Completing the report

You have just one step left to complete the report. A company logo needs to be added to the first page of the report.

Inserting a company logo

In this section, you will place a company logo at the top of the first page of the report.

To insert a company logo
  1. While on the Design tab, click Insert Picture on the Supplementary toolbar.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  1. Choose the Xtreme.gif and click Open. An object frame appears as you move the cursor over the report. The object frame represents the logo you will place.
  2. Position the object frame in the upper left-hand corner of the Report Header (RH) section of the report and click once to place it.

    Placing the logo in the Report Header (RH) section ensures that the logo is printed only on the first page of the report.

    Note:    Although there does not appear to be enough room in the Report Header (RH) section when you place the graphic, the section will automatically expand to accommodate the picture.

  3. Click the Preview tab to view the report.

    The final report should look like this:

  4. Save the report by clicking Save on the Standard toolbar.

You have just completed your first report. It is an impressive report, and Seagate Crystal Reports made it easy to do.

Related topics

For information about distributing reports (printing, exporting, etc.) see the printing topics in Formatting and Distributing and Viewing Reports.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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