Sample data - Xtreme.mdb

Seagate Crystal Reports comes with Xtreme.mdb, a sample database you can use when learning the program. Xtreme.mdb is a Microsoft Access database and all of the necessary drivers are included. You should be able to open the database directly and begin designing reports. Virtually all of the examples in this manual are based on Xtreme.mdb data.

Xtreme.mdb is a database that contains data for Xtreme Mountain Bikes, a fictitious manufacturer of mountain bikes and accessories. The database includes the following tables:

Xtreme.mdb also includes:

Note:    The sample data has been designed to illustrate various reporting concepts in a training environment, not to teach database design. While there are alternative ways of designing a database, this design was selected to keep the tutorials and examples focused on reporting, not on data manipulation.

Seagate Software, Inc.
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