='N02.1'; /* [DATABASE] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N02.2'; /* [DATABASE] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N02.5'; /* [DATABASE] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) [SOURCE F] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS)' WHERE ICDCode='N02.8'; /* [DATABASE] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Unspecified renal biopsy [SOURCE F] Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Unspecified renal biopsy */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Recurrent and persistent haematuria including Benign familial Haematuria; Benign familial Haematuria of childhood; Haematuria with morphological lesion specified with Unspecified renal biopsy' WHERE ICDCode='N02.9'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Minor glomerular abnormality [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Minor glomerular abnormality */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Minor glomerular abnormality' WHERE ICDCode='N03.0'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions' WHERE ICDCode='N03.1'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, withDiffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, withDiffuse membranous glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, withDiffuse membranous glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N03.2'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N03.3'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N03.4'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N03.5'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N03.7'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS)' WHERE ICDCode='N03.8'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Unspecified renal biopsy [SOURCE F] Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Unspecified renal biopsy */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic nephritic syndrome including Chronic glomerular disease, Chronic glomerulonephritis, Chronic nephritis, chronic renal disease NOS, with Unspecified renal biopsy' WHERE ICDCode='N03.9'; /* [DATABASE] Nephrotic syndrome: Focal and segmental glomerular lesions; Focal and segmental hyalinosis; Focal and segmental sclerosis; Focal glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Nephrotic syndrome: Focal and segmental glomerular lesions; Focal and segmental hyalinosis; Focal and segmental sclerosis; Focal glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Nephrotic syndrome: Focal and segmental glomerular lesions; Focal and segmental hyalinosis; Focal and segmental sclerosis; Focal glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N04.1'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Minor glomerular abnormality, minimal change lesion [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Minor glomerular abnormality, minimal change lesion */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Minor glomerular abnormality, minimal change lesion' WHERE ICDCode='N05.0'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions (with focal and segmental hyalinosis; focal and segmental sclerosis) & Focal glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions (with focal and segmental hyalinosis; focal and segmental sclerosis) & Focal glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Focal and segmental glomerular lesions (with focal and segmental hyalinosis; focal and segmental sclerosis) & Focal glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N05.1'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N05.2'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N05.3'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N05.4'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS' WHERE ICDCode='N05.5'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Dense deposit disease Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, type 2 [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Dense deposit disease Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, type 2 */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Dense deposit disease Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, type 2' WHERE ICDCode='N05.6'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis, Extracapillary glomerulonephritis [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis, Extracapillary glomerulonephritis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis, Extracapillary glomerulonephritis' WHERE ICDCode='N05.7'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Other (Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS)' WHERE ICDCode='N05.8'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with [SOURCE F] Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Unspecified renal biopsy */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified nephritic syndrome including Glomerular disease, Glomerulonephritis, Nephritis NOS with Unspecified renal biopsy' WHERE ICDCode='N05.9'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified renal biopsy Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion with morphological lesion specified with Minor glomerular abnormality [SOURCE F] Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion with morphological lesion specified with Minor glomerular abnormality */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion with morphological lesion specified with Minor glomerular abnormality' WHERE ICDCode='N06.0'; /* [DATABASE] Migraine without aura [common migraine] Migraine with aura [classical migraine]; Migraine aura without headache; Migraine, basilar; Migraine equivalents; [SOURCE F] Migraine without aura [common migraine] */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Migraine without aura [common migraine]' WHERE ICDCode='G43.0'; /* [DATABASE] Familial hemiplegic Migraine; Migraine with acute-onset aura; Migraine with prolonged aura; Migraine with typical aura [SOURCE F] Migraine with aura [classical migraine]; Migraine aura without headache; Migraine, basilar; Migraine equivalents; Familial hemiplegic Migraine; Migraine with acute-onset aura; Migraine with prolonged aura; Migraine with typical aura */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Migraine with aura [classical migraine]; Migraine aura without headache; Migraine, basilar; Migraine equivalents; Familial hemiplegic Migraine; Migraine with acute-onset aura; Migraine with prolonged aura; Migraine with typical aura' WHERE ICDCode='G43.1'; /* [DATABASE] Migraine, unspecified Cluster headache syndrome; Chronic paroxysmal [SOURCE F] Migraine, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Migraine, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='G43.9'; /* [DATABASE] hemicrania; Chronic cluster headache; Episodic Cluster headache [SOURCE F] Cluster headache syndrome; Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania; Chronic cluster headache; Episodic Cluster headache */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cluster headache syndrome; Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania; Chronic cluster headache; Episodic Cluster headache' WHERE ICDCode='G44.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified heart blockl; Sinoatrial NOS; Sinoauricular block Pre-excitation syndrome; Anomalous atrioventicular excitation; Atrioventricular conduction, accelerated; [SOURCE F] Other specified heart blockl; Sinoatrial NOS; Sinoauricular block */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified heart blockl; Sinoatrial NOS; Sinoauricular block' WHERE ICDCode='I45.5'; /* [DATABASE] Atrioventicular conduction, accesory; Atrioventicular conduction pre-excitation; Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome; Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome [SOURCE F] Pre-excitation syndrome; Anomalous atrioventicular excitation; Atrioventricular conduction, accelerated; Atrioventicular conduction, accesory; Atrioventicular conduction pre-excitation; Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome; Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Pre-excitation syndrome; Anomalous atrioventicular excitation; Atrioventricular conduction, accelerated; Atrioventicular conduction, accesory; Atrioventicular conduction pre-excitation; Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome; Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='I45.6'; /* [DATABASE] Delayed or excessive haemorrhage following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Afibrinogenaemia; [SOURCE F] Delayed or excessive haemorrhage following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Afibrinogenaemia; Defibrination syndrome; Intravascular coagulation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Delayed or excessive haemorrhage following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Afibrinogenaemia; Defibrination syndrome; Intravascular coagulation' WHERE ICDCode='O08.1'; /* [DATABASE] Defibrination syndrome; Intravascular coagulation Third-stage haemorrhage; Haemorrhage associated with retained, trapped or adherent placenta; Retained placenta NOS [SOURCE F] Third-stage haemorrhage; Haemorrhage associated with retained, trapped or adherent placenta; Retained placenta NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Third-stage haemorrhage; Haemorrhage associated with retained, trapped or adherent placenta; Retained placenta NOS' WHERE ICDCode='O72.0'; /* [DATABASE] Hereditary factor VIII deficiency; Deficiency factor VIII (with functional defect); Haemophilia NOS; Haemophilia A; Classical Haemophilia [SOURCE F] Hereditary factor VIII deficiency; Deficiency factor VIII (with functional defect); Haemophilia NOS; Haemophilia A; Classical Haemophilia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hereditary factor VIII deficiency; Deficiency factor VIII (with functional defect); Haemophilia NOS; Haemophilia A; Classical Haemophilia' WHERE ICDCode='D66'; /* [DATABASE] Hereditary factor IX deficiency; Christmas disease; Factor IX Deficiency (with functional defect); Plasma thromboplastin component [PTC] Deficiency; Haemophilia B [SOURCE F] Hereditary factor IX deficiency; Christmas disease; Factor IX Deficiency (with functional defect); Plasma thromboplastin component [PTC] Deficiency; Haemophilia B */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hereditary factor IX deficiency; Christmas disease; Factor IX Deficiency (with functional defect); Plasma thromboplastin component [PTC] Deficiency; Haemophilia B' WHERE ICDCode='D67'; /* [DATABASE] Von Willebrand's disease; Angiohaemophilia; Factor VIII deficiency with vascular defect; Vascular haemophilia [SOURCE F] Von Willebrand's disease; Angiohaemophilia; Factor VIII deficiency with vascular defect; Vascular haemophilia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Von Willebrand''s disease; Angiohaemophilia; Factor VIII deficiency with vascular defect; Vascular haemophilia' WHERE ICDCode='D68.0'; /* [DATABASE] Hereditary factor XI deficiency; Haemophilia C Plasma thromoplastin antecedent [PTA] deficiency Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors; Congenital afibrinogenaemia; AC globulin Deficiency; Proaccelerin [SOURCE F] Hereditary factor XI deficiency; Haemophilia C Plasma thromoplastin antecedent [PTA] deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hereditary factor XI deficiency; Haemophilia C Plasma thromoplastin antecedent [PTA] deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='D68.1'; /* [DATABASE] Deficiency; Deficiency of factor I [fibrinogen]; Deficiency of factor II [prothrombin]; Deficiency of factor V [labile]; Deficiency of fac [SOURCE F] Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors; Congenital afibrinogenaemia; AC globulin Deficiency; Proaccelerin Deficiency; Deficiency of factor I [fibrinogen]; Deficiency of factor II [prothrombin]; Deficiency of factor V [labile]; Deficiency of fac */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors; Congenital afibrinogenaemia; AC globulin Deficiency; Proaccelerin Deficiency; Deficiency of factor I [fibrinogen]; Deficiency of factor II [prothrombin]; Deficiency of factor V [labile]; Deficiency of fac' WHERE ICDCode='D68.2'; /* [DATABASE] Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants; Haemorrhage during long term use of anticoagulants; Hyperheparinaemia; Increase in antithrombin; Increase in anti-VIIIa; Increase in anti-Ixa; Increase in anti-Xa; Increase in anti-Xia [SOURCE F] Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants; Haemorrhage during long term use of anticoagulants; Hyperheparinaemia; Increase in antithrombin; Increase in anti-VIIIa; Increase in anti-Ixa; Increase in anti-Xa; Increase in anti-XIa */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants; Haemorrhage during long term use of anticoagulants; Hyperheparinaemia; Increase in antithrombin; Increase in anti-VIIIa; Increase in anti-Ixa; Increase in anti-Xa; Increase in anti-XIa' WHERE ICDCode='D68.3'; /* [DATABASE] Acquired coagulation factor deficiency; Deficiency of coagulation factor due to liver disease; Deficiency of coagulation factor due to vitamin K deficiency [SOURCE F] Acquired coagulation factor deficiency; Deficiency of coagulation factor due to liver disease; Deficiency of coagulation factor due to vitamin K deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acquired coagulation factor deficiency; Deficiency of coagulation factor due to liver disease; Deficiency of coagulation factor due to vitamin K deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='D68.4'; /* [DATABASE] Allergic purpura; Anaphylactoid Purpura; Henoch(-Schönlein) Purpura; Nonthrombocytopenic Purpura; Haemorrhagic Purpura; Idiopathic Purpura; Vascular Purpura; AllergicVasculitis [SOURCE F] Allergic purpura; Anaphylactoid Purpura; Henoch(-Schönlein) Purpura; Nonthrombocytopenic Purpura; Haemorrhagic Purpura; Idiopathic Purpura; Vascular Purpura; AllergicVasculitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Allergic purpura; Anaphylactoid Purpura; Henoch(-Schönlein) Purpura; Nonthrombocytopenic Purpura; Haemorrhagic Purpura; Idiopathic Purpura; Vascular Purpura; AllergicVasculitis' WHERE ICDCode='D69.0'; /* [DATABASE] Hypertensive heart disease without (congestive) heart failure; Hypertensive heart disease NOS [SOURCE F] Hypertensive heart disease */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hypertensive heart disease' WHERE ICDCode='I11.9'; /* [DATABASE] Di George's syndrome; Pharyngeal pouch syndrome; Thymic alymphoplasia; Thymic aplasia or hypoplasia with immunodeficiency [SOURCE F] Di George's syndrome; Pharyngeal pouch syndrome; Thymic alymphoplasia; Thymic aplasia or hypoplasia with immunodeficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Di George''s syndrome; Pharyngeal pouch syndrome; Thymic alymphoplasia; Thymic aplasia or hypoplasia with immunodeficiency' WHERE ICDCode='D82.1'; /* [DATABASE] Sarcoidosis, unspecified Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia; Benign [SOURCE F] Sarcoidosis, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sarcoidosis, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='D86.9'; /* [DATABASE] hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura; Polyclonal gammopathy NOS Cryoglobulinaemia; Essential Cryoglobulinaemia; Idiopathic [SOURCE F] Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia; Benign hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura; Polyclonal gammopathy NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia; Benign hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura; Polyclonal gammopathy NOS' WHERE ICDCode='D89.0'; /* [DATABASE] Cryoglobulinaemia; Mixed Cryoglobulinaemia; Primary Cryoglobulinaemia; Secondary Cryoglobulinaemia; Cryoglobulinaemic purpura; Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis [SOURCE F] Cryoglobulinaemia; Essential Cryoglobulinaemia; Idiopathic Cryoglobulinaemia; Mixed Cryoglobulinaemia; Primary Cryoglobulinaemia; Secondary Cryoglobulinaemia; Cryoglobulinaemic purpura; Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cryoglobulinaemia; Essential Cryoglobulinaemia; Idiopathic Cryoglobulinaemia; Mixed Cryoglobulinaemia; Primary Cryoglobulinaemia; Secondary Cryoglobulinaemia; Cryoglobulinaemic purpura; Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis' WHERE ICDCode='D89.1'; /* [DATABASE] Acute disseminated encephalitis; Postimmunization [Encephalitis; Postimmunization Encephalomyelitis [SOURCE F] Acute disseminated encephalitis; Postimmunization [Encephalitis; Postimmunization Encephalomyelitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute disseminated encephalitis; Postimmunization [Encephalitis; Postimmunization Encephalomyelitis' WHERE ICDCode='G04.0'; /* [DATABASE] Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified; Influenza NOS; Influenzal Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified or specific virus not identified; Influenzal laryngitis, unspecified or specific virus not identified; Influen [SOURCE F] Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified; Influenza NOS; Influenzal Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified or specific virus not identified; Influenzal laryngitis, unspecified or specific virus not identified; Influen */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified; Influenza NOS; Influenzal Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified or specific virus not identified; Influenzal laryngitis, unspecified or specific virus not identified; Influen' WHERE ICDCode='J11.1'; INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('J11.8+I41.1*','Acute influenzal myocarditis, virus not identified','INFLUENZA','259'); /* [DATABASE] Other specified INJURIES DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER EXTERNAL FACTORS causes; Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces; Effects of weightlessness [SOURCE F] Other specified INJURIES DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER EXTERNAL FACTORS causes; Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces; Effects of weightlessness */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified INJURIES DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER EXTERNAL FACTORS causes; Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces; Effects of weightlessness' WHERE ICDCode='T75.8'; /* [DATABASE] Sprain and strain of shoulder joint; sprain and strain of Coracohumeral (ligament); Sprain and strain of Rotator cuff capsule [SOURCE F] Sprain and strain of shoulder joint; sprain and strain of Coracohumeral (ligament); Sprain and strain of Rotator cuff capsule */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sprain and strain of shoulder joint; sprain and strain of Coracohumeral (ligament); Sprain and strain of Rotator cuff capsule' WHERE ICDCode='S43.4'; /* [DATABASE] Sprain and strain of wrist; Sprain and strain of Carpal joint; Sprain and strain of Radiocarpal joint; Sprain and strain of Radiocarpal ligament [SOURCE F] Sprain and strain of wrist; Sprain and strain of Carpal joint; Sprain and strain of Radiocarpal joint; Sprain and strain of Radiocarpal ligament */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Sprain and strain of wrist; Sprain and strain of Carpal joint; Sprain and strain of Radiocarpal joint; Sprain and strain of Radiocarpal ligament' WHERE ICDCode='S63.5'; /* [DATABASE] Intracranial abscess and granuloma; Abscess (embolic)(of) brain [any part]; Abscess (embolic)(of) cerebellar; Abscess (embolic)(of) cerebral; Abscess (embolic)(of) otogenic; IIntracranial abscess or granuloma, epidural; Intracranial abscess or granulom [SOURCE F] Intracranial abscess and granuloma; Abscess (embolic)(of) brain [any part]; Abscess (embolic)(of) cerebellar; Abscess (embolic)(of) cerebral; Abscess (embolic)(of) otogenic; IIntracranial abscess or granuloma, epidural; Intracranial abscess or granulom */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Intracranial abscess and granuloma; Abscess (embolic)(of) brain [any part]; Abscess (embolic)(of) cerebellar; Abscess (embolic)(of) cerebral; Abscess (embolic)(of) otogenic; IIntracranial abscess or granuloma, epidural; Intracranial abscess or granulom' WHERE ICDCode='G06.0'; /* [DATABASE] Intraspinal abscess and granuloma; Abscess (embolic) of spinal cord [any part]; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma epidural; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma extradural; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma subdural [SOURCE F] Intraspinal abscess and granuloma; Abscess (embolic) of spinal cord [any part]; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma epidural; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma extradural; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma subdural */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Intraspinal abscess and granuloma; Abscess (embolic) of spinal cord [any part]; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma epidural; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma extradural; Intraspinal abscess or granuloma subdural' WHERE ICDCode='G06.1'; /* [DATABASE] Acute transmural myocardial infarction of other sites [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS II; Acute apical-lateral transmural infarction [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS II; Acute basal-lateral transmural infarction [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS I [SOURCE F] Acute transmural myocardial infarction of other sites [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS II; Acute apical-lateral transmural infarction [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS II; Acute basal-lateral transmural infarction [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS I */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute transmural myocardial infarction of other sites [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS II; Acute apical-lateral transmural infarction [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS II; Acute basal-lateral transmural infarction [or duration of <4 weeks] KILLIPS I' WHERE ICDCode='I21.2'; INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMedPackage] ([PackageID],[Package],[Amount],[PF],[MedRoomBoard],[Status],[CaseType]) VALUES((select MAX(packageID)+1 from [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMedPackage]),'ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE WITH MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION','18900','5670','13230','1','1'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('I25.8_','Chronic myocardial infarction or with stated duration of over 4 weeks','ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE WITH MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION',(select packageid from [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMedPackage] where Package = '259')); /* [DATABASE] Angina pectoris with documented spasm; Angiospastic Angina ; Prinzmetal Angina ; spasm-induced Angina; Variant Angina [SOURCE F] Angina pectoris with documented spasm; Angiospastic Angina ; Prinzmetal Angina ; spasm-induced Angina ; Variant Angina */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Angina pectoris with documented spasm; Angiospastic Angina ; Prinzmetal Angina ; spasm-induced Angina ; Variant Angina' WHERE ICDCode='I20.1'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic myocardial infarction or with stated duration of over 4 weeks [SOURCE F] Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease' WHERE ICDCode='I25.8'; /* [DATABASE] Noninfective disorder of lymphatic vessels and lymphnodes, unspecified; Disease of lymphatic vessels NOS [SOURCE F] Noninfective disorder of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, unspecified; Disease of lymphatic vessels NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Noninfective disorder of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, unspecified; Disease of lymphatic vessels NOS' WHERE ICDCode='I89.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Bladder neck; Malignant neoplasm of Internal urethral orifice [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Bladder neck; Malignant neoplasm of Internal urethral orifice */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Bladder neck; Malignant neoplasm of Internal urethral orifice' WHERE ICDCode='C67.5'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Urinary organ, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Urinary system NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Urinary organ, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Urinary system NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Urinary organ, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Urinary system NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C68.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Bones of skull and face; Malignant neoplasm o f Superior maxilla; Malignant neoplasm of Orbital bone [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Bones of skull and face; Malignant neoplasm o f Superior maxilla; Malignant neoplasm of Orbital bone */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Bones of skull and face; Malignant neoplasm o f Superior maxilla; Malignant neoplasm of Orbital bone' WHERE ICDCode='C41.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles; Malignant neoplasm of Supratentorial NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles; Malignant neoplasm of Supratentorial NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles; Malignant neoplasm of Supratentorial NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C71.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Olfactory nerve; Malignant neoplasm of Olfactory bulb [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Olfactory nerve; Malignant neoplasm of Olfactory bulb */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Olfactory nerve; Malignant neoplasm of Olfactory bulb' WHERE ICDCode='C72.2'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Other and unspecified cranial nerves; Malignant neoplasm of Cranial nerve NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Other and unspecified cranial nerves; Malignant neoplasm of Cranial nerve NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Other and unspecified cranial nerves; Malignant neoplasm of Cranial nerve NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C72.5'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Central nervous system, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Nervous system NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Central nervous system, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Nervous system NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Central nervous system, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Nervous system NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C72.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Colon, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Large intestine NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Colon, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Large intestine NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Colon, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Large intestine NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C18.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction; Malignant neoplasm of Colon with rectum; Malignant neoplasm of Rectosigmoid colon [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction; Malignant neoplasm of Colon with rectum; Malignant neoplasm of Rectosigmoid colon */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction; Malignant neoplasm of Colon with rectum; Malignant neoplasm of Rectosigmoid colon' WHERE ICDCode='C19'; /* [DATABASE] Mesothelioma of peritoneum; Mesothelioma of Mesentery; Mesothelioma of Mesocolon; Mesothelioma of Omentum; Mesothelioma of Parietal Peritoneum; Mesothelioma of Pelvic Peritoneum [SOURCE F] Mesothelioma of peritoneum; Mesothelioma of Mesentery; Mesothelioma of Mesocolon; Mesothelioma of Omentum; Mesothelioma of ParietalPeritoneum; Mesothelioma of Pelvic Peritoneum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mesothelioma of peritoneum; Mesothelioma of Mesentery; Mesothelioma of Mesocolon; Mesothelioma of Omentum; Mesothelioma of ParietalPeritoneum; Mesothelioma of Pelvic Peritoneum' WHERE ICDCode='C45.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Specified parts of peritoneum; Malignant neoplasm of Mesentery; Malignant neoplasm of Mesocolon; Malignant neoplasm of Omentum; Malignant neoplasm of Parietal Peritoneum; Malignant neoplasm of Pelvic peritoneum [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Specified parts of peritoneum; Malignant neoplasm of Mesentery; Malignant neoplasm of Mesocolon; Malignant neoplasm of Omentum; Malignant neoplasm of Parietal Peritoneum; Malignant neoplasm of Pelvic peritoneum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Specified parts of peritoneum; Malignant neoplasm of Mesentery; Malignant neoplasm of Mesocolon; Malignant neoplasm of Omentum; Malignant neoplasm of Parietal Peritoneum; Malignant neoplasm of Pelvic peritoneum' WHERE ICDCode='C48.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Peritoneum, unspecified [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Peritoneum, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Peritoneum, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='C48.2'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Nasal cavity; Malignant neoplasm of Cartilage of nose; Malignant neoplasm of nasal Concha; Malignant neoplasm of Internal nose; Malignant neoplasm of Septum of nose; Malignant neoplasm of Vestibule of nose [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Nasal cavity; Malignant neoplasm of Cartilage of nose; Malignant neoplasm of nasal Concha; Malignant neoplasm of Internal nose; Malignant neoplasm of Septum of nose; Malignant neoplasm of Vestibule of nose */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Nasal cavity; Malignant neoplasm of Cartilage of nose; Malignant neoplasm of nasal Concha; Malignant neoplasm of Internal nose; Malignant neoplasm of Septum of nose; Malignant neoplasm of Vestibule of nose' WHERE ICDCode='C30.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Middle ear; Malignant neoplasm of Eustachian tube; Malignant neoplasm of Inner ear; Malignant neoplasm of Mastoid air cells [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Middle ear; Malignant neoplasm of Eustachian tube; Malignant neoplasm of Inner ear; Malignant neoplasm of Mastoid air cells */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Middle ear; Malignant neoplasm of Eustachian tube; Malignant neoplasm of Inner ear; Malignant neoplasm of Mastoid air cells' WHERE ICDCode='C30.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Ciliary body; Malignant neoplasm of Eyeball [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Ciliary body; Malignant neoplasm of Eyeball */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Ciliary body; Malignant neoplasm of Eyeball' WHERE ICDCode='C69.4'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Lacrimal gland and duct; Malignant neoplasm of Lacrimal sac; Malignant neoplasm of Nasolacrimal duct [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Lacrimal gland and duct; Malignant neoplasm of Lacrimal sac; Malignant neoplasm of Nasolacrimal duct */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Lacrimal gland and duct; Malignant neoplasm of Lacrimal sac; Malignant neoplasm of Nasolacrimal duct' WHERE ICDCode='C69.5'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Extraocular muscle; Malignant neoplasm of Peripheral nerves of orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Retrobulbar tissue; Malignant neoplasm of Retro-ocular [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Extraocular muscle; Malignant neoplasm of Peripheral nerves of orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Retrobulbar tissue; Malignant neoplasm of Retro-ocular */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Extraocular muscle; Malignant neoplasm of Peripheral nerves of orbit; Malignant neoplasm of Retrobulbar tissue; Malignant neoplasm of Retro-ocular' WHERE ICDCode='C69.6'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Vulva, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of External female genitalia NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Pudendum [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Vulva, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of External female genitalia NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Pudendum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Vulva, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of External female genitalia NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Pudendum' WHERE ICDCode='C51.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Fallopian tube; Malignant neoplasm of Oviduct; Malignant neoplasm of Uterine tube [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Fallopian tube; Malignant neoplasm of Oviduct; Malignant neoplasm of Uterine tube */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Fallopian tube; Malignant neoplasm of Oviduct; Malignant neoplasm of Uterine tube' WHERE ICDCode='C57.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Parametrium; Malignant neoplasm of Uterine ligament NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Parametrium; Malignant neoplasm of Uterine ligament NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Parametrium; Malignant neoplasm of Uterine ligament NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C57.3'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Other specified female genital organs; Malignant neoplasm of Wolffian body or duct [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Other specified female genital organs; Malignant neoplasm of Wolffian body or duct */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Other specified female genital organs; Malignant neoplasm of Wolffian body or duct' WHERE ICDCode='C57.7'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Overlapping lesion of female genital organs; Malignant neoplasm of Tubo-ovarian; Malignant neoplasm of Utero-ovarian [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Overlapping lesion of female genital organs; Malignant neoplasm of Tubo-ovarian; Malignant neoplasm of Utero-ovarian */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Overlapping lesion of female genital organs; Malignant neoplasm of Tubo-ovarian; Malignant neoplasm of Utero-ovarian' WHERE ICDCode='C57.8'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of External upper lip; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip; Malignant neoplasm of lipstick area; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip, vermilion border [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of External upper lip; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip; Malignant neoplasm of lipstick area; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip, vermilion border */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of External upper lip; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip; Malignant neoplasm of lipstick area; Malignant neoplasm of Upper lip, vermilion border' WHERE ICDCode='C00.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Dorsal surface of base of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Anterior two-thirds of dorsal surface of tongue [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Dorsal surface of base of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Anterior two-thirds of dorsal surface of tongue */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Dorsal surface of base of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Anterior two-thirds of dorsal surface of tongue' WHERE ICDCode='C02.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Ventral surface of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Anterior two-thirds of ventral surface of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Frenulum linguae [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Ventral surface of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Anterior two-thirds of ventral surface of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Frenulum linguae */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Ventral surface of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Anterior two-thirds of ventral surface of tongue; Malignant neoplasm of Frenulum linguae' WHERE ICDCode='C02.2'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Cheek mucosa; Malignant neoplasm of Buccal mucosa NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Internal cheek [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Cheek mucosa; Malignant neoplasm of Buccal mucosa NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Internal cheek */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Cheek mucosa; Malignant neoplasm of Buccal mucosa NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Internal cheek' WHERE ICDCode='C06.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Vestibule of mouth; Malignant neoplasm of Upper buccal sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Lower buccal sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Upper Labial sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Lower Labial sulcus [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Vestibule of mouth; Malignant neoplasm of Upper buccal sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Lower buccal sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Upper Labial sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Lower Labial sulcus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Vestibule of mouth; Malignant neoplasm of Upper buccal sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Lower buccal sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Upper Labial sulcus; Malignant neoplasm of Lower Labial sulcus' WHERE ICDCode='C06.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Mouth, unspecified; Minor Malignant neoplasm of minor salivary gland, unspecified site; Malignant neoplasm of Oral cavity NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Mouth, unspecified; Minor Malignant neoplasm of minor salivary gland, unspecified site; Malignant neoplasm of Oral cavity NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Mouth, unspecified; Minor Malignant neoplasm of minor salivary gland, unspecified site; Malignant neoplasm of Oral cavity NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C06.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Lateral wall of nasopharynx; Malignant neoplasm of Fossa of Rosenmüller; Malignant neoplasm of Opening of auditory tube; Malignant neoplasm of Pharyngeal recess [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Lateral wall of nasopharynx; Malignant neoplasm of Fossa of Rosenmüller; Malignant neoplasm of Opening of auditory tube; Malignant neoplasm of Pharyngeal recess */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Lateral wall of nasopharynx; Malignant neoplasm of Fossa of Rosenmüller; Malignant neoplasm of Opening of auditory tube; Malignant neoplasm of Pharyngeal recess' WHERE ICDCode='C11.2'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Anterior wall of nasopharynx; Malignant neoplasm of A nterior Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate; Malignant neoplasm of Posterior Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate; Malignant neoplasm of Posterior margin of nasal choana; M [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Anterior wall of nasopharynx; Malignant neoplasm of A nterior Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate; Malignant neoplasm of Posterior Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate; Malignant neoplasm of Posterior margin of nasal choana; M */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Anterior wall of nasopharynx; Malignant neoplasm of A nterior Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate; Malignant neoplasm of Posterior Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate; Malignant neoplasm of Posterior margin of nasal choana; M' WHERE ICDCode='C11.3'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect hypopharynx ; Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharynx NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, marginal zone, hypopharynx [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect hypopharynx ; Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharynx NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, marginal zone, hypopharynx */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect hypopharynx ; Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharynx NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, marginal zone, hypopharynx' WHERE ICDCode='C13.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Cheek NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Nose NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Cheek NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Nose NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Cheek NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Nose NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C76.0'; /* [DATABASE] Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of Lymph nodes of head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Supraclavicular lymph nodes [SOURCE F] Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of Lymph nodes of head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Supraclavicular lymph nodes */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of Lymph nodes of head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Supraclavicular lymph nodes' WHERE ICDCode='C77.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; Malignant reticuloendotheliosis; Malignant reticulosis; Microglioma [SOURCE F] Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; Malignant reticuloendotheliosis; Malignant reticulosis; Microglioma */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified types of non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma; Malignant reticuloendotheliosis; Malignant reticulosis; Microglioma' WHERE ICDCode='C85.7'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Penis, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Skin of penis NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Penis, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Skin of penis NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Penis, unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of Skin of penis NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C60.9'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Undescended testis; Ectopic testis ; Malignant neoplasm of Retained testis [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Undescended testis; Ectopic testis ; Malignant neoplasm of Retained testis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Undescended testis; Ectopic testis ; Malignant neoplasm of Retained testis' WHERE ICDCode='C62.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Descended testis; Malignant neoplasm of Scrotal Testis [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Descended testis; Malignant neoplasm of Scrotal Testis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Descended testis; Malignant neoplasm of Scrotal Testis' WHERE ICDCode='C62.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Scrotum; Malignant neoplasm of Skin of scrotum [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Scrotum; Malignant neoplasm of Skin of scrotum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Scrotum; Malignant neoplasm of Skin of scrotum' WHERE ICDCode='C63.2'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Seminal vesicle; Malignant neoplasm of Tunica vaginalis [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Seminal vesicle; Malignant neoplasm of Tunica vaginalis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Seminal vesicle; Malignant neoplasm of Tunica vaginalis' WHERE ICDCode='C63.7'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Pelvis; Malignant neoplasm of Groin NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Sites overlapping systems within the pelvis, such as rectovaginal (septum) & rectovesical (septum) [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Pelvis; Malignant neoplasm of Groin NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Sites overlapping systems within the pelvis, such as rectovaginal (septum) & rectovesical (septum) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Pelvis; Malignant neoplasm of Groin NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Sites overlapping systems within the pelvis, such as rectovaginal (septum) & rectovesical (septum)' WHERE ICDCode='C76.3'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Peripheral nerves of lower limb, [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Peripheral nerves of lower limb, including hip */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Peripheral nerves of lower limb, including hip' WHERE ICDCode='C47.2'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Supraglottis: Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, laryngeal aspect; Malignant neoplasm of Epiglottis (suprahyoid portion) NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Extrinsic larynx; Malignant neoplasm of False vocal cord; Malignant neoplasm [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Supraglottis: Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, laryngeal aspect; Malignant neoplasm of Epiglottis (suprahyoid portion) NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Extrinsic larynx; Malignant neoplasm of False vocal cord; Malignant neoplasm */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Supraglottis: Malignant neoplasm of Aryepiglottic fold, laryngeal aspect; Malignant neoplasm of Epiglottis (suprahyoid portion) NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Extrinsic larynx; Malignant neoplasm of False vocal cord; Malignant neoplasm' WHERE ICDCode='C32.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Main bronchus; Malignant neoplasm of Carina; Malignant neoplasm of Hilus of lung [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Main bronchus; Malignant neoplasm of Carina; Malignant neoplasm of Hilus of lung */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Main bronchus; Malignant neoplasm of Carina; Malignant neoplasm of Hilus of lung' WHERE ICDCode='C34.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Thorax; Malignant neoplasm of Axilla NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Intrathoracic NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Thoracic NOS [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Thorax; Malignant neoplasm of Axilla NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Intrathoracic NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Thoracic NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Thorax; Malignant neoplasm of Axilla NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Intrathoracic NOS; Malignant neoplasm of Thoracic NOS' WHERE ICDCode='C76.1'; /* [DATABASE] Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified [SOURCE F] Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs' WHERE ICDCode='C78.3'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Maxillary sinus; Malignant neoplasm of Antrum (Highmore); Malignant neoplasm of Antrum (maxillary) [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Maxillary sinus; Malignant neoplasm of Antrum (Highmore); Malignant neoplasm of Antrum (maxillary) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Maxillary sinus; Malignant neoplasm of Antrum (Highmore); Malignant neoplasm of Antrum (maxillary)' WHERE ICDCode='C31.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of ear; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of eyelid [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of ear; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of eyelid */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of head, face and neck; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of ear; Malignant neoplasm of Connective tissue of eyelid' WHERE ICDCode='C49.0'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder' WHERE ICDCode='C49.1'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of thorax; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Axilla; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Diaphragm; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Great vessels [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of thorax; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Axilla; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Diaphragm; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Great vessels */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of thorax; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Axilla; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Diaphragm; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Great vessels' WHERE ICDCode='C49.3'; /* [DATABASE] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of pelvis; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Buttock; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Groin; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Perineum [SOURCE F] Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of pelvis; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Buttock; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Groin; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Perineum */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of pelvis; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Buttock; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Groin; Malignant neoplasm of Connective and soft tissue of Perineum' WHERE ICDCode='C49.5'; /* [DATABASE] Marasmic kwashiorkor; Severe protein-energy malnutrition, intermediate form; Severe protein-energy malnutrition with signs of both kwashiorkor and marasmus [SOURCE F] Marasmic kwashiorkor; Severe protein-energy malnutrition, intermediate form; Severe protein-energy malnutrition with signs of both kwashiorkor and marasmus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Marasmic kwashiorkor; Severe protein-energy malnutrition, intermediate form; Severe protein-energy malnutrition with signs of both kwashiorkor and marasmus' WHERE ICDCode='E42'; /* [DATABASE] Retarded development following protein-energy malnutrition; Nutritional short stature; Nutritional stunting; Physical retardation due to malnutrition [SOURCE F] Retarded development following protein-energy malnutrition; Nutritional short stature; Nutritional stunting; Physical retardation due to malnutrition */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Retarded development following protein-energy malnutrition; Nutritional short stature; Nutritional stunting; Physical retardation due to malnutrition' WHERE ICDCode='E45'; /* [DATABASE] Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant proteinuria; Gestational hypertension NOS; Mild pre-eclampsia [SOURCE F] Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension wihtout significant proteinuria; Gestational hypertension NOS; Mild pre-eclampsia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension wihtout significant proteinuria; Gestational hypertension NOS; Mild pre-eclampsia' WHERE ICDCode='O13'; /* [DATABASE] Mild hyperemesis gravidarum; Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild or unspecified, starting before the end of the 22nd week of gestation [SOURCE F] Mild hyperemesis gravidarum; Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild or unspecified, starting before the end of the 22nd week of gestation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mild hyperemesis gravidarum; Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild or unspecified, starting before the end of the 22nd week of gestation' WHERE ICDCode='O21.0'; /* [DATABASE] Maternal care for multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more [SOURCE F] Maternal care for multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Maternal care for multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more' WHERE ICDCode='O32.5'; /* [DATABASE] Maternal care for abnormality of vagina; Maternal care for previous surgery to vagina; Maternal care for septate vagina; Maternal care for acquired stenosis of vagina; Maternal care for congenital stenosis of vagina; Maternal care for tumour of vagina [SOURCE F] Maternal care for abnormality of vagina; Maternal care for previous surgery to vagina; Maternal care for septate vagina; Maternal care for acquired stenosis of vagina; Maternal care for congenital stenosis of vagina; Maternal care for tumour of vagina */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Maternal care for abnormality of vagina; Maternal care for previous surgery to vagina; Maternal care for septate vagina; Maternal care for acquired stenosis of vagina; Maternal care for congenital stenosis of vagina; Maternal care for tumour of vagina' WHERE ICDCode='O34.6'; /* [DATABASE] Maternal care for abnormality of pelvic organ, unspecified [SOURCE F] Maternal care for abnormality of pelvic organ, unspecified Maternal care for (suspected) central nervous system */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Maternal care for abnormality of pelvic organ, unspecified Maternal care for (suspected) central nervous system' WHERE ICDCode='O34.9'; /* [DATABASE] Maternal care for (suspected) central nervous system malformation in fetus; Maternal care for suspected fetal anencephaly; Maternal care for suspected fetal spina bifida [SOURCE F] malformation in fetus; Maternal care for suspected fetal anencephaly; Maternal care for suspected fetal spina bifida */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='malformation in fetus; Maternal care for suspected fetal anencephaly; Maternal care for suspected fetal spina bifida' WHERE ICDCode='O35.0'; /* [DATABASE] Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from viral disease in mother; Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from maternal cytomegalovirus infection; Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from maternal rubella [SOURCE F] Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from viral disease in mother; Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from maternal cytomegalovirus I care for suspected damage to fetus from maternal rubellanfection; Maternal Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by drugs; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from viral disease in mother; Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from maternal cytomegalovirus I care for suspected damage to fetus from maternal rubellanfection; Maternal Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by drugs;' WHERE ICDCode='O35.3'; /* [DATABASE] Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by drugs; Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from drug addiction [SOURCE F] Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from drug addiction */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Maternal care for suspected damage to fetus from drug addiction' WHERE ICDCode='O35.5'; /* [DATABASE] Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect; Abruptio placentae with (excessive) haemorrhage associated with afibrinogenaemia; Abruptio placentae with (excessive) haemorrhage associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation; Abruptio [SOURCE F] Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect; Abruptio placentae with (excessive) haemorrhage associated with afibrinogenaemia; Abruptio placentae with (excessive) haemorrhage associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation; Abrupti */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect; Abruptio placentae with (excessive) haemorrhage associated with afibrinogenaemia; Abruptio placentae with (excessive) haemorrhage associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation; Abrupti' WHERE ICDCode='O45.0'; /* [DATABASE] Premature separation of placenta, unspecified; Abruptio placenta NOS [SOURCE F] Premature separation of placenta, unspecified; Abruptio placenta NOS Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Premature separation of placenta, unspecified; Abruptio placenta NOS Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect;' WHERE ICDCode='O45.9'; /* [DATABASE] Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with afibrinogenaemia; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated w [SOURCE F] Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with afibrinogenaemia; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated w */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with afibrinogenaemia; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation; Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated w' WHERE ICDCode='O46.0'; /* [DATABASE] Gonorrhoeacomplicatingpregnancychildbirthandthepuerperium [SOURCE F] Gonorrhoeacomplicatingpregnancychildbirthandthepuerpe rium Other infections with apredominantly sexual mode of */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gonorrhoeacomplicatingpregnancychildbirthandthepuerpe rium Other infections with apredominantly sexual mode of' WHERE ICDCode='O98.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other infections with apredominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium [SOURCE F] transmission complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='transmission complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium' WHERE ICDCode='O98.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium [SOURCE F] Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and' WHERE ICDCode='O98.5'; /* [DATABASE] Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium [SOURCE F] Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseasescomplicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other maternal infectious and parasitic diseasescomplicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium' WHERE ICDCode='O98.8'; /* [DATABASE] Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium [SOURCE F] Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue complicating */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue complicating' WHERE ICDCode='O99.6'; /* [DATABASE] Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium [SOURCE F] pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium' WHERE ICDCode='O99.7'; /* [DATABASE] Staphylococcal meningitis [SOURCE F] Staphylococcal meningitis Other bacterial meningitis; Meningitis due to Escherichia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Staphylococcal meningitis Other bacterial meningitis; Meningitis due to Escherichia' WHERE ICDCode='G00.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other bacterial meningitis; Meningitis due to Escherichiacoli; Meningitis due to Friedländer bacillus; Meningitis due to Klebsiella [SOURCE F] coli; Meningitis due to Friedländer bacillus; Meningitis due to Klebsiella */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='coli; Meningitis due to Friedländer bacillus; Meningitis due to Klebsiella' WHERE ICDCode='G00.8'; /* [DATABASE] Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle; Heavy periods NOS; Menorrhagia NOS; Polymenorrhoea [SOURCE F] Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle; Heavy periods NOS; Menorrhagia NOS; Polymenorrhoea Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle; Heavy periods NOS; Menorrhagia NOS; Polymenorrhoea Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle;' WHERE ICDCode='N92.0'; /* [DATABASE] Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle; Irregular intermenstrual bleeding; Irregular, shortened intervals between menstrual bleeding; Menometrorrhagia; Metrorrhagia [SOURCE F] Irregular intermenstrual bleeding; Irregular, shortened intervals between menstrual bleeding; Menometrorrhagia; Metrorrhagia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Irregular intermenstrual bleeding; Irregular, shortened intervals between menstrual bleeding; Menometrorrhagia; Metrorrhagia' WHERE ICDCode='N92.1'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified condition associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle [SOURCE F] Unspecified condition associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified condition associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle' WHERE ICDCode='N94.9'; /* [DATABASE] Vascular dementia, unspecified [SOURCE F] Vascular dementia, unspecified Unspecified dementia; Presenile dementia NOS; Presenile */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Vascular dementia, unspecified Unspecified dementia; Presenile dementia NOS; Presenile' WHERE ICDCode='F01.9'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified dementia; Presenile dementia NOS; Presenile psychosis NOS; Senile dementia NOS; Senile dementia depressed or paranoid type; Senile psychosis NOS [SOURCE F] psychosis NOS; Senile dementia NOS; Senile dementia depressed or paranoid type; Senile psychosis NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='psychosis NOS; Senile dementia NOS; Senile dementia depressed or paranoid type; Senile psychosis NOS' WHERE ICDCode='F03'; /* [DATABASE] Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder; Paranoid and paranoid-hallucinatory organic states; Schizophrenia-like psychosis in epilepsy [SOURCE F] Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder; Paranoid and paranoid-hallucinatory organic states; Schizophrenia- like psychosis in epilepsy */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder; Paranoid and paranoid-hallucinatory organic states; Schizophrenia- like psychosis in epilepsy' WHERE ICDCode='F06.2'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease; Organic brain syndrome NOS; Organic mental disorder NOS [SOURCE F] Unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease; Organic brain syndrome NOS; Organic mental disorder NOS Organic personality disorder; Organic pseudopsychopath personality; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease; Organic brain syndrome NOS; Organic mental disorder NOS Organic personality disorder; Organic pseudopsychopath personality;' WHERE ICDCode='F06.9'; /* [DATABASE] Organic personality disorder; Organic pseudopsychopathic personality; Organic pseudoretarded personality; Frontal lobe Syndrome; Limbic epilepsy personalitySyndrome ; Lobotomy Syndrome; Postleucotomy Syndrome [SOURCE F] Organic pseudoretarded personality; Frontal lobe Syndrome; Limbic epilepsy personalitySyndrome ; Lobotomy Syndrome; Postleucotomy Syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Organic pseudoretarded personality; Frontal lobe Syndrome; Limbic epilepsy personalitySyndrome ; Lobotomy Syndrome; Postleucotomy Syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='F07.0'; /* [DATABASE] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids: acute intoxication [SOURCE F] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of' WHERE ICDCode='F12.0'; /* [DATABASE] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids: psychotic disorder [SOURCE F] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of' WHERE ICDCode='F12.5'; /* [DATABASE] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics: harmful use [SOURCE F] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives' WHERE ICDCode='F13.1'; /* [DATABASE] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine: psychotic disorder [SOURCE F] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine: psychotic disorder Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine: psychotic disorder Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other' WHERE ICDCode='F15.5'; /* [DATABASE] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine: other mental and behavioural disorders [SOURCE F] stimulants, including caffeine: other mental and behavioural disorders */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='stimulants, including caffeine: other mental and behavioural disorders' WHERE ICDCode='F15.8'; /* [DATABASE] Schizophrenia, unspecified [SOURCE F] Schizophrenia, unspecified Schizotypal disorder; Latent schizophrenic reaction; Schizophrenia borderline; Schizophrenia latent; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Schizophrenia, unspecified Schizotypal disorder; Latent schizophrenic reaction; Schizophrenia borderline; Schizophrenia latent;' WHERE ICDCode='F20.9'; /* [DATABASE] Schizotypal disorder; Latent schizophrenic reaction; Schizophrenia borderline; Schizophrenia latent; Schizophrenia prepsychotic; Schizophrenia prodromal; Schizophrenia pseudoneurotic; Schizophrenia pseudopsychopathic; Schizotypal personality disorder [SOURCE F] Schizophrenia prepsychotic; Schizophrenia prodromal; Schizophrenia pseudoneurotic; Schizophrenia pseudopsychopathic; Schizotypal personality disorder */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Schizophrenia prepsychotic; Schizophrenia prodromal; Schizophrenia pseudoneurotic; Schizophrenia pseudopsychopathic; Schizotypal personality disorder' WHERE ICDCode='F21'; /* [DATABASE] Delusional disorder; Paranoia; Paranoid psychosis; Paranoid state; Paraphrenia (late); Sensitiver Beziehungswahn dysmorphophobia; Involutional paranoid state; Paranoia querulans [SOURCE F] Delusional disorder; Paranoia; Paranoid psychosis; Paranoid state; Paraphrenia (late); Sensitiver Beziehungswahn */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Delusional disorder; Paranoia; Paranoid psychosis; Paranoid state; Paraphrenia (late); Sensitiver Beziehungswahn' WHERE ICDCode='F22.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other persistent delusional disorders; Delusional [SOURCE F] Other persistent delusional disorders; Delusional dysmorphophobia; Involutional paranoid state; Paranoia querulans */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other persistent delusional disorders; Delusional dysmorphophobia; Involutional paranoid state; Paranoia querulans' WHERE ICDCode='F22.8'; /* [DATABASE] Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder;Acute (undifferentiated) schizophrenia;Brief schizophreniform disorder; Brief schizophreniform psychosis; Oneirophrenia; Schizophrenic reaction [SOURCE F] Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder;Acute (undifferentiated) schizophrenia;Brief schizophreniform disorder; Brief schizophreniform psychosis; Schizophrenic reactionOneirophrenia; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder;Acute (undifferentiated) schizophrenia;Brief schizophreniform disorder; Brief schizophreniform psychosis; Schizophrenic reactionOneirophrenia;' WHERE ICDCode='F23.2'; /* [DATABASE] Mania without psychotic symptoms [SOURCE F] Mania without psychotic symptoms Mania with psychotic symptoms; Mania with mood- */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mania without psychotic symptoms Mania with psychotic symptoms; Mania with mood-' WHERE ICDCode='F30.1'; /* [DATABASE] Mania with psychotic symptoms; Mania with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms; Mania with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms; Manic stupor [SOURCE F] congruent psychotic symptoms; Mania with mood- incongruent psychotic symptoms; Manic stupor */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='congruent psychotic symptoms; Mania with mood- incongruent psychotic symptoms; Manic stupor' WHERE ICDCode='F30.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other somatoform disorders; Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea; Psychogenic dysphagia, including "globus hystericus"; Psychogenic pruritus; Psychogenic torticollis; Teeth-grinding [SOURCE F] Other somatoform disorders; Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea; Psychogenic dysphagia, including "globus hystericus"; Psychogenic pruritus; Psychogenic torticollis; Teeth- grinding */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other somatoform disorders; Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea; Psychogenic dysphagia, including "globus hystericus"; Psychogenic pruritus; Psychogenic torticollis; Teeth- grinding' WHERE ICDCode='F45.8'; /* [DATABASE] Bulimia nervosa; Bulimia NOS; Hyperorexia nervosa [SOURCE F] Bulimia nervosa; Bulimia NOS; Hyperorexia nervosa Mild mental and behavioural disorders associated with the */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Bulimia nervosa; Bulimia NOS; Hyperorexia nervosa Mild mental and behavioural disorders associated with the' WHERE ICDCode='F50.2'; /* [DATABASE] Mild mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified; Depression postnatal NOS; Depression postpartum NOS [SOURCE F] puerperium, not elsewhere classified; Depression postnatal NOS; Depression postpartum NOS Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='puerperium, not elsewhere classified; Depression postnatal NOS; Depression postpartum NOS Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with' WHERE ICDCode='F53.0'; /* [DATABASE] Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified; Puerperal psychosis NOS [SOURCE F] the puerperium, not elsewhere classified; Puerperal psychosis NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='the puerperium, not elsewhere classified; Puerperal psychosis NOS' WHERE ICDCode='F53.1'; /* [DATABASE] Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified [SOURCE F] Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances; Abuse of */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances; Abuse of' WHERE ICDCode='F53.9'; /* [DATABASE] Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances; Abuse of antacids; Abuse of herbal or folk remedies; Abuse of steroids or hormones; Abuse of vitamins; Laxative habit [SOURCE F] antacids; Abuse of herbal or folk remedies; Abuse of steroids or hormones; Abuse of vitamins; Laxative habit */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='antacids; Abuse of herbal or folk remedies; Abuse of steroids or hormones; Abuse of vitamins; Laxative habit' WHERE ICDCode='F55'; /* [DATABASE] Rett's syndrome [SOURCE F] Rett's syndrome Other childhood disintegrative disorder; Dementia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Rett''s syndrome Other childhood disintegrative disorder; Dementia' WHERE ICDCode='F84.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other childhood disintegrative disorder; Dementia infantilis; Disintegrative psychosis; Heller's syndrome; Symbiotic psychosis [SOURCE F] infantilis; Disintegrative psychosis; Heller's syndrome; Symbiotic psychosis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='infantilis; Disintegrative psychosis; Heller''s syndrome; Symbiotic psychosis' WHERE ICDCode='F84.3'; /* [DATABASE] Depressive conduct disorder [SOURCE F] Depressive conduct disorder Nonorganic encopresis; Functional encopresis; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Depressive conduct disorder Nonorganic encopresis; Functional encopresis;' WHERE ICDCode='F92.0'; /* [DATABASE] Nonorganic encopresis; Functional encopresis; Incontinence of faeces of nonorganic origin; Psychogenic encopresis [SOURCE F] Incontinence of faeces of nonorganic origin; Psychogenic encopresis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Incontinence of faeces of nonorganic origin; Psychogenic encopresis' WHERE ICDCode='F98.1'; /* [DATABASE] Failed medical abortion, complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; Salpingo-oophoritis; Sepsis; Septic shock; Septicaemia [SOURCE F] Failed medical abortion, complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; Salpingo- oophoritis; Sepsis; Septic shock; Septicaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Failed medical abortion, complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; Salpingo- oophoritis; Sepsis; Septic shock; Septicaemia' WHERE ICDCode='O07.0'; /* [DATABASE] Failed medical abortion with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Oliguria Acute re [SOURCE F] Failed medical abortion with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic andPostoperative molar pregnancy; Oliguria Acute re */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Failed medical abortion with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic andPostoperative molar pregnancy; Oliguria Acute re' WHERE ICDCode='O07.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other and unspecified failed attempted abortion with other and unspecified complications with with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and mola [SOURCE F] Other and unspecified failed attempted abortion with other and unspecified complications with with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure followingpregnancy; Circulatory abortion and ectopic and mola */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other and unspecified failed attempted abortion with other and unspecified complications with with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure followingpregnancy; Circulatory abortion and ectopic and mola' WHERE ICDCode='O07.8'; /* [DATABASE] Spontaneous abortion, complete, complicated by Genital [SOURCE F] Spontaneous abortion, complete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Genital tract and pelvic infection following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; Salpingo */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spontaneous abortion, complete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Genital tract and pelvic infection following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; Salpingo' WHERE ICDCode='O03.5'; /* [DATABASE] Other abortion, complete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Oliguria Acute [SOURCE F] Other abortion, complete, with other and unspecified complications with pregnancy; Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and molar Oliguria Acute */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other abortion, complete, with other and unspecified complications with pregnancy; Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and molar Oliguria Acute' WHERE ICDCode='O05.8'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or Sepsis and/ [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Sepsis and/ Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Sepsis and/ Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or' WHERE ICDCode='O06.0'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated Delayed or excessive haemorrhage with Afibrinogenaemia or Defibrination syndrome or Intravascular coagulation [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or Sepsis and/ Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated Delayed or excessive haemorrhage with Afibrinogenaemia or Defibrination syndrome or Intravascular coagulation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection with Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or Sepsis and/ Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated Delayed or excessive haemorrhage with Afibrinogenaemia or Defibrination syndrome or Intravascular coagulation' WHERE ICDCode='O06.1'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Embolism or Embolism NOS with Air embolism or Amniotic fluid embolism or Blood-clot embolism or Pulmonary embolism or Pyaemic embolism or Septic or septicopyaemic embolism or Soap e [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Embolism or clot embolism or Pulmonary embolism or Pyaemic embolism or Septic or septicopyaemic embolism or Soap e */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, complicated by Embolism or clot embolism or Pulmonary embolism or Pyaemic embolism or Septic or septicopyaemic embolism or Soap e' WHERE ICDCode='O06.2'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and' WHERE ICDCode='O06.3'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, or unspecified, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection or Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, or unspecified, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection or Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, or unspecified, complicated by Genital tract and pelvic infection or Endometritis and/or Oophoritis and/or Parametritis and/or Pelvic peritonitis and/or Salpingitis and/or Salpingo-oophoritis and/or' WHERE ICDCode='O06.5'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, complicated by Embolism or Embolism NOS or Air embolism or Amniotic fluid embolism or Blood-clot embolism or Pulmonary embolism or Pyaemic embolism or Septic or septicopyaemic embolism or Soap emboli [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, complicated by Embolism or Embolism NOS or Air embolism or Amniotic fluid embolism or Blood-clot embolism or Pulmonary embolism or Pyaemic embolism or Septic or septicopyaemic embolism or Soap embolism */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, complicated by Embolism or Embolism NOS or Air embolism or Amniotic fluid embolism or Blood-clot embolism or Pulmonary embolism or Pyaemic embolism or Septic or septicopyaemic embolism or Soap embolism' WHERE ICDCode='O06.7'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and m [SOURCE F] Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and m */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified abortion or induced abortion NOS, complete, with other and unspecified complications with Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Circulatory collapase; Postoperative Shock; Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and m' WHERE ICDCode='O06.8'; /* [DATABASE] Diastasis of muscle Pelvic region and thigh [SOURCE F] Diastasis of muscle Pelvic region and thigh */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Diastasis of muscle Pelvic region and thigh' WHERE ICDCode='M62.05'; /* [DATABASE] Diastasis of muscle Other [SOURCE F] Diastasis of muscle Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Diastasis of muscle Other' WHERE ICDCode='M62.08'; /* [DATABASE] Contracture of muscle Other [SOURCE F] Contracture of muscle Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Contracture of muscle Other' WHERE ICDCode='M62.48'; /* [DATABASE] Contracture of muscle Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Contracture of muscle Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Contracture of muscle Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M62.49'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Multiple site [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Multiple site */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Multiple site' WHERE ICDCode='M62.60'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Shoulder region [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M62.61'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Upper arm [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Upper arm */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Upper arm' WHERE ICDCode='M62.62'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Forearm [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Forearm */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Forearm' WHERE ICDCode='M62.63'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Pelvic region and thigh [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Pelvic region and thigh */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Pelvic region and thigh' WHERE ICDCode='M62.65'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Lower leg [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M62.66'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Ankle and foot [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Ankle and foot */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Ankle and foot' WHERE ICDCode='M62.67'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Other [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Other' WHERE ICDCode='M62.68'; /* [DATABASE] Muscle strain Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Muscle strain Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Muscle strain Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M62.69'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Multiple site [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Multiple site */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Multiple site' WHERE ICDCode='M62.90'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Shoulder region [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M62.91'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Pelvic region and thigh [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Pelvic region and thigh */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Pelvic region and thigh' WHERE ICDCode='M62.95'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Lower leg [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M62.96'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Ankle and foot [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Ankle and foot */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Ankle and foot' WHERE ICDCode='M62.97'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Other [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Other' WHERE ICDCode='M62.98'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Disorder of muscle, unspecified Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of muscle, unspecified Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M62.99'; /* [DATABASE] Other bursal cyst; Synovial cyst NOS Shoulder region [SOURCE F] Other bursal cyst; Synovial cyst NOS Shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other bursal cyst; Synovial cyst NOS Shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M71.31'; /* [DATABASE] FASCIITIS, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED, [SOURCE F] FASCIITIS, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='FASCIITIS, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED' WHERE ICDCode='M72.5'; /* [DATABASE] Other fibroblastic disorders; Abscess of fascia Other [SOURCE F] Other fibroblastic disorders; Abscess of fascia Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other fibroblastic disorders; Abscess of fascia Other' WHERE ICDCode='M72.88'; /* [DATABASE] Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified; Fasciitis NOS; Fibromatosis NOS Other [SOURCE F] Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified; Fasciitis NOS; Fibromatosis NOS Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified; Fasciitis NOS; Fibromatosis NOS Other' WHERE ICDCode='M72.98'; /* [DATABASE] Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified; Fasciitis NOS; Fibromatosis NOS Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified; Fasciitis NOS; Fibromatosis NOS Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified; Fasciitis NOS; Fibromatosis NOS Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M72.99'; /* [DATABASE] Rotator cuff syndrome; Rotator cuff or supraspinatus tear or rupture complete)(incomplete), not specified as traumatic; Supraspinatus syndrome [SOURCE F] Rotator cuff syndrome; Rotator cuff or supraspinatus tear or rupture complete)(incomplete), not specified as traumatic; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Rotator cuff syndrome; Rotator cuff or supraspinatus tear or rupture complete)(incomplete), not specified as traumatic;' WHERE ICDCode='M75.1'; /* [DATABASE] Enthesopathy, unspecified; Bone spur NOS; Capsulitis NOS; Periarthritis NOS; Tendinitis NOS Multiple site [SOURCE F] Enthesopathy, unspecified; Bone spur NOS; Capsulitis NOS; Periarthritis NOS; Tendinitis NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Enthesopathy, unspecified; Bone spur NOS; Capsulitis NOS; Periarthritis NOS; Tendinitis NOS' WHERE ICDCode='M77.9'; /* [DATABASE] Periodic paralysis; Periodic paralysis (familial) hyperkalaemic; Periodic paralysis (familial) hypokalaemic; Periodic paralysis (familial) myotonic; Periodic paralysis (familial) normokalaemic [SOURCE F] Periodic paralysis; Periodic paralysis (familial) hyperkalaemic; Periodic paralysis (familial) hypokalaemic;paralysis (familial) normokalaemic Periodic paralysis (familial) myotonic; Periodic */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Periodic paralysis; Periodic paralysis (familial) hyperkalaemic; Periodic paralysis (familial) hypokalaemic;paralysis (familial) normokalaemic Periodic paralysis (familial) myotonic; Periodic' WHERE ICDCode='G72.3'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Lip, oral cavity and pharynx; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Aryepiglottic fold NOS; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of hypopharyngeal aspect of Aryepiglottic fold ; Neoplasm of un [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Lip, oral cavity and pharynx; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Aryepiglottic fold NOS; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of hypopharyngeal aspect of Aryepiglottic fold ; Neoplasm of un */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Lip, oral cavity and pharynx; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Aryepiglottic fold NOS; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of hypopharyngeal aspect of Aryepiglottic fold ; Neoplasm of un' WHERE ICDCode='D37.0'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Liver, gallbladder and bile ducts; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Ampulla of Vater [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Liver, gallbladder and bile ducts; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Ampulla of Vater */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Liver, gallbladder and bile ducts; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Ampulla of Vater' WHERE ICDCode='D37.6'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other digestive organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anal canal; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anal sphincter; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anus NOS; Neoplasm [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other digestive organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anal canal; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anal sphincter; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anus NOS; Neoplasm */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other digestive organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anal canal; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anal sphincter; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Anus NOS; Neoplasm' WHERE ICDCode='D37.7'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Larynx; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of laryngeal aspect of Aryepiglottic fold; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Suprahyoid portion of Epiglottis [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Larynx; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of laryngeal aspect of Aryepiglottic fold; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Suprahyoid portion of Epiglottis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Larynx; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of laryngeal aspect of Aryepiglottic fold; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Suprahyoid portion of Epiglottis' WHERE ICDCode='D38.0'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other respiratory organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Accessory sinuses; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Cartilage of nose; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Middle [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other respiratory organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Accessory sinuses; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Cartilage of nose; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Middle */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other respiratory organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Accessory sinuses; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Cartilage of nose; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Middle' WHERE ICDCode='D38.5'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other female genital organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Skin of female genital organs [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other female genital organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Skin of female genital organs */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other female genital organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Skin of female genital organs' WHERE ICDCode='D39.7'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other male genital organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Skin of male genital organs [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other male genital organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Skin of male genital organs */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Other male genital organs; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Skin of male genital organs' WHERE ICDCode='D40.7'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Brain, infratentorial; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Brain stem; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Cerebellum; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Fourth ventricle [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Brain, infratentorial; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Brain stem; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Cerebellum; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Fourth ventricle */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Brain, infratentorial; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Brain stem; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Cerebellum; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Fourth ventricle' WHERE ICDCode='D43.1'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Central nervous system, unspecified; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Central Nervous system NOS [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Central nervous system, unspecified; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Central Nervous system NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Central nervous system, unspecified; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Central Nervous system NOS' WHERE ICDCode='D43.9'; /* [DATABASE] Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified; Myelodysplastic syndrome NOS; Myelodysplasia NOS; Preleukaemia syndrome NOS [SOURCE F] Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified; Myelodysplastic syndrome NOS; Myelodysplasia NOS; Preleukaemia syndrome NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified; Myelodysplastic syndrome NOS; Myelodysplasia NOS; Preleukaemia syndrome NOS' WHERE ICDCode='D46.9'; /* [DATABASE] Histiocytic and mast cell tumours of uncertain and unknown behaviour; Mast cell tumour NOS; Mastocytoma NOS [SOURCE F] Histiocytic and mast cell tumours of uncertain and unknown behaviour; Mast cell tumour NOS; Mastocytoma NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Histiocytic and mast cell tumours of uncertain and unknown behaviour; Mast cell tumour NOS; Mastocytoma NOS' WHERE ICDCode='D47.0'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic myeloproliferative disease; Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia; Myeloproliferative disease, unspecified; Megakaryocytic Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia [SOURCE F] Chronic myeloproliferative disease; Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia; Myeloproliferative disease, unspecified; Megakaryocytic Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic myeloproliferative disease; Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia; Myeloproliferative disease, unspecified; Megakaryocytic Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia' WHERE ICDCode='D47.1'; /* [DATABASE] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Connective and other soft tissue; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Connective tissue of ear; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of eyelid [SOURCE F] Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Connective and other soft tissue; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Connective tissue of ear; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of eyelid */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Connective and other soft tissue; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of Connective tissue of ear; Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of eyelid' WHERE ICDCode='D48.1'; /* [DATABASE] Extreme immaturity; Less than 28 completed weeks (less than 196 completed days) of gestation. [SOURCE F] Extreme immaturity; Less than 28 completed weeks (less than 196 completed days) of gestation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Extreme immaturity; Less than 28 completed weeks (less than 196 completed days) of gestation' WHERE ICDCode='P07.2'; /* [DATABASE] Exceptionally large baby; Usually implies a birth weight of 4500 g or more. [SOURCE F] Exceptionally large baby; Usually implies a birth weight of 4500 g or more */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Exceptionally large baby; Usually implies a birth weight of 4500 g or more' WHERE ICDCode='P08.0'; /* [DATABASE] Rickets, active; Infantile Osteomalacia; Juvenile Osteomalacia [SOURCE F] Rickets, active; Infantile Osteomalacia; Juvenile Osteomalacia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Rickets, active; Infantile Osteomalacia; Juvenile Osteomalacia' WHERE ICDCode='E55.0'; /* [DATABASE] Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified; Avitaminosis D [SOURCE F] Vitamin D deficiency */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Vitamin D deficiency' WHERE ICDCode='E55.9'; /* [DATABASE] Other osteomyelitis; Brodie's abscess Multiple site [SOURCE F] Other osteomyelitis; Brodie's abscess Multiple site */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other osteomyelitis; Brodie''s abscess Multiple site' WHERE ICDCode='M86.80'; /* [DATABASE] Other osteomyelitis; Brodie's abscess Shoulder region [SOURCE F] Other osteomyelitis; Brodie's abscess Shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other osteomyelitis; Brodie''s abscess Shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M86.81'; /* [DATABASE] Other osteomyelitis; Brodie's abscess Other [SOURCE F] Other osteomyelitis; Brodie's abscess Othe */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other osteomyelitis; Brodie''s abscess Othe' WHERE ICDCode='M86.88'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Multiple site [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Multiple site */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Multiple site' WHERE ICDCode='M86.90'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Shoulder region [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M86.91'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Upper arm [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Upper arm */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Upper arm' WHERE ICDCode='M86.92'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Hand [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Hand */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Hand' WHERE ICDCode='M86.94'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Pelvic region and thigh [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Pelvic region and thigh */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Pelvic region and thigh' WHERE ICDCode='M86.95'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Lower leg [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Lower leg */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Lower leg' WHERE ICDCode='M86.96'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Ankle and foot [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Ankle and foot */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Ankle and foot' WHERE ICDCode='M86.97'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Other [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Other' WHERE ICDCode='M86.98'; /* [DATABASE] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Site unspecified [SOURCE F] Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Site unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Osteomyelitis, unspecified; Infection of bone NOS; Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis Site unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='M86.99'; /* [DATABASE] Algoneurodystrophy; Shoulder-hand syndrome; Sudeck's atrophy; Sympathetic reflex dystrophy Shoulder region [SOURCE F] Algoneurodystrophy; Shoulder-hand syndrome; Sudeck's atrophy; Sympathetic reflex dystrophy Shoulder region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Algoneurodystrophy; Shoulder-hand syndrome; Sudeck''s atrophy; Sympathetic reflex dystrophy Shoulder region' WHERE ICDCode='M89.01'; /* [DATABASE] Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; Marie-Bamberger disease; Pachydermoperiostosis Other [SOURCE F] Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; Marie-Bamberger disease; Pachydermoperiostosis Other */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; Marie-Bamberger disease; Pachydermoperiostosis Other' WHERE ICDCode='M89.48'; /* [DATABASE] JUVENILE OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF HEAD OF FEMUR [LEGG-CALVÉ-PERTHES] [SOURCE F] JUVENILE OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF HEAD OF FEMUR [LEG-CALVÉ-PERTHES] */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='JUVENILE OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF HEAD OF FEMUR [LEG-CALVÉ-PERTHES]' WHERE ICDCode='M91.1'; /* [DATABASE] Chlamydial infection of pharynx [SOURCE F] Chlamydial infection of pharynx Active stage of trachoma; Active stage of trachoma; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chlamydial infection of pharynx Active stage of trachoma; Active stage of trachoma;' WHERE ICDCode='A56.4'; /* [DATABASE] Active stage of trachoma; Active stage of trachoma; Trachomatous Granular conjunctivitis; Trachomatous follicular conjunctivitis; Trachomatous pannus [SOURCE F] Trachomatous Granular conjunctivitis; Trachomatous follicular conjunctivitis; Trachomatous pannus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Trachomatous Granular conjunctivitis; Trachomatous follicular conjunctivitis; Trachomatous pannus' WHERE ICDCode='A71.1'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs; Holt-Oram Syndrome; Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber Syndrome; nail patella Syndrome; Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome; sirenomelia Syndrome; thrombocytopenia Syndrome with absent radius [TAR]; VAT [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs; Holt-Oram Syndrome; Klippel-Trénaunay- Weber Syndrome; nail patella Syndrome; Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome; sirenomelia Syndrome; thrombocytopenia Syndrome with absent radius [TAR]; VAT */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs; Holt-Oram Syndrome; Klippel-Trénaunay- Weber Syndrome; nail patella Syndrome; Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome; sirenomelia Syndrome; thrombocytopenia Syndrome with absent radius [TAR]; VAT' WHERE ICDCode='Q87.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, not elsewhere classified; Alpor Syndrome; Laurence-Moon(-Bardet)-Biedl Syndrome; Zellweger Syndrome [SOURCE F] Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, not elsewhere classified; Alpor Syndrome; Laurence-Moon(- Bardet)-Biedl Syndrome; Zellweger Syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, not elsewhere classified; Alpor Syndrome; Laurence-Moon(- Bardet)-Biedl Syndrome; Zellweger Syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='Q87.8'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformations of adrenal gland [SOURCE F] Congenital malformations of adrenal gland Congenital malformations of other endocrine glands; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformations of adrenal gland Congenital malformations of other endocrine glands;' WHERE ICDCode='Q89.1'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformations of other endocrine glands; Congenital malformation of parathyroid or thyroid gland; Persistent thyroglossal duct; Thyroglossal cyst [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of parathyroid or thyroid gland; Persistent thyroglossal duct; Thyroglossal cyst */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of parathyroid or thyroid gland; Persistent thyroglossal duct; Thyroglossal cyst' WHERE ICDCode='Q89.2'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of pancreatic internal secretion, unspecified; Islet-cell hyperplasia NOS; Pancreatic endocrine cell hyperplasia NOS [SOURCE F] Disorder of pancreatic internal secretion, unspecified; Islet- cell hyperplasia NOS; Pancreatic endocrine cell hyperplasia NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of pancreatic internal secretion, unspecified; Islet- cell hyperplasia NOS; Pancreatic endocrine cell hyperplasia NOS' WHERE ICDCode='E16.9'; /* [DATABASE] Hypoplasia of testis and scrotum; Fusion of testes [SOURCE F] Hypoplasia of testis and scrotum; Fusion of testes Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hypoplasia of testis and scrotum; Fusion of testes Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum;' WHERE ICDCode='Q55.1'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum; Congenital malformation of testis or scrotum NOS; Polyorchism; Retractile testis; Testis migrans [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of testis or scrotum NOS; Polyorchism; Retractile testis; Testis migrans */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of testis or scrotum NOS; Polyorchism; Retractile testis; Testis migrans' WHERE ICDCode='Q55.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other congenital malformations of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostate; Absence or aplasia of prostate; Absence or aplasia of spermatic cord; Congenital malformation of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles or prostate NOS [SOURCE F] Other congenital malformations of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostate; Absence or aplasia of prostate; Absence or aplasia of spermatic cord;Congenital malformation of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles or prostate NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other congenital malformations of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostate; Absence or aplasia of prostate; Absence or aplasia of spermatic cord;Congenital malformation of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles or prostate NOS' WHERE ICDCode='Q55.4'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital malformation of male genital organ, unspecified; Congenital anomalyNOS of male genital organ; Congenital deformity NOS of male genital organ [SOURCE F] Congenital malformation of male genital organ, unspecified; Congenital anomalyNOS of male genital organ ; Congenital deformity NOS of male genital organ */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital malformation of male genital organ, unspecified; Congenital anomalyNOS of male genital organ ; Congenital deformity NOS of male genital organ' WHERE ICDCode='Q55.9'; /* [DATABASE] Syringomyelia and syringobulbia [SOURCE F] Syringomyelia and syringobulbia Vascular myelopathies; Acute infarction of spinal cord(embolic)(nonembolic); Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Syringomyelia and syringobulbia Vascular myelopathies; Acute infarction of spinal cord(embolic)(nonembolic); Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord;' WHERE ICDCode='G95.0'; /* [DATABASE] Vascular myelopathies; Acute infarction of spinal cord (embolic)(nonembolic); Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord; Haematomyelia; Nonpyogenic intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis; Oedema of spinal cord; Subacute necrotic myelopathy [SOURCE F] Haematomyelia; Nonpyogenic intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis; Oedema of spinal cord; Subacutenecrotic myelopathy */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haematomyelia; Nonpyogenic intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis; Oedema of spinal cord; Subacutenecrotic myelopathy' WHERE ICDCode='G95.1'; /* [DATABASE] Acute thyroiditis; Abscess of thyroid; Pyogenic Thyroiditis; Suppurative Thyroiditis [SOURCE F] Acute thyroiditis; Abscess of thyroid; Pyogenic Thyroiditis; Suppurative Thyroiditis Subacute thyroiditis; de Quervain Thyroiditis; Giant-Cell */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute thyroiditis; Abscess of thyroid; Pyogenic Thyroiditis; Suppurative Thyroiditis Subacute thyroiditis; de Quervain Thyroiditis; Giant-Cell' WHERE ICDCode='E06.0'; /* [DATABASE] Subacute thyroiditis; de Quervain Thyroiditis; Giant-Cell Thyroiditis; Granulomatous Thyroiditis; Nonsuppurative Thyroiditis [SOURCE F] Thyroiditis; Granulomatous Thyroiditis; NonsuppurativeThyroiditis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Thyroiditis; Granulomatous Thyroiditis; NonsuppurativeThyroiditis' WHERE ICDCode='E06.1'; /* [DATABASE] Autoimmune thyroiditis; Hashimoto's thyroiditis ; Transient hashitoxicosis; Lymphadenoid goitre; lymphocytic thyroiditis; Struma lymphomatosa [SOURCE F] Autoimmune thyroiditis; Hashimoto's thyroiditis ; Transient hashitoxicosis; Lymphadenoid goitre; lymphocyticthyroiditis; Struma lymphomatosa */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Autoimmune thyroiditis; Hashimoto''s thyroiditis ; Transient hashitoxicosis; Lymphadenoid goitre; lymphocyticthyroiditis; Struma lymphomatosa' WHERE ICDCode='E06.3'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified disorders of thyroid; Abnormality of thyroid-binding globulin; Haemorrhage of thyroid; Infarction of thyroid; Sick-euthyroid syndrome [SOURCE F] Other specified disorders of thyroid; Abnormality of thyroid- binding globulin; Haemorrhage of thyroid; Infarction of thyroid; Sick-euthyroid syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified disorders of thyroid; Abnormality of thyroid- binding globulin; Haemorrhage of thyroid; Infarction of thyroid; Sick-euthyroid syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='E07.8'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder resulting from impaired renal tubular function, unspecified [SOURCE F] Disorder resulting from impaired renal tubular function, */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder resulting from impaired renal tubular function,' WHERE ICDCode='N25.9'; /* [DATABASE] Pleural plaque without asbestos; Pleural plaque NOS; Pleural thickening [SOURCE F] Pleural plaque without asbestos; Pleural plaque NOS;Pleural thickening */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Pleural plaque without asbestos; Pleural plaque NOS;Pleural thickening' WHERE ICDCode='J92.9'; /* [DATABASE] Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis; Cancrum oris; Fusospirochaetal gangrene; Noma; Stomatitis gangrenosa [SOURCE F] Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis; Cancrum oris; Fusospirochaetal gangrene; Noma; Stomatitis gangrenosa Other Vincent's infections; Fusospirochaetal pharyngitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis; Cancrum oris; Fusospirochaetal gangrene; Noma; Stomatitis gangrenosa Other Vincent''s infections; Fusospirochaetal pharyngitis' WHERE ICDCode='A69.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other Vincent's infections; Fusospirochaetal pharyngitis ; Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative gingivitis; Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivostomatitis; Spirochaetal stomatitis, Trench mouth? Vincent's angina? Vincent’s gingivitis [SOURCE F] Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative gingivitis; Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivostomatitis; Spirochaetal stomatitis, Trench mouth? Vincent's angina? Vincent’s gingivitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative gingivitis; Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivostomatitis; Spirochaetal stomatitis, Trench mouth? Vincent''s angina? Vincent’s gingivitis' WHERE ICDCode='A69.1'; /* [DATABASE] Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media; Otitis media, chronic allergic; Otitis media, chronic exudative; Otitis media, chronic nonsuppurative NOS; Otitis media, chronic seromucinous; Otitis media, chronic with effusion (nonpurulent) [SOURCE F] Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media; Otitis media, chronic allergic; Otitis media, chronic exudative; Otitis media, chronic nonsuppurative NOS; Otitis seromucinous; Otitis media, chronic with effusionmedia, chronic (nonpurulent) */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media; Otitis media, chronic allergic; Otitis media, chronic exudative; Otitis media, chronic nonsuppurative NOS; Otitis seromucinous; Otitis media, chronic with effusionmedia, chronic (nonpurulent)' WHERE ICDCode='H65.4'; /* [DATABASE] Genital tract and pelvic infection following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; Salpingo-oophoritis; Sepsis; Septic shock; Septicaemia [SOURCE F] Genital tract and pelvic infection following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; oophoritis; Sepsis; Septic shock; SepticaemiaSalpingo- */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Genital tract and pelvic infection following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy; Endometritis; Oophoritis; Parametritis; Pelvic peritonitis; Salpingitis; oophoritis; Sepsis; Septic shock; SepticaemiaSalpingo-' WHERE ICDCode='O08.0'; /* [DATABASE] Gastric/ Peptic/ Pyloric ulcer/ erosion, chronic or unspecified with haemorrhage [SOURCE F] Gastric/ Peptic/ Pyloric ulcer/ erosion, chronic or unspecified with perforation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gastric/ Peptic/ Pyloric ulcer/ erosion, chronic or unspecified with perforation' WHERE ICDCode='K25.5'; /* [DATABASE] Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer with haemorrhage [SOURCE F] Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/ Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer with haemorrhage */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/ Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer with haemorrhage' WHERE ICDCode='K26.0'; /* [DATABASE] Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer with perforation [SOURCE F] Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/ Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer with perforation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/ Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer with perforation' WHERE ICDCode='K26.1'; /* [DATABASE] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal [SOURCE F] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal' WHERE ICDCode='K28.0'; /* [DATABASE] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal [SOURCE F] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal' WHERE ICDCode='K28.1'; /* [DATABASE] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal [SOURCE F] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal' WHERE ICDCode='K28.2'; /* [DATABASE] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal [SOURCE F] Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stomal' WHERE ICDCode='K28.3'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer o [SOURCE F] Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer opeptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrojejunal */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer opeptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrojejunal' WHERE ICDCode='K28.4'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer o [SOURCE F] Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrojejunal Marginal peptic ulcer o */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrojejunal Marginal peptic ulcer o' WHERE ICDCode='K28.5'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer o [SOURCE F] Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer o */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic or unspecified Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer o' WHERE ICDCode='K28.6'; /* [DATABASE] Gastric/ Peptic/ Pyloric ulcer/ erosion, unspecified as acute or chronic, without haemorrhage or perforation [SOURCE F] Gastric/ Peptic/ Pyloric ulcer/ erosion, unspecified as acute or chronic, without haemorrhage or perforation Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/ */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gastric/ Peptic/ Pyloric ulcer/ erosion, unspecified as acute or chronic, without haemorrhage or perforation Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/' WHERE ICDCode='K25.9'; /* [DATABASE] Duodenal ulcer, acute / Acute erosion of duodenum/Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer without haemorrhage or perforation [SOURCE F] Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer without haemorrhage or perforation */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Duodenal peptic ulcer/ Postpyloric peptic ulcer without haemorrhage or perforation' WHERE ICDCode='K26.3'; /* [DATABASE] Chronic Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stom [SOURCE F] Chronic Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stom */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Chronic Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Stom' WHERE ICDCode='K28.7'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified as acute or chronic Gastrojejunal ulcer/Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal pepti [SOURCE F] Unspecified as acute or chronic Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal pepti */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified as acute or chronic Gastrojejunal ulcer/ Anastomotic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrocolic peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrointestinal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Gastrojejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Jejunal peptic ulcer or erosion/ Marginal pepti' WHERE ICDCode='K28.9'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas [SOURCE F] Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents;' WHERE ICDCode='P23.5'; /* [DATABASE] Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents; Haemophilus influenzae; Klebsiella pneumonia; Mycoplasma; Streptococcus, except group B [SOURCE F] Haemophilus influenzae; Klebsiella pneumonia; Mycoplasma; Streptococcus, except group B */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haemophilus influenzae; Klebsiella pneumonia; Mycoplasma; Streptococcus, except group B' WHERE ICDCode='P23.6'; /* [DATABASE] Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified [SOURCE F] Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified Peritoneal adhesions; Adhesions of abdominal wall; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified Peritoneal adhesions; Adhesions of abdominal wall;' WHERE ICDCode='P39.9'; /* [DATABASE] Peritoneal adhesions; Adhesions of abdominal wall; Adhesions of diaphragm; Adhesions of intestine; Adhesions of male pelvis; MesentericAdhesions; Adhesions of omentum; Adhesions of stomach; Adhesive bands [SOURCE F] Adhesions of diaphragm; Adhesions of intestine; Adhesions of male pelvis; MesentericAdhesions; Adhesions of omentum; Adhesions of stomach; Adhesive bands */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Adhesions of diaphragm; Adhesions of intestine; Adhesions of male pelvis; MesentericAdhesions; Adhesions of omentum; Adhesions of stomach; Adhesive bands' WHERE ICDCode='K66.0'; /* [DATABASE] Disorder of peritoneum, unspecified [SOURCE F] Disorder of peritoneum, unspecified Acute peritonitis; Abdominopelvic abscess; Mesenteric abscess; Abscess of omentum; Abscess of peritoneum; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Disorder of peritoneum, unspecified Acute peritonitis; Abdominopelvic abscess; Mesenteric abscess; Abscess of omentum; Abscess of peritoneum;' WHERE ICDCode='K66.9'; /* [DATABASE] Acute peritonitis; Abdominopelvic abscess; Mesenteric abscess; Abscess of omentum; Abscess of peritoneum; Retrocaecal abscess; Retroperitoneal abscess; Subdiaphragmatic abscess; Subhepatic abscess; Subphrenic abscess; Acute Generalized peritonitis; Acute [SOURCE F] Retrocaecal abscess; Retroperitoneal abscess; Subdiaphragmatic abscess; Subhepatic abscess; Subphrenic abscess; Acute Generalized peritonitis; Acute */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Retrocaecal abscess; Retroperitoneal abscess; Subdiaphragmatic abscess; Subhepatic abscess; Subphrenic abscess; Acute Generalized peritonitis; Acute' WHERE ICDCode='K65.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified; Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome; Sturge-Weber(-Dimitri)Syndrome; von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome [SOURCE F] Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified; Peutz- Jeghers Syndrome; Sturge-Weber(-Dimitri)Syndrome; von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified; Peutz- Jeghers Syndrome; Sturge-Weber(-Dimitri)Syndrome; von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome' WHERE ICDCode='Q85.8'; INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A01.0+J17.0*','Pneumonia in typhoid fever','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A02.2+J17.0*','Pneumonia in salmonella infection','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A21.2+J17.0*','Pneumonia in tularemia','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A22.1+J17.0*','Pneumonia in anthrax','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A37.0+J17.0*','Pneumonia in whooping cough due to Bordatella pertusis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A37.1+J17.0*','Pneumonia in whooping cough due to Bordatella parapertusis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A37.8+J17.0*','Pneumonia in whooping cough due to Bordatella species other than pertusis or parapertusis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A37.9+J17.0*','Pneumonia in whooping cough','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A42.0+J17.0*','Pneumonia in actinomycoses','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A53.0+J17.0*','Pneumonia in nocardiosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A54.8+J17.0*','Pneumonia in gonorrhea','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A69.8+J17.8*','Pneumonia in spirochaetal','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A70+J17.8*','Pneumonia in ornithosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('A78+J17.8*','Pneumonia in Q fever','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B01.2+J17.1*','Pneumonia in varicella','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B05.2+J17.1*','Pneumonia in measles','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B06.8+J17.1*','Pneumonia in rubella','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B25.0+J17.1*','Pneumonia in cytomegalovirus disease','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B37.1+J17.2*','Pneumonia in candidiasis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B38.0+J17.2*','Pneumonia in acute pulmonary coccidiomycosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B38.1+J17.2*','Pneumonia in chronic pulmonary coccidiomycosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B38.2+J17.2*','Pneumonia in pulmonary coccidioidomycosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B39.0+J17.2*','Pneumonia in acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B39.1+J17.2*','Pneumonia in chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B39.2+J17.2*','Pneumonia in pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B39.9+J17.2*','Pneumonia in histoplasmosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B44.0+J17.2*','Pneumonia in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B44.1+J17.2*','Pneumonia in other pulmonary aspergillosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B58.3+J17.3*','Pneumonia in taxoplasmosis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B65.0+J17.3*','Pneumonia in schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma hematobium','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B65.1+J17.3*','Pneumonia in schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B65.2+J17.3*','Pneumonia in schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma japonicum','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B65.8+J17.3*','Pneumonia in schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma intercalatum; mattheei; mekongi','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B65.9+J17.3*','Pneumonia in schistosomiasis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('B77.8+J17.3*','Pneumonia in ascariasis','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('I00+J17.8*','Pneumonia in rheumatic fever','PNEUMONIA MODERATE RISK','359'); /* [DATABASE] Poisoning by Intravenous anaesthetics; Thiobarbiturates [SOURCE F] Poisoning by Intravenous anaesthetics; Thiobarbiturates Poisoning by Local anaesthetics */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Poisoning by Intravenous anaesthetics; Thiobarbiturates Poisoning by Local anaesthetics' WHERE ICDCode='T41.1'; /* [DATABASE] Poisoning by Other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnoticdrugs; Poisoning by Methaqualone;Poisoning by Valproic acid [SOURCE F] Poisoning by Other antiepileptic and sedative- hypnoticdrugs; Poisoning by Methaqualone;Poisoning by Valproic acid */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Poisoning by Other antiepileptic and sedative- hypnoticdrugs; Poisoning by Methaqualone;Poisoning by Valproic acid' WHERE ICDCode='T42.6'; /* [DATABASE] Poisoning by Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs; Poisoning by Antineoplastic antibiotics; Poisoning by Cytarabine [SOURCE F] Poisoning by Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs; Poisoning by Antineoplastic antibiotics; Poisoning by */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Poisoning by Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs; Poisoning by Antineoplastic antibiotics; Poisoning by' WHERE ICDCode='T45.1'; /* [DATABASE] Poisoning by Vitamins, not elsewhere classified [SOURCE F] Cytarabine Poisoning by Vitamins, not elsewhere classified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cytarabine Poisoning by Vitamins, not elsewhere classified' WHERE ICDCode='T45.2'; /* [DATABASE] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Hydantoin derivatives [SOURCE F] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Hydantoin derivative */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Hydantoin derivative' WHERE ICDCode='Y46.2'; /* [DATABASE] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Benzodiazepines [SOURCE F] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Benzodiazepines */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Benzodiazepines' WHERE ICDCode='Y47.1'; /* [DATABASE] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Systemic antibiotics: Cefalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics [SOURCE F] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Systemic antibiotics: Cefalosporins and other beta- lactam antibiotics */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Systemic antibiotics: Cefalosporins and other beta- lactam antibiotics' WHERE ICDCode='Y40.1'; /* [DATABASE] Poisoning by ntiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified? ß-adrenoreceptor agonists used in asthma theraphy; Poisoning by Salbutamol [SOURCE F] Poisoning by ntiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified? ß- adrenoreceptor agonists used in asthma theraphy; Poisoning by Salbutamol */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Poisoning by ntiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified? ß- adrenoreceptor agonists used in asthma theraphy; Poisoning by Salbutamol' WHERE ICDCode='T48.6'; /* [DATABASE] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Anticoagulants [SOURCE F] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic adverse effects use: Anticoagulants */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic adverse effects use: Anticoagulants' WHERE ICDCode='Y44.2'; /* [DATABASE] Poisoning by Oral contraceptives; Poisoning by Multiple-and-single-ingredient preparations [SOURCE F] Poisoning by Oral contraceptives; Poisoning by Multiple- and-single-ingredient preparations */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Poisoning by Oral contraceptives; Poisoning by Multiple- and-single-ingredient preparations' WHERE ICDCode='T38.4'; /* [DATABASE] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Other estrogens and progestogens;mixtures and substitutes [SOURCE F] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Other estrogens and progestogens;mixtures andsubstitutes */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Other estrogens and progestogens;mixtures andsubstitutes' WHERE ICDCode='Y42.5'; /* [DATABASE] Toxic effect of Petroleum products; Toxic effect of Gasoline [petrol]; Toxic effect of Kerosine [paraffin oil]; Toxic effect of Paraffin wax; Toxic effect of Petroleum ether; Toxic effect of Petroleum naphtha; Toxic effect of Petroleum spirits [SOURCE F] Toxic effect of Petroleum products; Toxic effect of Gasoline [petrol]; Toxic effect of Kerosine [paraffin oil]; Toxic effect of Paraffin wax; Toxic effect of Petroleum spiritsPetroleum Toxic effect of Homologues of benzene; Toxic effect of */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Toxic effect of Petroleum products; Toxic effect of Gasoline [petrol]; Toxic effect of Kerosine [paraffin oil]; Toxic effect of Paraffin wax; Toxic effect of Petroleum spiritsPetroleum Toxic effect of Homologues of benzene; Toxic effect of' WHERE ICDCode='T52.0'; /* [DATABASE] Toxic effect of Homologues of benzene; Toxic effect of Toluene [methylbenzene]; Toxic effect of Xylene [dimethylbenzene] [SOURCE F] Toluene [methylbenzene]; Toxic effect of Xylene [dimethylbenzene] */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Toluene [methylbenzene]; Toxic effect of Xylene [dimethylbenzene]' WHERE ICDCode='T52.2'; /* [DATABASE] Toxic effect of Nitro derivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues; Toxic effect of Aniline [benzenamine]; Toxic effect of Nitrobenzene; Toxic effect of Trinitrotoluene [SOURCE F] Toxic effect of Nitro derivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues; Toxic effect of Aniline [benzenamine]; Toxic effect of Nitrobenzene; of TrinitrotolueneToxic effect */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Toxic effect of Nitro derivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues; Toxic effect of Aniline [benzenamine]; Toxic effect of Nitrobenzene; of TrinitrotolueneToxic effect' WHERE ICDCode='T65.3'; /* [DATABASE] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Vaccine or biological substance, unspecified [SOURCE F] Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Vaccine or biological substance, unspecified Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy; Disease Charcot- */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use: Vaccine or biological substance, unspecified Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy; Disease Charcot-' WHERE ICDCode='Y59.9'; /* [DATABASE] Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy; Disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth; Disease Déjerine-Sottas; Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, types I-IV; Hypertrophic neuropathy of infancy; Peroneal muscular atrophy axonal type; Peroneal muscular atrophy hypert [SOURCE F] Marie-Tooth; Disease Déjerine-Sottas; Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, types I-IV; Hypertrophic neuropathy of infancy; Peroneal muscular atrophy axonal type; Peroneal muscular atrophy hypert */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Marie-Tooth; Disease Déjerine-Sottas; Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, types I-IV; Hypertrophic neuropathy of infancy; Peroneal muscular atrophy axonal type; Peroneal muscular atrophy hypert' WHERE ICDCode='G60.0'; /* [DATABASE] Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies; Morvan's disease; Nelaton's syndrome; Sensory neuropathy dominantly inherited; Sensory neuropathy recessively inherited [SOURCE F] Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies; Morvan's disease; Nelaton's syndrome; Sensory neuropathy dominantly inherited; Sensory neuropathy inheritedrecessively */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies; Morvan''s disease; Nelaton''s syndrome; Sensory neuropathy dominantly inherited; Sensory neuropathy inheritedrecessively' WHERE ICDCode='G60.8'; /* [DATABASE] Obstetric trauma, unspecified [SOURCE F] Obstetric trauma, unspecified Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Obstetric trauma, unspecified Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions' WHERE ICDCode='O71.9'; /* [DATABASE] Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions NOS due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Mendelson's syndrome due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery [SOURCE F] NOS due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Mendelson's syndrome due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='NOS due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Mendelson''s syndrome due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery' WHERE ICDCode='O74.0'; /* [DATABASE] Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Cardiac arrest due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Cardiac failure due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery [SOURCE F] Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Cardiac arrest due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Cardiac failure due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Cardiac arrest due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery; Cardiac failure due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery' WHERE ICDCode='O74.2'; /* [DATABASE] Complication of labour and delivery, unspecified [SOURCE F] Complication of labour and delivery, unspecified Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Complication of labour and delivery, unspecified Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified;' WHERE ICDCode='O75.9'; /* [DATABASE] Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified; Puerperal phlebitis NOS; Puerperal phlebopathy NOS; Puerperal thrombosis NOS [SOURCE F] Puerperal phlebitis NOS; Puerperal phlebopathy NOS; Puerperal thrombosis NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Puerperal phlebitis NOS; Puerperal phlebopathy NOS; Puerperal thrombosis NOS' WHERE ICDCode='O87.9'; /* [DATABASE] Other postprocedural disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified [SOURCE F] Other postprocedural disorders of digestive system, notelsewhere classified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other postprocedural disorders of digestive system, notelsewhere classified' WHERE ICDCode='K91.8'; /* [DATABASE] Haemorrhage and haematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified; Haemorrhage at any site resulting from a procedure [SOURCE F] Haemorrhage and haematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified; Haemorrhage at any site resulting from a procedure Shock during or resulting from a procedure not elsewhere classified; Collapse NOS during or following a procedure; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Haemorrhage and haematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified; Haemorrhage at any site resulting from a procedure Shock during or resulting from a procedure not elsewhere classified; Collapse NOS during or following a procedure;' WHERE ICDCode='T81.0'; /* [DATABASE] Shock during or resulting from a procedure not elsewhere classified; Collapse NOS during or following a procedure; Endotoxic shock during or following a procedure; Hypovolaemic during or following a procedure; Septic shock during or following a procedure; [SOURCE F] Endotoxic shock during or following a procedure; Hypovolaemic during or following a procedure; Septic shock during or following a procedure; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Endotoxic shock during or following a procedure; Hypovolaemic during or following a procedure; Septic shock during or following a procedure;' WHERE ICDCode='T81.1'; /* [DATABASE] Accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure not elsewhere classified; Accidental perforation of blood vessel by catheter, endoscope, instrument, probe during a procedure; Accidental perforation of nerve by catheter, endoscope, instrument, probe [SOURCE F] Accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure not elsewhere classified; Accidental perforation of blood vessel by catheter, endoscope, instrument, probe during a procedure; Accidental perforation of nerve by catheter endoscope, instrument, probe */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure not elsewhere classified; Accidental perforation of blood vessel by catheter, endoscope, instrument, probe during a procedure; Accidental perforation of nerve by catheter endoscope, instrument, probe' WHERE ICDCode='T81.2'; /* [DATABASE] Infection following a procedure, not elsewhere classified; Intra-abdominal abscess postprocedural abcess; Intra-abdominal stitch postprocedural abscess; Intra-abdominal subphrenic postprocedural abcess; Intra-abdominal wound postprocedural abcess; Septica [SOURCE F] Infection following a procedure, not elsewhere classified;Intra-abdominal abscess postprocedural abcess; Intra- abdominal stitch postprocedural abscess; Intra-abdominal subphrenic postprocedural abcess; Intra-abdominal wound postprocedural abcess; Septica */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Infection following a procedure, not elsewhere classified;Intra-abdominal abscess postprocedural abcess; Intra- abdominal stitch postprocedural abscess; Intra-abdominal subphrenic postprocedural abcess; Intra-abdominal wound postprocedural abcess; Septica' WHERE ICDCode='T81.4'; /* [DATABASE] Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified; Complication of inhalation therapy; Emphysema (subcutaneous) resulting from a procedure; Persistent postoperative fistula [SOURCE F] Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified; Complication of inhalation therapy; Emphysema (subcutaneous) resulting from a procedure; postoperative fistulaPersistent Mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis; Mechanical breakdown due to heart valve prosthesis; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified; Complication of inhalation therapy; Emphysema (subcutaneous) resulting from a procedure; postoperative fistulaPersistent Mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis; Mechanical breakdown due to heart valve prosthesis;' WHERE ICDCode='T81.8'; /* [DATABASE] Mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis; Mechanical breakdown due to heart valve prosthesis; Displacement due to heart valve prosthesis; Failure due to heart valve prosthesis; Leakage due to heart valve prosthesis; Malposition due to heart valve [SOURCE F] Displacement due to heart valve prosthesis; Failure due to heart valve prosthesis; Leakage due to heart valve prosthesis; Malposition due to heart valve */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Displacement due to heart valve prosthesis; Failure due to heart valve prosthesis; Leakage due to heart valve prosthesis; Malposition due to heart valve' WHERE ICDCode='T82.0'; /* [DATABASE] Mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to arteriovenous fistula surgically created; arterivenous Shunt surgically created; Artificial heart; Ballon counterpulsation device; Infusion cat [SOURCE F] Mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to arteriovenous fistula surgically created; Shunt surgically created; Artificial heart; Ballonarterivenous counterpulsation device; Infusion cat */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to arteriovenous fistula surgically created; Shunt surgically created; Artificial heart; Ballonarterivenous counterpulsation device; Infusion cat' WHERE ICDCode='T82.5'; /* [DATABASE] Other complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Complication due to cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Embolism due to cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Fibrosis d [SOURCE F] Other complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Complication due to cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Embolism due to cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Fibrosis d */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Complication due to cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Embolism due to cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts; Fibrosis d' WHERE ICDCode='T82.8'; /* [DATABASE] Mechanicalcomplicationofgastrointestinalprostheticdevices implantsand; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to Bile-duct prosthesis; Conditions listed in T82.0 oesophageal anti-reflux device [SOURCE F] Mechanicalcomplicationofgastrointestinalprostheticdevices implantsand; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to Bile-duct prosthesis; Conditions listed in T82.0 reflux deviceoesophageal anti- */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mechanicalcomplicationofgastrointestinalprostheticdevices implantsand; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to Bile-duct prosthesis; Conditions listed in T82.0 reflux deviceoesophageal anti-' WHERE ICDCode='T85.5'; /* [DATABASE] Mechanical complication of other specified internal prosthetic devices, Implants and grafts; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to epidural and subdural infusion catheter; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to intraperitonael dialysis catheter; Conditions listed [SOURCE F] Mechanical complication of other specified internal prosthetic devices, Implants and grafts; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to epidural and subdural infusion Conditions listed in T82.0 due to intraperitonael dialysiscatheter; catheter; Conditions listed */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mechanical complication of other specified internal prosthetic devices, Implants and grafts; Conditions listed in T82.0 due to epidural and subdural infusion Conditions listed in T82.0 due to intraperitonael dialysiscatheter; catheter; Conditions listed' WHERE ICDCode='T85.6'; /* [DATABASE] Mild and moderate birth asphyxia; Normal respiration not established within one minute, but heart rate 100 or above, some muscle tone present, some response to stimulation; some muscle tone present, some response to stimulation; Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 4-7; Blue asphyxia [SOURCE F] Mild and moderate birth asphyxia; Normal respiration not established within one minute, but heart rate 100 or above, some muscle tone present, some response to stimulation; Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 4-7; Blue asphyxia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mild and moderate birth asphyxia; Normal respiration not established within one minute, but heart rate 100 or above, some muscle tone present, some response to stimulation; Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 4-7; Blue asphyxia' WHERE ICDCode='P21.1'; INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('P24.9_','Neonatal aspiration syndrome, unspecified; Neonatal aspiration pneumonia NOS','PULMONARY COMPLICATIONS IN THE NEWBORN','382'); /* [DATABASE] Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to other organic dusts; Cheese-washer's lung; Coffee-worker's lung; Fishmeal-worker's lung; Furrier's lung; Sequoiosis [SOURCE F] Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to other organic dusts; Cheese-washer's lung; Coffee-worker's lung; Fishmeal- worker's lung; Furrier's lung; Sequoiosis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to other organic dusts; Cheese-washer''s lung; Coffee-worker''s lung; Fishmeal- worker''s lung; Furrier''s lung; Sequoiosis' WHERE ICDCode='J67.8'; INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('J69.0_','Pneumonitis due to food and vomit; Aspiration pneumonia due to NOS; Aspiration pneumonia due to regurgitated food; Aspiration pneumonia due to gastric secretions; Aspiration pneumonia due to milk; Aspiration pneumonia due to vomit','RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO EXTERNAL AGENTS','389'); INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('J69.1_','Pneumonitis due to oils and essences; Lipid pneumonia','RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO EXTERNAL AGENTS','389'); /* [DATABASE] Rheumatic aortic valve disease unspecified; Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS [SOURCE F] Rheumatic aortic valve disease unspecified; Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Rheumatic aortic valve disease unspecified; Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS' WHERE ICDCode='I06.9'; /* [DATABASE] Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii; Cl assical typhus fever; Epidemic louse-borne typhus [SOURCE F] Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii; Cl assical typhus fever; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii; Cl assical typhus fever;' WHERE ICDCode='A75.0'; /* [DATABASE] Typhus fever, unspecified [SOURCE F] Epidemic louse-borne typhusTyphus fever, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Epidemic louse-borne typhusTyphus fever, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A75.9'; /* [DATABASE] Septicaemia due to other Gram-negative organisms; Gram-negative septicaemia NOS [SOURCE F] Septicaemia due to other Gram-negative organisms; Gram- negative septicaemia NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Septicaemia due to other Gram-negative organisms; Gram- negative septicaemia NOS' WHERE ICDCode='A41.5'; /* [DATABASE] Situs inversus; Dextrocardia with situs inversus; Mirror-image atrial arrangement with situs inversus; Situs inversus or transverses abdominalis; Situs inversus or transversus thoracis; Transposition of abdominal viscera; Transposition of thoracic visce [SOURCE F] Situs inversus; Dextrocardia with situs inversus; Mirror- image atrial arrangement with situs inversus; Situs inversus or transverses abdominalis; Situs inversus or transversus thoracis; Transposition of abdominal viscera; Transposition of thoracic visce */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Situs inversus; Dextrocardia with situs inversus; Mirror- image atrial arrangement with situs inversus; Situs inversus or transverses abdominalis; Situs inversus or transversus thoracis; Transposition of abdominal viscera; Transposition of thoracic visce' WHERE ICDCode='Q89.3'; /* [DATABASE] CLOSED FRACTURE OF BASE OF SKULL/ ANTERIOR FOSSA/MIDDLE FOSSA/ POSTERIOR FOSSA/ OCCIPUT/ ORBITAL ROOF/ ETHMOID SINUS/ FRONTAL SINUS/ SPHENOID/TEMPORAL BONE [SOURCE F] CLOSED FRACTURE OF BASE OF SKULL/ ANTERIOR FOSSA/ MIDDLE FOSSA/ POSTERIOR FOSSA/ OCCIPUT/ ORBITAL ROOF/ ETHMOID SINUS/ FRONTAL SINUS/ SPHENOID/ TEMPORAL BONE */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='CLOSED FRACTURE OF BASE OF SKULL/ ANTERIOR FOSSA/ MIDDLE FOSSA/ POSTERIOR FOSSA/ OCCIPUT/ ORBITAL ROOF/ ETHMOID SINUS/ FRONTAL SINUS/ SPHENOID/ TEMPORAL BONE' WHERE ICDCode='S02.10'; /* [DATABASE] OPEN FRACTURE OF BASE OF SKULL/ ANTERIOR FOSSA/MIDDLE FOSSA/ POSTERIOR FOSSA/ OCCIPUT/ ORBITAL ROOF/ ETHMOID SINUS/ FRONTAL SINUS/ SPHENOID/TEMPORAL BONE [SOURCE F] OPEN FRACTURE OF BASE OF SKULL/ ANTERIOR FOSSA/ MIDDLE FOSSA/ POSTERIOR FOSSA/ OCCIPUT/ ORBITAL ROOF/ ETHMOID SINUS/ FRONTAL SINUS/ SPHENOID/ TEMPORAL BONE */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='OPEN FRACTURE OF BASE OF SKULL/ ANTERIOR FOSSA/ MIDDLE FOSSA/ POSTERIOR FOSSA/ OCCIPUT/ ORBITAL ROOF/ ETHMOID SINUS/ FRONTAL SINUS/ SPHENOID/ TEMPORAL BONE' WHERE ICDCode='S02.11'; /* [DATABASE] Inflammatory spondylopathy, unspecified lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Inflammatory spondylopathy, unspecified lumbosacralregion */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Inflammatory spondylopathy, unspecified lumbosacralregion' WHERE ICDCode='M46.97'; /* [DATABASE] Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy; Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy; Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy lumbosacral region [SOURCE F] Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy; Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy; Thoracic spondylosis without m yelopathy or radiculopathy lumbosacral region */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy; Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy; Thoracic spondylosis without m yelopathy or radiculopathy lumbosacral region' WHERE ICDCode='M47.87'; /* [DATABASE] Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries; Multiple involvement of intracranial arteries [SOURCE F] Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries; Multiple involvement of intracranial arteries Subarachnoid haemorrhage from intracranial artery, unspecified; Congenital ruptured berry aneurysm NOS; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries; Multiple involvement of intracranial arteries Subarachnoid haemorrhage from intracranial artery, unspecified; Congenital ruptured berry aneurysm NOS;' WHERE ICDCode='I60.6'; /* [DATABASE] Subarachnoid haemorrhage from intracranial artery, unspecified; Congenital ruptured berry aneurysm NOS; Subarachnoid haemorrhage from cerebral artery NOS; Subarachnoid haemorrhage from communicating artery NOS [SOURCE F] Subarachnoid haemorrhage from cerebral artery NOS; Subarachnoid haemorrhage from communicating artery NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Subarachnoid haemorrhage from cerebral artery NOS; Subarachnoid haemorrhage from communicating artery NOS' WHERE ICDCode='I60.7'; /* [DATABASE] Early-onset cerebellar ataxia including Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with essential tremor; Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with myoclonus [Hunt's ataxia]; Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes; Friedreich's ataxia (autosomal recessiv [SOURCE F] Early-onset cerebellar ataxia including Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with essential tremor; Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with myoclonus [Hunt's ataxia]; Early- onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes; Friedreich's ataxia (autosomal recessiv */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Early-onset cerebellar ataxia including Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with essential tremor; Early-onset cerebellar ataxia with myoclonus [Hunt''s ataxia]; Early- onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes; Friedreich''s ataxia (autosomal recessiv' WHERE ICDCode='G11.1'; /* [DATABASE] Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig-Hoffman] [SOURCE F] Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig- Hoffman] */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig- Hoffman]' WHERE ICDCode='G12.0'; /* [DATABASE] Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified [SOURCE F] Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified PARKINSON'S DISEASE; HEMIPARKINSONISM; PARALYSIS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified PARKINSON''S DISEASE; HEMIPARKINSONISM; PARALYSIS' WHERE ICDCode='G12.9'; /* [DATABASE] PARKINSON'S DISEASE; HEMIPARKINSONISM; PARALYSIS AGITANS; PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON'S DISEASE NOS; IDIOPATHIC PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON'S DISEASE; PRIMARY PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON'S DISEASE [SOURCE F] AGITANS; PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON'S DISEASE NOS; IDIOPATHIC PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON'S DISEASE; PRIMARY PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON'S DISEASE */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='AGITANS; PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON''S DISEASE NOS; IDIOPATHIC PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON''S DISEASE; PRIMARY PARKINSONISM OR PARKINSON''S DISEASE' WHERE ICDCode='G20'; /* [DATABASE] Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; Tuberculosis of mediastinal, lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; [SOURCE F] Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly;' WHERE ICDCode='A15.4'; /* [DATABASE] Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically ; Tuberculosis of bronchus,confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculosis of glottis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculo [SOURCE F] Tuberculosis of mediastinal, lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically ; Tuberculosis of bronchus,confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculosis of glottis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculo */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Tuberculosis of mediastinal, lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically & histologicaly; Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically ; Tuberculosis of bronchus,confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculosis of glottis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculo' WHERE ICDCode='A15.5'; /* [DATABASE] Other respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Mediastinal tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Tuberculosis of nose, [SOURCE F] Other respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Mediastinal tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically;Nasopharyngeal Tuberculosis of nose, */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; Mediastinal tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically; tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically;Nasopharyngeal Tuberculosis of nose,' WHERE ICDCode='A15.8'; /* [DATABASE] Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous Bronchiectasis, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous pneumonia, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous pneumothorax [SOURCE F] Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous Bronchiectasis, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, confirmed Tuberculous pneumonia, confirmed histologically only;histologically only; Tuberculous pneumothorax */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous Bronchiectasis, confirmed histologically only; Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, confirmed Tuberculous pneumonia, confirmed histologically only;histologically only; Tuberculous pneumothorax' WHERE ICDCode='A15.2'; /* [DATABASE] Tuberculosis of lung, NOS, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation; Tuberculous bronchiectasis, NOS, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation; Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, NOS, without mention of bact [SOURCE F] Tuberculosis of lung, NOS, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation; Tuberculous bronchiectasis, NOS, without mention of histological confirmation; Tuberculous fibrosis of lung,bacteriological or NOS, without mention of bact */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Tuberculosis of lung, NOS, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation; Tuberculous bronchiectasis, NOS, without mention of histological confirmation; Tuberculous fibrosis of lung,bacteriological or NOS, without mention of bact' WHERE ICDCode='A16.2'; /* [DATABASE] Small kidney, unspecified [SOURCE F] Small kidney, unspecified Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Small kidney, unspecified Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter;' WHERE ICDCode='N27.9'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter; Hypertrophy of kidney, Megaloureter, Nephroptosis, Pyelitis cystica, Pyeloureteritis cystica, Ureteritis cystica, Ureterocele [SOURCE F] Hypertrophy of kidney, Megaloureter, Nephroptosis, Pyelitis cystica, Pyeloureteritis cystica, Ureteritis cystica, Ureterocele */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Hypertrophy of kidney, Megaloureter, Nephroptosis, Pyelitis cystica, Pyeloureteritis cystica, Ureteritis cystica, Ureterocele' WHERE ICDCode='N28.8'; /* [DATABASE] Other cervical VERTEBRAL DISC DISORDERS [SOURCE F] Other cervical VERTEBRAL DISC DISORDERS LUMBAR AND OTHER INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISORDERS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other cervical VERTEBRAL DISC DISORDERS LUMBAR AND OTHER INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISORDERS' WHERE ICDCode='M50.8'; /* [DATABASE] LUMBAR AND OTHER INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISORDERS WITH RADICULOPATHY; SCIATICA DUE TO INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISORDER [SOURCE F] WITH RADICULOPATHY; SCIATICA DUE TO INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISORDER */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='WITH RADICULOPATHY; SCIATICA DUE TO INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISORDER' WHERE ICDCode='M51.1'; /* [DATABASE] ACUTE HEPATITIS B WITHOUT DELTA-AGENT WITH HEPATIC COMA [SOURCE F] ACUTE HEPATITIS B WITHOUT DELTA-AGENT WITH HEPATIC COMA ACUTE HEPATITIS B WITHOUT DELTA-AGENT AND */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='ACUTE HEPATITIS B WITHOUT DELTA-AGENT WITH HEPATIC COMA ACUTE HEPATITIS B WITHOUT DELTA-AGENT AND' WHERE ICDCode='B16.2'; /* [DATABASE] ACUTE HEPATITIS B WITHOUT DELTA-AGENT AND WITHOUT HEPATIC COMA; HEPATITIS B (ACUTE)(VIRAL) NOS [SOURCE F] WITHOUT HEPATIC COMA; HEPATITIS B (ACUTE)(VIRAL) NOS */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='WITHOUT HEPATIC COMA; HEPATITIS B (ACUTE)(VIRAL) NOS' WHERE ICDCode='B16.9'; /* [DATABASE] OTHER SPECIFIED ACUTE VIRAL HEPATITIS; HEPATITIS NON-A NON-B (ACUTE)(VIRAL) NEC [SOURCE F] OTHER SPECIFIED ACUTE VIRAL HEPATITIS; HEPATITIS NON- A NON-B (ACUTE)(VIRAL) NEC */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='OTHER SPECIFIED ACUTE VIRAL HEPATITIS; HEPATITIS NON- A NON-B (ACUTE)(VIRAL) NEC' WHERE ICDCode='B17.8'; /* [DATABASE] Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Multifocal leukoencephalopathy NOS [SOURCE F] Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Multifocal leukoencephalopathy NOS Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Multifocal leukoencephalopathy NOS Atypical virus infection of central nervous system,' WHERE ICDCode='A81.2'; /* [DATABASE] Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified; Prion disease of central nervous system NOS [SOURCE F] unspecified; Prion disease of central nervous system NOS Sylvatic rabies */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='unspecified; Prion disease of central nervous system NOS Sylvatic rabies' WHERE ICDCode='A81.9'; /* [DATABASE] Sylvatic rabies [SOURCE F] Urban rabies */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Urban rabies' WHERE ICDCode='A82.0'; /* [DATABASE] Urban rabies [SOURCE F] Rabies, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Rabies, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A82.1'; /* [DATABASE] Rabies, unspecified [SOURCE F] Japanese encephalitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Japanese encephalitis' WHERE ICDCode='A82.9'; /* [DATABASE] Japanese encephalitis [SOURCE F] Eastern equine encephalitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Eastern equine encephalitis' WHERE ICDCode='A83.0'; /* [DATABASE] Eastern equine encephalitis [SOURCE F] California encephalitis; California meningoencephalitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='California encephalitis; California meningoencephalitis' WHERE ICDCode='A83.2'; /* [DATABASE] California encephalitis; California meningoencephalitis La Crosse encephalitis [SOURCE F] La Crosse encephalitis Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='La Crosse encephalitis Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis' WHERE ICDCode='A83.5'; /* [DATABASE] Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis [SOURCE F] Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A83.8'; /* [DATABASE] Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified [SOURCE F] Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified;' WHERE ICDCode='A83.9'; /* [DATABASE] Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified; [SOURCE F] Other specified viral encephalitis; Encephalitis lethargic; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified viral encephalitis; Encephalitis lethargic;' WHERE ICDCode='A85.2'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified viral encephalitis; Encephalitis lethargic; Von Economo-Cruchet disease [SOURCE F] Von Economo-Cruchet disease Unspecified viral encephalitis; Viral encephalomyelitis NOS; */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Von Economo-Cruchet disease Unspecified viral encephalitis; Viral encephalomyelitis NOS;' WHERE ICDCode='A85.8'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified viral encephalitis; Viral encephalomyelitis NOS; Viral meningoencephalitis NOS [SOURCE F] Viral meningoencephalitis NOS Other specified viral infections of central nervous system */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Viral meningoencephalitis NOS Other specified viral infections of central nervous system' WHERE ICDCode='A86'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified viral infections of central nervous system [SOURCE F] Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system' WHERE ICDCode='A88.8'; /* [DATABASE] Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system [SOURCE F] Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis' WHERE ICDCode='A89'; /* [DATABASE] Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis [SOURCE F] Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis' WHERE ICDCode='A37.0'; /* [DATABASE] Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis [SOURCE F] Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species' WHERE ICDCode='A37.1'; /* [DATABASE] Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species [SOURCE F] Whooping cough, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Whooping cough, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A37.8'; /* [DATABASE] Whooping cough, unspecified [SOURCE F] Bubonic plague */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Bubonic plague' WHERE ICDCode='A37.9'; /* [DATABASE] Bubonic plague [SOURCE F] Plague, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Plague, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A20.0'; /* [DATABASE] Plague, unspecified [SOURCE F] Ulceroglandular tularaemia; Ophthalmic tularaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Ulceroglandular tularaemia; Ophthalmic tularaemia' WHERE ICDCode='A20.9'; /* [DATABASE] Ulceroglandular tularaemia; Ophthalmic tularaemia [SOURCE F] Oculoglandular tularaemia; Ophthalmic tularaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Oculoglandular tularaemia; Ophthalmic tularaemia' WHERE ICDCode='A21.0'; /* [DATABASE] Oculoglandular tularaemia; Ophthalmic tularaemia [SOURCE F] Pulmonary tularaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Pulmonary tularaemia' WHERE ICDCode='A21.1'; /* [DATABASE] Pulmonary tularaemia [SOURCE F] Gastrointestinal tularaemia; Abdominal tularaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Gastrointestinal tularaemia; Abdominal tularaemia' WHERE ICDCode='A21.2'; /* [DATABASE] Gastrointestinal tularaemia; Abdominal tularaemia [SOURCE F] Tularaemia, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Tularaemia, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A21.3'; /* [DATABASE] Tularaemia, unspecified [SOURCE F] Cutaneous anthrax; Malignant carbuncle; Malignant */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cutaneous anthrax; Malignant carbuncle; Malignant' WHERE ICDCode='A21.9'; /* [DATABASE] Cutaneous anthrax; Malignant carbuncle; Malignant pustule [SOURCE F] pustule Gastrointestinal anthrax */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='pustule Gastrointestinal anthrax' WHERE ICDCode='A22.0'; /* [DATABASE] Gastrointestinal anthrax [SOURCE F] Anthrax septicaemia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Anthrax septicaemia' WHERE ICDCode='A22.2'; /* [DATABASE] Anthrax septicaemia [SOURCE F] Anthrax, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Anthrax, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A22.7'; /* [DATABASE] Anthrax, unspecified [SOURCE F] Brucellosis due to Brucella abortus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Brucellosis due to Brucella abortus' WHERE ICDCode='A22.9'; /* [DATABASE] Brucellosis due to Brucella abortus [SOURCE F] Brucellosis, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Brucellosis, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A23.1'; /* [DATABASE] Brucellosis, unspecified [SOURCE F] Glanders; Infection due to Pseudomonas mallei; Malleus */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Glanders; Infection due to Pseudomonas mallei; Malleus' WHERE ICDCode='A23.9'; /* [DATABASE] Glanders; Infection due to Pseudomonas mallei; Malleus [SOURCE F] Acute and fulminating melioidosis; Melioidosis pneumonia */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Acute and fulminating melioidosis; Melioidosis pneumonia' WHERE ICDCode='A24.0'; /* [DATABASE] Acute and fulminating melioidosis; Melioidosis pneumonia; Melioidosis septicaemia [SOURCE F] ; Melioidosis septicaemia Rat-bite fever, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='; Melioidosis septicaemia Rat-bite fever, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A24.1'; /* [DATABASE] Rat-bite fever, unspecified [SOURCE F] Other forms of erysipeloid */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other forms of erysipeloid' WHERE ICDCode='A25.9'; /* [DATABASE] Other forms of erysipeloid [SOURCE F] Erysipeloid, unspecified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Erysipeloid, unspecified' WHERE ICDCode='A26.8'; /* [DATABASE] Erysipeloid, unspecified [SOURCE F] Pasteurellosis */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Pasteurellosis' WHERE ICDCode='A26.9'; /* [DATABASE] Pasteurellosis [SOURCE F] Cat-scratch disease; Cat-scratch fever */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Cat-scratch disease; Cat-scratch fever' WHERE ICDCode='A28.0'; /* [DATABASE] Cat-scratch disease; Cat-scratch fever [SOURCE F] Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere' WHERE ICDCode='A28.1'; /* [DATABASE] Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified [SOURCE F] classified */ UPDATE [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] SET Description='classified' WHERE ICDCode='A28.8'; INSERT INTO [Medicare].[dbo].[tbMed_MedicalCaseRates] ([ICDCode],[Description],[CaseType],[PackageID]) VALUES('','','ZOONOTIC BACTERIAL DISEASES','433');