
  1. Create a new formula called Formula2.
  2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If ToText({customer,CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "6" Then
  1. Click Check to test for errors. You will receive the following error message:

This field name is not known.

  1. Correct the formula by replacing the comma (,) in the field name with a period (.).
  2. Click Check again. The formula should now be error-free.
  3. Place the formula to the right of the @Formula1 field.
  4. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to check the values in the report and compare the fields to see if the field values returned by @Formula2 are correct.

You should see "TRUE" next to all customer numbers that begin with 6 and "FALSE" next to all customer numbers that do not begin with 6.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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