Attribute VB_Name = "modExams" Option Explicit '*************** Laboratory Exam Class Variables **** Global strLabExamCode As String Global strLabExamAskFixRate As String Global strLabExamAskMedicareItem As String Global strLabExamDescription As String Global strLabExamResultDescription As String Global strLabExamSectionType As String Global strLabExamSectionCode As String Global strLabExamRateA As Double Global strLabExamRateB As Double Global strLabExamRateC As Double Global strLabExamRateD As Double Global strLabExamRateE As Double Global strLabExamRateF As Double Global strLabExamRateG As Double Global strLabExamShortName As String Global strLabExamRecordStatus As String Global strLabExamClassification As String Global strLabExamSummaryCode As String Global strLabExamCommon As String Function SearchLabExam(strDefault As String, intType As Integer) As Boolean SearchLabExam = True DBRec.CursorLocation = adUseClient DBRec.Open "global_SearchLabExam '" & strDefault & "','" & intType & "'", DBCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If DBRec.EOF And DBRec.BOF Then SearchLabExam = False Else Set frmDisplayWindow.grdDispWindow.DataSource = DBRec intTotalRec = DBRec.RecordCount End If DBRec.Close End Function Function FillLabExamProperties(strMainKey As String) As Boolean FillLabExamProperties = True DBRec.CursorLocation = adUseClient DBRec.Open "global_SearchLabExam '" & strMainKey & "','" & "0" & "'", DBCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If DBRec.EOF And DBRec.BOF Then FillLabExamProperties = False ElseIf DBRec.RecordCount = 1 Then strLabExamCode = DBRec!Code & "" strLabExamAskFixRate = DBRec!AskFixRate & "" strLabExamAskMedicareItem = DBRec!AskMedicareItem & "" strLabExamDescription = DBRec!Description & "" strLabExamResultDescription = DBRec!ResultDesc & "" strLabExamSectionType = DBRec!SectionType & "" strLabExamSectionCode = DBRec!SectionCode & "" strLabExamRateA = DBRec!RateA strLabExamRateB = DBRec!RateB strLabExamRateC = DBRec!RateC strLabExamRateD = DBRec!RateD strLabExamRateE = DBRec!RateE strLabExamRateF = DBRec!RateF strLabExamRateG = DBRec!RateG strLabExamShortName = DBRec!ShortName & "" strLabExamRecordStatus = DBRec!RecordStatus & "" strLabExamClassification = DBRec!Classification & "" strLabExamSummaryCode = DBRec!SummaryCode & "" strLabExamCommon = DBRec!Common & "" Else FillLabExamProperties = False End If DBRec.Close End Function