Placing multi-line, text-based objects

While text-based objects that are formatted to print on multiple lines follow the same design rules as other objects, they have one additional characteristic to be considered. If the printer driver expands or contracts the spacing of the text, word wrapping may differ, changing the number of lines necessary to print the object in order to accommodate growth or shrinkage.

When placing multi-line, text-based objects, you could encounter problems if other objects in the same section are placed directly below them.

Unlike single-line, text-based objects, expanding the object frame of a multi-line, text-based object to accommodate growth is not a viable option. When you do this, the line width increases according to the expanded boundaries.

So, when possible, place multi-line, text-based objects at the bottom of a section. If they require more lines to print, the section expands downward to accommodate the growth, and they do not endanger other objects.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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