Setting highlighting priorities

The Priority buttons in the Item list area of the Highlighting Expert allow you to set the priorities for your formulas. This is useful when you have two or more formulas that could offer conflicting results in some situations.

For example, suppose you are highlighting the Unit Price field on the report. You assign to this field a highlighting formula that shows a yellow background when a unit price is greater than $100. Imagine then, that on this same report, you create another highlighting formula that shows a red background when a unit price is greater than $200. Considering that 100 is a subset of 200, you could have Unit Price fields with yellow backgrounds when, in fact, those fields should have red backgrounds. In other words, a unit price of $300 could receive either a red or a yellow background, depending on which formula has been assigned priority.

To set the priority for a formula
  1. On the Format menu, click Highlighting Expert.
  2. Highlight the formula.
  3. In the Item list area, click the Priority arrows to move the selected formula to a position above or below the formula(s).

    Note:    A formula has priority over another formula when it is higher in the Items list area.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Preview tab, or refresh the report to see the highlighting changes.

    Note:    The Remove and Remove All buttons in the Item list area can be used to delete formulas.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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