Inconsistencies due to printer drivers

When printing, inconsistencies may occur if different printer drivers are used to create and print your reports. These inconsistencies are a result of the various methods that individual printer drivers use to measure text metrics such as font size. When printed, text-based objects may be misaligned, truncated, or overprint each other. Examples of text-based objects include string or character fields, text objects, memo fields, numeric fields, and formula fields.

Problems such as these may arise when you have:

Therefore, while a document using one printer driver may require six full lines to display a block of text:

For the most part, this situation cannot be avoided. The goal of the report distributor is to design reports that accommodate printer driver dependency and still print consistently using different printer drivers. To do this, Seagate Crystal Reports provides several design solutions. If taken into account when creating your report, these solutions can ensure proper printing and distribution for your report in almost any environment.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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