Interaction of the Select Expert and the Selection Formula Editor

The Select Expert and the Selection Formula Editor are interactive. That is, record selection criteria you enter via the Select Expert automatically generates a record selection formula which can be reviewed and modified. Likewise, record selection formulas and modifications to existing record selection formulas automatically update the selection criteria in the Select Expert.

Because of this interactivity, you can use the two tools together as a tutorial for learning the formula language.

To view the Select Expert formula
  1. Right-click the field on which you want to view record selection.
  2. Click Select Expert.
  3. Click the Show Formula button.

    The Select Expert expands so you can review the formula the program generated based on your selection criteria.

  4. Click the Hide Formula button when you are done with your review.
  5. Use the Select Expert to change your selection formula.
  6. Review the updated formula by clicking the Show Formula button again.
  7. To make changes to the formula, click the Formula Editor button in the expanded Select Expert and use the tools in the Record Selection Formula Editor to make your formula changes.

Note:    Selection formula components that do not fit any of the fixed criteria in the Select Expert will not be translated. For example, if part of your record selection formula extracts the last four characters in a customer number, the section of the formula code that performs that extraction will not be converted to Select Expert selection criteria.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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