* Version - Addidtional feature: PT request is through remarks. (SLU) - Compiled new Exe. * VERSION - Adjusted Charge & Receivable for Dosage Entry as required field in entry if escape button has been pressed. - Added validation in upon saving. - COMPILE New Exe * VERSION - Adjusted Receivable Entry, added DosageID - COMPILED New Exe * VERSION - Added new switch for Dosage Searching & Entry in POST CHARGES Entry QUERY: INSERT INTO STATION..tbNurseSetup VALUES('CCUShowDosagePostMedicines','1','1','To Show DOSAGE or FREQUENCY searching in POST CHARGES Entry') - Adjusted StoredProcedure: [List_All_CCUCharges] , added DosageID - Quantity Value = Frequency of Selected Dosage - Compiled new exe for "Designer Widgets keep on prompting". * Remarks: it should be compiled in Windows XP - Replaced some codes CF4 to User.MEDSYSClasses.clsCF4 - COMPILED NEW Exe 04.12.2021 (SMB) * VERSION - Added fluid INPUT AND OUTPUT - Added International Pricing - Added new notification for new patients * VERSION - ported frmDoctor from Nicu - added user logs - added setting to show user logs - Compiled @ SLU 02/05/2020 * VERSION - Added dietCounselling - compiled * VERSION - Added BIR new ChargeSlip Format - COMPILED MT.CARMEL * VERSION - Fix: Non-medicine supplies included in PNF validation (Post Charges/Receivables) - COMPILED: VSS (03/06/2019) * VERSION - PNF validation - CF4 Entry - Discharge Entry - Transfer Location and Transfer Reason entries - One day validation (PHIC) - Updated function ValidateICD - * VERSION - New Setting: CCUAllowOpenCloseTank (01/29/2019) - To enable/disable opening/closing of oxygen tanks - Replaced old switch in tbHospitalInfo - Added user validation in discharge order - COMPILED: SLU (02/11/2019) * VERSION - Added setting to hide Server IP Address (01/25/2019) - COMPILED: SLU (01/25/2019) * VERSION - Fix: Can't add new row after deleting a row - Added .RowHeightMin = .RowHeight(1) on grid initilization - New Setting: PipeOXNoInitialCharge - to set no initial OX charge - Copied OX charging from Visual ICU - COMPILED: SLU BETA (12/14/2018) * VERSION - Fix: Prise List report not shown (UCMED) - COMPILED: UCMED (05/17/2018) * VERSION - New Report: Price List (UCMED) - COMPILED: UCMED (04/27/2018) * VERSION - Added setting to set mark up amount for portable XRAY assessment - COMPILED: UCMED (11/28/2017) * VERSION - Fix: HMO Rates not working on Post Charges and Receivable entry (11/23/2017) - COMPILED: PMSH (11/23/2017) * VERSION - Fix: Close Tank not appearing - COMPILED: PMPSH (11/22/2017) * VERSION - Compared forms with Visual ICU (11/16/2017) - New Settings: - EnableCCUHMORate - ChkUnpaidAssessDOrder - Disabled AllowCustomize property of toolbar1 to False so user can't add or remove buttons (11/22/2017) - Copied Oxygen Tank from Visual ICU (11/22/2017) - Added validation of admitting diagnosis when sending requests (10/28/2017) - for PMSH only - COMPILED: PMSH BETA (11/22/2017) * VERSION - New Setting: NurseHideCSPHRequestAmt (09/26/2017) - Hide column Amount in PH and CS request entries - Added validation of pending request in room transfer - Ported frmDischargeMenu from Visual ICU - Added setting DisableRoomTransferNotice - To allow Room Transfer request to Visual Admitting - requested by Majoy - COMPILED: UCMED (10/27/2017) * VERSION - Post Charges - New Setting: Get ICU rates (03/23/2017) - Clinical Assessment - Fix: Only first rown is being revoked - set form as modal form - COMPILED: UCMED (08/15/2017) * VERSION - Clinical Assessment - Added switch to get ICU Rates for clinical exams - requested by SIH - COMPILED: SIH (12/15/2016) * VERSION - Changed inventory room rate validation for inventory items (12/09/2016) - COMPILED: CARMONA (12/12/2016) * VERSION - Clinical Assessment - Added switch to require requesting doctor - requested by UCMED for Cardio processing - COMPILED: UCMED (12/08/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Pharmacy button loads CSR request entry - Variable strRevenueCode not declared - Enabled Option Explicit in form frmPharmacyRequest - COMPILED: UCMED (11/24/2016) * VERSION - Fix: "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed" when Cardio exam description is greater than 45 characters - COMPILED: UCMED (11/21/2016) * VERSION - Cash and Clinical Assessment (UCMED only) - Items under PH revenue code must get SellingPriceOut (Inpatient) - Rollback update on Assessment rate for inpatiet (11/19/2016) - No longer gets RateG but room rates (UCMED) - Added stock on hand validation on package charging - COMPILED: UCMED (11/19/2016) * VERSION - Package Charging (11/16/2016) - Added switch to disable mixing of packages and non-package items - Added validation if package already selected - Now: Only package name appear in charge slip and list of charges - Fix: Package code not saved in tbbilldailybill/tbbillopdailyout/tbinvstockcard - COMPILED: UCMED (11/16/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Patient's account not showing in the textbox field (11/14/2016) - Added trap for missing Main Menu1.jpg (11/14/2016) - Added traps (11/14/2016) - COMPILED: UCMED (11/14/2016) * VERSION - PH and CSR entries through keyboard shortcuts (11/11/2016) - Added validation of user rights - Added validation if patient is already cleared - Ported Returned Meds and Supplies from ICU (11/11/2016) - New forms: frmListPosted, frmReturnEntry - Added printing of request form for CS and PH - COMPILED: UCMED (11/11/2016) * VERSION - Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment (10/20/2016) - Added stock on hand validation - Post Charges - Added Ignore All button - Added switch to disable revoking of package items - Added switch to disable excluding and editing of package items - Set color red as cellbackground for package items - Added confirmation when closing the window - Fix: Text entry remains visible after selecting package - Cash Assessment/Clinical Assessment - Set RateG for assessment except LB inpatient - Minor text fixes - Minor text fixes - COMPILED: UCMED (11/02/2016) * VERSION - Compared with ICU module - Cash Assessment Entry (10/04/2016) - COMPILED: FTP (10/07/2016) * VERSION - Fix: "Can't show non-modal form" error when printing Medication Sheet - Fix: Hospital number appears in the place of Hospital Name in Medication Sheet - Fix: "Operation is not allowed when object is close" when searching supplies in Post Charges - Fix: Can still post charge supplies and request even without stock - Post Charges minor revisions - Added validation when closing post charges entry - Added validation of blank description or blank quantity when saving charges - Added validation if patient billed when saving charges - Added validation if patient already cleared when saving charges - Added validation of duplicate items when saving charges - Enabled entry of reason for request cancellation - Ported PH and CS entry from ICU - Includes stock on hand validation - Mainted Room menu now hidden - Clinical Assessment - Fix: Allows revoked assessment to be revoked again - Added validation of blank description or blank quantity when saving assessment - Added validation when closing Clinical Assessment entry - COMPILED: UCMED (09/30/2016) * VERSION - Added trim function of department code validation (09/26/2016) - Compared Receivable Entry to ICU (09/26/2016) - Changed chargeslip report - Enabled switch to disable printing of chargeslip - Added switch to include description of PH and CS items - Added Room Class Rate for PH and CS Supplies (Carmona) - COMPILED: UCMED (09/26/2016) * VERSION - Added switch to disable preprinted chargeslip (08/05/2016) - Minor code enhancements - removed all Me. - removed unnecessary comments - COMPILED: SIH (08/05/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Replaced Sstationname from ASCU to ACSU - COMPILED: SIH (08/05/2016) * VERSION - Post Charge - add switch not to allow charging of package if admitting department did not tag any package for the patient (06/29/2016) - requested by SIH - Added switch to change Coronary Care Unit (CCU) to Acute Stroke Unit (AcSU) (08/04/2016) - requested by Ma'am Zyrajane - Added exe icon (08/04/2016) - Added exe icon (08/04/2016) - Added trap on reports (08/04/2016) - minor code enhancements (08/04/2016) - COMPILED: SIH (Beta) (08/05/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Other revenue requesting allowing duplicate requests for item codes more than 4 characters (02/08/2016) - adjusted maxlength of txtentry from 4 to 10S - Enabled scrolltrack on main grids (06/23/2016) - Ported Height and Weight entry, Post Diet entry, Administered Medicines from Nurse module (06/23/2016) - Compared some forms from ICU (06/23/2016) - Ported Precautions entry from Nurse module (06/23/2016) - Added button for Admitting Diagnosis / Chief Complaints (06/23/2016) - requested by ate Nida for AUFMC - Replaced Global variables as Public (06/23/2016) - Post Charges, Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment, Receivable Entry (06/23/2016) - replaced lbldepartments with listview for unlimited revenue codes - COMPILED: AUFMC (06/23/2016) * VERSION - Enabled lowercase when editing RVS/ICD description in HBPS case rate (02/01/2016) - COMPILED: AUFMC (02/01/2016) * VERSION 8.0.03 - Ported HBPS with case rate from ICU - added forms frmHBPSCaseRate, frmSpecificDiagnosis, frmSpecificProcedure, frmCustomMessage - Added program icon - COMPILED: AUFMC (01/29/2016) * VERSION - Fix: Auto-uppercase still enabled in HBPS - forgot to Call LoadParameters from Get_ConfigurationFiles upon loading - reported by Lola Nida - COMPILED: AUFMC (01/22/2016) * VERSION - Added switch to disable autouppercase on textboxes in Sending Discharge Order (01/15/2016) - requested by Medical Records of AUFMC, thru Lola Nida - Ported clsParameters for settings in the future - COMPILED: AUFMC (01/18/2016) * VERSION - Added module version in mdi form title bar - COMPILE FOR 8.6 (01/05/2016) * VERSION - Post Charge, minor code enhancements (06/09/2015) - "SERVER NOT YET OPENED" on all reports when database user is not 'sa' - removed fixed 'sa' user in OpenMainReport and OpenSubreport (06/24/2015) - Modified supervisor access code - will validate if user has SUPERVISORY RIGHTS (29) - requested by Majoy (09/24/2015) - Removed Microsoft agent functions not compatible with some 64-bit OS. (10/07/2015) - Fix: rumbled numbering in grid after cancelling deletion of row (10/15/2015) - applied update to POst Charge, Cash Assessment, Clinical Assessment and Receivable Entry - Spelling Check: "Reffering Dr." to "Referring Dr." (10/15/2015) - Disabled agent from moving around - Removed unnecessary calls to Get_Configurationfiles (12/02/2015) * VERSION - Fix: Portable tag not saved when using XR and US listview to select (04/22/2015) - bug reported by Lola Nida (AUFMC) - Printing of Laboratory Request Form (05/27/2015) - will now not use currently logged in user, but the user entered during saving