Attribute VB_Name = "modPrintOut_Sample" Option Explicit Public Sub Draw_APTT() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_APTT.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalAddr, "" ShowReportViewer False, "APTT Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Crossmatching() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_Crossmatch.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Crossmatch Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_FlowCytometry() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_FlowCytometry.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Flowcytometry Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_HLA_Screening() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_HLA_Screening.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "HLA Antibody Screening Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_HLA_Specific() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_HLA_Specific.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "HLA Antibody Specific Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_CYA() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_CYA.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "CYA Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_CS() OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_CS.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ "", sHospitalAddr OpenSubReport "Antibiotic", "LABORATORY", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Kirby - Bauer Method", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Histopath() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_Histopath.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "", "X", "False" ShowReportViewer False, "Surgical Pathology / Cytology Report", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_PreFormattedExams() OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_PreFormattedExams.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" OpenSubReport "ShortForm.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "NormalValueFormat.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "ConversionFactor.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "SpecificColumn1.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "SpecificColumn2.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" ShowReportViewer False, "Department of Laboratory Medicine", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_StoneAnalysis() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_StoneAnalysis.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Stone Analysis", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Urinalysis() OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_Urinalysis.RPT", "LABORATORY", sHospitalAddr, "" ShowReportViewer False, "", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Widal() OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_Widal.RPT", "LABORATORY", sHospitalAddr, "" ShowReportViewer False, "", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_StoolExam() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_StoneAnalysis.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Stone Analysis Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Stool() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_StoolExam.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalAddr, "" ShowReportViewer False, "Stool Analysis Result", True End Sub Public Sub Draw_Chemistry(Optional mSampleNum As String = "") ' If gblRequestInfo.strLabSectionID = "CCH" Then ' OpenMainReport App.Path & "\cch-qf-004.RPT", "LABORATORY", strCSNumber, mSampleNum, sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr ' ShowReportViewer False, "Clinical Chemistry Result", False ' ElseIf gblRequestInfo.strLabSectionID = "HEM" Then ' OpenMainReport App.Path & "\hem-qf-001.RPT", "LABORATORY", strCSNumber, mSampleNum, sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr ' ShowReportViewer False, "Hematology Result", False ' End If End Sub Public Sub Draw_Papsmear() OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_Papsmear.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Department of Laboratory Medicine", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_PreFormats(strFormType As String) ' If strFormType = "P" And gblRequestInfo.strLabSectionID = "FLW" Then ' OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_Campath.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ ' sHospitalAddr, "", "1" ' OpenSubReport "mm3", "LABORATORY", "", "1" ' Else ' If strFormType = "2" And gblRequestInfo.strLabSectionID = "CEL" Then ' OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_Interpretation.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ ' sHospitalAddr, "", "1" ' Else OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_PreFormattedExams.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" OpenSubReport "ShortForm.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "NormalValueFormat.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "ConversionFactor.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "SpecificColumn1.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "SpecificColumn2.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" OpenSubReport "NormalValueRangeFormat.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "1" ' End If ' End If ShowReportViewer False, "Department of Laboratory Medicine", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Lupus() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_Lupus.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "CYA Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_NormalValueFormat(Optional mSampleNum As String = "") OpenMainReport App.Path & "\HEM-QF-001.rpt", "LABORATORY", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Hematology Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_WithNormalValue() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_With_NormalValues.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalAddr, "" OpenSubReport "Conversion", "LABORATORY", "" OpenSubReport "SI", "LABORATORY", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Laboratory Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_Fecalysis(strValueType As String) If strValueType = "F" Then OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_FecalOccult.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" Else OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_Fecalysis.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalAddr, "" End If ShowReportViewer False, "Clinical Microscopy Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_WithCutOff() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_WithCutOff.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalAddr, "" ShowReportViewer False, "Laboratory Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_ShortFormWithRemarks() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_ShortFormWIthRemark.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "", "1" ShowReportViewer False, "Laboratory Result", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_WithInterpretation() OpenMainReport App.Path & "\LabPrint_WithInterpretation.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalName, sHospitalAddr, "", "", "" ShowReportViewer False, "Laboratory Result With Interpretation", False End Sub Public Sub Draw_SemenAnalysis() OpenMainReport App.Path + "\LabPrint_SemenAnalysis.RPT", "LABORATORY", _ sHospitalAddr, "" ShowReportViewer False, "Semen Analysis Report", False End Sub