Using guidelines

Seagate Crystal Reports provides guidelines to help you accurately place objects on your report. Guidelines are non-printing lines that you can place anywhere on the Design and Preview tabs to aid in alignment. They have a snap property that automatically snaps objects to them.

However, the snap property of guidelines works differently for text-based objects than other objects, such as OLE objects. When a text-based object snaps to a guideline, it is the baseline of the text, not the object frame that snaps to the guideline.

Note:    You can find the baseline of a text-based object by locating the special indicators positioned on either side of the object directly at the baseline.

To place several text objects of different font sizes on one line with their baselines lined up, snap them to a guideline at the baseline indicator.

Becoming familiar with the properties and functionality of the grid and guidelines requires some experimentation.

If you select the Snap To Grid option and you do not select the Free-Form placement option, the following conditions occur:

Seagate Software, Inc.
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