Do While ... Loop formula example

The following example searches for the first occurrence of a digit in an input string. If a digit is found, it returns its position, otherwise it returns -1. In this case, the input string is set explicitly to a string constant. If preferred, it could be set to be equal to a String type database field instead.

For example, for the input String, "The 7 Dwarves", the formula returns 5, which is the position of the digit 7.

Dim inString
inString = "The 7 Dwarves"
Dim i, strLen
i = 1
strLen = Len (inString)
formula = -1
Do While i <= strLen And formula = -1
   Dim c As String
   c = Mid (inString, i, 1)
   If IsNumeric (c) Then formula = i
   i = i + 1

Seagate Software, Inc.
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