Typical uses for formulas

There are many uses for formulas. If you have a need for specialized data manipulation, you can do it with a formula.

Creating calculated fields to add to your report

To calculate a price discounted 15%:

Crystal syntax example:

{Orders_Detail.Unit Price}*.85

Basic syntax example:

formula = {Orders_Detail.Unit Price}*.85
Formatting text on a report

To change all the values in the Customer Name field to uppercase:

Crystal syntax example:

UpperCase ({Customer.Customer Name})

Basic syntax example:

formula = UCase ({Customer.Customer Name})
Pulling out a portion, or portions, of a text string

To extract the first letter of the customer name:

Crystal syntax example:

{Customer.Customer Name} [1]

Basic syntax example:

formula = {Customer.Customer Name} (1)
Extracting parts of a date

To determine what month an order was placed:

Crystal syntax example:

Month ({Orders.Order Date})

Basic syntax example:

formula = Month ({Orders.Order Date})

Seagate Software, Inc.
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