Sorting data

Sorting means placing data in some kind of order to help you find and evaluate it.

When you first insert a database field into your report, the data within the fields appears in the order in which it was originally entered into the database. Locating information in this kind of report is difficult. It is much easier to review or find information when you can see it sorted in a logical format. For example, you may want to have a customer list sorted alphabetically by name or by country.

Understanding sort options

When you sort, the program asks you to define two things:

Sort field

A sort field is the field that determines the order in which data appears on your report. Almost any field can be used as a sort field, including formula fields. A field's data type determines the method in which the data from that field is sorted.

Note:    You cannot sort on memo or BLOB fields.

Field Type Sort Order

Single-character string fields




uppercase letter

lowercase letters

Multiple character string field

two letters

three letters

four letters, etc.

For example:

  • "BOB" comes before "bob"
  • "123" comes before "124"
  • " " (blank) comes before "a"
  • "aa" comes before "aaa"

Currency fields

numeric order

Number fields

numeric order

Date fields

chronological order

DateTime fields

chronological order

same-date values sorted by time

Time fields

chronological order

Boolean comparison fields

False values (0)

True values (1)

Null values

null values

non-null values

Sort Direction

Direction refers to the order in which the values are displayed, once sorted.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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