The variable formula must be assigned a value

If the variable formula is not assigned a value, it is not a complete Basic syntax formula.

Note:    Some examples in this section are not complete Basic syntax formulas but rather just fragments intended to explain a particular feature.

What if I'm not interested in using the value returned by a formula?

Sometimes you may want to write a formula that just declares and initializes some global variables. These formulas are commonly inserted into the report header section of a report. In such cases, assign any value to the special variable formula. Every formula must return a value, even if you are not interested in using that value.

For example:

Rem Some Global variable declarations
Rem Remember to set the value of 'formula'
Global x As String, y As Number, z As DateTime
x = "hello"
y = 10.5
z = #Aug 6, 1976#
formula = 10

Seagate Software, Inc.
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