Error Messages and Formula Compiler Warnings

A ) is missing.

Parentheses must be used in pairs; each opening parenthesis must be matched with a closing parenthesis. One of your opening parentheses is not matched by a closing parenthesis. Insert the missing parenthesis and recheck.

A ] is missing.

Brackets must be used in pairs; each opening bracket must be matched with a closing bracket. One of your opening brackets is not matched by a closing bracket. Insert the missing bracket and recheck.

A Boolean range variable is not allowed.

You have entered a Boolean range variable. Range variables are allowed in all data types other than Boolean. Either change the data type to something other than Boolean, or enter a Boolean item variable to replace the Boolean range variable.

Access denied.

DOS will not allow access to a file specified. Make certain the file is not in use by another program (or another user on a network), and/or make certain you have the right network permissions and try again.

A day number must be between 1 and the number of days in the month.

You have entered a day number that does not fit the month. The Formula Checker displays this warning if, for the month of January, for example, you enter a day number of zero (0) or a number 32 or greater. Change the day number to fit the month and recheck.

A field is required here.

You have entered something in your formula other than a field at a position where a field is expected. Correct the problem and recheck.

A formula cannot refer to itself, either directly or indirectly.

You cannot enter a formula that refers to itself. For example, in creating the formula @Profit, you cannot use @Profit as the argument to a function. Remove the reference and recheck.

A function is required here.

The Formula Editor is expecting a function but none was entered. Review your formula and enter the required function or correct the formula if it is in error.

A memo field cannot be used in a formula.

You have picked a memo field for use in a formula. The use of memo fields in formulas is not allowed. Remove the memo field from the formula and try again.

A month number must be between 1 and 12.

You have entered a month number that falls outside the allowable range. Enter a month number between 1 and 12 and recheck.

A string can be at most 254 characters long.

The program allows strings in formulas to be up to 254 characters long. You have entered a string that exceeds that limit. Reduce the length of the string and recheck.

A subscript must be between 1 and the length of the string.

You have entered a subscript number that specifies a character that does not exist. If you enter a subscript that references the 6th or the 8th character in a five character string, for example, you will get this warning. Change the subscript to a value that exists and recheck.

A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array.

You have entered a subscript that specifies an array item that does not exist. If you enter a subscript that references the 6th or 8th item in a five item array, for example, you will get this warning. Change the subscript to a value that exists and recheck.

All network licenses are in use. You will be able to run the program when a user leaves the program. To increase the number of licensed copies on your network, contact Seagate Software, Information Management Group at (604) 681-3435 and ask about Network LanPaks.

Your current license specifies the maximum number of users that can use the program on a network at any given time. The maximum number of users is currently using the program. You can increase the number of users allowed on the system at a given time by purchasing additional Network LanPaks through Seagate Software, Information Management Group.

A subtotal condition is not allowed here.

You have entered a subtotal condition for a subtotal that uses something other than a date or Boolean field as the sort and group by field. Your subtotal does not require a condition. Delete the condition and continue.

A subtotal condition must be a string.

You have entered a subtotal condition that is not in string format. Make certain when you enter the condition in the formula that it is surrounded by single or double quotation marks.

A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type.

You have declared a variable with the same name but a different data type than a variable already declared. This is not allowed. Either change the name of the variable or change the data type so it conforms with the original data type.

A variable is required here.

You have used the assignment operator (=:) in a formula without preceding it with a variable. The program expects to see a variable immediately before (to the left of) the assignment operator. Enter a variable and try again.

A variable name is expected here.

You have declared a variable data type without declaring a variable name. You must enter a variable name to complete the declaration. Enter the variable name and continue.

Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999.

You have entered a date that falls outside the allowable range. Enter a date that falls within the range of years 1 to 9999 (including the end values), and then recheck.

Cannot allocate memory.

This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.

Cannot reallocate memory.

This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.

Disk full.

You have attempted to save a report to a disk that is full. Either save to a different disk, or delete unnecessary files from the current disk and try again.

Division by zero.

You have entered a formula that attempts a division by zero. The program does not allow such a division. Edit the formula so it does not attempt to divide by zero, and then recheck.

To avoid this type of problem, you can use a test such as this:

If {file.FORECAST} = 0 Then
{file.SALES} / {file.FORECAST}
Error in formula code. Please contact Seagate Software, Information Management Group.

There is something unusual about the formula that was not foreseen. Please save the formula text that produced this warning and contact the company.

Error in parse tree. Please contact Seagate Software, Information Management Group.

In parsing your formula, the program encountered a situation that the parse tree could not process. Please save the formula text that produced this warning and contact the company.

Field still in use.

The field you are requesting is currently in use. Try again once the field becomes available.

File name already in use. Please close the window for xxx before saving under this name.

You have tried to save a file under the name of a file already in use in an open report. Close that report first, and then try again.

File not found.

The file name you specified cannot be found. Either the filename or the path is incorrect. Enter the correct filename/path and try again. In some instances the file WBTRVDEF.DLL is missing from your directory. This file is required for reading Data Dictionary files along with WBTRCALL.DLL.

File permission error.

You have requested a file for which you do not have permission. You must gain the necessary permission before you can activate the file.

Incorrect Borland Custom Control DLL (BWCC.DLL) installed. Version m.n or higher required.

The program is finding and using a version of BWCC.DLL that is too old for proper program operation. Here's how this can happen:

BWCC.DLL is installed in the CRW directory (the same directory in which CRW.EXE or CRW32.EXE resides) during program installation.

The CRW directory is added to the end of the path statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT during installation (if you allowed the installation program to update the path statement).

If an older version of BWCC.DLL has been installed in the Windows directory, the Windows System directory, or a directory that appears earlier in the path than the CRW directory (the result of an earlier installation), the program picks up that version, not the newer version in the CRW directory.

To correct this problem

The correct version of BWCC.DLL is shipped with Seagate Crystal Reports. To correct the problem, delete older versions of BWCC.DLL that reside in directories earlier in the path than CRW.

If this does not solve the problem, move the latest version of BWCC.DLL from the CRW directory to the Window's directory.

Internal Error: PrintDlg fail: 4100.

There is no printer driver installed in the Windows Control Panel. When Seagate Crystal Reports opens a report, it looks for the printer that was saved with the report. If that printer cannot be found, it looks for the default printer. If there is no default printer set, the error message results.

Insufficient memory available.

There is not enough memory available to do what you want the program to do. Free up memory and try again.

Invalid DOS version.

You are using a version of DOS earlier than Version 3.0. Install DOS Version 3.0 or higher and try again.

Invalid file handle.

You have specified a file handle that does not exist. Enter the correct file handle and continue.

No default printer selected. You may use the Control Panel to select a default printer.

Please use the Control Panel to select a printer and start the program again.

You cannot begin to utilize the program unless you have a default printer selected. Trying to start the program without a default printer results in this error message.

To select a default printer:

Click the Printers icon in the Windows Control Panel; the Printers dialog box appears with all installed printers listed in the Installed Printers box.

If you have not yet installed the printer, install it first, and then double-click its listing.

Note:    A printer must first be given the status Active before it can be selected as the default printer.

Note:    For additional information in installing printers and default printers, please refer to the documentation that came with Microsoft Windows.

Non unique table reference: tablename.

This is usually caused if a table name contains an underscore or is more than 15 characters long, or starts with a number.

Not enough arguments have been given to this function.

The function requires more arguments than you have entered. Enter the missing argument(s) and recheck.

Not enough memory.

There is not enough memory available to process the command. Close any reports that are not needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.

Numeric overflow.

An intermediate result or the final result cannot be represented because it is too big. Restructure or subdivide the formula to create smaller results, and then recheck.

Physical database not found.

The program is unable to locate either a DLL or the database. Check to make certain that the directories that hold these files are listed in the path statement.

Please cancel printing before closing.

Your Report Engine call is attempting to close a job while it is still in progress. Make certain that you cancel the printing before you close the print job.

Printer not available.

There are problems connecting to the selected printer. Reselect the printer through the Windows Control Panel and try again.

Report file already exists. Overwrite sample.rpt?

You are attempting to save a report under the same name as an existing report. This will overwrite the existing report and make it no longer available. Click Yes to overwrite the report, No to stop the saving process to give you a chance to select a different name.

Report has changed. Save changes to sample.rpt before closing?

You are attempting to close a report window without first saving it, even though you have made changes to the report since you opened it. The changes will be lost unless you save the report before closing. Click Yes to save the changes, No to close the report without saving the changes.

Sorry, this feature is not yet implemented. Try again later.

You have attempted to use a feature that has not been implemented in the current release. Wait till an upgrade that implements the feature and try again.

The formula cannot be evaluated at the time specified.

You are trying to force a field, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the required evaluation time.

This field cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.

You are trying to force a field, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the required evaluation time.

This function cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.

You are trying to force a field, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible. Evaluation time functions can only force a later evaluation time, never an earlier one. Change the formula to accommodate the required evaluation time.

The formula is too complex. Try simplifying it.

The formula could not be evaluated because it exceeds the limit of 50 pending operations. Pending operations are operations that are on hold due to order of precedence rules; they will be performed once the operations with higher level precedence are finished.

Sometimes it is possible to rearrange the formula and calculate the same value without requiring as many pending operations. As a very simplified example, in the formula 2+3*4, the addition cannot be performed until the multiplication has been done. The addition thus becomes pending, on hold until the multiplication is complete. If the formula is written as 3*4+2 instead, the operations can be performed left-to-right with the same result, thus eliminating the pending operation.

Correct the formula and recheck.

The matching } for this field name is missing.

Field names must be enclosed in braces { }. You have entered one of the required braces but not the other. Insert the missing brace and recheck.

The matching ' for this string is missing.

A string that begins with a ' must end with a ' before the end of the line. You have used the ' in one of those positions but not the other. Insert the missing punctuation and recheck.

The matching " for this string is missing.

A string that begins with a " must end with a " before the end of the line. You have used the ' in one of those positions but not the other. Insert the missing punctuation and recheck.

The number of copies of the string is too large or not an integer.

Using the ReplicateString function, you have requested too many copies or you are requesting a non-integer number of copies. Lower the number of copies requested or specify an integer number of copies and try again.

The number of days is too large or not an integer.

When adding days to dates, or subtracting days from dates, you can use only an integer number of days (a whole number); you cannot add or subtract non-integer numbers of days (1/2 days, 3.6 days, etc.). Additionally, once you add or subtract days from a date, the resulting date must fall within the allowable (year) date range, 0000-9999. If you enter a non-integer number of days or if your result falls outside the allowable range, the Formula Editor displays this warning. Correct the problem and recheck.

The number of decimal places is too large or not an integer.

The second argument to the Round(x, # places) or ToText(x, # places) functions must be a small integer (whole number). You have entered a number as the second argument (# places) that specifies too many decimal places or that is not an integer. Change the number to a small integer and recheck.

The record selection formula cannot include 'PageNumber', 'RecordNumber', 'GroupNumber', 'Previous', or 'Next'.

You cannot include PageNumber, RecordNumber, GroupNumber, Previous, or Next fields in record selection formulas. Eliminate the field(s) and recheck.

The record selection formula cannot include a summary field.

You have included a summary field in a record selection formula. The program does not allow this. Remove the summary field and recheck.

The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.

You have provided a formula operand (the item on which a formula operation is to be performed) where none is expected. Often this means that you have forgotten an operator, or an earlier part of a function, or some required syntax item. Correct the error and then recheck.

The result of a formula cannot be a range.

You have created a formula that results in a range. A formula must result in a single value. Correct the formula and recheck.

The result of a formula cannot be an array.

You have created a formula that results in an array. A formula must result in a single value. Correct the formula and recheck.

The result of the selection formula must be a Boolean.

You have created a selection formula that returns something other than a Boolean value. Reconstruct the formula using comparison operators (=, etc.) and recheck.

The string is non-numeric.

The argument to the ToNumber function must be a number stored as a string (for example, a customer number, an ID number, etc.). The string may be preceded by a minus sign and may contain leading and trailing blanks. You have used an argument that is non-numeric and therefore cannot be converted to a number. Change the argument to numeric and recheck.

The variable could not be created.

The variable you declared could not be created. Check the spelling and syntax of your declaration statement and try again.

The word 'Else' is missing.

In an If-Then-Else expression, you have left out (or misplaced) the 'Else' component and the formula will not function. Insert (or reposition) the 'Else' component and recheck.

The word 'then' is missing.

In an If-Then-Else expression, you have left out (or misplaced) the 'then' component and the formula will not function. Insert (or reposition) the 'then' component and recheck.

There are too many characters in this field name.

A field name may have at most 254 characters. You have entered a field name that exceeds that number. Enter a field name that has an allowable number of characters and try again.

There are too many characters in this string.

Strings in formulas are allowed to be up to 200 characters long. You have entered a string that exceeds that limit. Reduce the length of the string (or break it into 2 or more concatenated strings) and recheck.

There are too many digits in this number.

Numbers in formulas are allowed to have up to 25 digits before the decimal point. You have entered a number that exceeds that limit. Reduce the size of the number (or break it into 2 or more smaller numbers) and recheck.

There are too many letters and digits in this name.

A variable name can have at most 254 characters. You have entered a name that exceeds that number. Shorten the name to conform to the limit and continue.

There is an error in this formula. Please edit it for more details.

You have tried to accept a formula (via the Accept button in the Formula Editor) that contains an uncorrected error. Correct the error that was indicated and try again.

There must be a subtotal section that matches this field.

You have entered a subtotal in a formula without there being a corresponding subtotal in the report itself. Any subtotal you enter in a formula must duplicate a subtotal already in your report. Add the required subtotal to the report and then re-enter the formula, or delete the formula, and then recheck.

The special variable field could not be created.

This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.

The summary field could not be created.

This message typically indicates that there is not enough memory available. Close any reports that are not needed, and exit any programs that are not essential. Then try again.

This field cannot be summarized.

You have entered a summary field that does not already exist in your report. Any summary field you enter in a formula must duplicate a summary field already in your report. Either enter the summary field in your report first and then re-enter it in the formula, or do not enter the summary field in the formula at all.

This field cannot be used as a subtotal condition field.

The field you are entering as a condition field causes the subtotal in the formula not to match any subtotal in the report. Any subtotal you enter in a formula must duplicate a subtotal already in your report. Either enter the subtotal in your report first and then re-enter it in the formula, or do not enter the subtotal in the formula at all.

This field has no previous or next value.

You have used a field for which there is no "previous" value as the argument for the Previous or PreviousIsNull function, or you have used a field for which there is no "next" value as the argument for the Next or NextIsNull function. To use either of those functions, replace the argument with a field that contains the appropriate values.

This field must be in the same section as the current formula.

Since the field was put into the formula as an operand, it has been moved to a section where it is no longer a valid operand.

This field name is not known.

You have entered a field name that does not appear in any of the active databases. Correct the spelling of the field name and/or its alias, and then recheck. Or, to enter a field name from a database that is not currently active, activate the database first and then re-enter the field name.

This group section cannot be printed because its condition field is non-existent or invalid.

Your report contains a group section that is based on a condition field that is either no longer in the report or changed so it is invalid for the group section. Review your grouping criteria to identify and correct the source of the problem.

This array must be subscripted. For example: Array [i].

You have entered an array without enclosing it in brackets. Enclose the array in brackets and recheck.

This subtotal condition is not known.

You have entered a subtotal condition that does not appear anywhere in your report. Any subtotal you enter in a formula must duplicate a subtotal already in your report. Change the condition and recheck.

Too many arguments have been given to this function.

You have entered an array as the argument to a non-array function. This kind of problem can occur, for example, if you forget to use brackets (the required syntax items for an array) to enclose an array. The Formula Checker sees the array values as arguments to a non-array function and displays the error message.

Too many items have been given for this array.

The program allows up to 50 values in an array. You have exceeded this limit. Reduce the number of values in the array and recheck.

Too many open files.

You have too many open files (databases, reports) given the number of files you specified in the CONFIG.SYS FILES = statement. To prevent this error from recurring, either use fewer files or increase the number of files specified in the FILES = statement.

Missing or incorrect operand warnings.

The following warnings appear when the Formula Checker expects to find a specific kind of operand (the item on which a formula operation is to be performed), and finds something different. For example, the formula 5>a is comparing a number to text (the old comparing apples to oranges analogy). When the Formula Checker sees that the number five is being compared to something, it expects that something to be another number. If anything other than a number appears, it displays the warning: A number is required here.

A Boolean array is required here.

A Boolean is required here.

A currency amount is required here.

A currency array is required here.

A currency range is required here.

A date array is required here.

A date is required here.

A date range is required here.

A number array is required here.

A number array or currency array is required here.

A number, currency amount, Boolean value, or string is expected here.

A number, currency amount, Boolean, date, or string is required here.

A number, currency amount, date, or string is required here.

A number, currency amount, or date is required here.

A number field or currency amount field is required here.

A number is required here.

A number or currency amount is required here.

A number range is required here.

A string array is required here.

A string is required here.

A string or an array of values is required here.

An array of values is required here.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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