Attribute VB_Name = "modMain" Option Explicit Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Public Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long Public Type ColumnValues NormalMinValue As String NormalMaxValue As String DescriptiveNormalMinValue As String DescriptiveNormalMaxValue As String DescriptiveNormalValue As String siUnit As String cuUnit As String ConversionFactor As String Remarks As String PromptData As String NormalMinConventional As String NormalMaxConventional As String End Type 'Type GridRow ' coExamType As ExamFormTypes ' strRowData() As String ' blnEnabled As Boolean 'End Type Global clsAssess As New clsAssessInfo Global Const coCapitalize = 1 Global Const coNumericOnly = 2 Global Const coPositiveNumericOnly = 3 'Global ExamRow() As GridRow 'Global OutPatientSearcher As Object 'New RadioSearch.clsRadioSearch Global CurrentUser As Object 'As MEDSYS_User.clsCurrentUser Global VerifyExam As Object 'As New VerifyDll.clsDataEntry Global ExamEntry As Object 'As New ResultEntry.clsDataEntry Global Searcher As Object 'Global KeyPress As Object Global Patient As Object Global LSearch As Object Global fosScript As Object Global LabUser As Object Global Discount As New clsComputeDiscount 'Global LabDLL As New prjLabCharging.clsAllInfo Global SearchRequests As New clsSearchRequests Global gblControlNum As String Global gblFormType As String 'Global ADODBResult As New ADODB.Recordset Global ColumnHeaderRecord As ColumnValues Global DBENtry As New ADODB.Recordset Global conLaboratory As New ADODB.Connection Global getDateSetting As New clsDateSettings Global blnCancelMode As Boolean Global blnProcPosted As Boolean Global booSelected As Boolean Global blnCashMode As Boolean Global blnExamWithReagent As Boolean Global booAllowSearch As Boolean Global booAllowHLT As Boolean Global blnWithFreeHemoLab As Boolean Global blnWithSurcharge As Boolean Global blnMyLabSearched As Boolean Global MyLabSearch As Variant Global lngSelectedResultNum As Long Global strPrevExamFormType As String Global strCurrSectionID As String Global strCurrSectionName As String Global StrStartDate As String Global StrEndDate As String Global strYear As String Global strDivisionCode As String Global strDivision As String Global strSemester As String Global sHospitalName As String Global strClientName As String 'Gonzalo, 04212010 Global sAllowWalkInEntry As String 'Gonzalo, 04212010 Global sHospitalAddr As String Global sCompanyName As String Global sMtsServer As String Global sTinNum As String Global sPhoneNum As String Global strReportType As String Global strMode As String Global OutPatient As New clsOutpatientSearch Global ExamInfo As New clsLoadExam Global GetServerSetting As New clsGetSettings Global mRefnum As New ClassRefNum Global GetPatientInfo As New clsGetPatientInfo Global GetPatientRequestInfo As New clsGetPXRequestInfo Public ReturnVal As String Global strHostName As String Public clsLoadExam As New clsLoadExam Global dblTime As Double 'REAGENT VARIABLES 'LR182006 /BSL Global gblReagentsRevID As String Global gblLocationId As String Global gblEmployeeCode As String Global ListDrugs As Object Global DrugInfo As Object Global iBonzi As String 'User Rights Global gblDivisionId As String Global gblSectionId As String Global gblClerk As Boolean Global gblClearRevenueCode As String Global gblCanVerifyResults As Boolean Public Report As CRAXDRT.Report Public chk_Codes As Lab_codes Public chk_ADD As Detect_ADD Global blnInquire As Boolean 'differentiate results for inquiry or editing, refer frmEditResult Global strReportSectionID As String 'variable for storing laboratory section id alloted for reports.... gonzalo 'for markup, gonzalo, 09012010 Global blnHoliday As Boolean Global blnTime As Boolean Dim rRec As New ADODB.Recordset Global CommType As Integer 'MarkUp Options, Gonzalo, 06142011 Global iExStat As String Global iExBeyond As String Global iExER As String Global iExHoliday As String Global blnAllowWalkIn As Boolean Global blnShowAgent As Boolean Global blnNotifyCashCom As Boolean Global blnNotifyRequest As Boolean Global blnAutoLock As Boolean Global gblAutoLockTime As String Global gblStatOnSurcharge As Boolean Global gblEnableIPDRequest As Boolean Global gblEnableOPDRequest As Boolean Global gblEnableCashAssess As Boolean Public Enum Lab_codes Browse_Ova = 1 Browse_Antibiotic = 2 Browse_Amoeba = 3 Browse_Specimen = 4 Browse_Section = 5 End Enum Public Enum Detect_ADD Add_Ok = 1 Save_Ok = 2 End Enum Public Enum SearchType O1_LabExam = 1 O2_Specimen = 2 O3_Company = 3 O4_LabNValues = 4 O5_LabExamSpecimen = 5 O6_LabDoctor = 6 O7_LabFormFormats = 7 O8_LabReagents = 8 O10_LabAgeValues = 10 O11_LabExamReagents = 11 O27_LabMachines = 27 End Enum Function GetDateToday() As String Dim recGetDate As New ADODB.Recordset Dim pdCurDate As String If recGetDate.State > 0 Then recGetDate.Close recGetDate.Open "Select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101) as DateToday", CurrentUser.SQLConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly pdCurDate = recGetDate!DateToday If recGetDate.State > 0 Then recGetDate.Close GetDateToday = pdCurDate End Function Sub FadeForm(frm As Form, Red%, Green%, Blue%) Dim SaveScale%, SaveStyle%, SaveRedraw% Dim i&, j&, x&, Y&, pixels% 'Save current settings. SaveScale = frm.ScaleMode SaveStyle = frm.DrawStyle SaveRedraw = frm.AutoRedraw 'Paint screen. frm.ScaleMode = 3 pixels = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY x = pixels / 64# + 0.5 frm.DrawStyle = 5 frm.AutoRedraw = True For j = 0 To pixels Step x Y = 240 - 245 * j \ pixels 'can tweak this to preference. If Y < 0 Then Y = 0 'just in case Line(Flags As Integer, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, X2 As Single, Y2 As Single, Color As Long) frm.Line (-2, j - 2)-(Screen.Width + 2, j + _ x + 3), RGB(-Red * Y, -Green * Y, -Blue * Y), BF Next j 'Reset to previous settings. frm.ScaleMode = SaveScale frm.DrawStyle = SaveStyle frm.AutoRedraw = SaveRedraw End Sub Public Function HolidayGreeting() As String On Error GoTo Error_Trap: Dim recS As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strGreeting As String recS.Open "Build_File..global_HolidayTagging", CurrentUser.SQLConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If recS.RecordCount <= 0 Then blnHoliday = False Else blnHoliday = True strGreeting = recS!HolidayGreeting & "" If Len(strGreeting) = 0 Then strGreeting = "Today is " & recS!HolidayName & "." End If End If recS.Close Set recS = Nothing If Not blnHoliday Then If IsSunday Then strGreeting = "Today is Sunday." Else strGreeting = "" End If End If HolidayGreeting = strGreeting Exit Function Error_Trap: blnHoliday = False HolidayGreeting = "" End Function Public Function IsSunday() As Boolean Dim recS As New ADODB.Recordset Dim intWeekDay As Integer recS.Open "select datepart(weekday, GETDATE()) as wd", CurrentUser.SQLConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic intWeekDay = recS!WD recS.Close Set recS = Nothing If intWeekDay = 1 Then IsSunday = True Else IsSunday = False End If End Function Function MarkedUpPrice(LabExamID As String, Amount As Double, PatientType As String) As Double If getDateSetting.WithSurcharge(LabExamID, PatientType) = True Then clsLoadExam.LoadExam LabExamID MarkedUpPrice = (CDbl(Amount) * (CDbl(clsLoadExam.MarkupPercentage) / 100)) + CDbl(Amount) blnWithSurcharge = True Else MarkedUpPrice = Format(Amount, "0.00") blnWithSurcharge = False ' clsLoadExam.LoadExam LabExamID ' MarkedUpPrice = (CInt(Amount) * (CInt(clsLoadExam.MarkupPercentage) / 100)) + CInt(Amount) ' blnWithSurcharge = False End If ' MarkedUpPrice = Format(Amount, "0.00") ' blnWithSurcharge = False End Function Function Same_Heading(strFormType As String) As Boolean Same_Heading = False Select Case strFormType Case "0", "6", "8", "9", "11" Select Case strPrevExamFormType Case "0", "6", "8", "9", "11" Same_Heading = True End Select Case "14", "15" Select Case strPrevExamFormType Case "14", "15" Same_Heading = True End Select Case "1", "2" Select Case strPrevExamFormType Case "1", "2" Same_Heading = True End Select End Select End Function Function GetFormType(strFormType As String) As String Dim intNum As Integer Select Case strFormType Case "1": intNum = 0 '*** normal value w/o conversion factor Case "2": intNum = 1 '*** short form Case "3": intNum = 2 '*** paragraph form w/ specimen Case "4": intNum = 3 '*** specific format Case "5": intNum = 4 '*** with cut off value Case "6": intNum = 5 '*** paragraph form w/ partial entry Case "7": intNum = 6 '*** normal range value Case "8": intNum = 7 '*** normal value w/ conversion factor Case "0": intNum = 8 '*** normal value accdg to age Case "A": intNum = 9 '*** normal value w/ open range Case "B": intNum = 10 '*** nv range w/ conversion factor Case "C": intNum = 11 '*** short form w/ nv but w/o conversion factor Case "K": intNum = 12 '*** combination of numeric & character Case "F": intNum = 13 '*** abused drug assay 'Case "H": intNum = 14 '*** dati ay X Case "Z": intNum = 15 '*** non-gynelogic cytology form Case "X": intNum = 14 '*** histopath form Case "N": intNum = 20 '*** NV Range w/ Convertion Factor End Select If strFormType = "P" Then GetFormType = "P" '*** profile ElseIf strFormType = "H" Or Len(strFormType) = 0 Then GetFormType = "H" ElseIf strFormType = "J" Then GetFormType = "J" '*** C&S Exam Else GetFormType = Trim(Str(intNum)) End If End Function Function Get_ResultTable(strExamType As String, strLDES As String) As String Get_ResultTable = "" Select Case strExamType Case "0": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB1" Case "1": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB2" Case "2": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB7" Case "3": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB18" Case "4": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB16" Case "5": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB15" Case "6": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB21" Case "7": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB1" Case "8": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB16" Case "9": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB1" Case "10": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB1" Case "11": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB1" Case "12": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB1" Case "13": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB18" Case "14": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB12" Case "15": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB13" Case "P" Select Case strLDES Case "LDES0": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB14" Case "LDES9": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB11" Case "LDES7": Get_ResultTable = "tbLAB12" End Select 'Case "H" End Select End Function Function Result_Database(strFormType As String, strRequestNum As String, strLABDesc As String) As ADODB.Recordset ' Set Result_Database = ADODBResult ' Result_Database.CursorLocation = adUseClient ' MsgBox "FORMTYPE=" & GetFormType(strFormType) & " Select * from " & Get_ResultTable(GetFormType(strFormType), strLABDesc) & " Where " & strRequestNum & "=RequestNum" ' Result_Database.Open "Select * from " & Get_ResultTable(GetFormType(strFormType), strLABDesc) & " Where " & strRequestNum & "=RequestNum", conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly End Function Function Get_ColumnValue(strExamID As String, strPatientSex As String, strMethod As String) As ColumnValues Dim DBCol As New ADODB.Recordset DBCol.CursorLocation = adUseClient If blnExamWithReagent Then DBCol.Open "laboratory..LAB_Get_ReagentExamValues '" & strExamID & "','" & strMethod & "'", _ conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Else DBCol.Open "laboratory..LAB_Get_ExamValues '" & strExamID & "'", conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly End If If Not (DBCol.EOF And DBCol.BOF) Then Get_ColumnValue.cuUnit = DBCol!ConversionUnit & "" Get_ColumnValue.siUnit = DBCol!Unit & "" Get_ColumnValue.ConversionFactor = DBCol!ConversionFactor & "" If Not blnExamWithReagent Then If strPatientSex = "M" Then Get_ColumnValue.DescriptiveNormalValue = DBCol!DescriptiveMinValue & "" Else Get_ColumnValue.DescriptiveNormalValue = DBCol!DescriptiveMaxValue & "" End If Get_ColumnValue.Remarks = DBCol!Remarks & "" Get_ColumnValue.PromptData = DBCol!PromptData & "" Get_ColumnValue.DescriptiveNormalMinValue = DBCol!DescriptiveMinValue & "" '01/27/2002 Get_ColumnValue.DescriptiveNormalMaxValue = DBCol!DescriptiveMaxValue & "" End If If strPatientSex = "M" Then Get_ColumnValue.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!MaleMaxValue & "" Get_ColumnValue.NormalMinValue = DBCol!MaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And Not DBCol!ConversionFactor = 0 Then Get_ColumnValue.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "0.000") Get_ColumnValue.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "0.000") End If Else Get_ColumnValue.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue & "" Get_ColumnValue.NormalMinValue = DBCol!FeMaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And DBCol!ConversionFactor <> 0 Then Get_ColumnValue.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "0.000") Get_ColumnValue.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "0.000") End If End If End If DBCol.Close End Function Function Get_ColumnValueByAge(strExamID As String, intAge As Integer, strMethod As String) As ColumnValues Dim DBCol As New ADODB.Recordset DBCol.CursorLocation = adUseClient If blnExamWithReagent Then DBCol.Open "laboratory..LAB_Get_ReagentExamValues '" & strExamID & "','" & strMethod & "'", conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Else DBCol.Open "laboratory..LAB_Get_ExamValues '" & strExamID & "'", conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly End If If Not (DBCol.EOF And DBCol.BOF) Then Get_ColumnValueByAge.cuUnit = DBCol!ConversionUnit & "" Get_ColumnValueByAge.siUnit = DBCol!Unit & "" Get_ColumnValueByAge.ConversionFactor = DBCol!ConversionFactor & "" If Not blnExamWithReagent Then ' If strPatientSex = "M" Then ' Get_ColumnValueByAge.DescriptiveNormalValue = DBCol!DescriptiveMinValue & "" ' Else ' Get_ColumnValueByAge.DescriptiveNormalValue = DBCol!DescriptiveMaxValue & "" ' End If Get_ColumnValueByAge.Remarks = DBCol!Remarks & "" End If ' Get_ColumnValue.PromptData = DBCol!PromptData & "" If intAge > 17 Then Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!MaleMaxValue & "" Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMinValue = DBCol!MaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And DBCol!ConversionFactor <> 0 Then Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") End If Else Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue & "" Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMinValue = DBCol!FeMaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And DBCol!ConversionFactor <> 0 Then Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") Get_ColumnValueByAge.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") End If End If End If DBCol.Close End Function Function Save_Exam(strFormType As String, strLDES As String, vardata As Variant) As Boolean Dim strTable As String Dim strSQLQuery As String Dim strFields As String Dim intI As Integer Dim DBExamSave As New ADODB.Recordset Save_Exam = True strTable = Get_ResultTable(strFormType, strLDES) strSQLQuery = "Insert Into " & strTable & " " Select Case strFormType Case "0", "9", "10", "11", "12" strFields = "(RequestNum,Result1,Result2,Result3,Result4,Result5,Result6,NormalRangeValue,NormalRangeCValue,Remarks,FormType) " Case "1": strFields = "(RequestNum,Result,FormType) " Case "2": strFields = "(RequestNum, DEF, RES, ISOTOPE, DOSE, Volume) " Case "3", "13" strFields = "(RequestNum, RES1, RVALUE, Rema) " Case "4": strFields = "(RequestNum, Result1, Result2, Result3, Result4, Remarks) " Case "5": strFields = "(RequestNum, Res, Res1, FormType, Speciment) " Case "6": strFields = "(RequestNum, Result1, Remarks, FormType) " Case "8": strFields = "(RequestNum, Result1, Result2, Result3, Result4, Remarks, FormType) " Case "14": strFields = "(RequestNum, Result1, Result2, Result3, Result4, Result5, Result6, Result7, Result8, Result9," strFields = strFields + "Result10, Result11, Result12, Result13, Result14, Result15, Result16, Remarks, TmpRemarks, FormType) " Case "15" strFields = "(RequestNum, Tissue1, Tissue2, Tissue3, Res1, Final1, Final2, Final3, Final4, Final5, Final6, Final7, Final8, Final9) " Case "P" Select Case strLDES Case "LDES0" Case "LDES9" Case "LDES7" End Select End Select strFields = strFields + "Values (" For intI = 0 To UBound(vardata) strFields = strFields & "'" & Trim(vardata(intI)) & "'" If intI < UBound(vardata) Then strFields = strFields & "," Else strFields = strFields & ")" End If Next intI strSQLQuery = strSQLQuery & strFields MsgBox "QUERY: [" & strSQLQuery & "]" DBExamSave.Open strSQLQuery, conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly End Function 'Sub Write_PredefinedValues(grdResult As UserControl1, coExamType As ExamFormTypes) ' Dim intI As Integer ' ' With grdResult ' Select Case coExamType ' Case ABUSED_DRUG_ASSAY ' ' Case Histopath_Form ' ' Case Non_Gynecologic_Cytology_Form ' ' Case NORMAL_RANGE_VALUE ' ' Case NORMAL_VALUE_ACCORDING_TO_AGE ' ' Case NORMAL_VALUE_WITH_CONVERSION_FACTOR ' ' Case NORMAL_VALUE_WITH_OPEN_RANGE '***** 9 ' ' Case NORMAL_VALUE_WO_CONVERSION_FACTOR ' ' Case NV_RANGE_WITH_CONVERSION_FACTOR ' ' Case Paragraph_Form_With_Partial_Entry ' ' Case PARAGRAPH_FORM_WITH_SPECIMEN ' ' Case SHORT_FORM ' ' Case SHORTFORM_WNV_BUT_WOCFACTOR ' ' Case Specific_Format ' ' Case With_Cut_Off_Value ' ' End Select ' End With 'End Sub Function Get_ReagentColumnValue(strExamID As String, strPatientSex As String, strMethod As String) As ColumnValues Dim DBCol As New ADODB.Recordset DBCol.CursorLocation = adUseClient DBCol.Open "laboratory..LAB_Get_ReagentExamValues '" & strExamID & "','" & strMethod & "'", _ conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly If Not (DBCol.EOF And DBCol.BOF) Then Get_ReagentColumnValue.cuUnit = DBCol!ConversionUnit Get_ReagentColumnValue.siUnit = DBCol!Unit & "" Get_ReagentColumnValue.Remarks = DBCol!Remarks & "" Get_ReagentColumnValue.PromptData = DBCol!PromptData & "" Get_ReagentColumnValue.ConversionFactor = DBCol!ConversionFactor & "" If strPatientSex = "M" Then Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!MaleMaxValue & "" Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMinValue = DBCol!MaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And Not DBCol!ConversionFactor = 0 Then Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") End If Else Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue & "" Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMinValue = DBCol!FeMaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And DBCol!ConversionFactor <> 0 Then Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") Get_ReagentColumnValue.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") End If End If End If DBCol.Close End Function Function Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge(strExamID As String, intAge As Integer, strMethod As String) As ColumnValues Dim DBCol As New ADODB.Recordset DBCol.CursorLocation = adUseClient DBCol.Open "laboratory..LAB_Get_ReagentExamValues '" & strExamID & "','" & strMethod & "'", _ conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly If Not (DBCol.EOF And DBCol.BOF) Then Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.cuUnit = DBCol!ConversionUnit & "" Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.siUnit = DBCol!Unit & "" Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.ConversionFactor = DBCol!ConversionFactor If intAge > 17 Then Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!MaleMaxValue & "" Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMinValue = DBCol!MaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And DBCol!ConversionFactor <> 0 Then Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!MaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") End If Else Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxValue = DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue & "" Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMinValue = DBCol!FeMaleMinValue & "" If Not IsNull(DBCol!ConversionFactor) And DBCol!ConversionFactor <> 0 Then Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMinConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMinValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") Get_ReagentColumnValueByAge.NormalMaxConventional = Format(DBCol!FeMaleMaxValue / DBCol!ConversionFactor, "#####.###") End If End If End If DBCol.Close End Function Function InitDisplayWindow(intWhoCall As Integer, intStartColumn As Long, _ intNumCols As Long, intNumRows As Long, _ intNumFixCols As Long, intNumFixRows As Long, _ strFormat As String, strHelpTip As String, _ strColWidths As String, strRowHeights As String, _ strFormCaption As String) As Boolean Dim intILoop As Integer Dim intOLoop As Integer Dim strGrdOpt As String Dim intWhatRowCol As Integer Dim intI As Integer Dim strNum As String 'btDispCaller = intWhoCall 'btStartCol = intStartColumn With frmDisplayOutPatient '.Mode = intWhoCall .Caption = strFormCaption .lblTitle = strFormCaption & " " .lblSTitle = strFormCaption & " " .grdDispWindow.Cols = intNumCols .grdDispWindow.Rows = intNumRows .grdDispWindow.FixedCols = intNumFixCols .grdDispWindow.FixedRows = intNumFixRows .grdDispWindow.FormatString = strFormat .lblHelpTip.Caption = strHelpTip For intOLoop = 1 To 2 If intOLoop = 1 Then strGrdOpt = strColWidths Else strGrdOpt = strRowHeights End If intWhatRowCol = 0: intI = 1 For intILoop = 1 To Len(strGrdOpt) If Mid(strGrdOpt, intILoop, 1) = "," Then strNum = Mid(strGrdOpt, intI, intILoop - intI) If strNum <> "," Then If intOLoop = 1 Then .grdDispWindow.ColWidth(intWhatRowCol) = Val(strNum) Else .grdDispWindow.RowHeight(intWhatRowCol) = Val(strNum) End If End If intWhatRowCol = intWhatRowCol + 1 intI = intILoop + 1 intILoop = intI End If Next intILoop Next intOLoop End With End Function Public Function GetFormCode(ValueType As String, FormType As String) As String GetFormCode = "" If rRec.State > 0 Then rRec.Close rRec.CursorLocation = adUseClient rRec.Open "Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabGetFormatCode ('" & ValueType & "','" & FormType & "') as Code", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If rRec.RecordCount > 0 Then GetFormCode = IIf(rRec!Code = 0, "", rRec!Code) End If If rRec.State > 0 Then rRec.Close Set rRec = Nothing End Function Public Function FreeLab(HospNum As String, ItemCode As String) As String FreeLab = False ' If rRec.State > 0 Then rRec.Close ' rRec.CursorLocation = adUseClient ' rRec.Open "Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabIsFreeLab ('" & HospNum & "','" & ItemCode & "') as FreeLab", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly ' If rRec.RecordCount > 0 Then ' FreeLab = rRec!FreeLab ' End If ' If rRec.State > 0 Then rRec.Close ' Set rRec = Nothing End Function Public Function CalcAge(DateOfBirth As String) As String Dim rRec As New ADODB.Recordset Dim sAge As String sAge = 0 DateOfBirth = IIf(Len(DateOfBirth) = 0, Date, DateOfBirth) If rRec.State > 0 Then rRec.Close rRec.CursorLocation = adUseClient rRec.Open "Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabComputeAge ('" & CDate(DateOfBirth) & "','" & GetServerDate & "') as Age", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If rRec.RecordCount > 0 Then sAge = rRec!Age & "" End If If rRec.State > 0 Then rRec.Close Set rRec = Nothing CalcAge = sAge End Function 'Public Function CalcAge1(datEmpDateofBirth As String) As Integer 'If Len(datEmpDateofBirth) > 0 Then ' If Not IsNull(datEmpDateofBirth) Then ' CalcAge1 = Int(DateDiff("y", IIf(datEmpDateofBirth = "__/__/____", Date, datEmpDateofBirth), Date) \ 365.25) ' End If 'Else ' CalcAge1 = "0" 'End If 'End Function Function CheckExams(intRow As Integer, strCode As String, strFormName As Form) As Boolean Dim intR As Integer Dim blnResult As Boolean Dim intPrevRow As Integer Dim strItemCode As String blnResult = False intPrevRow = intRow With strFormName.grdInput For intR = 1 To .Rows - 1 '.Row = intR: .Col = 1 If intR <> intRow Then If strCode = .Get_CellText(intR, 1) Then blnResult = True Exit For End If End If Next intR .Row = intPrevRow End With CheckExams = blnResult End Function Function CheckExamsNew(intRow As Integer, strCode As String, strFormName As Form) As Boolean Dim intR As Integer Dim blnResult As Boolean Dim intPrevRow As Integer Dim strItemCode As String blnResult = False intPrevRow = intRow With strFormName.grdNewInput For intR = 1 To .Rows - 1 '.Row = intR: .Col = 1 If intR <> intRow Then If strCode = .Get_CellText(intR, 1) Then blnResult = True Exit For End If End If Next intR .Row = intPrevRow End With CheckExamsNew = blnResult End Function Function spGetCSlip() As String Dim rec As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strRefNum As String conLaboratory.Execute "UPDATE Laboratory..tbLabSlip SET chargeslip = chargeslip + 1" rec.Open "Laboratory..Lab_Get_Chargeslip", _ conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If Not rec.EOF Then strRefNum = "C" + Trim(Str(rec!ChargeSlip)) + "L" End If rec.Close spGetCSlip = strRefNum End Function Function spGetMedTech() As String Dim recEmp As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strFName As String Dim strMName As String Dim strLName As String Dim strTitle As String Dim strPosition As String If recEmp.State > 0 Then recEmp.Close recEmp.CursorLocation = adUseClient recEmp.Open "Laboratory..Lab_GetMedTech '" & CurrentUser.Employeecode & "'", _ conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If recEmp.RecordCount > 0 Then spGetMedTech = IIf(IsNull(recEmp!Medtech), "", recEmp!Medtech) Else spGetMedTech = "" End If If recEmp.State > 0 Then recEmp.Close End Function Public Sub OpenMainReport(ByVal strReportFileName As String, strDatabaseName As String, ParamArray strParameters()) On Error GoTo Error_Trap: Dim crxParameterField As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition Dim intCtr As Integer Dim intTotalParam As Integer Dim crxTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable Dim crxApplication As New CRAXDRT.Application Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim strFileLocation As String Dim vFilename As Variant strFileLocation = strReportFileName vFilename = Split(strFileLocation, "\") strReportFileName = App.Path & "\Reports\" & vFilename(UBound(vFilename)) If fso.FileExists(strReportFileName) = True Then intTotalParam = UBound(strParameters) If Not Report Is Nothing Then Set Report = Nothing Set Report = crxApplication.OpenReport(strReportFileName, 1) Report.ReportTitle = sHospitalName For Each crxTable In Report.Database.Tables crxTable.Location = strDatabaseName + Mid(crxTable.Location, InStr(1, crxTable.Location, ".")) crxTable.SetLogOnInfo CurrentUser.servername, strDatabaseName, CurrentUser.UserId, CurrentUser.serverpassword Next If intTotalParam >= 0 Then For Each crxParameterField In Report.ParameterFields If intTotalParam >= intCtr Then crxParameterField.AddCurrentValue strParameters(intCtr) Else Exit For End If intCtr = intCtr + 1 Next End If Set crxParameterField = Nothing Set crxTable = Nothing Set crxApplication = Nothing Else MsgBox """" + strReportFileName + """ is missing or has been deleted.", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If Call SaveAuditTrail(CurrentUser.Employeecode, "OPENED REPORT " & vFilename(UBound(vFilename))) Set fso = Nothing Exit Sub Error_Trap: MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation End Sub Public Sub OpenSubReport(ByVal strSubReport As String, strDatabaseName As String, ParamArray strParameters()) Dim crxParameterField As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition Dim intCtr As Integer Dim intTotalParam As Integer Dim crxTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable Dim crxSubreport As CRAXDRT.Report intTotalParam = UBound(strParameters) Set crxSubreport = Report.OpenSubReport(strSubReport) crxSubreport.ReportTitle = sHospitalName For Each crxTable In crxSubreport.Database.Tables crxTable.Location = strDatabaseName + Mid(crxTable.Location, InStr(1, crxTable.Location, ".")) crxTable.SetLogOnInfo CurrentUser.servername, strDatabaseName, CurrentUser.UserId, CurrentUser.serverpassword Next If intTotalParam >= 0 Then For Each crxParameterField In crxSubreport.ParameterFields If intTotalParam >= intCtr Then crxParameterField.AddCurrentValue strParameters(intCtr) Else Exit For End If intCtr = intCtr + 1 Next End If Set crxParameterField = Nothing Set crxTable = Nothing Set crxSubreport = Nothing End Sub Public Sub ShowReportViewer(Optional blnShowGroupTree As Boolean = False, Optional strCaption As String = "", Optional blnDirectToPrinter As Boolean = False) On Error GoTo Error_Trap: If blnDirectToPrinter Then Report.DisplayProgressDialog = False Report.PrintOut False Set Report = Nothing Else Dim frmRView As New frmReportViewer With frmRView .ShowGroupTree = blnShowGroupTree .Caption = strCaption .DirectPrint = blnDirectToPrinter .crViewer1.Zoom 1 .Show vbModal End With End If Exit Sub Error_Trap: Unload frmReportViewer End Sub Public Sub HighLight() With Screen.ActiveForm If (TypeOf .ActiveControl Is TextBox) Then .ActiveControl.SelStart = 0 .ActiveControl.SelLength = Len(.ActiveControl) End If End With End Sub Public Sub EmbossText(myForm As Form) Dim ctr As Integer For ctr = 1 To 4 Load myForm.lblHeader(ctr) myForm.lblHeader(ctr).Visible = True Next myForm.lblHeader(1).Left = myForm.lblHeader(0).Left - 10 myForm.lblHeader(1).Top = myForm.lblHeader(0).Top - 10 myForm.lblHeader(1).ForeColor = &H80000005 myForm.lblHeader(2).Left = myForm.lblHeader(0).Left + 10 myForm.lblHeader(2).Top = myForm.lblHeader(0).Top + 10 myForm.lblHeader(2).ForeColor = &HC0C0C0 myForm.lblHeader(3).Left = myForm.lblHeader(0).Left + 20 myForm.lblHeader(3).Top = myForm.lblHeader(0).Top + 20 myForm.lblHeader(3).ForeColor = &H80000012 End Sub Public Sub CheckForUpdate() If GetSetting("Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabResultEntry.DLL") = "" Then SaveSetting "Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabResultEntry.DLL", "" SaveSetting "Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabResultViewer.DLL", "" SaveSetting "Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabSearchCodes.DLL", "" SaveSetting "Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "HistopathRequest.DLL", "" Else If fosScript.FileExists(App.Path & "\LabResultEntry.dll") Then DllUpdate fosScript.GetFileVersion(App.Path & "\LabResultEntry.dll"), GetSetting("Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabResultEntry.DLL"), "LabResultEntry.DLL" If fosScript.FileExists(App.Path & "\LabResultViewer.dll") Then DllUpdate fosScript.GetFileVersion(App.Path & "\LabResultViewer.dll"), GetSetting("Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabResultViewer.DLL"), "LabResultViewer.DLL" If fosScript.FileExists(App.Path & "\LabSearchCodes.dll") Then DllUpdate fosScript.GetFileVersion(App.Path & "\LabSearchCodes.dll"), GetSetting("Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "LabSearchCodes.DLL"), "LabSearchCodes.DLL" If fosScript.FileExists(App.Path & "\HistopathRequest.dll") Then DllUpdate fosScript.GetFileVersion(App.Path & "\HistopathRequest.dll"), GetSetting("Laboratory", "DllUpdater", "HistopathRequest.DLL"), "HistopathRequest.DLL" End If End Sub Public Sub DllUpdate(fileVer As String, RegVer As String, dllFileName As String) Dim mFileVer As Variant Dim mRegVer As Variant Dim ctr As Integer Dim temp As String Dim canUpdate As Boolean canUpdate = False mFileVer = Split(fileVer, ".") mRegVer = Split(RegVer, ".") For ctr = 0 To 3 If Val(mFileVer(ctr)) > Val(mRegVer(ctr)) Then canUpdate = True ctr = 3 End If Next ctr If canUpdate Then Shell "regsvr32 " & Chr(34) & App.Path & "\" & dllFileName & Chr(34) & " /s", vbHide SaveSetting "Laboratory", "DllUpdater", dllFileName, fileVer End If End Sub Public Function HGridFormat(Grid As MSHFlexGrid, Columns As Integer, HeadingsString As String) Dim intI As Integer Dim intJ As Integer Dim intPointer As Integer Dim strHeading As String Grid.RowPosition(0) = 0 Grid.Cols = Columns intPointer = 0 For intI = 1 To Columns - 1 Grid.Col = intI strHeading = "" intPointer = intPointer + 1 For intJ = intPointer To Len(HeadingsString) intPointer = intJ If Mid$(HeadingsString, intPointer, 1) = "?" Then Grid.TextMatrix(0, Grid.Col) = strHeading Exit For Else strHeading = strHeading + Mid$(HeadingsString, intPointer, 1) End If Next intJ Next intI End Function Public Sub MyFormatStringH(Grid1 As MSHFlexGrid, FormatString As String) Dim intI As Integer Dim intJ As Integer intJ = -1 For intI = 1 To Len(FormatString) Select Case Mid$(FormatString, intI, 1) Case ">", "<", "^" intJ = intJ + 1 If intJ <= Grid1.Cols - 1 Then Select Case Mid$(FormatString, intI, 1) Case "<" Grid1.ColAlignment(intJ) = 1 Case ">" Grid1.ColAlignment(intJ) = 7 Case "^" Grid1.ColAlignment(intJ) = 4 End Select End If End Select Next intI End Sub Public Function Check_Clearance(IdNum As String) As Boolean Dim recClear As New ADODB.Recordset Check_Clearance = False If recClear.State > 0 Then recClear.Close recClear.CursorLocation = adUseClient recClear.Open "Laboratory..Lab_CheckClearance '" & IdNum & "', '" & gblClearRevenueCode & "'", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If recClear.RecordCount > 0 Then Check_Clearance = True End If If recClear.State > 0 Then recClear.Close End Function Public Function Search(SearchType As SearchType, SearchCriteria As String, Optional SearchCriteria2 As String = "") As Variant Dim mySearch As Variant Dim strType As String blnMyLabSearched = True mySearch = LSearch.showSearchForm(SearchType, SearchCriteria, SearchCriteria2) Select Case SearchType Case 1: strType = mySearch.LabExam Case 2: strType = mySearch.Specimen Case 3: strType = mySearch.Company Case 5: strType = mySearch.ExamSpecimen Case 7: strType = mySearch.Description Case 8: strType = mySearch.reagent Case 10: strType = mySearch.Age Case 27: strType = mySearch.Code End Select If Len(strType) <> 0 Then Search = mySearch Else blnMyLabSearched = False End If ' Set mySearch = Nothing End Function Public Function CheckPending(IdNum As String) As Boolean Dim recPending As New ADODB.Recordset CheckPending = False If recPending.State > 0 Then recPending.Close recPending.CursorLocation = adUseClient recPending.Open "LABORATORY..Lab_CheckWithPending '" & Trim$(IdNum) & "','LB'", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If recPending.RecordCount > 0 Then If recPending!Total > 0 Then CheckPending = True End If If recPending.State > 0 Then recPending.Close Set recPending = Nothing End Function Function PatientWithVerifiedResult(IdNum As String, CanView As Integer) As Boolean Dim recAccess As New ADODB.Recordset PatientWithVerifiedResult = False With recAccess If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open "Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabPatientWithVerifiedResult('" & IdNum & "', '" & CanView & "') as WithVerified", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If .RecordCount > 0 Then PatientWithVerifiedResult = !WithVerified End If If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Set recAccess = Nothing End Function Function CSWithVerifiedResult(CSNum As String, CanView As Integer) As Boolean Dim recAccess As New ADODB.Recordset CSWithVerifiedResult = False With recAccess If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open "Select Laboratory.dbo.fn_LabWithVerifiedResultCS('" & CSNum & "', '" & CanView & "') as WithVerified", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If .RecordCount > 0 Then CSWithVerifiedResult = !WithVerified End If If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Set recAccess = Nothing End Function Function ComputeStatFee(Amount As Double, strLabExamId As String) As Double Dim MarkupPercentage As Double ExamInfo.LoadExam strLabExamId MarkupPercentage = ExamInfo.MarkupPercentage ComputeStatFee = CDbl(Amount) + ((CDbl(MarkupPercentage) / 100)) * CDbl(Amount) '((CDbl(Amount) + StatFeeMarkUp)) 'updated by jetty ' ComputeStatFee = (CInt(Amount) + CInt(MarkupPercentage)) End Function Public Sub UpCase(KeyAsc As Integer) With Screen.ActiveForm If (TypeOf .ActiveControl Is TextBox Or TypeOf .ActiveControl Is ComboBox) Then KeyAsc = Asc(UCase$(Chr$(KeyAsc))) End If End With End Sub Public Function Get_OPDRateType(strIDN As String) As String Dim recIDN As New ADODB.Recordset Get_OPDRateType = "" If recIDN.State > 0 Then recIDN.Close recIDN.Open "PATIENT_DATA..sp_Get_OPD_Classification '" & Trim$(strIDN) & "'", conLaboratory, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly If Not (recIDN.EOF Or recIDN.BOF) Then Get_OPDRateType = recIDN!RateType & "" Else If Left(Trim(strIDN), 1) = "T" Then Get_OPDRateType = "A" End If End If If recIDN.State > 0 Then recIDN.Close Set recIDN = Nothing End Function Public Function Check_IfSpecialHMO(strRIDNum As String) As String Dim recOpen As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim strHMO As String strSQL = "select Radiology.dbo.fn_Radio_CheckIfSpecialHMO ('" & Trim$(strRIDNum) & "') as HMO" If IsIdNumNumeric(strRIDNum) = True Then Exit Function With recOpen If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open strSQL, conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .RecordCount > 0 Then Check_IfSpecialHMO = !HMO & "" End If End With ' If strRate = "G" Then ' If strGrevenueid = "XR" Then ' Check_IfSpecialHMO = strRate ' ElseIf strGrevenueid = "US" Then ' Check_IfSpecialHMO = strRate ' Else ' Check_IfSpecialHMO = "" ' End If ' ElseIf strRate = "F" Then ' If strGrevenueid = "XR" Then ' Check_IfSpecialHMO = strRate ' Else ' Check_IfSpecialHMO = "" ' End If ' Else ' Check_IfSpecialHMO = "" ' End If End Function Public Function GetRates(ItemID As String, Rate As String) As Double Dim recOpen As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim strRate As Double strSQL = "Radiology..Radio_SpecialHMORates '" & ItemID & "','LB','" & Rate & "'" With recOpen If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open strSQL, conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .RecordCount > 0 Then strRate = !Rate & "" End If End With GetRates = strRate End Function Public Sub AppendStockCard(strHospNum As String, _ strIdNum As String, _ strItemId As String, _ strTransDate As String, _ strRefNum As String, _ dblQuantity As Double, _ dblQuantityRec As Double, _ dblAmount As Double, _ strUserID As String, _ strDosageID As String, _ strRequestByID As String, _ strLocationID As String, _ strTargetLocationID As String, _ strRoomId As String, intShift As Integer, _ Optional strRevenueID As Variant = "PH", _ Optional strSummaryCode As String = "PH", _ Optional strClinicID As String = "", _ Optional strItemType As String = "D", _ Optional strRemark As String = "", _ Optional strRequestNumber As String = "", _ Optional strInOut As String = "I", _ Optional intCommunication As Integer = 0, _ Optional intPostOrReturn As Integer = 1, _ Optional strCreditMemoNum As String = "", _ Optional intDispenserCode As Integer = 0, Optional strCashName As String = "", Optional strSequence As String = "", Optional datReportDate As String, Optional intSenior As Integer = 0, Optional strAcctNum As String = "", Optional strCashAddress As String = "", Optional strCashDoctor As String = "") Dim recAppendStockCard As New ADODB.Recordset ' On Error GoTo AppendStockCardErr With recAppendStockCard .Open "Inventory.dbo.Drug_AddStockCard '" & strSummaryCode & "','" & _ strHospNum & "','" & _ strIdNum & "','" & _ strItemId & "','" & _ strTransDate & "','" & _ strRevenueID & "','" & _ strRefNum & "','" & _ dblQuantity & "','" & _ dblQuantityRec & "','" & _ dblAmount & "','" & _ strUserID & "','" & _ strDosageID & "','" & _ strClinicID & "','" & _ strItemType & "','" & _ strRequestByID & "','" & _ strLocationID & "','" & _ strTargetLocationID & "','" & strRoomId & "','" & _ strRemark & "','" & _ strRequestNumber & "','" & _ strInOut & "','" & _ intCommunication & "','" & _ intPostOrReturn & "','" & _ strCreditMemoNum & "','" & intDispenserCode & "','" & strCashName & "','" & strSequence & "','" & datReportDate & "','" & intShift & "','" & intSenior & "','" & strAcctNum & "','" & strCashAddress & "','" & strCashDoctor & "'", _ conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Set recAppendStockCard = Nothing Exit Sub AppendStockCardErr: ' Call RaiseError(MyUnhandledError, "Drug: AppendStockCard Method") End Sub Public Function Search_ChargeSlip(strChargeSlip As String) As Boolean Dim recCh As New ADODB.Recordset Search_ChargeSlip = False If recCh.State > 0 Then recCh.Close recCh.Open "Verifiy_Chargeslip '" & Trim$(strChargeSlip) & "'", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not recCh.EOF Then Search_ChargeSlip = True End If If recCh.State > 0 Then recCh.Close Set recCh = Nothing End Function Function GetServerDate() As Date Dim a As New ADODB.Recordset a.Open "SELECT getdate() as serverdate", _ conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly GetServerDate = a!serverdate a.Close Set a = Nothing End Function Function StatFeeMarkUp() As Double Dim recX As New ADODB.Recordset With recX If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open "select top 1 isnull(statmarkup,0) as statmarkup from laboratory..tblabsetup", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .RecordCount > 0 Then StatFeeMarkUp = Val(!StatMarkUp) Else StatFeeMarkUp = 0 End If If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Set recX = Nothing End Function Public Function ChangeAsc(KeyAscii As Integer) As Integer If KeyAscii = Asc("'") Then ChangeAsc = Asc("`") Else ChangeAsc = KeyAscii End If End Function Public Function ClientName() As String On Error GoTo Trapper Dim recX As New ADODB.Recordset With recX If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open "select top 1 clientName from patient_data..tbhospitalinfo", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .RecordCount > 0 Then ClientName = !ClientName & "" Else ClientName = "" End If If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Exit Function Trapper: ClientName = "" End Function '============================================================ ' Get Server Date and Time '============================================================ Public Function getDateTime(Optional strDate As String) As String On Error GoTo Error_Trap getDateTime = Format(strDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") Exit Function Error_Trap: MsgBox "Error: [" + Err.Description + "]", vbCritical, "modMain (Function GetSAC)" End End Function Public Sub CheckVerifyRights(EmployeeID As String) Dim recRights As New ADODB.Recordset recRights.Open "Select 1 From Laboratory..tbLabPasswordMain Where EmployeeID = '" & _ EmployeeID & "' and RightCode = 11", conLaboratory, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If Not recRights.EOF Then gblCanVerifyResults = True Else gblCanVerifyResults = False End If recRights.Close End Sub Public Function SurchargeExemptedForHemoPtx(strItemId As String) As Boolean '***This function will check if a procedure is tagged as exempted for surcharge ***' '***Exemption is exclusive for SCH Hemodialysis Outpatients ***' '***If tagged, the price will be based on RateB ***' '*** else the usual price and markup will be applied ***' On Error GoTo Error_Trap: Dim recHemo As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "" strSQL = "SELECT isnull(hemosurchargeexempted,0) as SurchargeExempted FROM Build_file..tbcolabexam " strSQL = strSQL + "WHERE LabexamId = '" & strItemId & "'" With recHemo If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open strSQL, conLaboratory, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly If .RecordCount > 0 Then If !SurchargeExempted = True Then SurchargeExemptedForHemoPtx = True Else SurchargeExemptedForHemoPtx = False End If Else SurchargeExemptedForHemoPtx = False End If If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Set recHemo = Nothing Exit Function Error_Trap: SurchargeExemptedForHemoPtx = False End Function Public Function StatOnSurcharge() As Boolean '*** This function will set requests on STAT if there is surcharge. ***' On Error GoTo Error_Trap: Dim recStat As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "select StatonSurcharge from Laboratory..tblabsetup" With recStat If .State > 0 Then .Close .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open strSQL, conLaboratory, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly If .RecordCount > 0 Then If !StatOnSurcharge = True Then StatOnSurcharge = True Else StatOnSurcharge = False End If Else StatOnSurcharge = True End If If .State > 0 Then .Close End With Set recStat = Nothing Exit Function Error_Trap: StatOnSurcharge = True End Function Public Sub SaveAuditTrail(UserId As String, Remarks As String) On Error Resume Next conLaboratory.Execute "BUILD_FILE..spBuild_LogUserUpdate '" & UserId & "','" & "LB" & "','" & _ Remarks & "'" End Sub Public Function IsIdNumNumeric(strIdNum As String) As Boolean If IsNumeric(Right(Trim$(strIdNum), 2)) = True Then IsIdNumNumeric = True Else IsIdNumNumeric = False End If End Function Public Function SaveAssessment(strPatientName As String, _ strItemId As Variant, _ dblAmount As Double, _ strUserID As String, _ strDate As String, _ intSequence As Integer, _ dblQuantity As Double, _ strDoctorid As String, _ strSpecimenId As String, _ strRush As String, _ strTransplant As String, _ strDialysis As String, _ strHospNum As String, _ strChargeSlip As String, _ strIdNum As String, _ strDoctorName As String, _ strProfId As String, _ dblProfFee As Double, _ intService As Integer, _ strBarcode As String, _ strRemarks As String) As String SaveAssessment = "Laboratory..LAB_AssessmentEntry '" & strPatientName _ & "','" & Trim$(strItemId) & "','" & CStr(dblAmount) & "','" _ & strUserID & "','" & CDate(strDate) & "','" & CStr(intSequence) & "','" _ & CStr(dblQuantity) & "','" & Trim$(strDoctorid) & "','','','" _ & strSpecimenId & "','" & strRush & "','" & strTransplant & "','" _ & strDialysis & "','" & Trim$(strHospNum) & "','" & strChargeSlip _ & "','" & Trim$(strIdNum) & "','LB','" & strDoctorName _ & "','" & Trim$(strProfId) & "','" & CStr(dblProfFee) & "','" _ & CStr(intService) & "','" & strBarcode & "','" & strRemarks & "'" End Function