
  1. Create a new formula called Formula4.
  2. Type the following in the Formula text box of the Formula Editor:
If ToText({customer.CUSTOMER ID}) [1] = "5"
  1. Click Check to test for errors. You will receive the following error message:

The word 'then' is missing.

  1. Correct the formula by typing in the word "Then" at the end of the first line after "5".
  2. Click Check again. The formula should now be error-free.
  3. Place the formula to the right of the @Formula3 field.
  4. Click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar to see the values in the report and compare the fields to check if the field values returned by @Formula4 are correct.

You should see "TRUE" next to all Customer IDs that begin with 5 and "FALSE" next to all Customer IDs that do not begin with 5.

Now that the formulas are error-free and the field values returned are correct, you will create a formula that links the separate components together. You will begin by linking the first two formulas (@Formula1 and @Formula2) and then you will add @Formula3 and @Formula4 to create the final formula @FinalFormula.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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